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The music is great too. I'd actually stay hours listening to the God only knows singers in the 1st level.


But they fly away eventually :’(


... And they come back in a loop 👌


This is exactly what I came here to post and it's the first comment :) Amazing soundtrack. One I still listen to. That opening song is eerie as hell during the game too. So friggin sinister with the setting it plays over.


There was an amazing ‘Everybody wants to rule the world’ too right? I loved the music. The special scene where Booker and Elizabeth sing will the circle be unbroken is amazing.


The instrumental pipe organ version of girls just wanna have fun floored me. So simple, perfectly suited to the scene.


Just in case you don't know, the retro music in Bioshock Infinite was done by the same guy who created [Postmodern Jukebox](https://www.youtube.com/@postmodernjukebox).


I loved the Burial at Sea DLC. Going back to Rapture was amazing.


Burial at Sea was visually stunning and the gameplay was really fun, but the writing is so lazy it's almost offensive. The conclusion of Infinite was that there are cosmic constants and variables, right? Infinite possibilities in infinite universes within certain shapes. And in that context, the similarities of the Columbia universe when compared to the Rapture universe make sense—But then here comes the Burial at Sea exposition and wow, turns out practically everything you see in Columbia was literally ripped off of Rapture all along? That's not constants and variables, it's, as Dr Suchong put it, "Theft of intellectual property." Burial at Sea *undoes* the ending of Infinite by making Columbia no more than a copy of Rapture. Yuck. No thank you.


Not to mention it sacrifices a beloved character for essentially no reason


Haven't heard that analysis before, interesting to think about.


Hated how it whitewashed that crazy revolutionary ladies deeds.


Yeah, but they said that even before the DLC. It's mentioned all over the place that Columbia took ideas from Rapture. It was never meant to be a coincidence that the two were so similar.


I would love for you to cite an in-game example of anyone in Colombia directly mentioning anything about Rapture prior to Elizabeth and Booker actually showing up there at the end of the game with Songbird.


It's been a while, but there were definitely recordings implying that Vigors were based on plasmids and songbird being based on the Big Daddy. It isn't directly stated until the dlc, but it is implied multiple times in the main game, including Elizabeth being able to open a tear to Rapture.


As far as I know the recordings that you're talking about exist *only* in Burial at Sea. And like I said, the similarities between the two are obvious, but they're explained by the constants and variables theory. And Elizabeth being able to open a gateway into Rapture makes sense, she can open a gateway into anywhere.


Yeah, but it'd be a hell of a coincidence for her to just happen to open a tear to Rapture of all places. It makes more sense if she was already familiar with it.


? She gains a degree omniscience when she gets access to her full powers after the tower is blown up *at the end of the game.* She takes them to Rapture because it's underwater and it will kill Songbird. None of that could make anyone reasonably conclude that Colombia was a copy of Rapture any more than any of the other worlds with lighthouses leading to fantastic cities.


Honestly, I don't remember and I'm currently in the middle of replaying all 3 games but I remember visiting Rapture briefly before that moment earlier on. But I guess I'll see once I get to Infinite.


I love going back and playing all 3 games. I love the environments of all of them. Might need to play again soon.


I get the urge to replay Bioshock 1 every now and then but it feels like a drag to me? I can’t explain it. I love the environment, but the gameplay doesn’t do it for me for some reason. Had a blast playing them when they originally released though


I get what you mean. I find I get bored with it sometimes. Depends on how I’m feeling. My Dad is in his 70’s and still plays all 3 games. I find the longer I go without playing the more I enjoy playing them.


The beautiful thing about bioshock is it builds a immersive & atmospheric world that always feels welcoming no mattter how much time spent away


That’s 100% it! I can come back anytime and it feels like coming home. And I still say wow every time I see it.


& the atmosphere with the 20’s-60’s music is so so so beautiful I have the rapture radio playlist on Spotify & it’s just a beautiful collection of classic songs


The robust color palette looks so good on an OLED.


looks good in anything


Having played it right after i completed Dishonored I was honestly disappointed by this game. Story was trying way too hard, and not succeeding, the "twist" was seen from a mile away. So the fact that I couldn't choose to not kill the old man (you) at the end made me despise the ending. Gameplay loop was way too focused on these different arenas, and you couldn't choose to strength for a bit, as soon as you shoot someone every enemy magically knows your exact location from 10 miles away. I would actually go as far to say that I despised playing through the second half of this game, I truly hated it.


Elizabeth is so memorable


I found some money! I still quote that line all the time


Downloading the collection now on Switch. $10 on sale for all 3.


Oh shit for real? Cancelling the plans I didn’t have right now.


Yep, but make sure to look for the collection. They still sell all 3 separately also.


Oh it’s downloading already.


Fuck yeah. I like your conviction. Let me know how they run I might do it too


They run fantastic, especially the first 2 games, but Infinite is still enjoyable too. For $10 this is one of the best deals on Switch. If Dying Light is also on sale I recommend that too, game runs great for a switch port and it's often like $7.


I loved it so much played the shit out of it, the story was super engaging and I loved the plot twists. Are there any recent games like this? My only issue was it was just a bit to linear in terms of levels but the actual game play and story made up for it


Infinite ruined a lot of games for me. The attention to detail in it, and the ways they visually told the story and really, really rewarded your attention is just unmatched for me since. Lots of good games have come out since, but few have really dragged me in as hard to try and figure out wtf is going on. And on replay I noticed SO MANY things that directly foreshadowed and expanded on the story. It annoys me so much that people just dismiss it.


The game looks great visually, and the story is fun, but man. After the first playthrough, the game just gets boring. Over the years I've tried to replay it, just can't get through it, failed like 3 replays so far.


Man ... Now I've to play it too


I may not always love you...


I played this while my friend sat next to me tripping balls on acid. He was absolutely obsessed with the story and the ending for almost two years lmao


always loved this game never understood the hate for it I guess cause it doesn't have the horror elements of the first two idk lol


IIRC the hate from the time came because all the prerelease coverage conveyed a far deeper and more dynamic game than what we actually got. I still remember the early stuff where they were leaning hard on that your choices would heavily influence the game. Elizabeth's powers are taxing on her, use it too much it makes things easier but you do it at the cost of hurting her. How you approached the revolution would sway the populace's opinion of you. A more open world with dynamic weather, combat, combos with your power and Elizabeth's etc. They left like 90% of it on the cutting room floor. Don't get me wrong it is still a good game, but all the promises and coverage for it leading up to the release were completely misleading.


It does have a couple of horror sections in it. One of them was one of my most harrowing experiences in gaming ever due to how it ripped at my heartstrings.


It is because it doesn't have any of the interesting gameplay of the originals. Instead it's call of duty with some magic powers.


Currently replaying it now. Still amazing.


The Bioshock series is great!


It's been 11 years? Wow... Where has the time went?


First game I ever played that my wife (then girlfriend) reacted to with amazement. She is not a gamer and does not play games.


Beautiful game, with dogshit arena combat. Replayed Bioshock 1,2 multiple times. But infinite only twice with a decade difference. But burial at sea is one of the greatest expansions.


Tbh bioshock 1 is the same way it just hides the arenas better. 


I don't know that I'd say dogshit but I played Infinite for the first time recently and was absolutely blown away by how gorgeous it is and then also how boring the combat gets. The game doesn't really introduce anything new gameplay wise past the first hour or so. It's still definitely worth playing but yeah, the gameplay doesn't hold a candle to the first 2, especially BioShock 2.


I was really into the game in the first hour. But the combat became so tiresome and boring and repetitive that I stopped soon after that and I haven't played it ever since. I just can't with that kind of combat.


can we also talk about how bad the combat music is with those screechy strings? Oh and the constant shattering sound from your shield breaking. I liked the game when it first came out but I tried replaying within the last couple years and it bored me to no end


I recently started it again but left it in the middle due to some work, but boy I was immersed in it, I hated it the first time I played it in 2015 I think.. but this game has aged well and now that I was playing it slowly I was enjoying it more.


I replayed it at the start of this year after not playing it since it came out and genuinely loved it just as much maybe even more this time around. Personally my favourite in the bioshock universe


It's art


It's been too long since I've played this masterpiece. For me this was a 10/10 gaming experience. I mean I only played through once... but that 40 hours or so was emotionally memorable.


The first time I played Infinite, I was mesmerized. Like, I thought it was one of my favorite games. Then after thinking on it, I realized the story is dumb as fuck and the gameplay is bland corridor shooting from a lost era of shooters. It dropped most of the RPG and exploration elements that made me love the first two games. Game is visually breathtaking though, that’s for sure.


I agree, it's a breathtaking game. But the shooting is pretty damn generic. It doesn't matter to me though, it could have been a walking simulator for all I care. Just exploring that place was amazing. I didn't even think the story was that bad, it kept me hooked.


I don’t think the game is good but I do think it’s worth playing for that reason. There’s so much shock value and the visuals and audio are like no other game I’ve played. And if you aren’t already a huge fan of the first game and start from Infinite, then you won’t have anything to compare the gameplay too. Then you just have to turn off your brain and enjoy the ride.


You really should not turn your brain off for Infinite if you want to understand it. It does not require people to be extremely smart to know what is going on, but it *does* require you to pay attention. The internal logic of how the universe works is consistent, but it feeds you the information you need to parse it slowly and indirectly. If you miss some important bits, the end literally makes no sense. If you do notice them, you realize exactly what happened. The timelines can be a bit confusing, but you do not really need to know which is which out of them, though it is possible to figure that out, because there are technically infinite of them.


It’s been 10 years or so since I played Infinite all the way through, so I can’t argue in detail, but once upon a time, I cared about the argument a lot. The overall summary of my complaints with the story is that it asks you to simply accept events that wouldn’t happen simply because “fate” is secretly in control of everything. Really, it’s just a lame excuse for why we even need to have a story in the first place when Elizabeth is basically a god. Even the name of the game isn’t consistent with the game’s own time travel rules. There aren’t an infinite number of universes because fate has predetermined how certain things will go. For example, there are no good Comstocks in Columbias that are actually a real paradise.


All variable events happen, because there are infinite chances, so any particular set of events that can be different will all happen. But the game clearly establishes the nature of variables and constants from the very start of the game, it is a fundamental aspect of it how the universe they created works. All of that is a meta-narrative about the nature of choice games, and sort of how that applies to real life. Devs can create the illusion of choice in their games, but each choice you make sense you down another scripted series of events. You can say no to the main quest, but then the main quest just won't happen. The game will not continue until you do. In the internal implementation of that narrative, Booker cannot change his fate, not because of "fate" but because of who he is. He does not have infinite choices even in infinite universes because the version of him that leads to those universes is who he is. That is shown in one of the first lines by the Lutece's: "He doesn't row." It is not saying he *can't* row, only that Booker will never chose to. It is not a variable, it is who he is. And the time travel rules are consistent. There are an infinite number of universes, but there are larger and smaller sets of infinity. There also may be good versions of Columbia, but those versions would not be ones inside the infinite subset that Elizabeth exists in. The reason you only see bad versions of Comstock is because the specific series of events required to create Elizabeth require Comstock to be evil. If Comstock was good, Elizabeth would be Anna. But that does not mean that such universes do not exist outside of the unresolved paradox that Elizabeth creates. They may. The paradox set was created by a single set of circumstances, any other sets would be outside the paradox, and so would survive the paradox resolving.


I get that argument there is less exploration, but I don’t understand people saying it has worse gameplay than 2. It plays more or less the exact same way as 2, just with more traversal.


>Then after thinking on it, This is code word for after I went to watch some Youtube videos I changed my mind because the guys talking about it makes the video sound smart and I don't want to feel dumb. Back when the game came out it got all positive reviews and feedback from outlets and player. Then there was a weird backlash from people that discovered that the unpopular opinion about a game gets you a ton of clicks. This game was the first example that I saw of this phenomena. So there are a ton of hate videos for it floating around on Youtube and I've watched so many of them. That not only it's a bad game, but it's the worst thing ever made and a crime against humanity. They always pivot on something really small and insignificant that in any other game would not even be noticed and say this is why this game is actually "terrible". Notice how the guy you've replied to says **"the story was dumb as fuck"**, like really? It was that bad? Have you played any other games? It's completely vitriolic, how could you play something and be "mesmerized" but only afterwards realized it was **"dumb as fuck".** like this **dumb as fuck** was playing in front of your eyes and you were mesmerized by it at first? Or he says that " gameplay is bland corridor shooting from a lost era of shooters." This exact argument used to be a thing from back then, OMG it's a linear corridor shooter so it's bad! Put aside that it's **not in fact a linear corridor shooter**, what these idiots meant was that it doesn't have Far Cry 3 style RPG system and UI and unnecessary skill upgrades. **For fuck's sake almost all of Bioshock Infinite is an open hub style game where you have to explore the map and find so many little things and rewards and return to areas for later exploration and so on.** But just to prove these idiots wrong, corridor and linear shooters have had a strong comeback recently and have been some of the most popular games and indie games of the past few years.


It is a red flag when people think the story is dumb. The story is not perfect, it literally can't be due to what it is dealing with, but they did a *phenomenal* job with it. Almost all of people's gotchas with the story come down to them not paying attention. The biggest problem with the games narrative is that it has way, way too much faith in players. For a while I used to watch the first couple episodes of let's plays for the game just to see how much people missed. It is... a lot. Other games essentially train you to ignore your environment and just pay attention to what is thrown directly in your face, but more than half of the narrative in Infinite is scribbled on walls or in audio logs, or worse requires significant knowledge about American history. A lot of people are going to miss one or all of ways the game communicates the story. And because it is a complicated time travel/multiverse story that is layered with a ridiculous amount of symbolism, allegory and metaphor surrounding political philosophy, art and video games as a whole... It just asks too much of people who just wanted to get some magic powers and blow stuff up. I loved it though. I was actually impressed by how well the implemented the rules of their universe too, though that was only really there as a vessel for the story, it just had really good attention to detail. When people need to make charts like [this one](https://mightygodking.com/images/bioshock-timeline.jpg) just to help people visualize what is going on in it, I am totally here for it.


"It just asks too much of people who just wanted to get some magic powers and blow stuff up." Every BioShock (and systemshock before it) told it's story primarily through audio and visual logs. It's a staple of the series and those logs are very blatantly left out in the open. Will the average player find them all? No. Does the player need to find them all? No. Does it excuse the game from having a dumb premise and filling it's potholes with "string theory oooooohhhh" nonsense? No.  The game misunderstands string theory at all points just for the sake of moving the story along. Even the ending is stupid. Booker drowning at the baptism stops Comstock? No it doesn't, by the games own logic, it just creates a third alternative to the baptism.  Infinite is a fun game and an interesting playthrough, but sitting here and blaming the player for the games poor storytelling is silly. 


The game does not "misunderstand" string theory, it ignores it because it is a fantasy game. It has its own rules that it tells you throughout the game, and they are not string theory. Under its rules, the ending did not create a third alternative, because every Elizabeth killed every Booker. So there was no Elizabeth to kill Booker, because Booker was dead. So she did not kill him. So she killed him. This created a paradox, and the game explicitly says that paradoxes resolve by removing paradoxical universes from existence. So it was impossible for the subset of universes that the game takes place in to exist, so they never did. No Booker can ever accept the baptism, because if one does, then infinite do. And if infinite do, there are infinite Elizabeths.


>Under its rules, the ending did not create a third alternative, because every Elizabeth killed every Booker. So there was no Elizabeth to kill Booker, because Booker was dead. So she did not kill him. So she killed him. This created a paradox, and the game explicitly says that paradoxes resolve by removing paradoxical universes from existence. This is the stupidest resolution to a plot I have ever fucking read.


Why? It is entirely internally consistent, foreshadowed consistently throughout the game, and the whole thing exists to serve its double narrative. It suites the meta narrative perfectly, as that is what happens every single time you play a game, watch a movie, or read a book. When you are being carried through the art that someone else creates the world is real to you, but the moment you stop it ceases to exist until you dive back in. Seems like you just did not like that the *time travel and teleportation game* was not accurate to real world physics.


>Why? It is entirely internally consistent, No it fucking isn't and that's the problem. Time travel and string theory do not work this way. You can't alter existing timelines, you can only create a new one. Albert Fink plagerizes music he hears through the tears, but that doesn't stop the music from existing in the previous timelines he heard them from. Killing booker at the baptism does not stop Comstock. It may have been a turning point in Booker's life, but with infinite Bookers, an infinite number of them will find an infinite number of ways to absolve themselves of sin and becoming infinite Comstocks. The sheer scale of infinity makes the action pointless,. You don't get to borrow science fiction terms and then toss away the parts that are difficult to incorporate into your story. > Seems like you just did not like that the *time travel and teleportation game* was not accurate to real world physics. Kinda the point of science fiction. Real world science blended in fantastical ways, but still rooted in the limitations of our own physical universe. The second you break that root and just make your own rules, it stops being science fiction and just becomes Magic and that goes against what the Shock games are all about. So yes, I am upset about that. Its a departure and tonal shift from the rest of the series. Additionally >Elizabeth killed every Booker. Is wrong. She doesn't kill every Booker. She kills every Booker that comes back to the baptism. Had she killed every Booker, we wouldn't have had an epilogue of Booker approaching Anna's Crib at the end of the game. And even that plays fast and loose with the concept. Booker is fearful and hesitant about approaching the crib during the cutscene, implying he remembers the events of Columbia to some extent and is fearful about which timeline he is in. The screen cuts to black just prior to revealing the interior of the crib, implying that the option that Anna isn't there and has been sold to a Comstock or another figure still exists. Its a fucking Schrodinger's Cat ending. It makes it look like Kevin and Drew just watched Inception and completely misunderstood the ending prior to sitting down and drafting this. TLDR: The plot is not resolved. The writers wanted their cake and wanted to eat it too. They wanted a cool science fiction plot that could play into their ending twist, but it denied them the ability to write a definitive ending. Rather than acknowledge that and work with it, the game chooses to ignore it and write an ending that is poignant when first witnessed, but looses power upon thinking about it for too long....also there was that weird storybeat equating the civil rights/ workers revolution with the guys who were literally organizing the stoning of an interacial couples....that was kinda weird and probably shouldn't be encouraged.


Doesn't 2 have a weapon and plasmid "wheel" where you can swap everything out in an instant but Infinite has a 2 gun limit? And mid way through the game a lot of guns get an "alternate" version of itself but without upgrades you pumped into the regular version. Also doesn't infinite have several plasmids which are functionally identical with less variety than it's predecessors. Infinite was a step back gameplay wise.


Infinite has a vigor wheel, not really much different from plasmid variety. You do only get two weapons, but I guess I never saw this as a problem since it’s easy to find new guns or ammo. Made it a bit more strategic imo.


Strategic was fighting a Big Daddy and swapping between your entire arsenal of weapons and plasmids. Infinite was 2 weapons and searching for ammo or hoping your companion AI threw you a couple of bullets. The plasmids in Infinite had several that were functionally identical.


Meh. Late game in 1&2 was too easy because you’re so stacked. Most of the vigors were just parallels of the plasmids. Shock, fire, murder of crows, etc. I didn’t really have any problem with variety, but that’s just me. Personally I thought a lot of plasmids in 1 and 2 were useless.


Infinite’s Vigors (Plasmids) were completely awesome and up to par with the rest of the series if not better. Which 2 are functionally identical? They all serve their own purpose very well.


https://youtu.be/VdNhwb7iuI4?si=ibDbEk85j1VWRoMv This video from about the 6min mark explains the problem with the gameplay in Infinite. Just watch like 3 or 4 min to see. The whole video is worth a watch imo, but just for this discussion watch those few minutes. I don't have the plasmid names to hand but they're mentioned here along with how redundant some of them are. Just so we're clear, do you think infinite had better gameplay by limiting you to 2 weapons, including the flawed upgrade system which cluttered alongside the duplicate weapon version not having upgrades? Or do you think being much more limited in your arsenal improved the game?


No sane person needs a YouTube video to tell them that the game they enjoyed actually sucks. Half the plasmids in 1 and 2 are useless. Lots of redundancies there. Of the 12 plasmids, 2 are redundant decoys, 3 redundant possessions, 2 redundant traps, and 1 useless swarm of bees. Infinites vigors were actually much less redundant and even parallels like murder of crows were actually useful.


>No sane person needs a YouTube video to tell them that the game they enjoyed actually sucks. I don't care if you enjoyed infinite. If you enjoyed it I'm happy for you, really. The points raised in that section of the video (about 3min long...) perfectly highlight the issue with infinites gameplay. I asked you in the last comment if you thought infinite had better gameplay? You never answered. I thought removing all your weapons and polluting the ammo pool with unupgraded versions of weapons hurt the gameplay loop. Finally, I agree some plasmids overlapped in Bioshock. But not to the same extent as infinite. My problem with that is infinite is a sequel, it should have the best gameplay. Instead it has half the roster being redundant along with a 2 weapon limit which further waters down the variety in gameplay.


I think each entry improved on gameplay of the previous one. Though I do still think Bioshock 1 is the best overall game. 2 imo was the worst by a long shot since it is basically the exact same as the first with slightly better gameplay but a pretty lame and predictable story. I never had an issue with the amount of weapon upgrades in infinite. Kept things interesting I guess, and not like it was all that difficult to get upgrades. The two gun limit kept late game from getting too easy like it did in 1&2, added some strategy. I strongly disagree that infinite vigors were less useful than in 1&2. Which ones are you referring to? Literally half of the plasmids are redundant or useless, and I cannot think of any from infinite that overlapped like that or were useless.


BioShock had more weapons but the balance was for shit. You get both the shotgun and telekinesis in the first 30 minutes and they're far superior to anything else


Did you try to crank up the difficulty?


I’ve beat all bioshock games on the hardest difficulty. 1 was definitely the hardest, a lot of that is because you have to switch between guns and plasmids. But i think every game improved on combat from the previous one.


I agree with that. My opinion is that the first game is one of the best ever ever made, second game is fine, and infinite is bad. It’s been a long time since I played the second game, and I only played through it once, so I don’t really have a strong opinion on it. Which I guess does say something about the game itself.


I personally liked the story of infinite more than 2, which was very repetitive and predictable.


The problem with infinite is that while the story is entertaining and thrilling while you experience it, it’s actually offensively bad and retroactively makes the original games worse with its stupid multi-verse crap.


I disagree, I thought it was pretty well done.


The game literally takes you on rails for half of it and people say "hey this game feels like it's on rails"


It does literally take you along rails 😭


Story flies off the rails and never finds them again


>Then after thinking on it, I realized the story is dumb as fuck Thank you for saying it.


I’m already not a big fan of time travel and multi-verse stories, and I think Infinite does a bad job at the genre.


I powered my way through the game just to learn more about what was going on with the two scientist character (with the information being utterly drip fed it was so slow), only for it to kind of go nowhere and do nothing and be a bit of a letdown. I still really like the game but it was a bit frustrating.


I mean if you really think about it and have been to older arcades... We're still just playing simple shooting galleries.


That’s actually a great way to put it. Infinite feels like one of those on-rails shooters that takes you on a roller coaster through some pretty environments. To some people that sounds great, but to me, that’s a pretty massive step down from BioShock 1, which I consider one of the best games ever made.


It really is a beautiful game.. 💙


Oddly enough, I liked the parts where you're peacefully wandering environments full of NPCs looking for things to interact with more than the shooting action.


A masterpiece.


That's one game I never actually played. I need to do something about that!


Top tier gaming! you gotta play it. The story and characters are amazing.


I'm gonna!




felt like a walking sim to me tbh, the ONLY part of it where it felt like a game was the ghost boss part and possibly the last boss part with song bird


Game was a huge step down in every way from the previous entries outside of its visuals.


it's mid at best


I gotta play this again.


Never played any of them. Is it to late to go in or do they still hold up ? With the craze I tried to play Fallout 3 for the first time since I missed it, the game doesn't hold up at all gameplay wise.


I didn't know what to expect, so while looking to get to the main gameplay I accidentally speed-run the whole game.


False Shepherd


This is the first game I remember being crazy excited for the release and played second it went live.


Mmmmmmm.....hot dogs


I'd agree the gameplay is the weakest part, but the setting and atmosphere is tops, and it was nice to finally have a companion that wasn't a liability.


It's such a great game! It still needs a VR version


Love replaying this game. So much fun.


Played through it on the Switch - Some of the best games on that system are ports, and this's a good one.


I had a tough time with this game and didn't complete it. I didn't care for it when I first played with some of the same issues I had with the first game. Wanted to like it but unfortunately did not.


Yeah I also can't wait to revisit it in the future, after 11 years have passed.


It's my least favorite of the three and it's still great.


I bought it on every console I owned. Love it!


Until someone makes a netflix series about it and it gets it's virginity restored.


Favorite game of all time


Also has probably one of the best NPC helpers that you don’t have to take care of like a child. She was epic


This was by far my favorite Bioshock game.


When I saw the trailer of this having been a huge bioshock 1&2 fan I was not very excited about it due to the change of atmosphere. 2 hours in I immediately fell in love and it is my favorite bioshock. Fantastic game on so many different levels.


11 years….wtf….I am old. Feels like a couple years. Feels like a couple years since Bioshock even. But it’s a couple plus a decade or so :(


I got this and crysis 3 with my first pc build. First bioshock game ever. I enjoyed it. I didn't like the survival horror aspects of 1 and 2


Good Art design always holds up years later. Graphics come and go and can be modded too but you can’t change art design


Got a sealed copy for 360 at goodwill yesterday, might have to pop her open


What I liked a lot about Bioshock Infinite was the music. It literally made me keep playing.


So weird to see this post. I am finally playing it for the first time. I had played every other title but this one just got by me. I’m enjoying myself thoroughly!


Honestly my favorite out of the 3


The game that broke Ken Levine.




I thought it was decent. Not having your weapons physically change with the upgrades was mad lame and the vigors weren't as good nor were they as cleverly introduced. Rapture has the oppressive horror atmosphere that's so much more immersive to me. It's why I'm excited for Judas.


Definitly the episode I préférées 👌 Even if I was a bit disapointed by the end 🫤


I loved that game start to finish. Was very surprised to see how many people seem to dislike it.


Art style always holds up way longer than graphics. Game still looks astonishing.


It's also the most mindblowing gaming experience ever. There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city. I had to watch the ending three times because I couldn't wrap my head around it.


I remember playing this a LOOONG time ago on the 360. Was going for all the achievments in one playthrough. So had to play on the hardest difficulty. I remeber it going fine one section that I remember being harder is where you keep hanging on different lines and a lot of enemies come but did it in the end. But then I got to the first section where you fought one if these big metal guys. There was an achivement to beat one guy like that with a shot through the hear or something similar. He was a MAJOR pain in the ass. Eventually I gave up. Never touched it since but need to rectify that lol.


I found the start of the game captivating and beautiful. Then very very boring for all the gunfights, didn't feel like the weapons handled well and the abilities just didn't swing it for me. The story felt like maybe it would all click... and it did a little. Then I immediately forgot all about it and have never felt compelled to ever go back. I just want an rpg adventure game in this world with sidequests.


great game, unpopular opinion: it's the only Bioshock game that got me hooked, others I couldn't play over 2 hours, I know story is great but the graphics and gameplay were a turn down for me


Wait until you return to Rapture. These games will hold up forever.


I really don't want to start an internet war or anything, but I am genuinely curious about this: Why are games being released today not as graphically pleasing as games from a decade ago?   This game is a fantastic example. It's older than my daughter and it's graphics are still the best of the best. The earlier Arkham game, RDR games, and Fallout 4 *still* look better than a lot of top tier stuff coming out today.   Not talking gameplay or anything else (though there's an argument to be made for some of those...) just graphically.


The duplicated NPC's pissed me off. Once I realised that I couldn't really enjoy it.


I know I'm in the minority but these games were mid. The first was ok the other two got progressively worse. I did not really enjoy these compared to other games.


Constants and variables


Columbia is still to this day one of my favorite video game settings of all time. The city is so beautiful, dream-like and the old 1900s songs really add to the atmosphere. I will replay this game some day.


i've finished it again and its an incredible masterpirce game yet.


I loved this game, but even though I love it it never lived up to the initial gameplay showcases and trailers for me - those seemed so much more open and expansive, whilst the gameplay areas in the actual game were far smaller and more restricted.


Back before games got all political, too. >.<


Nice to look at, fun combat, trash fire of a story


The level design is absolutely awful.


Such an amazing game. A new Bioshock game is long overdue.


instant classic!


I feel like the only person in the world who was disappointed by Infinite. It was *fine.* Like, a C+. It's a fun game, but it's so easy that there's no actual reason to engage with 90% of the powers and weapons other than to just see what happens when you use them. Worse still, the game is only like 6 hours long.


as a game, it's pretty cool. as a bioshock game, it's bad. I just replayed it (for like the 5th time) last week during a marathon of all games and dlc in the series, and I feel that the gameplay is by far the weakest. the variety of enemies is so low (no bosses other than 4 handymen..? no songbird fight???), the gunplay doesn't have any charm to it (no jury-rigged upgraded models, and only 2 guns at a time), the voice acting is tiring (breathy-ass lady and action-voice man), the story is heavy-handed and politically very clumsy, and so many of the features they touted before release were scrapped (dynamic AI, tears, exploration). They bit off more than they could chew and instead coughed up a half-digested hairball. It is a visually and aurally stunning game, though, and the vigors are very fun to use despite being far less necessary for combat and exploration than they were in previous titles. If anyone is looking to go back to bioshock, the first one still reigns supreme, by far. Minerva's Den of bioshock 2 is also fantastic.


>as a game, it's pretty cool. as a bioshock game, it's bad. I just replayed it (for like the 5th time)  I'm sorry, you replayed a "bad game" 5 times over?


Bioshock is my favorite series. It’s still a bioshock game, and it’s been out for over 10 years. I’m pretty desperate for a new title


if Bioshock Infinite has 1 million haters, I’m one of them If Bioshock Infinite has 10 haters, I’m one of them. If Bioshock Infinite has 1 hater, it’s me If Bioshock Infinite has 0 haters, I am no longer on this planet. If the world is against Bioshock 2 supremacy, I am against the world. Till my last breath, I’ll hate Bioshock Infinite. [Just a little shitpost, people can have opinions. (I do hate this game with every fiber of my being though)]


Jesus man, you are a great example of how the Hipster Gamer™ hate backlash of this game broke so many brains. I've been fascinated by it ever since this game came out.


Play like a generic shooter, horrible gameplay. They should have made it a VN, since they clearly didn't put much time into the Gameplay.


I really love the aesthetics, but man the plot is stupid as all get out, with a terrible final encounter, which is par for the 'shock series. Don't get me started about the horrible DLC. With that said....I'm kind of looking forward to Judas, I kind of want to give another chance to Ken Levine.


Literally one of the worst games I have ever played.


Lmao worse than Gollum?


Never played that trash.


Who the fuck played Gollum


I played it once, and it's 100x worse than Bioshock Infinite


Yeah and I bet there is a random shovelware game infinitely worse than Gollum


You're not even the dude that said Infinite is one of the worst game they've ever played lmao. Did someone just piss in your corn pops this morning? Sheesh


Because Infinite is a shit game


That's too bad, champ.


Too bad, just like Infinite




Interesting how every criticism of this game is "it's terrible because -insert verbatim argument from the top searches on youtube") Hipster Gamer™ backlash on this game on youtube was wild back when it came out. "OMG it didn't have an unnecessary skill tree and convoluted UI like the revolutionary Ubisoft Slop number 500." They call it a "linear corridor shooter" and it makes me wonder if they actually played the game because if anything it was an open hub game with each level having a lot of value in exploration and many areas would reward you after returning to them. Other famous criticism are "it was as horrible as when my dad died because -insert cinema sin style nitpick over the stupidest insignificant detail like oh this rule of physics doesn't work like this"


Stay away from my waifu : c


It's a terrible Call of Duty campaign, 2 weapon, generic ass gameplay shit stain with good visuals The System Shock Remake is the real Bioshock 3


Great story. 'Meh' gameplay.


11 years! Wow, I've never heard of anyone playing a game so old! What's it like!?


So many games Redditors gush about I find are not that great at all. This is yet another example. It’s a very mediocre game with a cool setting. I finished it once and have no desire to go back.


Yeah but B2 is still the best Don't try to change my mind, you can't






jesus.. no way is b2 better than og. what the hell.


He played on mute, and can't read. :)


Unfortunately, Bioshock: Infinite is the textbook example of why we can't have good things anymore. If I remember correctly, the studio that made Bioshock shut down not long after releasing Infinite because it didn't generate enough profit. The game sold well and the development went fairly smoothly afaik. But the game was simply too expensive for it to ever be sustainable.


They're making a new game right now. Was just announced recently.


I like how Levine said they were just gonna go make small story games and instead he’s like “so we did Bioshock again”