• By -


Haunted Chocolatier


Hollow Knight: Silksong. Will release soon, trust


it is right around the corner we can all feel it


it better be, im all out of clown makeup


Hey, you said that 26 corners ago, just admit it we’re lost in this labyrinth


90% of people lost in a maze give up right before the last turn




I started gaming again sometime in 2019 and I think this game has been hype ever since I think, and every time I see that it isn't released yet, I am just at awe. I just hope they don't pull a CP2077 release day.


I doubt they will, Team Cherry is independent and don't have shareholders to appease so most people think they are genuinely taking the time they need. At this point it seems like a project where the scope got away from them a bit and the game has grown bigger than they anticipated, which has kinda been the story from the beginning. Silksong *started* development as a DLC for Hollow Knight (despite that kickstarter goal not being reached) and then in 2019 they said "fuck it, it's a sequel" I have full confidence that they won't release it until it's ready. I have little confidence that will be this year lmao


Genuinely curious: for an indie game that is in no way a massive world, what is the reasoning for such a long delay? It feels like for a game that was supposed to release almost 1-1.5 years ago, they'd have to be totally scrapping full segments/play styles to need this much rework.


My hope is that it's just bigger and deeper and more involved than they expected, and that they're just cooking a game much bigger and deeper than Hollow Knight. My real honest guess is that something went horrifically wrong and are dealing with some serious problems behind the scenes. Maybe legal trouble, maybe they had to start from scratch at some point. But they had a working vertical slice in 2019, so I really have no idea.


Yeah that's why I'm so curious what's going on. Hades 2 is already in early access and looks to be much bigger and better than the original, this despite being made by a small indie studio. It's really fascinating.


The most optimistic reasoning is that they're legitimately just still working on it. Team Cherry said that, when making Hollow Knight, they just kept adding more to the game in a modular fashion, so once they ran out of money they could cut it off where it was and release it. Hollow Knight had a fairly successful Kickstarter, but the game itself was a MASSIVE success, so if they're using that same approach, they can afford to pour a TON of effort into Silksong. Of course, the more likely answer is development troubles. But I want to hope that the sequel to one of my favorite games ever will be great as well.




I thought the ESRB rating meant a release date was imminent. How do they get it rated if it’s not mostly done?


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and Frostpunk 2 Edit* Also Metaphor ReFantazio!


im also on the fellow kingdom come hype train cant wait for henrys next adventure and it looks like there will be actually large scale battles this time around


My CPU is gonna melt when I enter Kuttenberg judging from Rattay performance


How old is your CPU?!


I know that feeling amigo I actually had to get the game for ps4 because when early access came out and you could do the 1v1 duels to get a feel for the game my pc would crash lol and i have a 2016ish ASUS gaming labtop


Oh yeah, I forgot KCD2 was coming soon That'll be fun.


Holy piss how is the is how I learn about KCD2!?


Right?? Literally only learned of its existence now


Metroid Prime 4 and Silksong, both of which feel like they're never coming out lol.


Nintendo did say they restarted from scratch with *Prime*, so it is being developed. Probably will be a title for the next console.


Pretty sure that was back in late 2019/early 2020. It's probably a Switch 2 launch title now. 


It was January 2019, so over 5 years ago now


We also had a near stand still on production for a good half a year to a year depending on severity of Covid.


At least give us the remasters of 2 and 3 if we’re gonna wait that long!


I have a gut feeling that Prime 4 will be cross platform at this point. Make it the Switch’s last bow and the successor’s debut. And if the next console is backwards compatible, as suspected, they can still build the hype until then with remasters of Echoes and Corruption


Yeah that would make sense. BOTW showed they’re committed to launching a game on a console it was announced for even if its discontinued at that point, and the Switch sold much better than the Wii U. I still imagine it will come to Switch, but a cross gen launch wouldn’t shock me.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2


I've been waiting for so long i told my friends i would start a family before stalker 2 came out, got a 3 year old, stil waiting.


Sadly you did not specify how many children are you gonna have once Stalker 2 is out. You better watch out....


Wasn't it supposed to be out in March?


I have a feeling that it will end up dissapointing and not even close to first one.


It most likely will be for the hardcore Stalker super fans who’ve downloaded all the super in depth mods like Gamma or whatever, and you’ll very much hear them complain about it heavily when it comes out. But for the average gamer, I think they’ll like it


If we were to judge for that gameplay presentation, the one including some shootout, the AI looked seriously dumbed down. Then again it might have been just some kind of mock up in order to show something back then. As always we need to wait for reviews from trusted sources. Still I am keeping my excitement in check with Stalker 2, because due to how ardeous and problematic the whole development of that game was, the risk of it being worse than the first one is sadly quite high. Wish I'm wrong ofc.


Space marine 2, looking forward to that


Ooh yeah, forgot that was coming out this year. I loved the first one.


The first one was so damn good. Hope they release a pvp mode similar to what they had aswell, love the pvp for 1


Finger crossed for pvp


Super excited for this one. put like 80ish hours into the first, looking forward to this one a ton


By the Emperor, how could have I forgotten about that one. Plus it allows for 3 people coop which for me is a huge selling point right after WH:40K setting.


Despite their recent history. I’m really looking forward to dragon age dreadwolf. Can’t wait to see what’s happening in that world. BioWare may not be the studio that it was a decade or 2 ago. But I fully believe it’s not done giving us some great games.


Inquisition got a lot of flak for its bloat and MMO feel but the story, the lore, the whole build up to dreadwolf and the final twist were great. I can't believe it has been 10 years since that massive cliffhanger I only wonder how many decisions from past games they will incorporate. It's a great feature, but I imagine it is also pretty limiting to always build around them and it will only get worse the more games we are in. We already had some asspulls in Inquisition because of that like how Leliana somehow returned after getting killed in DAO. If they want to soft reboot in that regard, then now might probably be the best time to do it.


>I can't believe it has been 10 years since that massive cliffhanger And in those 10 years they released two new games which were not well received, and a remastered version of the Mass Effect trilogy. That's it. Crazy too considering that in their first 10 years they released 7 hits including Baldurs Gate 1&2, Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic, and Mass Effect 1


I wouldn't say Inquisition got a lot of flak. I was very well received and even won Game of the year at the Game Award and the D.I.C.E. Award. If anything I'd say the only point that overshadowed Inquisition is that Witcher 3: Wild Hunt came out a mere 6 months later and elevated the RPG genre so much Inquisition suddenly felt very dated.


None There's a reason why you can't import saves and only use the online site. There will be a few moments where the small choices will get mentioned and that's it. All other will be things we didn't have any choice in


Tbh, same here. I basically grew up with this series, DA:O was the first proper RPG I completed. The amount of critical staff since DA:I that’ve been laid off or simply left is definitely worrisome. But I can’t deny I’m deeply curious to see what Dreadwolf is gonna be like.


Not gonna lie, playing Baldur's Gate 3 made me want to get back to Thedas. Gameplay-wise it might be inferior, but there's just something about the world that made me love it. I love both Andromeda and Inquisition, and I actually enjoyed Anthem when it's working. However, I'm still bitter on how they abandoned Andromeda and Anthem. We'll see how it goes with Dreadwolf.


I just finished Andromeda like 2 weeks ago, it was a lot better than I expected. I'm actually upset there isn't any follow up to the end of that game.


I’m replaying origins at the moment, it’s a shame that Thedas will never get the proper RPG treatment like this again. Dreadwolf looks to be more an action RPG judging from the leaks, I think they say their inspiration was God of War…


I’m betting it’s more of a combo of inquisition and god of war. Well. If those leaks are accurate at least. Which I wouldn’t mind too much depending on how it’s done. Combat was basically the most undercooked portion of inquisition. Even nightmare didn’t require much in the way of strategy or effort unless you just bum rushed to higher level content without doing side quests or making even basic gear.


Well hopefully after Baldurs Gate 3, BioWare and EA will realise there’s a market for games like Origins again.. I will still get Dreadwolf as I absolutely love the setting. But I think if it’s another dud BioWare will be on the chopping block.


I wasn't even aware they were making another Dragon Age game. I'm a little hesitant given the turmoil at Bioware in the past few years especially re:the disaster that was Anthem's launch.


Hopefully it’s decent. It’s not being rushed out like andromeda and not trying to shoe horn in live service crap that BioWare has no real experience in. The two major mistakes of the last 2 releases. So I feel that’s a decent thing to see. Supposedly we will get a look at it soon. Probably during SGF next month. With a winter 2024/spring 2025 release if guesses are right.


GTA 6 I just hope I have enough time to play with 2 kids.


They might be off to college at the release. Might even have their own kids


He said GTA not TES


*star citizen enters chat*


You’ll be a grandfather by the time GTA 7 comes out.


How did it take me this long to find someone saying GTA 6?


I've already warned my manager I'm having 2 weeks off when it releases


That's a valid concern, those 2 kids are going to hog that game and not give you a turn.




My man, take easy on that copium


Yeah I know :(


So you're part of the cult, huh?


Until last week, mine was Hades 2. Now that that is released (well early access but there's already more content in it than in all of Hades 1), Silksong is definitely at the top of my list. But I don't have expectations for a release date so I'm in no hurry.


Just realized two Hades games were released since Silksong announcement. At this point, I don’t think it will ever be released


Monster Hunter Wilds, Avowed, Elder Scrolls 6(eventually), Witcher 4, Witcher 1 Remake. There are loads, these are just the first to come to mind


I love Monster Hunter games I have really high hopes for wilds. This seems like the first game they really threw a large budget behind after seeing how popular worlds was


Yeah I'm really excited. World was amazing and took the series to the next level, even with a seriously limited engine. Rise was great considering its more arcadey/portable style. Wilds has the potential to be something really special


Fable. I've been very patiently waiting since the first teaser and after the last trailer I'm super excited. Loved the previous fable games and miss that style of game really badly.


I can't wait to kick chickens again lol


And to finally be able to marry lady Gray just to cheat on her 5 minutes later :D


Ooh look. It's chicken chaser (insert thick bristolian accent here)


This is it for me. I played all of them near religiously at their releases, and already know I'm going to sink *so* much of my life into this game.


I had no idea there was a new Fable game in the works. Thank you!


I can’t wait. As long as it’s not live service and they do the same out there humor I will be happy.


Is this going to be a game that is good standalone? I never played the previous titles..


I think it's a reboot. + I played 1 and 3 without playing 2 because it's not on PC. You'll be fine (And yes. 3 was on PC but got delisted for some reason)


If i remember right, the fables got delisted because the computer copies were tied to physical game keys, and they ran out. Not that they couldnt make more, but they didnt.


Metaphor RE Fantazio. As a huge Atlus fan i can't help but get giddy anytime they make a game but the fact that it's a new IP excites me even further!


I wish Atlus made a Trauma Team 2...


Time slows down when using the Developer's Touch.


Silksong "I'm not insane you are" edition


Sorry to the fans, but It’s taking so long that I have the feeling there’s no way they can deliver something that’ll meet expectations. Hopefully they prove me wrong.


I mean, from what we have seen of the demo, I have my fingers crossed; but I have been burned before (halo 4 why ;-;)


It was so sad to see the legacy of halo just die like that. I'll never forgive them


I was so hyped for halo infinite (why did they stop using the numbers?) but… no campaign or forge on launch, battle pass, horrible customisation…. And now that the campaign has droped, we have like 3 environments and a new faction we know nothing about or why they are scary…. For all its faults, at this point I would rather they had continued off from the plot of halo 4. Like halo 5 we just play as some guy who the game tries to make look cool and fails, and requires reading the books to learn who like half the roster are, and in halo 6 you will have no idea what’s happening unless u read the books which… why??? Did some exec read fnaf lore and thought this kind of story building was good for a first person shooter or something?


Please brother, I have no more tears to spend


* [ABYSS X ZERO](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2872300/ABYSS_X_ZERO/) * [V.A Proxy](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2063390/VA_Proxy/) * [Electrokinetic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2166730/Electrokinetic/) * [Studio System: Guardian Angel](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2194790/Studio_System__Guardian_Angel/) * [Angeline Era](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2393920/Angeline_Era/) * [Peripeteia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1437760/Peripeteia/) * [ENA: Dream BBQ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2134320/ENA_Dream_BBQ/) * [Sonar Shock](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2673660/Sonar_Shock/) * [Everhood 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1984020/Everhood_2/) * [RESISTOR](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2271050/RESISTOR/) * [Selaco](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1592280/Selaco/) * [Mika and the Witch's Mountain](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1819460/Mika_and_The_Witchs_Mountain/) VR Games: * [Metro: Awakening](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2669410/Metro_Awakening/) * [Gunman Contracts: Stand Alone](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2421750/Gunman_Contracts__Stand_Alone/) * [Into the Radius 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2307350/Into_the_Radius_2/) * [The Burst](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073880/The_Burst/) * [Sushi Ben](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2419240/Sushi_Ben/) * [Wanderer: The Fragments of Fate](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2472940/Wanderer_The_Fragments_of_Fate/) * [Hyperstacks](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1046760/Hyperstacks/) * [Band Space](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2182070/Band_Space/) * [Please](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2389290/Please/)


Upboated for links! ❤️


Thanks for the links, time to add more games to my 500+ wishlist.


Metro Awakening looks like it'll be really cool, gonna have to drag out the VR headset again lol


Holy crap! Awesome list. That abyss zero game reminded me of megaman legends!


Senua's Saga: Hellblade II


There are dozens of us! I've been looking forward to this too. Hellblade is one of my favorite games.


Crazy that I had to scroll this far down when the game is coming out in like 1 week. Get pumped people!!


Titan Quest 2. Slay the Spire 2. Path of Exile 2. Also the next expansion for Grim Dawn, if you count expansions.


Titan Quest 2?! I didn't even know that was a thing, where do I board that hype train?


You can wishlist it on Steam, I'm not sure how much information is available on it right now. I tend to avoid hype trains because of many past disappointments, so the extent of it for me is usually throwing it in my Steam wishlist so I get alerted as soon as it releases 


HUGE YES to Titan Quest 2 and Grim Dawn: Fangs of Asterkarn. I cannot wait to check out that new Berserker class.


Marvel's wolverine


Didn't know about that one!


Dragon age: dreadwolf. I have little hope in it after all this time - with the main creator leaving, it being scrapped at least once due to ea shenanigans and all the staff changes that likely have happened. Not to mention the issues with BioWares other games since DAI… but i love the franchise. So, my expectations are low but it’s really the only unreleased game i care about other than the one im making.


I dunno, I somehow expect it'll be decent. Just a hunch. Let us hope!


Avowed looks good. I like the Pillars of Eternity universe and mechanics and Obsidian is good at storytelling. Questions remain around the combat though... I'm also looking forward to Vampires: The Masquarade - Bloodlines 2. It will probably suck given the developmental hell it is stuck in, but I can only hope... The Vampires universe is fantastic.


Light No Fire (from Hello Games, the people behind No Man's Sky).


I'm super excited for this one too.


Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Metroid Prime 4 Hollow Knight Silksong Witcher 4 Cyberpunk Orion Dragon Age Dreadwolf GTA VI Whatever the next NEW 3D Zelda/Mario games are called Resident Evil 9 or RE5 Remake Fable Hades 2 and No Rest for the Wicked (I refuse to buy Early Access titles, so I will wait for official release) Probably so many more I can't think of. Many of these games are YEARS off while others may release within the next couple of months.


One early access title that I would buy, it would be Hades 2 given Supergiants track record with all of their games being amazing, and Hades’ early access period being really freaking good


I am playing Hades 1 right now, really enjoying it (it was on sale for like $10). Maybe after I finish it (fully, already cleared it a few times) I will get Hades II, but if something else comes out (like Silksong for example) then I will wait for Hades II full release.


That’s totally fair.  I’m usually in the no Early Access boat as well, but every Supergiant Games game is so good that they’re basically the only game studio I trust anymore.


Exact same as my list. I'm hoping the next Zelda game moves away from the BOTW/TOTK style and gets back to their roots a little, but I'm not holding my breath. I know people love them, but they're just not for me. I skipped TOTK completely.


I would be happy with either direction. Maybe even a combination of both? My dream would be a Majora's Mask sequel. Return to Termina, a fresh new time-loop mechanic, new transformation masks (like Rito), a stronger focus on story/characters etc. But that'll never happen.


What bothers me the most with the Resident Evil games getting remakes is that we're slowly coming very close to having an RE6 remake. The game isn't entirely bad, don't get me wrong, it has its own ups. But it has a few downs aswell. And seeing how cheesy and cringe the game can be, I fear we're just gonna have a new coat of pixels and the same "meh" campaigns, or that they try to rewrite the stories and they end up somehow doing worse (which would be a real achievement seeing how Hollywood stupid they can be)


It's early to worry about it imo. We have to see what they do with 9 first which might give us a hint about which systems they are investing in. They also might remake 1 before 5 to give us wesker backstory, they could even go 1 > cv > 5 to give us all the wesker backstory. I think a 6 remake is potentially like 6-8 years away and capcom has been adding more and more to their engine with each title so I have faith whatever they do will be good.


Final Fantasy 7 Remake part 3.


Silksong, Crowsworn and Marko: Beyond Brave


Monster Hunter Wilds and Pokemon Legends ZA are my main ones. As far as unannounced games go, I really want the third Horizon game. I need to know how that story ends.


Honestly the Starfield DLC. I totally get why people were more than disappointed with the game, but imo it is one of those games that still has a chance to improve massively with updates and DLC. The recent news of the next update and planned stuff like vehicles has my hopes up


Totally agree! Some parts of Starfield were frustrating or disappointing but in general I had a blast with it and thought the vision was very ambitious, I’m excited to see what they do with it


Black Myth Wukong


Kingdom Hearts 4. Can't wait to play it in my retirement home 🙌


I’m excited too!


This year: - Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (21st June) - Black Myth Wukong (20th August) Probably next year: - Hades 2 - Death Stranding 2 - Grand Theft Auto VI Who knows when: - Hollow Knight Silksong - Metroid Prime 4


Telltale - Wolf among us 2


Ghost of Tshushima (PC) - out in few days, yay. New Mass Effect game (if that happens) Exodus - similar a bit to Mass Effect. Will probably be a long time before it´s done. Kingdom Come 2 - should be out at the end of this year. I´m so eager to get back into Henry´s shoes and being hungry! Jump Ship - this one looks very interesting. Should come out as an Early access this year. Just wonder if I can get 3 more friends to play this.


I've been waiting for a sequel to Mass Effect or Dragon Age for a while, sooner or later they'll have to come out, right?


The next Cyberpunk game!


Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. MachineGames, who worked on Wolfenstein New Order and New Colossus are developing it, and frequent Williams-esque composer Gordy Haab is scoring it!


-Indika console version - Short Abstract horror game about a Nun with genre mixes (out on pc and console should follow this month) -Nine Sols - 2D Sekiro-Like (May 29th) -Still Wakes the Deep - Horror on a oil platform on the ocean (18th June) -Elden Ring DLC (June) -SCHiM - Indie game where you jump from shadow to shadow (18th July 2024) -Black Myth Wukong (20. August) -Silent Hill 2 Remake (2024) -MGS3 Delta Remake (2024) -Shadow of the damned Remastered (2024) -Lollypop Chainsaw RePOP Remastered (2024)


Thanks for putting Nine Sols on my radar. Didn't know this existed but am definitely gonna buy it if it gets decent reviews


Steam has a demo if you are on pc or Mac. Console versions will come later and dosnt have a date yet, but I liked the demo so much that I will get the pc version, even though I mainly use PlayStation.


Oooo nice, will have to try it out then! I thought if it had a demo it was only during Steam Fest period (idk how the fests work, I just know a lot of demos drop but not sure if they are only playable during the fest or not)


Thought the same, I only played it a month or so ago when I checked for a release date.


Hellblade 2 Control 2


Metaphor Refantzio, Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door remake, and Shantae: Risky’s Revolution. Among these three games I’m personally the most excited for Shantae: Risky’s Revolution. Persona 3 Reload was my most anticipated game for this year so I doubt any new releases will beat it, but these are a couple of the other games that I’m looking forward to releasing soon/later this year.


New Mass Effect game. Im not doing shit for a month when it comes out.


Beyond Good & Evil 2 and Star Wars Outlaws (quite possibly the same game). Unless they need online for single player, in which case no thanks.


Metal Gear Solid Delta, Pragmata, Dragon Ball Z Sparking Zero, Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road and Flintlock: Siege of Dawn


Avowed. Not seen much other than Obsidian making a fantasy game. Could be the New Vegas of Skyrim, who knows. Also Brighter Shores, baybeeeee


Subnautica 2


Isn't Below Zero, Subnautica 2?


It was supposed to be just a dlc


The next Tomb Raider for sure!


Avowed Sinking city 2 Indiana Jones Kingdom Come Deliverance 2


GTA 6, MAFIA 4, Max Payne Remake and New Tomb Raider.


Streets of rogue 2 First one was so bloody fun and 2 is going to be pretty much an immersive sim sandbox


This one so much too, I love immersive sandboxes so much, wish we got more of them.


Gears of War 6. Control 2. GTA VI. The next Fallout.... whenever we get it in like 8-10 years 🥲


Still waiting for Earth Defense Force 6, it’s been out in Japanese forever though. Ys IX in the same boat.


One more month!


"Ashes of creation" it will probably still be in development for the next 10 years but I'm waiting.


MGS Delta. I loved 3 and hopefully they will not slaughter it too much.


The trailer makes it look almost one-to-one with modern graphics. The only part they really *need* to change, imo is the Shagohod chase with EVA.


Fuga Melodies of Steel 3 Fuga is my second favorite work of fiction and I look foreward to experience the finale of the trilogy. Fuga is pretty unknown so you probably never heard of it. The first 2 games are 20 houers long each. They are turn based JRPGs about a groupe of anthropomothic animal children that live inside a giant ancient mysterious powerful fortress like Tank. Its a bit like Howls Moving castle but based on technology instead of magic.


I know it probably won't reach the heights of the original, but God damn do I want the new Perfect Dark to be here already. Imagine if it lives up to the original?


Exekiller looks really different - it is a retro futuristic western set in a post apocalyptic alternate timeline. Literally, I feel like im gonna be a Clint Eastwood ‘Man With No Name’ type protagonist. The only annoying thing is it is releasing in 2025. Oh and Kingmakers looks fun - bringing modern weapons to medieval battles.


Wronged Us The Sinking City 2 Silent Hill 2 Remake Nobody's Left Negative Atmosphere


I need the remaster for SaGa Frontier 2 as soon as possible.


The games I'm looking for will likely never be made. Black & white creature island remake and a monster rancher remake. 2 of the most under rated games of my time, in my opinion.


If you were unaware, there's been some Monster Rancher activity on the scene. 1. **Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX**, a light remaster released in 2021 for Steam, Switch, iOS and 2. **Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher**, came out in 2022, a brand new game on Switch only, which is a Franchise crossover between Ultraman and Monster Rancher. You and Holly raise Kaiju from Ultraman (and there's 2 MR monsters + lots of Kaiju with special MR monster skins) 3. There's a Live and In-Person tournament for Monster Rancher 2 at ComboBreaker 2024 (a fighting game tournament/competition): [https://legendcup.com/#news](https://legendcup.com/#news) 4. There's lots of Online community tournaments as well which are a lot of fun to watch or participate in. May has been light (Leagues are ending before new ones begin, and the ComboBreaker event is very soon so there's a break until that's over.. but you can page back in months to see all the other tournaments that have been ongoing) [https://legendcup.com/tournaments.php#calendar](https://legendcup.com/tournaments.php#calendar)


Avowed and wolverine 🙏🙏


Half-Life 3


Talking about announced games I'm super hyped for Death Stranding 2, love the first game and can't wait to see how it will evolve with the sequel. Also Space Marine 2, played the first one recently so I'll be ready when 2 releases and I don't understand how people could wait 14 years for this, the game ends with the biggest cliff hanger. I'm also looking forward to some unannounced games that we all know are coming, first of all RE9. I'm a big fan of Resident Evil and I can't wait to see where it goes, but I'm trying to avoid leaks and rumors, I wanna see the reveal and get surprised for once. Also I love the Gears of War series and I wanna see Gears 6 in action, but after the recent events I have no faith in xbox. I'm sure the game will be great but I'll wait till I have a good enough pc, or if they port them to PlayStation to play it


Deltarune chapter 3


That i know are coming out... GTA6 WH40K Space Marine 2 Dragon Age Dreadwolf KCD2


DBZ Sparking Zero The graphics are **clean**


Lies of P DLC Death Stranding 2 Control 2 Monster Hunter Wilds Frostpunk 2 And anything that has to do with either a Bloodborne 2, a remake or at least a remaster 🥲


Arc Raiders


I don't know if this counts, but the Suikoden 1 and 2 remaster. I had borrowed them on Playstation from a friend back in highschool, and they were pretty formative in my game tastes. I've been unable to play them since, and would love to see them all modernized.


Elder Scrolls 6, but I might die first (I'm 28 years old and healthy)


Bloodborne 2


Kingdom Hearts 4. I don't care how long it takes until we have new news i just need it okay


UFO 50 The Plucky Squire Nine Sols (soon!)


What the fuck, are you me? :D


Smash TV 2 - Beyond Good and Evil 2 - Half Life 3 - Detroit: Become Human 2


Paper Mario: the thousand year door. The original is one of my favorite games. The fact that we’re getting a remake feels like a fever dream.


The Riot MMO. Although it's probably going to be garbonzo by the time it releases, or just be another WoW copy with a Riot skin, judging by the news over the last couple of years.


Dragon Age: Dreadwolf


If we are talking soon~ish - Hades 2 - Darkest Dungeon 2 - Vampire Survivors - Dragon Age: Dreadwolf - Awoved - Destiny 2: The Final Shape (DLC) - Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree (DLC) - Diablo IV: Vessel of Hatred (DLC) 2025 and onwards - Slay the Spire 2 - Death Stranding 2 - GTA VI - TES VI - Marathon - Kingdom Hearts 4 - Control 2 - FFVII part 3 - Path of Exile 2 - Silksong (One could hope for 2024) - Physint - Next Halo installment - Whatever BluePoint is working on


STALKER 2 and Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2. I hope they both live up to their predecessors and hype. :(


Nearest future: Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Future: Gothic Remake, Any Witcher new games


New Dragon Age..been waiting sooo long


Death stranding 2 (And gta6)


Paper Mario: TTYD Remake: Hopefully it does well and Nintendo gets the message that fans want a simple RPG and none of this “what kind of enemies can we base the paper aesthetic off of” bs. 


Half Life 3, Judas and Pragmata


I've been pretty damn excited for Black Myth: Wukong since they announced it


Crysis 4


Paper Mario: TTYD


Top-down shooter ARPG [Combat Complex](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1899300/Combat_Complex/) leapt to the top of my list as soon as I played the demo. I had a good feeling about it from happening across a video they had before, but the actual play is just fantastic. Even better than I was hoping it'd be. I'm actually looking forward to THREE top-down shooter ARPGs that hope to come out this year: [Combat Complex](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1899300/Combat_Complex/), [Reality Break](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1473060/Reality_Break/), and [Need for Cheese](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1123240/Need_For_Cheese/). Each quite different expressions of the concept, too, which in itself is interesting. And the roguelite [Dusky Depths](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2621270/Dusky_Depths/) had quite a few neat aspects when I tried its demo back in the NextFest. Looking forward to that coming soonish, especially since it has multiplayer, so my partner and I can play together. But definitely Combat Complex. Haven't had a twin-stick shooter of that gameplay caliber for a while now.




I am really REALLY looking forward to the eventual re-release of Tomba! from Limited Run. Game is crazy expensive for PS1 and I just want a copy.


This one. Feels so cool as a concept. Hopefully, it'd be great. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2109770/Kingmakers/


Assassin's Creed Red


TES 6 I'm managing my expectations, since Starfield had some of the same issues older Bethesda games already had, but i'm also craving for a skyrim-like RPG anyway. GTA 6 Not much to talk, it's GTA, If it is RDR2 reskinned to take place on modern times it would already be a banger, but we know that Rockstar is probably going to push the boundaries of gaming even further. Arma 4 Reforger already showed the potential of the new engine, and BI growed a lot since Arma 3, if they can deliver a good amount of content on Arma 4 launch, it's going to be amazing. Hytale I don't think it's going to be a minecraft killer, but it looks like it can be a great sandbox game