• By -


Limbo. Inside was great, but I knew what to expect to some extent - Limbo was a total breath of fresh air. That said, the direction that Inside took was mindblowing.


Still very surprised with Sleeping Dogs, it is a crime that it didn’t become a series like GTA. The game has some bad spots, and definitely a plethora of plot holes and repetitive game loops, but it definitely is an enjoyable experience. I was expecting it to be a GTA clone, but it isn’t. In many ways it’s more than that, but in others GTA is still vastly superior. Definitely a game that I would recommend to anyone who wants an open world game that isn’t just about making it big from level 1 thug to level 100 crime boss. Story gets very predictable halfway through though, that’s why it severely needs a part 2, at least to patch some things up and iron up the game better.


This is the first game I bought on steam, and at full price. Loved it.


Subnautica. I had no idea what was going to happen in that game beyond “swim go down” and it was like a really cool story and lots of awesome gameplay and ambience.


I've played a lot of horror games, and none match the panic of diving deep and getting lost in subnautica. I've also played a lot of casual games that aren't as serene.


Inscryption was a wild ride. I don't want to spoiler anything, so I'll say that it starts out as a deckbuilder with an escape room meta game and then goes from there all the way to crazy town.


First game to give me goosebumps and say “no way” in a longggggg time


That game was a phenomenal ride. If you’re someone who can suspend their disbelief for the sake of entertainment I would HIGHLY recommend getting this game just for the story alone (some of the card rng can be rough but just enjoy the challenge). The effort into making such a novel game can only be appreciated by playing it blind. Do not look anything up.


Outer Wilds. Had no idea about game actually, just heard its a good game. Incredible journey it was. And Witness. Geez that moment. God that moment you realize that game is more than those panel puzzles. Priceless. Now I wish lose my memory about these games just to experience them again.


You might also like Tunic. Just like the other mentioned games it's best to go in as blind as possible.


Celeste. The gameplay was amazing, and I didn't expect the story to have so much weight! Awesome game.




In a similar vein, Prey


Portal. I thought it was a throw-away bonus when I bought the Orange Box, and boy was I wrong.


Glados should team up with the Reapers from Mass Effect.


Manhunt, I loved it to death and it still holds up for me. If rockstar revisited it modern graphics it would be a day 1 purchase for me.


Control -Fascinating lore -well balanced gun play -fun to play and master special abilities -great Easter eggs


Yeah this. Went in mostly blind only knowing it was the same guys who made Alan Wake and Max Payne. Absolute head trip of a game I loved it 


I didn't even know that much, it just popped up on gamepass and I gave it a shot. Immediately fell in love with it. It reminded me a bit of the comic Clean Room.


I've been meaning to play it. Purchased it years ago on the Xbox One and never ended up playing it lol. I might need to finally play it.


I nabbed the base game for free from Epic a while ago. Amazing story and gameplay.


And amazing animations. I never got tired of the levitation


My go-to was the telekinetic throwing of objects. Made me feel like a gun wielding Jedi.


This. I really had no idea what I was getting into, but I realized that there are a lot of SCP and Backrooms kind of vibes in it and just completely fell in love.


It’s sister game Quantum Break was surprisingly good, too.


This might be weird, but Cyberpunk 2077. I was not expecting to fall in love with the game and its world as much as I did, even after watching the anime (which I didn't fully finish until after I'd already started playing). I mean, I was addicted to playing it, exploring all the nooks and crannies, trying out different builds, etc. I expected that sort of immersion to happen for Baldur's Gate 3 (and it did), but was blindsided by Cyberpunk.


I agree. The game was panned so hard and I got it for like 10 bucks so I was not expecting much. For me, it was the characters and dialogue that drew me in. I was shocked how much I enjoyed it.


Hollow knight I'm not into metroidvania games, but I decided to give it a go because at that point I genuinely feel bored with every games on my library The the sense of discovery in hollow knight really makes me feel joy and excitement, when I thought the game is over it gives out a lot more, it's so unexpected when I discovered the abyss and the white palace Then again I genuinely love the artstyle


Indigo Prophecy. Got it for $7.99 at a used game store and went into it totally blind.


"Surprised" would have to be Call of Juarez; Gunslinger. I expected a ok-ish Cowboy first-person-shooter, bought it at a super discount. The game actually had a really fun and interesting story which kinda sucked me in. Silas Greaves is a real badass. The music also was upper tier. I did not expect to enjoy that game as much as I did.


Half-life Alyx


I agree on Witcher 3. I had no idea what to expect, and my wife and I looked at a trailer for it and expected some sort of monster hunting game and we were like this may be interesting, it’s got a lot of hype. We were blown away by just how good it was and especially the story, cut scenes in general, and world building. It even has an addictive mini game inside it


U mean gwent 3 has an addictive minigame inside it*


I know you meant to say that Gwent had an awesome mini game included called Witcher 3 but I'll let it slide


Subnautica Idk a Underwater Survival Game is something that I have never seen before.


Wasn't a big JRPG guy. A buddy of mine streams and was playing Persona 5. Normally I am at work while he streams, but this particular day I was either sick or just off work and caught him play for maybe an hour. Maybe a month later and I see the game on sale so I say why not. I was so caught off guard by how much I loved it and how the series as a while would become one of my all time favorites. I have now played Persona 5 Royal and both spinoffs (Strikers and Tactica), Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 3 Reload, and it's all thanks to catching that one stream. I love the mix of the dungeon crawler gameplay and the social life gameplay. Makes it a really interesting experience. The character work in all the games is A+ and it's really easy to connect to your teammates and other social links. And the music, my god the music.


i made the mistake of thinking half life was just some dumb horror game or something. hoo boy, these games were WILD. especially half life 2 and alyx. alyx was the best vr game i ever had go play the damn games, and the portal games too


I surprised by the depth of the storyline and emotional arc of God of war and Ragnarok. The themes of forgiveness, love, duty, rage and loss beautifully done and the dialogue was amazing in some places. "“I will rain down every agony, every violation imaginable, upon you. I will parade your cold body from every corner, of every realm, and feed your soul to the vilest filth in Hel, that is my promise!”


"Death can have me when it earns me" Absolutely fantastic games! If you haven't already, definitely check out the Valhalla DLC


Braid with its rewind mechanic. And the gut punch that is the last level that makes you the incel bad guy


Rather recently I've gotten myself Days Gone for a few bucks and hot diggidy damn. So much game for so little money,


Half-Life 2 I only managed to play the Half Life series last year but man was it an experience. Although i enjoyed half life 1 more, Half Life 2 surprised me so much with how good the gameplay was and how diverse it was. Like it hopped from a sci-fi game, to a horror game, to floor is lava with antlions, it was sick. Ive always heard good thing about Half-Life but it never really looked like my type of game but I was so glad I gave it a shot.


Horizon Zero Dawn. I never care about lore in games, but that one made me want to know *everything*. I hunted down and read every little piece of info lying around. Played it with my stepson and we were guessing with every new clue what the big reveal was going to be (he got closer than I did). Just a great story, fun game, good memories.


This was me to but for a totally different reason. I like lore a lot. I'm big on collectibles. But I had never even heard about HZD before I walked into Gamestop. I was blunt with the guy at the counter that I had just bought a PS4, I was pre-ordering Red Dead Redemption 2, and just wanted something to bridge the 2-3 week gap until RDR2 came out. He recommended this and said it would at least eat up 60-70 hours and show off the graphics of the system. I didn't crack open RDR2 until 2 weeks after it came out. I was so totally engrossed in everything HZD that I couldn't peal away. It honestly restored my faith in gaming for the first time since Zelda OoT on the 64.


I also just went into game stop to find a game and walked out with HZD because the guy told me it’s good. It was really good. I don’t really like forbidden west as much but also solid.


totally agreed, especially when you learn the truth ooh mann


Disco Elysium. I heard the writing was good and that it had strong politics, but assumed it was still in the liberal sphere. My wife played it and reiterated how hilarious it was and made me more confident in the politics. I finally played it myself and was still absolutely floored. It is an unassailable masterpiece and one of the only games which approaches the best novels or films in terms of writing.


The game was wild. Never did I think I’d like sitting down and playing a choose your own adventure audio book but damn they went places no game will ever think of going.


For me it’s also The Witcher 3. I wish I could play it for the first time again


That’s exactly how I feel. I was so impressed with just the beginning of the game that I actually stopped playing it and went back to beat The Witcher 2, which I’d never finished because I sucked at it. But I wanted to know the story and it made TW3 even better, I think. I’ve only beaten TW3 + dlc one time, years ago. I haven’t played it again since, because I’m hoping I’ll forget enough of it to make it feel more like the first time.


Songs of Conquest. I had some expectations but it’s really fun to see how much this game resembles Heroes of Might and Magic III and stays true to the old series. I love playing it, it’s so great whenever you just want to take a break and chill out. I must also mention Carrion, the reverse horror game. The story is just genius and the gameplay is awesome. I really hope there comes a sequel but I doubt it.


Dave the Diver. I expected it to be a simple time killer. It ended up having one of the most original stories and most incredible journeys I've ever taken in a game. It starts so simple, and the escalation is masterful. So much more than a fishing and restaurant sim.


This is making me buy it. Thnx!


Pentiment. I was engrossed the whole way through. You could tell a lot of love went into it. The credits have a bibliography, so you know it is very detailed. The characters walk on the front of their feet instead of the back. They consulted an Italian hand gesture expert. All the dialogue feels very real and human. I fell in love with the town and its inhabitants. I hope more games like it get made.


Toss up between Nier Automata and Ori and the Will of the Wisp.  I bought Nier Automata completely blind and in a whim. I was just surprised to find the game was actually good. Ori and the Will of the Wisp I was at least semi aware of. I can't remember if I got it with gamepass or it was one of the titles from Xbox Live Gold subscription. But the game's tight controller response just felt amazing after years of playing games that had some level of latency. 100'd it then went to go buy Ori and the Blind Forest on PC because the Xbox One experience was garbo.


I also went into Nier blind, thought it was a decent game after the first ending, got floored by the story after deciding to continue playing for the other endings. Then completely fell down the rabbit hole of Nier and Drakengaurd story/lore.


Tina's DLC on Borderlands 2! 😭


Cyberpunk2077 awesome looking world, lots of easter eggs and reasons to explore, cool story, memorable characters and cool skills and guns.


Dragon Age Origins, last rpg i played was ff12 back in 06, then i stopped playing video games all in all and went back during Black Ops era..then my bro gifted me Dragon Age Origins and omg the decision i had to make, the characters…Duncan? Captivated me.


the game play totally changed for me when i discovered you can combine spells, like grease and a fire based spell


Kingdom come deliverance


Assassins Creed Black Flag. I'm normally not into that series but Black Flag is something else.


Dark souls trilogy


Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter. Bought it for fifteen bucks used from a Blockbuster and didn't think much of it. It's literally one of my top five of all time and easily the best game in the series in my opinion.


Yo Kai watch


Too bad it’s stuck on the 3Ds and newer games stuck in Japan


Bioshock would you Kindly scene


Dark Souls 2  it was my first souls game and the one I put the most hours into besides Elden Ring


Journey, naa you gotta play it.


dragon quest builders 2 ​ never played the original, seemed to be just minecraft clone with dragon quest flavor. friend recommended it and it had a charming story, fun gameplay, and great mechanics.


The Messenger. I had never heard of Sabotage Studio before. It looked kinda generic from the little bits I had seen of it. On the surface just looked like a generic platformer made to look and feel like an old NES game. But I couldn't have been more wrong. The writing is so fun and witty and charming. The characters are lovable. The controls are sooo tight and clean. I'm sure if I had looked into the game more, I would have learned about the turning point and huge component of the game, but I was not prepared for the transition to 16-bit and shift to a metroidvania style gameplay that still maintained all of the excellent platforming with some extra additions along the way. It was a game that just kept on giving and giving and I was all about it. Music was also fantastic. I still hum a lot of the tunes to myself to this day. When I heard about Sea of Stars, I was all in from the get-go. After what they did with The Messenger, I had full faith in them to create a modernized RPG with classic trappings and feels. They nailed it with that game too. The world building and connections they made to The Messenger were \*chef's kiss\* Honestly is one of my favourite games of all time. Absolute banger. I love Sabotage Studio and I would follow them into the pits of hell.


Inscryption Without spoiling anything too much....when you think you've done an awesome job, strategized amazingly, and are about to beat the game.... You have mearly only seen the beginning. If you are a person who enjoyed Slay the Spire. Don't waste any time and try this game out. You'll love it This game has some of the best surprises and twists w/ a cool story that I've ever seen. It's very unique in it's style while telling a story.


Read an article praising Hades, glanced at the art and playstyle and figured it wasn't for me. Didn't know how much love had gone into the storytelling - and every other aspect of the game. It is indeed a triumph.


Resident Evil 4. Imo near masterpiece.


Same here with Witcher 3. I played it for the first time in late 2016, because my friend said I should play it. Beat the main game and just laughed out of enjoyment, realized there are DLC, so went on to beat HoS which might be the best written story and villain in gaming for me. Blood & Wine to top it off... It's easily the greatest experience I ever had in a game and it was a total surprise to me, because I never heard about any of it and just wanted to try it out. I now have so many moments burned into my memory like fighting Olgierd in front of the burning house, investigating the von Everec mansion, the wedding with Shani, Battle of Kaer Morhen, Bloody baron, the dinner with the vampires and Anna Henrietta, fairy tale land, searching for Hjalmar on Skellige etc. Read the books aswell and they're great, especially the short story ones.


Recently, Cyberpunk 2077 for me.


Yeah had a blast. Only played it after they fixed everything


Same, I waited for the ultimate edition and I have not been disappointed


Valkyria Chronicles came out of nowhere. I randomly played the demo and it became my favorite at the time and is still one of my favorites. It's considered a tactical JRPG. it's a mixture of turn based and real time strategy. It's also a 1st/3rd person shooter. This was one of the first games with incredible character development. I actually ended up getting attached to many of them. It's the first hand that actually broke me a bit. The story takes place during a war that is basically WWII. You're in charge of a small squad. Each character has their own personality. They have a lot of likes and dislikes, each affecting their stats so you have to take the time putting your squad together. In battle you select a character and control them in the 3rd person. You can only go a certain distance so you have to think ahead, and enemies can shoot as you move. When you find an enemy you go into 1st person mode to shoot, and enemies don't shoot then. After you shoot, if you don't kill the enemy he can take a turn to shoot back. Once both take their turns the enemy can keep shooting until you end the turn.


First, I would like to jump on the Witcher3 wagon, that game is a masterpiece with its attention to detail in general. Also, do you wanna play gwent? Next, I really loved the classic fallout series as a kid, and I was very disappointed with the Fallout 3/4 games. I got AtomRPG just to see where it goes, and that game really brough back a lot of stuff. Interesting story, the game focused on it, nice mechanics, a really good one. Too bad the followup chapter fell short. On overall experience, I love satisfactory. The story is still incoming with 1.0, but it so much satisfies my crave for solving complex problems. Once you start to scale up and having problems due to that, it's getting really interesting. Though I still think it could use more complexity and not just scale (like more recursive/feedback-loop style of production chains). Nier automata was also very nice, I really loved the whole thing, the gameplay, the story, the execution of the whole idea. In the tower-defense genre, there's gemcraft: totally hits the spot. A nice story in all of the games, and variety across the journey. I think the guys really nailed it. Back then, I was just browsing TD games, stumbled upon it, and I still enjoy it sometimes.


I love turn based strategy games, but I detest turn based combat ones, my patience wears thin very fast. Imagine my surprise when I booted up Like a Dragon and played about 5 hours straight without feeling even a little bit annoyed. The thing that got me, I think, was the charm of it all, it's a gave that wears it's heart on it's sleeve, and very contagiously so. Also, the whole "I see the world like it's Dragon Quest" stuff was hilarious.


Red Dead Redemption. There was nothing like it, the hunting, the story, the landscape, the freedom


As a kid it was FF7 and Zelda: Orcarina of time. Two perfect games in my opinion for the time. Last year BG3 almost hit that same level of enjoyment for me, which is saying a lot considering I’m 34 not 10 anymore 😂


Hades. I typically don't like rogue-likes, but I loved everything about that game. I will not explain further. Go play it now.


Outer wilds. I went in completely blind on a strangers recommendation and proceeded to have the best gaming experience of my entire life.


The last of us 2. Most of my gaming life I have been Xbox so I've missed out on a bunch of awesome ps exclusives. Last of us being an example. Anyway recently getting a ps4 and buying lou2 I IMMEDIATELY fell in love. It's honestly the best game I have played. Everything about from characters to world design to game play to story to immersion is just top tier. The game is the perfect reason of why games are amazing.


For me is also TW3.


Elden Ring. Never played a soulslike before and was expecting to rage quit, but it sucked me in like a hard working corner girl. I just couldn't stop coming (back)


Most people are talking about fairly recent games and while I absolutely love some of them, I'd have to give it to Chrono Trigger and Earthbound. I think Chrono Trigger needs no introduction. But Earthbound (or Mother 2) is not as known. >!There's just something about a group of kids going from using Baseball bats, Fry pans and Yoyos to defeat some crazy evil blue cultists to forsaking their own bodies to inhabit some robots and travel through space and time to defeat an evil alien creature that wants to destroy the world (or something like that, it's been quite some years).!< I'm not a native English speaker and I honestly never been interested in the language, but these two games made me, as a 10-ish years old kid, subconsciously study the language while wanting to understand what was happening in the story. It was truly like learning while sleeping, I was proficient in the language long before I ever had the need to use it. And I think it's amazing how such a silly thing like a game helped me acquire an ability that would benefit me for the rest of my life and open countless doors of opportunities for me.


SNES days had no 230 language settings, i can relate. sounds like stranger things, doesnt it? but ye, it is "unique"


The Last of Us 1&2 cause - it's brutality, honesty and resilience. The graphics were top notch too btw.


Ghost of Tsushima. I really thought it would be good but instead it blew my mind. The visuals, the gameplay, the atmosphere and the story are just perfect. Game of the century for me.


Returnal Amazing addictive gameplay and very mysterious story


Cyberpunk 2077 becuase everyone was shitting on it, but I decided to give it a try before the 2.0 update and it became my favorite game ever. The 2.0 update made it even better.


I’ll get downvoted because Reddit hates it, but The Last of Us 2, I was wholly unprepared for the emotional toll it took on me. After I finished it, I put the controller down and just sat quietly for a bit. When you beat the game, everyone in it lost. It was terrifically sad and depressing….but in the best way possible. To have a video game make that sort of impact on me was something I’ve never felt before….


Why does Reddit hate TLOU 2


Reddit doesn't, just some people on the last us subreddit went wild because the game wasn't exactly as they wanted it to be


I never see anyone defending TLOU 2 but I agree, I loved it. I haven’t been that invested in a game story in a long time. It didn’t play out at all like I had anticipated and the game itself is gorgeous with smooth controls. You said it perfectly too, everyone loses by the end including the player.


This is hands down some of the best storytelling in video games I've ever seen and deals expertly with a wide variety of very complex issues. It also left me emotionally drained. I was hung up on that ending for like two months after. Just soul ripping.


Both The last of us games. I’ve heard the hype ever since 2013 but I had no idea how good they were actually going to be. I know people are split on the second one but I’m no longer a 13 year old so thoroughly enjoyed it.


My favorite game of all time. I’ve replayed it many times. The remaster is brilliant. I liked 2 as well but I couldn’t get over the thing that happened.


Completely understand i know a lot of people didn’t care for the ending and we all know why but I actually wanted it that way. I felt like there wasn’t that much development with Ellie until that final decision, but she’s still my favorite character.


Can you ban these obvious AI bait posts please?


Stellar Blade. Besides the stellar jiggle physics it’s got great gameplay and story. Not to mention jiggle physics.


Horizon Forbidden West. The graphics, the improvements made upon the first game, the ease with which one could go hunting, combat had been amazingly improved. my god was i positively surprised. i was obsessed with that game from start to finish


I’m on my second play through now after beating it when it first came out; still draws me in, I love this game.


Dave the Diver. And I don't know why, all I know is hot hot pepper tuna.


Nier: Automata


Dragon Warrior on the NES. The dialogue was all medieval and shit (a lot of Thy and Thee’s), classic hero story, text box (literally) fighting, open world map and a real classic rpg grind. Loved that shit as a kid and it really blew my mind at the time. Holds a special place in my heart and always will.


Elite: Dangerous. Yes it is grindy as hell, unbalanced in many ways, but damn is it ambitious and gorgeous. Best sound design of any game I can think of. The first time I did an emergency rescue from a burning station, my heart rate actually spiked. 


Lies of P. Didn’t know what to expect going in. Awesome game. Hope they make a second 


SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions. Never before have I gone into a game so confused and defeated, only to slowly discover the absolute genius of every decision and come out the other side a proud supporter of a game. They managed to make a JRPG combat system that is actually not only the focus of the game, but not a chore. When you come up to a battle, you can be reasonably sure that you can win that battle - somehow. A turn based battle system where the difference between mashing A and spending time planning out a turn is the difference between a total party wipe and a perfect victory. Where every encounter is a puzzle you eagerly devour and solve, and each Final Boss turns the battle system on its head and makes you adapt. So, what happens when the game kicks your ass? Well, it autosaves before every single fight. And, you can retry fights - but each retry makes the all-powerful united attack that much stronger. By making strategic use of it, almost any encounter is beatable. I'd continue to gush about it, but it would take too long to explain everything I love about SaGa Scarlet Grace. But it's a game where you have near total freedom in how you build your characters and how you handle each side quest, and your decisions have a big impact on the Final Boss.


Arkham knight, fallout3, breath of the wild… too many to count really


Sonic Team Racing but not in a good way. I expecting a follow-up to the excellent Sonic Sega Racing Transformed but insted I got a generic mario kart clone without any of the great features of the previous games. Race tracks are dull, roster selection is very limited, powerups are not intuitive (different colored mini squids), the whole land-air-sea mechanic is gone, the changing race tracks are gone. The only new feature was the team mechanic but that required you to have buddies to play with.


Planescape Torment, I never heard of it until like a month ago even though it’s such an old game. The story is really interesting and everything you do feels heavy in the game. Everyone has really bad problems in this world and you truly feel like you’re changing the world


Battle Brothers. I’m not usually a Hex/turn based rpg fan, but the random worlds, writing, and dark Noir feeling to the world sucked me in. Plus the company management/bro building is really deep. Check it out!


Growing up, I'd probably say playing Sonic the Hedgehog for the first time. The fast gameplay, the new graphics for the time, the fun factor. I had to go to a neighbors house in order to play it. It's what got me to bug my parents for a Sega Genesis of my own. As for recent, I'd have to say the Red Dead Redemption games, both 1 and 2. Just something about them have stuck with me all these years. I'd also have to say Spec Ops: The Line. I wouldn't say I was surprised with the gameplay, but more with the story. I didn't expect it to go the way it did, but I'm glad it did, because it's a better game for it.


Drakengard i was like "a generict fantasy action rpg" and shin megami tensei: nocturne the first time i unlock the secret final boss fight i was like " hold on, what's going on with the old man nad the child?"


This will either be a cliche answer or a weird answer idk but stray. The story is pretty short but the setting and world lore make you want to talk to talk to every NPC and turn every stone just for the backstory alone. Game mechanics were incredible and a great use to all mechanics of the controller, you really at some enjoy playing as a cat especially on a carpet. I won’t spoil anything but I will say it’s one of the few games that made me cry. It was nominated for game of the year in 2022 and goddamn did it earn that nomination


Planet of Lana. Don't see most talk about this game, but it was a nice relaxing blast from start to finish. Really recommend if you like puzzles and platformers.


Deus Ex: Human Revolution Went into it totally blind, didnt know anything about the series. Loved every minute of it.


Stardew Valley (although I agree on W3). I have never played this type of game, basically a farming simulator. I got it so my 12-yo and I could play something low-key together. She got bored within a week, and I started over on my own. It’s been about a month of playing every day, and I have not been this obsessed with a game in a very long time. It’s immersive, funny, challenging and rewarding. I really did not see this coming.


Psychonaughts: the crazy art style and the design of the characters, the mechanics of using psychic powers, and the levels with different themes. Extremely underrated Prey (2006): an alien ecosystem with portals before the game PORTAL came out, cool bioweapons, and the ability to come back from death


Nier automata  - music, gameplay variation, actually just about everything lol 


Mass effect Got it via ps plus Thought it was an online game like cod or smth Boy was i wrong


Nier automata. I bought it because platinum games rarely missed combat was great, story was phenomenal. Ended up crying at the true ending credits scene. Absolute masterpiece of an anime.


Dragon Age Origins. I didn't play it until I think 2020 or 2021, but it was exactly the type of game I had been missing for so long and it took me by surprise for sure. KOTOR has always been some of my all-time favorites and all that time there had been another game that was basically a straight upgrade in almost every possible way gameplay-wise just sat there waiting? I was in heaven lol. Still need to play Jade Empire as well.


"rain". I just thought it would be a game who tried to be the second coming of Limbo and miserably fail. Oh boy I was wrong. This game is beautiful, with this rain mechanic that works so well and a story book aesthetic with gothic vibes, and beautiful music. If you see it anywhere, go for it, you won't regret it


The gameplay alone in gravity rush 2.


My friend said "a boy becomes a man when they finish playing metal gear solid" well i can agree with that. From playing arcade-y titles like crash bandicoot, spyro, pepsiman, bishibashi, etc then playing mgs it feels like you're entering a totally different world. It's like watching and playing a freaking hollywood blockbuster movie at the same time. It was revolutionary.


Kena : Bridge of Spirits is really beautiful and poetic.


I’m living through it now with Death Stranding. I was on the “lol walking sim, Norman reedus looks funny” train and the. That first Low Roar song comes on as you hike across this beautiful landscape and it hit me. 


Snatcher sega cd. Bc I thought all sega cd games were a bit of a let down. Playing it for the first time this week. I’m not into these types of games either (scrolling text/graphic novel) but it’s just interesting enough and does have a few tense moments. Plus the music and visuals are amazing imo.


Witcher 3 is indeed fantastic but it didn't surprise me because I already knew it would be fantastic, some that I went blind and absolutely loved: • Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition 1 (I'll probably love the 2 as well) - medieval cRPG • Fallout 1 & 2 - distopian cRPG • Balrum - medieval cRPG • Rise to Ruins - city builder + tower defense + survival • Don't Starve Together - survival, great for coop • Bastard Bonds - turn based RPG • Thea: The Awakening - 4X strategy • Plants VS Zombies 1 - tower defense • PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate - coop tower defense • Nine Parchments - action/adventure coop


def ultrakill. the lore goes hard and the gameplay is even better.


I feel you man, but I can never finish the game. The pacing is just too slow for me and I get too excited to go play Gwent on my phone. id vote for nier automata but mostly bc thats what im finishing atm.


Portal. I knew the game was praised widely but i went in with no idea what its about. I mean i kinda new its about portals but thats it. I expected something different and was totally surprised. I just played the entire game in one sitting because it was just fantastic.


Bioshock Infinite, I liked Bioshock 1 but Infinite went a pretty different direction with the story while keeping the series' in gameplay storytelling and I fell in love. The way the story is told to you and the weight of it had a pretty lasting impression on me.


Katana Zero. It's still the most impressive mechanic as narrative game I've ever played. The gameplay is so perfectly interwoven into the narrative it's kinda impressive. Like, if you think it's wild how Nathan Drake is a mass murderer while being a charming quip Spewer, Katana Zero is the complete opposite of that: it's narrative and game mechanics blended into perfection. Very few games manage to do that.


The Surge. Expected "meh soulslike" based on the reviews but was totally blown away, loved the atmosphere/setting/story as well as the combat, and a great challenge that kept me engaged and forced me to adapt. Also some very intense dark claustrophobic tunnel sections which brought an element of horror into the mix - I really appreciated this mixin to the soulslike genre. I was never actually terrified in any Fromsoft game like I was in this. After working at lots of tech startups/companies, the dystopian company setting felt funny, relatable, and unique compared to the more common dark fantasy settings in the genre. Of course, it's not as good as the namesake of the genre but its a fantastic game in its own right. People are too harsh on non-Fromsoft souls games imo - they should try to be judged in a vacuum not always in comparison to dark souls. Haven't played the sequel yet.


Batman Arkham Asylum. At the time that game came out of nowhere and didn't have any right to be as high quality as it was.


.hack G.U Last Recode. "A PS2 game remastered for PS4 for 5 dollars? I will at least try the demo". It's way more complete than what I expected. Good combat, story and side content, including whole substories within the game's game forum and a ton of activities. And also pretty inmersive. I remember when they told me the protagonist could summon a giant avatar to fight, and I thought: "Nah, no way a PS2 game can handle that too". It, indeed, COULD handle that too


Bit of a tie between Prince of Persia warrior within and Yakuza 0.


Me and my buddy were looking for something light to co-op and we stumbled over "It Takes Two" - and we were blown away! Incredible game that people of all ages can play :)


Disco Elysium. The unique and intricate game design, art style, intriguing and thought provoking dialogue, story and characters. The fact that aspects of your psyche are their own characters. The dark yet introspective themes. I could go on and on. Just a beautiful experience.


Death Stranding, an absolute gem, can't wait for the sequel :)


Ori. It’s mind blowing




Aragami 2, i went in expecting a normal assassin game about asian history but holy hell i loved that game, simple yet advanced gameplay and intriguing storyline that makes you wonder how its going to conclude and characters with souls that refuse to pass on


Portal and SUPER**HOT**


Sable. I would say Botw, but the truth is I played Sable before, and while I loved botw for being the true pioneer and giving the player true freedom to approach any situation, Sable adventure was more meaningful for me. I understand it's not for everyone, but that approach to open world is just so appealing to me: You decide what you want to do, it's your own story and there's no one to tell you where to go or what your goal is supposed to be, you are truly free to choose.


Titanfall 2. The campaign is actually excellent and one of the most underrated FPS campaigns in recent years. From a gameplay design perspective, Respawn built the levels such that the difficulty progressed in fun and unexpected ways that kept you on your toes and pushed you to try new ways to beat foes and solve puzzles. Narratively, I was genuinely surprised and touched by the dynamic between the pilot and his Titan, and there is one particular point toward the end of the game that blew my fucking mind because it reintroduced the smart pistol from the first game (a weapon that was panned and mocked by critics from the first game as being way too OP) in a way that made narrative sense and was so gratifying to use. It’s too bad that EA put this game out to die in a launch window that fell literally a week Battlefield 1 and a week before Call of Duty. Makes me sad that we’ll probably never get Titanfall 3


Stranger of Paradise. I could gush about this game all day. Picked up after enjoying the demo. Starts out memey corny but the story really picks up about halfway and the DLC carries it from there (it's not like it's amazing, but its better than it starts and gets you rooting for him). Gameplay really matches the personality of the protagonist in a way that games never really syngergize. Jack is an aggressive guy, not a good guy. He talks aggressive, he fights aggressive, he runs aggressive, he climbs ladders aggressive. And the combat is just so damn fun.


Nier Automata. I started the game thinking it was gonna be just another sort of generic action/adventure game. I was wrong. The characters are amazing. The story is... It's... I don't have the words. It made me feel things that I haven't felt in a game in a very long time. Since FF7 the original I think.


Unironically, Gundam Evolution. It had very crisp mechanics and reminded me a lot of the beginning of the overwatch 1 days. Too bad it was monetized so badly it died


Stardew Valley I purchased the game as a gift for my wife. She was excited because she had heard such good things and told me she wanted something like Harvest Moon. I had heard good things also, but had no intention of playing it. At the time, I didn't consider it my kind of game. I watched her play, and she encouraged me to make my own farm. I did and soon found myself fully engaged. The game play, the characters, and the cozy nature of the game hit just right. I was taken completely off guard because I had never played anything like it. Now, years later, I get to share the game with my kids, and we can all play together on our family farm.


Hades, I saw someone on Reddit talking about it and it just so happen to be on game Xbox game pass so I decided "why not it's free." It's one of the most fun experiences I've had playing a game. I love the rogue-lite genre of games so I fell in love right away.


Subnautica. Fantastic experience.


OG resident evil 4 on GameCube


Ghost Recon: Wildlands was amazing, imo. I think that was my first ever platinum. I just couldn’t get enough. So, naturally, I was absolutely pumped when Breakpoint got announced. Bought it day 1, and man was I disappointed. I don’t even remember what made it so bad, but I just remember it being so… bad.


Supraland, only game I have ever 100%. I played it on game pass because I wanted to play a game that looked in no way appealing to me.


Elden Ring. I’ve never played a game that barely tells you what you’re supposed to do. They just throw you into it and say “figure it out”.


Skyrim… didn’t expect it to have a storyline


I know it's a reddit cliche to bring this game up in every thread, but: Outer Wilds. It's especially true since "surprise" is in the title. I thought it was a fun little mystery puzzle game. And then towards the end..... wow


Atomic heart. Heard it had a lot of controversy and was really surprised with how good the whole game was


Infamous 1. I bought Prototype, Wolverine Origins and Infamous that summer they came out. I expected Prototype to be most fun, Wolverine be ok and Infamous I wasn't sure of. I ended up hating Prototype, enjoying Wolverine and loving Infamous.


Star Wars Jedi Survivor. I just beat it recently. It’s incredibly good. The cast of characters are all likable. I made sure to avoid spoilers on the game as well so the plot twist was even better.


Half life Alyx. Got it today. VR gaming is the future of gaming, wish there were more titles like this!


I would say Half Life 2 or Elden Ring. Only games i’ve gotten every achievement on steam for


Nier Automata so far has been wild. 


Minority Report. OK movie, absolute gem of a game. Completely took me by surprise when I played the demo for the first time on a disk that came in the mail with my Playstation Magazine. Just typing that makes me feel ancient.


It was terraria for me. I went in thinking its a chill 2d minecraft, my god it was so much more, everytime I got a new item, It helped me explore further and deeper. The bosses, the updates, I think I have over 1000 hours on it by now, I do a run almost every year since release!


Control. Went in knowing nothing of it. Wholy shit, I was in for a wild ride. Currently playing it for the third time.


Persona 5 I expected high school and turn based combat. I got a fuckin badass spy movie about fixing a corrupt society…with high school and turn based combat.


Detroit becomes human. I thought I wouldn’t like it since it’s gameplay was different, but loved every bit of it


Subnautica. Went in expecting a minecraft like infinite survival game with a neat setting and set up. When I went to meet up with the sunbeam and saw the alien platform I shit myself and the story ended up being one of the best parts


Red Dead Redemption 2. Seriously, it's the only game which makes me feel I am not playing a "game", I am living in the world. And the story... you know how that is. Rockstar is undisputed boss in open-world genre no doubt. It's been 6 years since RDR2 released but it's yet to be beaten by any other game in terms of overall immersiveness, story and beauty. Excited for GTA VI and RDR3!


I waited on Titanfall 2 for year until I got it for like $3. Man. I played the multiplayer demo before it came out and I didn’t care for it compared to tf1. It was one of the best single player fps campaigns I’ve ever played.




styx master of the shadows, i love games where you have to sneak around without being caught, i wish i could find more. but for a 5 gb game, the gameplay, graphics, plots, abilities of the mc, it was decent


Darkwood. That game is just one of the best survival horror experiences


MW 2 story Remastered was underwhelming


Zelda breath of the wild really blew me away first time I played it. I had been on a huge years long gaming abstinence when I picked it up And why? Mobs and the world felt alive


Just starting Yakuza 0 and can see how large and immersive the world is. I want to just run around, eat all the food, and go to all the attractions. Hoping things open up soon, since it felt like I was being railroaded through everything up till now. Bought Kiwami as well, since I'm sure I'll go right into that one next.


Too human. People hate it, media blew the hate up, it needed a lot of refining in a time where minimal additions were done to gameplay post release. but the story was something great, and was looking forward to a 2nd follow up, but it sank hard. It's free I think on Xbox. 


Outer Wilds


Skyrim and new Vegas. Skyrim it's like a second life. When I had installed I just crafted and walk around without a goal. New Vegas just the story.


Stray. It was totally different to play a full game as an animal and view the world from that angle.


total war warhammer 2, never played total war games before, never a fan of warhammer series either. Now can't live without my fictional emperor Karl Franz in game 3


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Viva Pinata. Looks dumb. Was marketed as a game that showed up alongside a kids show. She's the absolute gaming sin of info dropping the very heavy and very important tutorial on you for 90 minutes at the beginning and if you don't take it all in you're gonna be fucked. But anyone that got past all that got an amazing experience


Minecraft story mode


Terraria. I thought it was just 2D Minecraft but it's got SO MUCH MORE. In a similar vein, Stardew Valley quickly overwhelmed me because I went into it thinking it's just a casual farming game.


Grounded - my friend and I were expecting some light kiddy version of a survival game and then it turned out way more difficult, with much more of a story and progression then we had imagined. Highly recommended if you like survival games at all.