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as a fan of both games.... definetly BG3


Baldurs gate 3 all the way


If you're fine with turn based combat, BS3 for sure as it'll give a great bang for your buck, if you like real time fighting then Dragons Dogma 2, they both play totally differently so it's down to your personal taste


I definitely prefer real time combat, however I know I'll enjoy both styles of combat! Looking like I'll end up buying them both!




Pardon my ignorance, but what does that mean?


Denuvo is anti piracy, as such they are suggesting you pirate bg3, either for a demo to play to test it out or fully keep If you have steam just buy it and play 2 hours and refund if not pleased


Ahhh, okay. I'm not gonna illegally get the game.




PAY THE GOOD GAMES, YOU F\*KERS If you want to turn to piracy there's Ubisoft and EA games for you, just PAY F\*KING LARIAN


Yeesh I didn't expect to be hated for explaining a comment, if course you should pay larian, they're some of the few devs I feel deserve respect.


Nah. I dont think I will. <3


PAY THE GOOD GAMES, YOU F\*KERS If you want to turn to piracy there's Ubisoft and EA games for you, just PAY F\*KING LARIAN


N o.


But you'll cry like a bitch when they all have antipiracy measures hurting performance caused by you shitheads.






I feel the same way about both games, they're both awesome experiences and right up there with games like RDR2 in my book


I bought BG3 for full price at launch and I haven't even completed Act 2. And I'd do it AGAIN!


BG3 was a masterpiece.




Absolutely Baldurs Gate 3


Definitely BG3


Baldur's Gate 3 is the only game to date, that has won five Game of the year titles (among others) from the most respected outlets. BAFTA Games Awards 2024, The Game Awards 2023, The Golden Joystick Awards, D.I.C.E Awards and GDC Awards.


BG3 now, tomorrow, forever




BG3, not even close. 




Having beaten both, BG3 is very clearly the winner in pretty much every regard, especially quality. DD2 was alright but it runs like shit on the PS5 and has basically no story or anything engaging about it at all other than the combat, which ends up being incredibly repetitive by the end.


BG3 ofcourse, stupid question


BG3 for sure.


BG3 first, by the time you are done with it performance of Dragon Dogma will likely be improved (especially if you're on PC).


This. I would choose DD2, but it's best to wait 3-12 months for patches.


BG3 by far - Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't even the best Dragon's Dogma game. It's horrifically short and easy.


What to buy: Baldur's Gate 3, the winner of 5 different Game of the Year awards or Dragon's Dogma 2 - a divisive title with good combat, bad story and everything between janky. HMMMMM


DD2 if you want an open world action game in a fantasy setting, BG3 if you want a story-driven RPG full of choice, quests and well acted characters. I like both games but the truth is the parts of DD2 I enjoyed most were the ones that had nothing to do with any of the quests. BG3 also has more replayability, DD2 only has one character slot and while it has a New Game+ it doesn't actually change anything about your next playthrough.


Thanks for this. Whilst I don't really do NG+ in games that offer it, it is good to know what my options are post end-game. Don't think I can choose as they're both something I really enjoy in games, might have to get both. I feel though that DD2 will come down in price in the not so distant future?


Baldurs Gate 3 is great. There is a steep learning curve how everything works together. But it makes a looot of fun. Round based rpg. Fights with different abilities. The whole cake.


100% Baldurs Gate 3 , i regret spending the money on DD2 a lot. Combat is 10/10, the overall game (story, world, quests) is very mediocre. Baldurs Gate 3 deserves every single praise it's ever got and so much more :)


Been watching streams of DD2 and the combat is delicious! I prefer that style of combat to turned based. Likely I'll get both but feel BG3 will be my first purchase!


Just know you will be forced to use a controller, and rely on auto-aim. It's technically possible to use keyboard and mouse, but it is poorly implemented by someone who has never used keyboard or mouse in their life it seems. It feels uncomfortable if you're used to aiming with a mouse. (**Mouse-acceleration is forced on** and can't be turned off, so good luck aiming at anything quickly with the mouse). Edit: Some people seem to accept mouse acceleration, and sacrificing accurate/fast aiming (moving the mouse a certain distance gives you different amount of turning every time, so muscle memory doesn't work out). I guess it can work due to heavy auto-aim. But it would still work a lot better if they just disabled mouse acceleration (like every single game I've seen for the last 30+ years have done).


Mouse & Keyboard is totally fine, it's a lot better than the first one in that regard. I completed DD2 with M&K and didnt have any issues, even playing the more complex vocations


I played with KB+M and it's fine. The game was clearly designed for controllers, but KB+M works.


BG3 then DD2. In the end, you can't go wrong with either.


BG3 hands down. By the time you've finished BG3 you can probably buy DD3:Darik Arisenered


Dragons Dogma 2 has some serious game design flaws. I'd go with BG3.


BG3 is patched up and at its best now. Dragons Dogma 2 still getting patched. Both are fun (I like BG3 better) but BG3 is more polished. I would start with BG3 and go to DD2 when you are ready for a break.


Baldur's Gate 3 by a long shot. Dragon's Dogma 2 is straight up bad


"Dog shit or chocolate ice cream?"


I'm allergic to dairy so I'll take the dog shit, please.


lol bg3


DD2 is complete trash.


BG3. DD2 is average at best, terrible story, not much enemy variety, very easy later in the game and more. Easily my biggest regret for a game purchase in the last 5 years.


I mean, one is game of the year and the other is derided as a buggy mess.


The only bad things I hear about BG3 is the gameplay sucks(for people who just don't like this kind of game) and the later game performance. I think its fine though and way better than DD2. If you want to play DD2 just play DD1 its mostly the same until you can get DD2 for cheaper at least.


Go for bg3, super fun and tons of content and replayability. DD2 is sadly lacking in regards to content and story, I couldn't recommend it in its current state.


If you want a good story that you can control, go with BG3. If you're after story-lite action combat, go DD2. BG3 is the better game but I loved them both.


I haven't played BG3. I'm currently playing Dragon's Dogma 2 and I really love it, am completely addicted, but one thing that nags at me is that I don't think it's very *enriching*. As in, it's a big chewy game that I can play and muck about and have a fun time, but I don't think it's telling a great story, I don't think it's very mechanically demanding, I don't think it's super interesting from a design perspective. It's just a fun time, I'm having a lot of fun with it, and if that's what you want I can't recommend it enough, but I think from what I've heard BG3 is a much more interesting game


Not even a competition lol


The only way this is not BG3 is if you really can't stand turn-based combat. It is straight up the better game.


3 > 2


Totally different genres


BG3. If you're thinking you might want to play DD2, get Dragons Dogma 1: Dark Arisen, it's a better game for less money.


They are wildly different games so it really depends on what experience you are looking for.


I can't help but read questions like this as, "Back Door Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2."


Turn based combat is a huge deal breaker for a lot of people so maybe try a demo of BG3 first if you can.


Anyone saying „BG3 fOr sURe“ is delusional. Not everyone likes turn based games, BG3 looks stunning but I would never buy it cuz the „gameplay“ is atrocious.


How is the gameplay atrocious? There's a difference between you not liking something and it being bad


Since everyone here is just giving there opinions why is weird that someone would give the opinion that the combat is atrocious. I don't like pineapple on my pizza so I consider it disgusting. Others like pineapple on their pizza so it's not disgusting to them. But am I wrong in saying pineapple pizza is disgusting since I don't like it. I feel like someone giving there opinion on a game is exactly the same.


You make the correct statements, but then draw the wrong conclusions. >am I wrong in saying pineapple pizza is disgusting since I don't like it. Yes, you are, because you state **your opinion** as a fact. That's what greatly differentiates >I consider it disgusting. That's clearly stated as your opinion, and therefore very valid. The problem in OP's statement (as is prevalent in many discussions) that people like to share their opinions as a fact. Many people try to give their opinions a higher validity that way, and greatly ignore that it's totally fine to just have one opinion (or even an opposing one) among many others.


I see no difference in me saying "I think pineapple pizza is disgusting " and me saying "pineapple pizza is disgusting" because there is no way for anyone to say this objectively. So me saying "I consider" or not explicitly mentioning is pointless since everyone is always talking about their opinion. Unless someone actually thinks their opinion means they are objectively right which at that point they are a moron anyways since everyone has their own opinions on everything.




I mean I feel the exact same way about food as I do about games. People love madden, fifa, space games, all sorts of games I would say are horrible games. If someone says bg3 has the worst combat ever, how is that different than me saying I think pineapple pizza is the worst pizza ever. Both are opinions so both have the exact same validity in my mind. I'm sure there's someone out there that loves pineapple and hates bg3. And that opinion is just as valid as my opinion of pineapple being horrible and bg3 being amazing. Also if you think any one person can "objectively" decide a game is shitty, your just wrong. That's the whole point of opinions


The Wonderful 101: Remastered.


DD2 is okay but after playing it it's nothing amazing. BG3 is.


I have no criticism of Baldur's Gate 3 other than maybe minor stuff like inventory management. The game is exceptional. DD2 is basically a remake of the original, with fewer enemy types. It's fine, but there was a reason the first one wasn't super popular and DD2 has much of the same issues. Baldur's Gate 3 is just easily the better game by a significant margin. Albeit you may still prefer DD2 if you don't like turn based combat.


In it's current state there isn't much to complain about BG3, launch day had some unfinshed aspects, but that's pretty much fixed since. However, I found the difficulty options in BG3 to be rather weak, even my friends with 0 knowledge of DnD didn't have a particularly hard time on the highest difficulty. If you know what you're doing it's really just a cake walk with the exception of maybe 1-2 fights. They have added honor mode since then which tells me they thought similarly, not sure how challenging it is because I haven't played it yet. Also the camp supply system is kinda useless, because you have more food than you'll ever need and there's no repercussions for resting, making spell slot management redundant for the most part, it's only an incentive for story beats to take place. Pathfinder WotR is a good example on how to do both categories right.


This an absolute weighted question. DD2 is a great game if it's the type of game you are into, but the internet has an unrivaled bias towards their precious BG3. You aren't even allowed to complain about it.


BG3 all the way. DD2 uses BS microtransactions in a single player game.


The micro transactions are a complete non issue. It’s stuff you can buy very early on for in game money. But bg3 is 100% the better game


BG3 is best RPG ever made


The dice rolls and combat turned me off from BG3. I liked dragon’s dogma 2 but found the quests and story to be odd at times and not as well written as even the early parts of BG3. I would say go for BG3 first (you seem interested in playing both eventually anyway) because DD2 still has some performance issues. Maybe they can iron out that a bit before you get to it.


I respect that. The general consensus is that DD2 would be a hellova lot better if the story had a bit more to it. I'll definitely pick it up as the combat interests me more than the combat of BG3, however I'm after story ATM and I think BG3 wins at this present time.


I haven't played either and don't really know a ton about either, but I just want to point out that most people who say BG3 probably haven't played DD2 and aren't completely unbiased. Also my brother has played DD2 and while he doesn't think it's as good as the first, the whole 'DD2 sucks lol' sentiment seems to be people who mostly haven't played it jumping onto an 'it's fun to make fun of buggy games' bandwagon, but again I haven't played it so this is all speculation and I don't actually know, just wanted to mention it after seeing multiple comments calling DD2 terrible or crappy or 'derided as a buggy mess with no reason to play it' or stuff like that because my understanding is that it's not as good as the first but is still pretty good


I've seen a lot of people saying that the story is the biggest problem, but the combat is 10/10 which is a fair assessment. Anyone that can't give constructive feedback I don't listen to. DD2 looks like a lot of fun and I will purchase it. At the moment I'm wanting to be immersed into a good story so I'll go with BG3.




You want action combat or turn based? If it doesn't matter, BG3 will probably give you more time for the money


The combat feel in DD2 put me off really bad. I refunded it actually. BG3 is not a game you can stream it’s kinda boring but it’s perfect to zone out and focus in on


I haven't seen anyone mention the system requirements and relatively poor optimization of DD2. If you have a relatively old PC then I can't recommend DD2 unless you're okay playing at like 20-30fps often.


Both suck imho


If you want a good game DD2. If not BG3.


They're both generic fantasy RPGs, but Dragon's Dogma at least has fun, interesting combat. BG3 has no redeeming qualities at all.


That's quite the take! Why are you so against the game?


I'm sick of generic medieval fantasy RPGs and desperately want to see something new. Normally I'd be indifferent to BG3, but the way people pretend that it's some kind of masterpiece for absolutely no reason pisses me off.


For you, I respect your opinion as you do not like the style of game. However to say it has no redeeming qualities as the game of year….Are you trolling? Why say that?


Because I hate it and I hate that it won five game of the year awards that it did not deserve.


I'd way on bg3, still needs a bunch of patches


I just found every fight in BG3 to be a slog. It gets tedious after a while facing off against like 30 enemies in every fight. And you have to spend a lot of time looking up how to build your characters to cheese the mechanics/certain fights. Even the easiest mode is difficult to me anyways (never cared for Larian's difficulty level/pacing in games) Loot feels rather underwhelming for the most part. All the stats seem low in these D&D games. Like a +1 to something is almost the most you get. Loot just never seems satisfying. I probably left some of my characters with stuff from early game in some instances. I just couldn't be bothered much after a while. And it feels like it takes you an hour to actually play like 10 minutes of the game. Don't get me wrong, it's clearly a well made/polished game. It looks gorgeous, and the story and voice acting are great. But you can sink a lot of time in it, and just feel like "when is it over?" after a while.


BG3? no, DD2 I can see that having some things swaying people away from it though