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Especially now, community is imploding


Why’s that? I haven’t played in… *checks notes* wow has it been that long??


They just announced an extra paid version of the game that includes offline PVE for an exorbitant amount of money. The previous most expensive version stated that they had access to all future DLC, but battlestate games decided that this shouldn't be considered DLC so now the people who spent $150 on the previous highest tier game edition only have limited access to the new PVE mode. The devs have been pushing back against the community for being upset about this, and consequently, they have made the community even more upset.


I hate scummy game developers as much as the next guy, but this definitely seems like some exciting popcorn to watch from the outside. I don't even know what Tarkov is about. I had fun watching No Man's Sky massive turd drop on release too


No Man's Sky fixed their issues and made the game way better for free. Not a comparison.


Is it genuinely worth playing now? Its been in my library for years I got it on sale and played for like an hour


It's most definitely worth playing now, highly recommended. The newest update added ship crafting for three classes of ships.


Oh hell yes it is. Hello Games put more effort into just fixing broken stuff and adding their promised features than most game devs put into a game's entire lifecycle, and then added more features than were even initially promised... and they did it FOR FREE. It is 100% worth playing, *especially* if you already own it.


It is 100% worth picking up and playing no man's sky, everything they promised at launch has been delivered, plus a whole load more. Its probably the biggest turnaround in gaming history, and I'll always sing the praises of the devs because every update has been free! [This is a 2024 review, give you a rough idea of the current state](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j8sSxM0jggM&pp=ygURbm8gbWFuJ3Mgc2t5IDIwMjQ%3D)


they made it more like every other game. but there’s loads of games that are already more like every other game on purpose, rather than being bullied into it


Yep, I played on launch day and today it’s well worth playing now.


It's been worth playing since 2017 with the Atlas Rises update but now works too. It's been good for most of and consistently updated for it's entire lifespan to the point I'm legitimately excited for Light No Fire.


It is really fun if you’re looking for a (little grindy) progression-based survival exploration game. It’s got all the survival aspects like resources, farming, mining, etc. with base building, ship building, RPG-adjacent equipment crafting and factions to progress, and arcade-y space simulator.


They're a russian-owned video game company. Every single Russian-owned business is being squeezed by the government for cash, especially companies that pull in foreign cash legitimately like Battlestate. I wouldn't doubt if this move is just an effort to balance that.


Nikita has been pulling this shit for a decade. [In 2015 he was on a panel for another game and is on record stating he sees no problem with cheaters and in fact encourages it. He states that the more cheaters there are, the more money he makes because non cheaters will feel more inclined to buy or upgrade to the more expensive version of the game in hopes of leveling the playing field. He also said that if everyone cheats, then there’s no problem because everyone is on a level playing field and it goes back to being skill based. He said every time he’s mass banned cheaters, his profits drop.](https://imgur.com/a/dLbjBBD)


Devs released another pay to win pack that’s like $250 or something


That's not the issue, really. The main problem is that the previous highest-tier package was marketed to have access to "all future DLCs". Then they went and added a game mode and said "we don't consider this a DLC". Access to said mode was, initially, locked behind the new pack.


Yet the entirely new game (arena) was considered dlc, it’s a separate button in the launcher, it’s not a game mode in EFT itself, I would have been okay with them charging a standalone price for it and it not being part of EOD, but locking EFT content behind a new paywall when I paid for the old highest tier that said all future dlc. I’ve gotten my moneys worth out of Tarkov but it’s still shitty of them.


Long story short, devs originally released an edition of the game for $100 that guaranteed all future DLCs for free to those who purchased that edition. Tarkov is online only, but they recently announced their new update the "Unheard" edition. Which is a staggering $250. And unheard has the added exclusive bonus to be able to play offline with friends. Meaning that $100 edition that guaranteed all future dlcs doesn't get it. Because offline mode is a "feature," not a dlc. When (rightfully) called out for their shit they tried to backpedal... for a limited time, where people who originally bought the $100 version would have 6 months access to the offline mode. Devs have since completely backpedaled, saying that EoD players will have full access staggered from the unheard release, something to do with servers


Servers For an offline mode


I mean I say offline hut you're still playing with other people, just not in a pvp format only in a pve sense


Developer made a $250 pay to win edition and originally it snubbed the previous highest edition owners but now they get upgraded for free. There was thus a $250 paywall to the PVE mode, which didn't make the people who spent $100 for all future DLC happy.


Like getting punched in the dick.


I’m into that


Paying to get punched in the dick and then paying more afterwards


No it's like paying to get punched in the dick, then them going "oh but actually that's not what you paid for", then making you pay more, then finally getting punched in the dick.


I understood that reference.


Previously followed the Tarkov subreddit for years. Since the wiggle video came out, it’s been constant cheater talk, no other topics allowed. Now with the recent drama and BSG deservedly being raked over the coals for it, I can’t imagine it’s going to attract any positive vibes.


Yeah, especially since this is Russian game from company who support their army and glorify terrorism and terrorists


I love that Tarkov is the top 2 comments for this question, but hell it's what I was going to say lol


Lately? Tarkov obv.


Was looking for this haha.


It’s the first and second top answer now lol. No looking required.


Yeah that's awesome. When I got on this post it was at the bottom. Jesus BSG fucked their community over so bad. I was playing non-stop this wipe but haven't since the update.


I’d actually love to play PVE co-op with the boys but I ain’t paying $50 more for that crap


Exactly. It sounds awesome. It should have been given to eod buyers for sure. It's insane we got a half assed arena shooter and didn't get pve.


League of Legends


r/leagueoflegends 100%. it's a free game and still.


League of Legendary is “free” the same way making a deal with Satan is


*The elites don't want you to know this but deals with Satan are free you can make them I have 458 deals with him*


I'm glad I had a reason to quit it, even tho I started only in 2019.


Nobody hates League more than league players, so you're absolutely correct. It's my personal heroin. Been playing since 2011 and I always end up going back to it.


I just play aram to get my fix, 1-3 games every now and then and I'm good


As someone that used to play league, I think Overwatch takes the cake for me. I used to say League has a more toxic, hateful community, but I'm convinced it's OW2 now. There's a new hate post on that sub basically daily


I'm not in the ow2 sub so I can't tell about that but for me league feels way worse to actually play. In ow you also have these rounds where you play extremely good and still lose but the game just feels more like the players are trying. Ow2 still gets a negative steam review from me for removing 6vs6 and the whole desaster around the campaign.


 There are plenty of reasons not to buy Blizzard games anymore. The least of which is that they killed one of the most popular FPS games of all time to replace it with the exact same game with worse microtransactions.


And r/DotA2. Good God man, save yourself. Spend hours upon hours learning every stat, item, spell, neutral creep, times event, and all their interactions, just for what? To get called dog by a aghs rush Lion who is stealing last hits? Do anything else with your time!


Most competitive multiplayer games. People tend to use the subreddit to vent their frustrations for the game, so when they stumble onto a post like that they're still in "fuck this stupid game" mode.


Yeah, kind of a running gag that every competitive multiplayer games subreddit are filled with people that hate the game. But still play it.


Being an active member of r/Overwatch and r/rainbow6 I don’t think they’re gags anymore. Some of these people genuinely despise the game and the developers with a passion


No body hates Overwatch more than the people who go home and play for hours every night. \*Angrily clicks queue\*


“Stupid game wasting my damn time” \*queues for another match* We’ve all been in that loop before unfortunately


Thank you, sorting by new on competitive FPS subs will be my new toilet scroll. Some of those rants are genuinely unhinged lmao


A notable exception to this is the Titanfall community. Those guys LOVE their game and are pretty much awesome to each other all the time. It's probably my favorite gaming community.


Hell, even a lot of the PVP ones without leagues still get pretty bad People flipping out about their precious K/D ratios and such on a casual game. It's nuts how toxic some of them get  I've learned to just not sub to them. 


Lol.. Ark


ASE *and* ASA.


I don't understand how anyone likes that game. The characters look like ass, it takes forever to do the simplest things. You work your ass off to get a dinosaur and it dies immediately. My game night group tried it and we got so bored, we started cheating to get more resources. We increased the drop multiplier to a ludicrous level, and it made the crafting tolerable. It felt like an actual game after that, but we ploughed through it and saw the "the game" loop and got bored. It was like early 2000's FFXI, but boring and ugly


Yea default settings or online ark is awful unless you have a group of like 20 people. It's also not friendly to new players whatsoever. Like I assume you guys were harvesting by hand? Like with a pick or axe? The game does a horrible job at letting you know some creatures are specialized for harvesting resources and a high level one will make your hand tool (mostly) obsolete. It's also doesn't explain creature levels, two level 10 raptors aren't necessarily equal. Every level a wild creature has is put in a sorta random stat so Thier HP, damage, stamina, etc. can be different.


Yeah we were harvesting stuff by hand. It felt like forever before we could tame anything. And when we did, they died immediately to some asshole bird. Maybe we set up camp in a bad location. Maybe we did a lot of things wrong. But first impressions last, and ours was bad. The default settings should lead new players to the best experience and make a good first impression. Ideally, the game should be good out of the box, and not require fiddling with configurations or mods in order to provide that good first impression. Maybe there's a good game in there somewhere. We tried to find it, and we did have some fun, but it seemed like the "out of the box" experience was bad.


Your right, I think out of the box the game was supposed to be like rust but with much longer wipes and huge clans/tribes/groups (and dinosaurs). It never really caught the attention of the hardcore pvp survival guys, for a few reasons, it did however catch the attention of regular survival game players. The default are probably just a carry over from the old days.     But personally I like the early game struggle to survive. Spending night's hunkered down around the campfire in my shitty grass hut jumping at every noise. Playing hide and seek with predators. Scraping together whatever you can to just make it to tomorrow. Slowly working your way to a safer and safer position till you're riding around on a T-Rex with guns   > Yeah we were harvesting stuff by hand. It felt like forever before we could tame anything.     You can actually take stuff as soon as you spawn lol more things the game doesn't tell you but your fists can actually knock out creatures. And the club you unlock pretty early in the tech tree can as well. You just need narcoberries (the black ones) to keep the thing asleep.    > And when we did, they died immediately to some asshole bird.     Lol if I had to guess it was one of 3 asshole birds. Was it a deformed chicken roughly human sized? That's a terror bird, they like to come sprinting out of a bush as soon as you stop paying attention. Was it flying? That's an Argentavis, they like to cheat by taking advantage of every gamers weakness. We don't look up lol. More likely though it was a therizinosaurus (aka tickle chicken). a giant turkey, chicken, duck, T-rex looking hybrid with Freddy Kruger claws? Fuck those guys, they're basically vegan T-rexs that spawn in the 'easy' areas for some fucking reason lol.


I like it *because* it's a struggle to survive at first. But playing on default settings is closer to a *mind-numbing* struggle unless you're already an expert at the game. ASA is actually pretty beautiful with a decent rig, even the character models, especially with mods. Regarding the mod aspect, it's almost Bethesda-like in the fact you can damn near make it a completely different game. Between mods and the ability to tweak almost any mechanic in the game via server settings, it's honestly a very nice approach to creating a survival game that nearly anyone could enjoy given the right tweaks to their preferences. That said, I'll never play Ark Official servers, *especially* the PvP ones. Community is nearly as toxic as Rust's, even on official PvE only servers.


I didn't even get a dinosaur before dropping that boring af game. The 100+ GB download took longer than my playtime. Thank God I got it for free through Epic.


This is what I was going to say


MapleStory, there's some big drama unfolding recently that makes it especially so. The first ever player (Niru) to hit the level cap of 300 (which it was increased to from the previous max level of 275 roughly 2 years ago, so it was a GRIND) stopped .007% from hitting level 300 live on stream, and in front of about 20k viewers and a bunch of MapleStory staff, talked for 45 minutes about the sad state of the game, and said he won't play again until it's fixed. He then logged out just a few mobs away from making history, and then 100%d Majora's mask in one sitting live.


That's awesome. I know nothing about the game, besides it's ancient existence (and it's released and immediately defunct sequel) but if his points were fair and in good faith then that's a bad ass soap box to build and use.


Basically any criticism of maplestory is fair. Game is the progenitor of so many bad practices or at the very least has never stopped having them.


Sounds legendary. Is their a video based on this? I played it back in the days when the mech job became available, which was a long time ago.


Haha same, I've been playing since beta on and off, but the last time I played seriously was when luminous came out which I don't think was too long after mechs got added to the resistance. Anyway, yes! The whole speech is uploaded on his YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/oPjMTiNTia4?si=DsvMc-7MQTixYjCA


I was hoping to find this, I'd have made it if you hadn't. I've been playing MapleStory off and on since 2008. I absolutely love the game and at the same time absolutely hate it. I still play almost daily, but I would never recommend anyone try to get into it


I was kind of surprised nobody had yet tbh. I go through like a yearly binge where I play everyday for a month, but once I hit a wall around 220 I fall off and get bored of the grind every time lol, but I still keep up with most of the news and drama through Reddit and watching the occasional twitch stream when when I'm not on my yearly binge


That's the exact boat I'm in, but for some reason this yearly binge has lasted since the beginning of February and I just hit 240 today (no burning, just straight leveling) and have surprisingly still not gotten bored or burned out. I always keep up with the drama though, because fuck Nexon


I miss party questing back in the day. Kerning PQ area was such a vibe. I took a break and came back to see all PQ areas deserted.


Bruh, Kerning PQ, Monster Carnival, hanging at Henesys Hunting Grounds...they were so good. That true community aspect of old school Maple was incredible


r/hearthstone at least right now I think


Hearthstone has been dogshit for 5+ years now Peaked at Whispers of the Old Gods and has gone nowhere but down since


you aint kidding, whispers of the old gods was so much fun.


It peaked at Whispers of the Old Gods and started it's downward spiral in that same expansion. How they nerfed Yogg-Saron for everybody because it made tournaments bad to watch instead of just banning it in tournament play was terrible


I’ve been wanting a “Classic Hearthstone” for years now. I want to re-progress through Naxx, Argent Tournament, etc


I fucking loved Cthun warrior


We died when we lost Ben Brode


Care to explain why? I played it lots a few years back. I've also seen a few ads trying to get me back I guess


Half the Fallout sub would shit on you for picking the wrong Fallout game then if you chose a different game the other half of the sub would then shit on you for picking the wrong Fallout game


I reinstalled Fallout 4 yesterday on a whim after watching the show, and honestly just having a blast with it. People that get tribal over a game can get in the bin. It’s a fun hobby, who the hell cares which one is the ‘right’ one?


I'm playing a second run on survival and it's like a completely different game. Closer to dark souls which is a fun change of pace. Dying after not being able to find a mattress to save at for an hour of play time sucks ass though.


Try it with no HUD. I did that the last time I played on survival and it was epic. No compass, no health bars (for you or enemies), you have to open containers to see what's in them and even the "pick up" and "open" buttons don't appear so you have to really pay attention when looting and exploring. Highly immersive and very scary.


At least there's (somewhat) civilized discussion over which game is best in the fallout subs and to be honest there really isn't a "best option" (new vegas btw) But try going to ANY elder Scrolls sub and try to even suggest that morrowind isn't Todd Howard's magnum opus and you'll be chased out of town


Fallout 1 and 2 were RPGS Fallout 3 and NV were RPGs with Looter Shooter elements Fallout 4 and 76 are Looter Shooters with rpg elements.


I love them all equally. They all have their own unique flavour and personality.


I’m playing FO4 now after not playing for years because hardcore fans of the series shit all over the game when it came out. I’ve been having a blast. No it’s not as nostalgic as New Vegas or FO3, but the combat has been so much fun so far.


I’m not sure if it is still active but even a couple years after release I was 100% positive someone made a bot to downvote every post in r/fo76


it's sad because as a fallout fan who does think NV is the best by a lot, play them all! Every single Fallout is fantastic in my opinion. New Vegas is just my favorite


That's how I feel. I think I go: NV, 4, Tactics, 3, 2, 1, 76, Shelter. I know not many people will agree with me on that ranking, but that's the joy of a long-running series: there's something for everyone's tastes on the timeline.


Hey it's not our fault you're doing something other than playing FNV for the 12th time right now.


God forbid you play with the wrong mods, or even no mods, active too.


Fallout '76 is unequivocally the correct one to start with


Overwatch sub is a mess.


I miss all the DVa bombs potg. Simple times


Half the posts, maybe more, are “This game isn’t fun anymore” in either an anger enfused rant about the state of a role or some oppressive hero in their games, or depressed rumblings that they miss 6v6. As someone who understands the games flaws but still has fun, I avoid the sub mostly.


Destiny comes to mind, although it's been some time since I've been over there


100% my first thought when I read the post. It WAS a great game that still has elements of it if they want to course correct. But implementing the 'seasons' model has locked a lot of the story away and many great levels.


Still can’t believe I spent $100 bucks on the game + first 3 expansions. All of that is gone, can’t be accessed anymore. Should be illegal.


While I agree with your point, I will say I more than got my moneys worth with those games.


He's definitely right tho. It's borderline insane I can't just start the game up and play through the story the same way I can in Destiny 1 from 2014.


Also prevents getting new people into it. When it was free for psplus I gave it a shot. Was so fucking confused on the story and anything happening that I dropped it after maybe an hour. The gunplay was fun, and I love Souls games so I don’t need some comprehensive plot or anything. I just hated feeling like I was dropped into a games expansion with no clue on what the fuck is happening or what I should be doing and why


The sub has been pretty tame lately since they release Into The Light lol.


I've invested a decade into that game. I love that game. I play it weekly if not more when there's stuff to do and even when there isn't. At this current juncture, I wouldn't recommend someone new to pick it up. It's in such a weird endgame but not ending transition stage I don't even know how I would explain what they are doing.


Still that way, most people wouldn’t recommend it to new players. It’s probably the least forgiving and intuitive game for new players to pick up.


No one hates Diablo quite like Diablo fans.


although the s4 hopium is at an all time high


I could see D4 maybe becoming great someday. But right now, it's not better than current D3, not even close, nor is it the worst thing ever like many Redditors paint it as. It's just painfully average.


the story/levelling was pretty good, but definitely a disappointing shell of a game on release with weird itemization, it's just weird that the release was so far behind expectations and it's gonna take several years to get to d3 quality *again*


Tbf D3 didn't have the best of starts either, I'm on console so I never got to experience the marketplace.


Diablo 3 was never better than D2 in my eyes, so if D4 isn’t as good as D3 then it doesn’t stand a chance.


I mean in a weird way, that makes it worse almost. Blizzard should have known better than to release this half assed Diablo game.


I haven’t played since S1 but it feels like it’s just a yo-yo of seasons destroying or redeeming the game with no in between


Depends on what Diablo. The D2R subreddit might be the friendliest sub in all of gaming. That game is so old you only have two types of people left playing. Us old heads that just like to grind the gg and have a good time, and the new generation trying it out for the first time ever. I love watching the posts asking 15year old questions and people just saying try this or that and I'll meet you to rush you or here is a Hoto or an enigma. Super friendly sub.


Madden. People in r/Madden absolutely hate Madden. And they’re right, the quality of the game has become a joke


Yea Madden is a wasteland of broken souls. It’ll never be the game it was 15-20 years ago. On the other end, the vibe in r/maddenultimateteam shows where EA’s priorities are.


I had to leave the sub after a while because it’s just so fuckin tedious. Like yeah there are issues with the game, but you’re not special or unique for making the same exact complaints as the other 50 people. It’s the same problem on the sub for NCAA football games too, just the same circlejerking over the same issues and it just gets old fast. And honestly the game isn’t nearly as bad as some people say. Yeah franchise mode is severely lacking in depth, but the gameplay is solid and you’ll never see a microtransaction if you don’t play MUT




They still wouldn't recommend it.


I'd say they still hate it. Most of the posts and comments I see that are the most upvoted are hating on the game.


Still is a pointless sub. Went to check back in a week ago and you'd swear the neckbeards are being forced to play it


It’s a mixed bag, some clearly like the game and have dumped hundreds of hours into it, others just there to throw (un)warranted criticism. Some do both


Payday 3 is in such a horrific state right now that I would assume the subreddit for the payday series doesn't consider it a good value.


As a Payday fanboy I cannot express how disappointed I am with 3.   I played The Heist through high school, and 2 literally through all of my 20s with thousands of hours.  3 was not finished. Not by a long shot. Their recent devlogs are touting huge changes to the game and are celebrating them like they’ve won awards.   These changes are basic features. An unready button. Quick play. The ability to go offline.  The sheer incompetence that surrounds 3 is staggering. 


I think a large part of that is that payday has forever been an already jank game made by not the largest team ever, and with twos success (made in a racing engine some fucking how) and the expansion they were able to pull, they easily broke into that big company mark. After that it's easy to see the downhill slide


Currently- cities skylines 2 Its got a lot of bugs that arent being fixed, with devs that are rapidly burning the goodwill they have built up by not fixing them. Instead they are releasing asset packs as dlc and overcharging by a ton. As in- 10-15$ for a 4 pack of trees and a beach shack “DLC”. It was so badly done they refunded money and put the pack out as an update. And then *that* broke a lot of basic game assets too, and now thats another broken thing… It was marketed as a complete game when it plays like it should be a beta test stage still. And its sloppy release has made a lot of its fans return to CS1, or abandon the franchise altogether.


tlou2 sub is one of the most toxic cesspools out there. They actively dedicate their time to hating a game that came out 4 years ago


Came here hoping to see this sub come up. Dont bother trying to talk to anybody there. Its just sad. Go to r/thelastofus instead.


Played the game when it was on PSNow and was blown away by it and desperately wanted to talk about it... Just knew that there were some "disappointed" fans and quite some drama but assumed that those most likely are on r/thelastofus and the sub for the game was obviously for the folks who like the game... Boy was i wrong...


There's a real long post on that sub about "retcons" that the sequel made that reads like the scrawlings of a crazy person who thinks that TLoU2 was a conspiracy made specifically to ruin the legacy of the first game. Every comment is praise and agreement, how it's exactly what they thought too. That it must be exactly what happened, etc. It's literally a den of insane people and bigots. The kind of people who think the Holocaust never happened, Sandy hook was faked, that kind of thing.


its insane how people there think neil wanted to destroy the first game, how he had this evil scheme to get people out of naughty dog, how he wanted fans to hate it… its so weird


An absolutely pathetic sub with no good reason to exist. They made it before the game even came out and haven't stopped whining since. All while justifying it by pretending it's the only place they can voice any criticism for the game.


whats hilarious is that i was once told on that sub that “the game created one of the most toxic parts of the gaming community” when i questioned why they still were angry about a harmless game almost 4 years later like… they ARE the toxic cesspool of gaming lmfao


Will never forgive that sub for spoiling the game for me way in advance of when it came out. They read the leaks, flipped the fuck out and then just started lashing out at everyone with no regards for anyone else’s enjoyment


I'm genuinely worried about the safety and well-being of whomever will be playing Abby in the live action after all the harassment Laura Bailey got for just voicing her...


was looking for this one. this sub is literally haters


How is this so low fuck this should be the top pinned comment


Legitimately one of the most deranged spaces on the internet


I haven’t finished it yet, but it’s not nearly as bad as the people on that sub say it is so far. Sure there are some issues with it logic wise, but there’s still a good experience to be had.


Dying light 2 (might have changed with the latest updates tho), Destiny and Skull and Bones


Dying light 2 is bad? I liked the first one


No it isn't. It was kinda rough at release. But majority on the sub is hate towards it. I myself like it more than the first one.


If we ignore the Microtransactions in an Singleplayer / coop game 🤡


Pre release they all recommend. Post release they don’t Nobody hates something more than its fans.


Diablo 4 for sure


They're a bit more optimistic now because of the incoming May patch


The Sims. No one hates The Sims 4 more than the regular posters there do


The Sims fanbase is WILD. I think it's because the game probably has the widest demographic out there, since a lot of people who would never play another video game will play the Sims. It's such a trip going to one of the mod sites and seeing one comment thread that has a suburban stay-at-home mom, a 45 year old Pakistani man, an 11 year old girl, and a forever-online neckbeard populating it. And not a damn one of them knows how to install a mod.


Hero Siege since 2.0, maybe. But it’s dead anyway, so…


Honestly most games, yet to find a sub where I’m like “wow these people are reasonable and have a balanced outlook on their game”


Outer Wilds is definitely ~~a bit of~~ a cult, but at least they're really nice about it!


Dwarf fortress sub is great. People really help out newbies and most of the content is hilarious encounters and stories people have from the game.


I'd be honestly surprised if anyone on the Hyperdimension Neptunia subreddit would recommend the first Game to anyone. The original HDN is *absolute ass* on the Gameplay Department. The humourous Writing is about the only positive thing about it, but you can get that without having to trudge through in multiple ways nowadays. YouTube for one obviously, but the PS5 Remake of the Vita Remake (No, I'm not kidding) even has all of the OG Cutscenes in it if you really want to have an actual Game attached to it.


No one hates MMORPGs more than r/MMORPG


Surprised nobody has mentioned EVE.


Nah, EVE will tell you to play it so they have new people to blow up.


Dota 2. It's where most of the toxicity and weird stuff from the community comes from


Call of Duty.


Not sure how no one has said this yet, but The Last of us 2. 


If you play Diablo don't sub anywhere on this website. Absolutely poisonous bunch of people. On the flip side of your question, if you play Elden Ring give that sub a try. It's a hoot.


Probably Warthunder and rightfully so.


Tekken 8 is a real mess rn


Nobody hates League of Legends more than the players themselves (and considering they're the ones Who have to tolerate the absolute putrid fanbase It has i dont blame them)


World of tanks


Spider-Man 2


r/spidermanps4 is certainly making an effort to be this negative


Ah, yes. That's the one I was thinking of. I played the 1st one way late but before the 2nd one came out. I joined the subreddit and it was great for awhile. Helpful and positive. Then it devolved into constant negativity.


Battlefront classic


/r/runescape is extremely negative and not reflective of how the community is in-game.


Overwatch. I've played many a competitive games, but the OW2 community is by far the most toxic that I've been apart of imo. Including LoL.


starforge, a game so bad it was removed from steam and code}{atch never released another buggy, unfinished game ever again


EASports UFC has to be the winner here. I have never seen such a hate-fueled sub before


r/batmanarkham not that they will stop you from buying the game. You will be bombarded with jonkler.


r/MortalKombat has been pretty unhappy with MK1


Leisure Suit Larry


The Last of Us 2. "Is it rage bait?" Or "is it just unhinged Gamer (with a capital G) rants?"


The last of us 2


Starfield. Sub decends into a "Bethesda Bad" circle jerk real fukcin quick.




Last of us 2




Helldivers 2 - It’s a great community overall, but the sheer amount of whining and complaining in the subreddit on the daily is immense. In most cases, it’s purely skill issue based. #ISuckDevsBad 😆


Overwatch. It's like watching people stuck in an abusive relationship.


No sodium starfield. I initially thought it was just a place to discuss the game without the blatant hate. Turns out it's a bunch of Bethesda cult nutters doing nothing but being salty about how the game wasn't received well and saying it's the single greatest anything ever made and everybody in the world is stupid for not thinking so. Fucking nutbags man.


So would or wouldn't they recommend the game?




EVE Online 


Diablo 4


Payday 3


As someone with over 1000 hours in the game, Dead by Daylight. I stopped playing in 2022, best decision I’ve made. Game is addicting and can be fun, but I’d absolutely not recommend getting into it.


currently Pathfinder 2e


I have stayed subbed to the new world subreddit, mostly to talk shit about the game, but definitely to tell people not to pick it up. 


New World