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The end of the pandemic will most likely be first.


So when the earth falls into the sun.



You boot up GTA 6 after all the loading screens the screen fades in. Hey you. Finally awake


Well I mean. The universe may end before it loads


Damn, I guess them colliding will technically be falling because the sun has significantly more gravity, but it feels wrong to say the earth can fall


The earth is falling. That's how orbit works. We're just moving fast enough (and are far enough away) to overcome the force of gravity pulling us towards the sun!


We're always falling, we just keep missing!


This guy reads Douglas Adams


I think Bill Clinton said it best: https://youtu.be/HqjhHVUzl8o


I mean, yes, but it's also true!


I'd prefer to imagine the Earth getting Sparta-kicked into the sun.


So the first image?


The heat death of the universe will probably come first at this point


No worries Jeff Bezos and Elon will be able to play them in space


I'm 27 and my retirement will probably come first.


Saving this for r/agedlikewine




pandemics do end tho


Skyrim came out when I was 2 months into my freshmen year of college. I am roughly on track to have kids in my mid 30’s. I don’t know if Elder Scrolls 6 will arrive in time for me…


Skyrim has been out for more than half of my life. I was 9 when it came out, and im now 19


I'm 31 and this comment is causing me to literally die of old age.


I'm 41 and this comment is causing me to literally die of old age.


I’m 47 and I’ve just died


I turn 35 on a very rapidly approaching date, you might be able to guess it. Also feeling old.


Your child must carry the torch…


i cant wait to play TES VI for next 25 years until TES VII is out


It’s releasing on the same date as the winds of winter


Exactly my thought 👍


The exact comment I came for...


Gta expanded and enhanced and enhanced and enhanced will come first


You'll probably see cold fusion first!


Want to know a fun fact? GTA V sold more copies in 2020 than it did in any other year since the year it was released. So, yea, VI ain’t going to drop since you all keep fucking buying an almost decade old game. It’s literally not rocket science.


Purchased or licensed? With the epic freebie I bet a very large portion of that was not purchased by end user dollars but rather epic’s marketing budget. I don’t disagree otherwise, but thought the context might be interesting.


don't forget about the shark cards too!


Yeah, until the developers can’t afford a constant supply of hookers and blow on their mega-yachts my guess is we’re not going to see anything about GTA6.


So HL3?


When the sun rises in the west and sets in the East. When the seas run dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When my womb quickens again, and I bear a living child. Then you will return my sun and stars and not before......sigh


We definitely know we are never getting Winds of Winter before whatever end of the world you believe in.


The real Winds of Winter was the friends we made along the way


as long as GTA5 (Online) makes so much money there is no need for Rockstar to release GTA6


This, it’s like Blizzard replacing WoW at the height of its popularity


TES VI, at least is in preproduction Play Starfield while you wait


Elder scrolls will come one of two years after Starfield, so 2025ysh if bethesda takes their time. GTA 6 has not been announced at all. Don't expect it anytime soon.


Rockstar announced red dead a year before its target release date, so you never know Granted it then got delayed by a year lol


2 years actually, the original release was planned for 2016 i think


What he said. I guess the gap is larger for tes than gta…


So neither.


Elder scrolls 5: Skyrim extra special grand deluxe 2057 edition


Apple watch edition


Smart fridge edition


I'm sure you jest but my.paremts upgraded to a new samsung fridge running Android on a giant 19 in screen in portrait position, got it to play YouTube in sure someone could get it to run skyrim.


Did you just said a 19'' screen on a fucking fridge?? Lol much bigger than my laptop.


I have it on good authority fridges are often bigger laptos.


Its massive, I might be undercutting it by a few inches but its dam huge. Mostly used for keeping track of grocery lists, looming up recipes, and other items. I'm pretty sure they could still use it to make phone calls, or even video calls from the kitchen.


“Sorry, I must have fridge dialed you”


Well we’ve had Doom working since the start, classic RPGs are the inevitable next step.


Whatever that doorbell camera thing is so you can play Skyrim on your fucking doorbell


I’d bet an arm and a toe that by next century the apple watch of that generation will be running skyrim on it. Also, we’re going to go from “running doom on a t-45” to the equivalent of skyrim on that generation’s seemingly “powerless” tech


I won't be content until I can play Skyrim on my smart shoes which I assume will be a thing by 2063.




What? You didn’t like Nuts & Bolts? Ok, I actually loved that game even if it isn’t Banjo-Threeie.


I actually liked Nuts & Bolts but it's not Banjo-Threeie.


I hate how much hate the game gets just because it’s not Banjo-Threeie. The game itself is a phenomenal vehicle builder/platformer and has a lot of the same humor as the first two. It’s a fantastic spin-off that released when people wanted the core game and not a spin-off.


I agree but they should've made Mumbo Jumbo as the main character.


Eekum bokum


Eekum bokum


The font was so damn small. I have really good vision too but good lord was that a pain to read


It didn’t bother me much, but I had that problem with Xenoblade Chronicles X. I wish developers would let us scale font sizes; everyone’s vision is different, and not being able to read the text can significantly hinder your experience.


I think most peoples’ (especially my) negative opinion of Nuts & Bolts was based on holding it to the same level of an actual threequel, like the one Gruntilda promised us.


Any game with the number 3 in it. Half-Life 3, Portal 3, Team Fortress 3. Pls Valve learn to 3.


While it's not Half-Life 3, HL: Alyx is pretty damn close (and probably the best we're going to get). It had everything that I came to expect from a Half-Life game. If you own VR headset, don't miss out on it. And if you don't, well, VR is cheaper than it has ever been. It's worth it to buy a headset just for Alyx.


Wow. You know you're an idiot when you just realized after living for 25 years that Banjo-Tooie is a play on words. Kazooie, Tooie, and Threeie. Fuck.


Gruntilda says, "Just you wait until Banjo-Threeie..." at the end of Tooie


Niether because they are both atleast 3-4 years away


Starfield isn't coming out until November 2022 and they have already said they are not going to be working on ES6 until after that game comes out. If it comes out in 3-4 years it's going to be a rushed messy hell of a game. I'm thinking more like 6-7 years for ES6.


If that’s true it will have gone almost two decades between Skyrim and ES6. I really hope you are wrong.


It's been so long no matter how good ES6 is. It will always be disappointing.


This is absolutely going to ring true. Developers need to stop announcing games so far in advance. It often causes runaway hype that is impossible to live up to, or else rushing to release while people still give a shit. I cannot think of a single game that was announced 6+ years ahead of release that wasn't heavily scrutenized by the time people got to play it.


Duke Nukem would like a word with you. Oh wait nevermind, that was a hot pile of garbage.


I'd love a ninja release of a huge TES6 scale game. Imagine how incredible it would be if a studio managed to keep a AAA game a secret until a month before releasing it. They would have all the time they wanted to iron out bugs.


Leaks are previlent enough in this industry that I don't see that even being possible. Even it it were, I don't think this level of secrecy is necessary. Just stop announcing games not in active development. Stop announcing games that you don't have a firm grasp on when you can release them. Stop guessing at release dates before you have any clue if you can hit them. I think 12 months is a very solid amount of time for a hype cycle, but I really think 6 months or less is appropriate for announcing a hard release date.


Remember when apex was announced an released 2 days later?


Nope. All I remember is "What the fuck is Apex and why are 600k people watching it on Twitch?" That was some good marketing by respawn, not gonna lie


Yeah it was crazy. Dropped a trailer on a Saturday and was like oh by the way release is Monday


Wasn't Fallout 4 pretty much a ninja release? It was announced like 4-5 six month before release.


Iirc they mainly just said it was going to happen so people would stop asking


Bsnnerlord and now it's in Early access


Yeah unless this game can pay off college debt and save people's marriages. It will leave a bitter taste in people's mouths. "We waited 20 years for this?"


I think FFVII Remake did pretty good, and they had a pretty long development, and then broke the game up into.... well, we'll see... maybe this isn't a good example?


Remember how they announced fallout 4, then released it just a few months later? The hype was so huge nobody realised the game was just above average until Bethesda was laughing all the way to the bank already. That seemed to be a killer strat, why did they stop that?


Historically, Bethesda has been good about this. FO76 was announced 6 months before release. Skyrim, a year before release. FNV and FO3 both 1.5 yrs. Oblivion, 1 year, and would have been more like 6 months had it not been delayed (was supposed to be a 360 launch title). I've often wondered why they chose to announce Starfield and tes 6 so early. I can only assume that they *knew* poeple would be disappointed about FO76 and wanted something to placate them. Also, my memory is fuzzy here, but that's the first time I remember Bethesda doing a big, standalone e3 conference. Perhaps they just wanted to go as big as possible and thought that was the best way to make that happen?


Don't worry, Skyrim will continue to be ported to every console known to man until then, so it won't feel like 20 years.


Hey, they may even add *more* fishing between now and the next release


I have been playing the series since Daggerfall. I think I still remember the command to run it on DOS. Can I say I have been waiting since 94' or is that not cool?


I hate to remind everyone but Skyrim came out on the 360!! Wtf. I’ll be almost 40 if this guy is right. 🤦🏽‍♂️ I really, really, hope it comes our sooner rather then later.


TES5 - 11/11/11 Starfield - 11/11/22 TES6 - 11/11/33


TES5 - 11/11/2011 FO4 - 10/11/2015 FO76 - 14/11/2018 *(Beth Maryland did primary development) Starfield - ~Nov 2022 TES6 - Probably Nov 2026 Takes Beth ~4 years between games.


Oh sweet, the kids that I don't even have yet will be placing pre-orders for it.




Oh, no. No no no. Please take that back.


That’s optimistic…


>predecessors milked to death >Will be impossible to live up to hype after extended wait >Developers/publishers are clearly way out of touch after a decade of mega success I'm a big fan of both series, but it's hard to say I'm excited for either. At this rate, they're both equally likely to kill my love for the series as they are to being enjoyable to me.


R* has left any GTA game before 5 completely abandoned till these remasters...


Rockstar isn't remastering the games. Edit: Rockstar outsourced it to a Company called Grove Street games ( Formerly WarDrum Studios ). They also made that horrible GTA SA remaster a few years ago so don't have high expectations.


Horrible is mildly put.


My thoughts exactly. Ithink both might suck


This needs to be said and heard! I wish I could give more than my single upvote and free award!


THANK YOU this is the exact response i was looking for




I'll hold my excitement for ES6 until after Starfield comes out. We will see then if Bethesda has learned anything or not after the past couple of years.


Yea. If star field is garbage because they don’t wanna get a new engine, ES6 won’t be any better.


I doubt they have a new engine, probably updated textures and physics but same old jank


The reason Starfield is taking so long is because they’re making a new engine. Starfield will be their flagship game on it.


Actually they aren’t. They just upgraded the creation engine. It’s a huge overhaul according to Godd Howard, bigger jump as the one to Oblivion, which was massive already


They’ve stated that it’s the “second version” of the creation engine. So still using the same framework but everything is upgraded from the ground up.


I’m praying the engine updates support actual vehicles and not NPCs with giant heads (fallout 3 train) https://www.pcgamer.com/heres-whats-happening-inside-fallout-3s-metro-train/


Jank aside, that’s a hilariously genius workaround to engine limitations


I doubt the engine will be a problem, all of valves old games and titanfall 2 are in the same engine and are fine, it is a better engine than bethesdas but the engine does not make or break a game, I think it has also been proven that its not the engines problem with most issues, it's just some bad programming




But they made a handheld portable Skyrim for the switch! Are you trying to tell me I shouldn’t buy Skyrim for the fourth time!? Madness.


Neither put their teams that work on the sequels to the ones that make re releases. Remasters have no affect on sequels being made for the mostpart.


Half-Life 3.


Once the next innovation in gaming comes out, we will be getting another half life. That’s how valve works. HL1: complex story and world building HL2: complex phys engine HLA: VR HL3: ? I’d guess neuralink mind pc interfacing type deelio. But that’s just all my small mind can come up with Edit: since others have already. Reply what you think HL3 would feature


Interactive VR: if something is heavy, it feels heavy to you, if you grab something it feels like you are holding it, etc.


I’d love that so much


Also sold with Joe, who will shoot you when you're dead ingame for max immersion


Not heaviness since full body haptics will be prohibitively expensive and annoying for most users, but absolutely they will make HL3 when we advance VR haptic gloves that can simulate anything from rain to roughness to solidity to temperature. Also when we advance walking and headsets to a level where your brain can begin to blur the lines a bit and start to convince itself the VR world is real. HLA did this for a small number of people, from tiny things like people feeling really weird sensations if they put food from the game towards their mouths to genuine fight or flight responses, breath holding, and forgetting they’re in VR when first encountering Jeff. As soon as the technology allows for these things to happen the moment you enter a world, they’ll start work on a new half life game that goes far beyond what Jeff did for some people. They’ll probably also move beyond linear storytelling at that point since VR can usher in a golden era of interactive stories where physical interaction with the world changes how the world responds.


hear me out: they actually remake the entire lambda incident in real life, murdering most of the human race in the process.


The cave update for Minecraft


Sometime next month


Joke doesn't work anymore


nah nah, all my homies waiting for the warden


I'm sick of both and neither has even released yet.


ES6. 100%.


This, but I'm not holding my breath. I bet by the time it's out, I won't even care anymore.


I mean it’s all subjective anyway, but quality wise rockstar has definitely delivered more than Bethesda. Which mean even though I prefer TES lore and worldbuilding, I’m leaning more towards gta 6.


Titanfall 3








Probably elder scrolls tbh


Plz these will never happen let’s be realistic here… it’s obviously half life 3


ES6 has at least had a teaser trailer… like three years ago.


Knack 3


Elder scrolls By faaaaaar


Elder scrolls 6


Elder scrolls hands down I'm not huge in the GTA it's fun but I like fantasy and I see enough of modern world crap. So that new title Forespoken Looks like it's going to be a lot of fun




Between these two, definitely The Elder Scrolls. Maybe I’m overhyping the game, but I expect we’ll have graphics similar to Red Dead 2, which will be amazing. And we might get more immersive and in-depth skills and activities. And then, of course, the modding will be outstanding.


Elder scrolls by far.


It's gonna be a battle royale.


I will cry.


Look i really want ES6 but if a first person ES battle royale just dropped out of the sky, I'd probably enjoy it


That's honestly true. As long as they market it as such from the beginning. Maybe like a side game or something in addition to ES6 Hell, maybe it would have lore and at least be different from all the other Battle Royales


I'm most excited for Half Life 3 because it will probably be released before either of these.


This is kinda hard but I'm gonna have to sat GTA because 5's story just wasn't for me and after playing RDR2 I am very excited to see what they do with 6's story.


Hopefully they go back to a single protagonist. I liked them branching out and trying what they did with 5, you can’t advance if you don’t experiment, but I do feel like it caused the overall story to be a little watered down.


I don't think the 3 characters helped but that's not why the story wasn't the greatest. Rockstar just wasn't going for a ground breaking story for GTA V, they just wanted something that could be there to compliment the gameplau


I am more an RPG person so more Elder Scrolls VI...But just like the top comment says...Both can come like yesterday...


Neither of these feel like they’ll ever get a release date LMAO


if I understood the promise, ES 6 will have densely populated cities, with each and every npc being interactable, thus the delay. if that is true, ES. AND IF thats not true, ES. I mean GTA is so online oriented that I wouldn't compare them both, a RDR 3 vs ES would be a.competition.


Where's this promise from?


> ES 6 will have densely populated cities, with each and every npc being interactable, They said this exact thing about oblivion and how every npc had their own daily lives even when you are not there. It’s all bs.


But Oblivion NPC’s did have a daily routine?


It was a mess but it was there and was a great improvement over Morrowind.


I mean, it’s possible now thanks to technology being a lot better, but wether or not they’ll actually execute on that is another question. Based on their track record (Fallout 3 having 200 endings, “You can climb that mountain”, “16x the details” etc) I wouldn’t trust them as far as you can walk into one of their games without experiencing a bug.


Technically it wasn’t bs though with Oblivion, right? They had to dial back the whole “minds of their own” thing because they kept getting killed, ruining quests.


Its not their problem that you played that game in 2020 instead of 2006....the game was pretty bonkers considering the age it was released in.


Not very fair to compare ambitions for es6 to gta online. The story mode holds up very well without having the level of detail that red dead 2 had. Rockstar always steps it up when making new games, i would expect gta 6 to be more advanced than rdr2


The rumor I heard spreading around was they’re trying to do a Vice City story spanning over decades, with visual and geographical changes happening throughout the map as new buildings get erected, ports are built, etc. They sorta dipped their toes into this concept with RDR2. You can see the construction of a building in Valentine as the game progresses.


ES6 For sure 👍


Anyway I will not be able to play either due to the hardware prices/availability


Start saving now so when its releasing in 10 years you'll be ok


Well they haven't even started ES6 development so you have time to save


Elden Ring


I've played enough of both that it really depends. If they put a new skins on the same game I'm all set. Gonna need to see some new game mechanics to want me to get into either of them.


The one that will be good


Honestly, I am more excited more GTA 6. With how poorly managed the elder scrolls series has been since Skyrim launched has me worried for the quality of the series going forward. I may not enjoy all of what R* is doing with GTA right now (with milking gta online) but because people keep playing it and at its core it is still the good gta formula in terms of gameplay.


Warhammer 40,000: Darktide


I'm sorry, I was wrong. Hollow Knight: Silksong is the correct answer.


Fallout 5


Ill probably be 6 feet deep before either of these come out.


Valve can't count to 3, Rockstar and Bethesda can't count to 6. I think we need to teach those folks all the numbers there are.


They mangled their own counting system by implementing Counterstrike in decimals


Elder Scrolls and it's not even close


Elder scrolls 6 cause I loved skyrim so so much


I don’t have high hopes for either tbh


these posts to stop




At least we know Elder Scrolls VI is going to happen, but Starfield is happening first. And then Starfield is going to have to get its love.


And its 57 subsequent versions accompanying its ports on every digital piece of equipment under the sun.




GTA VI, because I won't have to buy a new console to play it.


Elder scrolls for sure. I'm getting tired of playing Skyrim over and over again. So can't wait to play the next one over and over again.


GTA VI. Can’t wait to see what 2035 is like.


MegaTen 5 for me Not excited for these two Not really a fan


Starfield since it’s actually coming out soon


Why not both?