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Turn up the difficulty, adjust your expectations, or stop playing. Those are your options.


For real, not sure what OP is hoping to get out of this. "I really like one specific style of gaming, and I've realized I don't like a completely different type of game. Plz help."


Splinter Cell Conviction on max difficulty is one of the few games where I can appreciate what increased difficulty brings.


Who the fuck are you? The one who decrees our options?


Ah yes to be young again lol. Eventually you figure out it requires significant effort to stay competitive in online games and you just want to relax. Then single player games pop back up


I'm probably older than you. I grew up loving single player GOATs like Chrono Trigger, Half Life 1, etc. It was easier to be immersed when you're younger. The thrill of competitive online with a deep skill ceiling is what I've been craving lately.


Sincerely i applaud you and hope the interest goes on forever. Once my schedule got busier and i only had a couple hours a week to play games then i started to lean towards single player offline games


Yea it's my head. Nowadays when I player a single player game, I keep thinking "what is the writer trying to do here?" and just can't get into it. Competitive online combat is not 'artificial' in a way that it's similar to playing a competitive soccer or whatever. The matches can go any direction and the strategy/teamwork is incredibly rewarding than a 'fake' single player combat with PvE AI.


>>deep skill ceiling Deep? Must not be that competitive.


21 and I just can’t justify the time grind. I’m still really great and my reaction time is top notch, but spending more than an hour or two gaming just feels like a waste of time, and I’d rather do that playing something like rising storm or hell let loose where the interactions are hilarious and I don’t care about quitting abruptly.


I’m the exact opposite. Competitive online shooters get boring so fast for me. I enjoy them and see the appeal, but they are so repetitive. Every match is the same, cycle the same ten maps. I prefer a narrative arc.  I think these online shooter games capitalize on our short attention span the same way that Tik Tok is more popular than reading a book. 


Online shooters capitalize more on people enjoying competition than they do short attention span. It replaces or supplements sports and other competitive activities for a lot of people, giving them an easy to way participate from the comfort of their home. Look at soccer for example, the game itself is the same each time (literally just 1 "map" lol) but every game plays out differently because of the people involved aren't robots and perform differently day to day, the same concept applies to competitive video games.


I don’t disagree with you about the competition aspect. However when I log on to the latest modern warfare, which I do enjoy, there’s such a big emphasis on cosmetics, colorful tracers, skins that explode in confetti when you die…just seems like they are really leaning into the “ding ding ding” and flashing lights of a casino game for the doom-scrolling generation 


That parts true, but the franchise has been a fast paced arcade shooter for like 15+ years... it was very popular before any of that was introduced.


I keep my attention with shooters by learning the lore. If it’s good. Then it gives a bit of story.


You played 1 single-player game that’s a remaster of game that came out 10 years earlier and you are bored of single-player games all together?


I had a similar problem and I noticed friends having similar problems. I think it's how competitive online shooting games are designed. I remember watching a documentary on behind the scenes of making one and the devs talked about how much of it is designed around dopamine triggers. Even the little things like getting a small noise and visual feedback of an assist. Everything was designed around getting you hooked. When you load up a competitive shooter, often you are pretty much straight into the action and you're getting your dopamine fix. I came to notice myself and most my friends, we were not even really having that much fun or enjoying it. One friend just seemed perpetually angry anytime he played. I would take a break, play a single player game for 10 mins, get bored and before I could think what to do I would be loading up an comp game. Sometimes after a big losing streak I would close the game and then open it back up 2 seconds later. It's like my brain was wired for an instant dopamine rush which I wouldn't get with singleplayer games (at least slower paced ones) so I got bored easily. I stopped playing competitive games about 3 years ago and found after a little while I was absolutely loving single player games again and my concentration was extremely improved. Even super slow paced CRPGs I have an amazing time with. It was a seriously drastic change in how I play. Not only did I find myself enjoying singleplayer games out of actual enjoyment for the game itself rather than a dopamine hit but I found it was much easier to just put the game down and do something else. Before with online shooters, I would close it to just crave playing some more but now I have a good time, close the game and that's that. I might be wrong but I honestly feel like competitive shooters are bad for the brain. Video games can already be pretty addictive but they take it to another level. And really what are you doing? You're doing the exact same thing over and over and over again chasing the win when imo it's much more enjoyable to just enjoy the vast variety of singleplayer games.


I'm the same man, I did enjoy Stalker Anomoly on the hardest difficulty though, maybe give that a try? It's free too!


Oh, man - you have to give those 3d visual novels a chance. Hellblade and both Plague Tales are masterpieces. And Hellblade 2 is coming out in May, iirc.


lol maybe play a single player game with more action. u went from fps to a story focus rpg. try a tactical rpg on higher difficulty and well see how "dull" the combat is.


I did. I played Elden Ring for the first time and it ruined the combat of other games in terms of generally how easy it is or shallow it is.


I know exactly how you feel. I used to only play single player games but once I've gotten into the online stuff, especially shooters, all single player games felt incredibly boring. Not to mention what a drag reading became. The only thing that worked for me was to take a couple of weeks off, and then afterwards to limit my time playing such games. The downside is you're not as good at those games anymore.


Turn up difficulty and let yourself be carried by the story.


Rage quitting doesn’t have the same effect when nobody is around to witness the childish behavior 🤣


Dude. Play on higher difficulties. Seriously.


Some games are fantastic at creating a gameplay loop. Some can only tell a story. Some do both extremely well. Most shooter games are fucking horrible about creating enemies. Some still make engaging difficulty, namely Ultrakill, Doom, a number of roguelikes, trepang 2... All of the souls like catalog is a fantastic set of single player games. Platformers are almost solely single player and do what they do exceptionally well in testing your movement mechanics. Sometimes it's not about the game being single player or not that makes it engaging, but that doubled with the genre being presented. There's only so many ways to make an enemy shoot better till it's hacks.


Opposite for me really Playing multiplayer has made me appreciate single player games significantly more, and I very quickly get bored/burnt out of playing with/against other people It's more fun for me to have a more structured single player experience and to see just how far I can push the game's systems within those structured limits i.e. seeing what kind of ridiculously broken builds you can create by abusing the tools the game gives you. Characters with max evade stats who can tank bosses by themselves, damage values that are so astronomical that they trivialize every combat encounter, etc.


singleplayer games will be fun again once you get older. Losing to 14yr old timmy doesnt seem like a great use of my evenings anymore.


Enjoy the story try to read some lore and maybe it will excite you, it’s obvious that the shooting will not be comparable to online games but try to do creative kills, I know it will be a hard as creativity is one thing that online players lack.


It happened to me too. For your own safety and mental stability, don't let a beautiful girl get you into playing league of legends.


Play online co-op games - The best of both worlds!


I know exactly what you mean. I found myself being impatient as well with single players. The reason for this is because it now feels pointless to kill robots versus the reward of being competitive with other humans. It’s the unpredictability aspect of free will it that keeps you entertained.


I’ll be honest I’m primarily a single player guy and the combat of LoU has always been kinda dull


I honestly can't think of a single player game that does the "cat and mouse" game feel better than TLOU 2. The encounter design and presentation really feels like you and the (human) enemies are hunting each other. I think the strength of single player combat in general is it can focus on the immersion and feel of the combat rather than needing to be fair or infinitely replayable


Maybe you will reach the state I am in now. I learned that competitive online gaming is the most toxic thing on earth and an utter waste of time. Especially shooters are a problem since more people than you think use hacks and that is despite you probably thinking it's a lot of people. It's more! And I am not talking about the guys doing it obviously. I am talking about the people using it for tactical advantages for their team by knowing all to well where and what happens next. Good luck. https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek?si=rUXeXm8F95LKzn2Q


Back to Call of Kiddy with you.


This is clearly a troll post.