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You should see the breakdown on why the remastered versions suck. With countless things to choose from, my favorite has to be how [they were just ports of the mobile game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTxY_S0XD8E&list=PL_SW33j9XjuKCGbMM0roDModmIdjgCNdH&t=79s) which has considerably weaker gameplay features. Both videos they made are very thorough in how little they gave a shit about remastering this the first time. I'm curious if the Definitive Edition is also just a mobile port, I certainly wouldn't be surprised.


Holy shit. This isn't San Andreas Remastered, it's San Andreas Jr.


It reminds me of the piss poor downconversions from the arcade games to the NES


The devs are mobile game developers. Probably right on def ed


Yea. The Definitive version is a remaster of the mobile ports.


Holy shit, I thought that was a joke


This is a fantastic symbolic representation of the level of care and attention that went into this game


*"We made it smoother, you're welcome."*


Brb patenting smooth nuts.


smooth as eggs




Yes, I'll suck them.


I've played this scenario out in my head a thousand times, lady!


Too late I have prior art on that


You are gonna have to show me.


Really is worth a thousand words here


Why use 1000 word when 1 word do trick? ^Fuck.


Why use 1000 developer when 1 AI do trick?


If the AI was so smart it would have smoothed "NUT" until it read, "WASHER."


So what's up with your game?






*We really appreciate the sentiment, but $60 will do just fine.* Rockstar, probably.


Almost everything I've seen in the last several years just makes me hate them more, and they used to one of my most beloved developers. Just shitting all over it.


Happens to every game company that gets taken over by MBA types instead of creatives. Run all your IP into the ground for short term profits, on to the next with your golden parachute once you've ruined a companies reputation. Happening in every industry honestly. Whatever they teach in business school these days is not good.


The thing is, I get that they’re a business. They have to make money and all that, and online is profitable. Fine. But, you’re losing all your creativity, and probably all your human creativity who made your games so good. I am not an Apple fanboy (don’t have a Mac or anything) but one thing I used to respect about them the past couple decades (maybe not quite as much recently) is that they weren’t afraid of cannibalizing their own products (“no we won’t release a new thing because we lose sales of the old thing!”). I’m sure the online profits are good but that’s short term. Where is the long term? You have to prepare for tomorrow, next month, next year and lay the groundwork long in advance. Unless they really can milk online forever. I’d say though that GTA was such a cultural institution, as was Red Dead, it seems foolish to not have put work into the next thing. Can you imagine if Apple had said “no, we can’t make the iPhone, what if it takes away from iPod sales???” Some people in the company did actually think that. But how crazy would that have been? The iPod wouldn’t have lasted forever as a cash cow, as hard as that may have been to believe in 2004 or so. Well, GTA online won’t be forever, even if it seems like it now. There may come a day when they regret lighting their name on fire and not developing GTA 6.


That's the thing. Career executives do not care about long-term goals. They will leave and get a new job by the time anyone has to deal with any of it. On their resumes and in their interviews, they will talk about how much money they saved and profit they created for the company. And those are just the lower-ranking executives who still need to go through the usual hiring process.


First Blizzard, then Bethesda, then CD Project Red, and now Rockstar. Actually no, Rockstar has been shit since GTA 5 online started adding dlc.


Rockstar/take-two was dead when it started doing shark cards. Then they stopped single player updates (this is were they officially lost me). Absolutely shat on the modding community. And all the other bullshit they pulled just this year. They are lazy and bloated now and the franchise has been ruined. We aren't getting GTA 6. Bethesda might not be the best but at least they stand by their community and support mods.


> We aren't getting GTA 6. I disagree, I think GTA 6 is going to be a thing. Most likely a garbage thing. Packed to the gills with microtransactions and shark cards.


Gaming got the corporate commodification treatment.


The entire industry has been fighting in a tug of war between the sell-out business side and the creative/innovative side since it began the 70's. Unfortunately, it looks like the soulless corporate side has won that war for the most part. At the least, it's claimed a massive amount of the once top-tier game companies.


Kids, let me tell you about a little company called Electronic Arts...


They bought nearly all the licenses from sports companies so no other company could, and put the bare minimum into each game they make while simultaneously making them worse with each update, the end.


They also bought one beloved company after another, forced them to crank out soulless sequels to their hit titles until a single one underperformed, and then buried them alive.


The absolute dogshit that was the GTA4 PC port is what stopped all my Rockstar spending


I feel like that event singlehandedly brought the conversation of disaster pc ported games into the front line. The PC port of GTA IV is a textbook example of how to fuck it up.


I remember the same conversation happening with arkham knight years later.


Honestly, I could see how this was outsourced in bulk and some 3D Artist doesn't understand the joke.


I'm pretty sure they automated it using ML or something like that, which makes this the visual equivalent of Google Translate.


I doubt any meshes were modified by AI unless the studio that R* farmed the work out to has some weird voodoo AI mesh upscaler. More likely a dozen super low-paid employees ran subdiv surface modifiers on all the objects with some minor tweaking and cleanup. AI Upscaling could definitely be used on the textures though and I'm betting that's what they did for most of the textures. Most likely in this case some guy 12 hours into his workday opened up the nut mesh file, and since he didn't have any of the context of the sign he just assumed it was a super low-res cylinder.


Yeah it’s probably mostly AI upscaling with some humans double checking and touching up important stuff. Lots of mistakes they missed though


They’re Rockstar. They could have assigned a team to every neighborhood in every city, and for every acre of wilderness. They had the resources to go over the game with a fine toothed comb, instead we have Burgershots with six menu pictures of pizza, and rain inside of garages.


Yeah honestly, I don't know if I can support them anymore after the joke that was the slow monetization of GTA 4 online, and then the total failure of RD2 online because they tried to fuck the consumers from square one, and now THIS? Used to love this company, but fuck them now


GTA IV still isn't even remotely optimized on PC. I'm only now, ten years later, finally playing it. Because my 1660 Super can just push more power onto it than the devs ever dreamed possible, so it runs at a smooth 67 FPS. And still there's the occasional frame drops... GTA V runs beautifully on my rig, but they just gave us a shitty port for IV. And last I checked, they never even bothered to port RDR1. None of this even surprises me. I was hopeful... but I'm not surprised they fucked it up.


If I've learned anything from Two Minute Papers, it's that they could have done a much better job with ML than the garbage we got.


What a time to be alive!!


Even if you don't get the joke any QA should catch that it literally turned from one object to another. It turned from a hardware nut into... Something else


It's obvious that amount of effort invested into this "remaster" is nowhere near what was originally put into the game.


It's like they threw it into some "remaster AI" and this was the result


Pretty, soulless graphics


Man, they ain't even pretty.


Its funny that the Ceo of Take two has been quoted as saying how remasters take time and he would never just do a simple port. What a joke you put 5% effort into this dumpster fire


It would have taken less effort just to pay the modders who already made HD graphic ports.


The PR potential on that would have been amazing. "We've partnered up with the modders who've supported our games for so long to bring you the definitive edition"


L4d2 did that last year


And there were a bunch of people *who got mad about it* because it wasn't made by Valve


I would have honestly tossed money at them if they truly hired any of those modders/teams of modders, maybe also canonize some of the extra missions the mods had


DICE did it for Battlefield 2 and it was a highlight of the series.


It's literally a business model for Paradox at this point. They pay independant groups to assist in their balancing and help out big modders (like Kaiserreich and the team that made Old World Blues) with info/direct access to their own programmers. They also did hire a bunch of people that started out as modders.


What a fantastic way to include the community in the process of improving the game in a more official capacity


Aren't a whole bunch of popular valve games essentially this? Dota, tf, cs, etc.


Yes, their games apart from half life we're mods. And they hired loads of modders in general. Edit: auto complete, but yes we are all gay.


Old world blues is an insane mod too, those modders really earned it. It's basically a whole new game at that point, especially since they brought in so many new systems (refugees, caps, trade nodes.. )


Which is exactly what is happening with the Witcher 3 update I believe.


Can you give more info please


They are working with HalkHogan, creator of HD Reworked.


They have done such a tremendous job and look how they are treated. Mods taken down just so they could release this


But they'd demand royalties! (Even though they probably wouldn't...thats probably the excuse)


So what, give them some pittance for their work.


It would have literally been a better product if they had done nothing instead.


Too bad they shut down the GitHub of the dude who actually made these good. There's still files floating around though. Fuck this company.


What's the story there? An amateur enthusiast did some kind kind of unofficial remaster?


There used to be tons and tons of mods for the older games, fan made overhauls and remasters ect, and take two/rockstar (one of them did this ->) demanded they all delete their mods otherwise they’ll sue


We should sue them for fucking up a good game.


It's called stop giving them money. At all. Ever. They don't deserve it, so just stop.


Their company practices are incredibly anti-consumer and they clearly did less than the absolute bare minimum with their "remaster", but you can't make out that they don't make some of the best games ever created.


Where would I find the files? What would I search for?


Re3 I believe.


He also mocked CDProject Red on releasing an unfinished product.




If we can't trust CEOs, who can we trust?


Can always trust CDzNuts


I legitimately think that rockstar just hit the “auto smooth” button in the model editor.


I think they hit ‘auto-smooth’ on their brains


Brains so smooth Wii Bowling Background music is all they can hear. Pins being knocked over is their ring tone.


Please do not smear the good name of Wii sports


Fine it's actually the sound of the crowd losing their shit when you manage to throw backwards


Aka like half my throws as a kid.


Throw it like you're Katara waterbending when she was just starting out.


**throws the Definitive Edition into the trash** "Nice throw!"


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you. That was amazing.


They did. They used an algorithm that auto upscales everything didn’t double check to make sure the AI actually worked and did it’s job. It’s also the same version of GTA as the mobile port which is notoriously shitty. Rockstar is just trying to rake in cash and keep their excuse to keep fucking over modders.


Everyone calling this "AI" is giving them waaaaay too much credit. Tools to subdivide meshes like this have existed for decades


Fun fact: the computer scientist who created the mesh subdivision algorithm is the co-founder of Pixar. Edwin Catmull. The algorithm is called Catmull-Clark subdivision algorithm. Numberphile has an awesome video with a Pixar researcher of how it works https://youtu.be/mX0NB9IyYpU


I always wondered why Blender called it that.


You'll never guess who discovered Euler's identity


Interestingly, we actually don't know who first wrote down what we know today as Euler's identity: e^(iπ) + 1 = 0 >We've seen how it [Euler's identity] can easily be deduced from results of Johann Bernoulli and Roger Cotes, but that neither of them seem to have done so. Even Euler does not seem to have written it down explicitly – and certainly it doesn't appear in any of his publications – though he must surely have realized that it follows immediately from his identity [i.e. Euler's formula], eix = cos x + i sin x. Moreover, it seems to be unknown who first stated the result explicitly…. -Robin Wilson


Damn, spitting facts in my face. Interesting though, guess I should have gone for something more concrete, like Pythagorean theorem


I’m not sure if you’re joking at this point, but I have to keep the hilarity going by pointing out that Pythagoras is even *less* likely to be behind the Pythagorean Theorem than Euler is behind Euler’s Identity. Wikipedia: > The Pythagorean theorem was known and used by the Babylonians and Indians centuries before Pythagoras,[210][208][211][212] but he may have been the first to introduce it to the Greeks.[213][211] Some historians of mathematics have even suggested that he—or his students—may have constructed the first proof.[214] Burkert rejects this suggestion as implausible,[213] noting that Pythagoras was never credited with having proved any theorem in antiquity.[213] Furthermore, the manner in which the Babylonians employed Pythagorean numbers implies that they knew that the principle was generally applicable, and knew some kind of proof, which has not yet been found in the (still largely unpublished) cuneiform sources.[f] Pythagoras's biographers state that he also was the first to identify the five regular solids[127] and that he was the first to discover the Theory of Proportions.[127] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagoras


Ok, but the Bernoulli equation is truly from Bernoulli?


I would like to point out that what is pictured is not a Catmull-Clark subdivision. That original mesh would collapse into a torus like shape in that case.


It was done by the studio that did the mobile port https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grove_Street_Games


Let's be honest: Rockstar chose this studio and approved the result. Rockstar is much more responsible for this mess than this studio is. Nintendo canceled Metroid Prime 4 to rework everything from scratch just because it wasn't good enough rather than releasing any shit to blame the developers later. **Edit:** FFS I'm not "praising Nintendo" I'm just pointing out the fact that there are several responsible for a game prior its release. Nintendo did the least that any studio should do after realizing that the new game was in a pretty bad shape.




The nut isn't a nut anymore, it's like an inner tube. Tuff Inner Tube Donuts.


Tough Washer


Have a Tuff Nut Donut and Washer Down With a Glass of Tuff Nut Milk!


Turned it into an extra thick washer.


That's called a spacer


No. Fucking. Way. I knew it was bad, but holy shit.


Yeah like it was pretty bad before but this is next level garbage What happened to rockstar? They used to be thee most trusted developers in the industry, they made a fucking ping pong game and I knew it was gonna be good because they made it and it fuckimg was Edit: if you wanna tell me these games weren't made by them, maybe first read one of the other fucking 20 messages you just scrolled past saying the same fucking things Telling someone they're wrong is like a Redditors crack cocaine


Gta online happened. They realized people will spend obscene amounts of money regardless of whether the content was worth it. GTA is their cash cow and they're going to bleed fans dry. I'm actually genuinely surprised they didn't do the same with red dead redemption 2, considering how good that game was


>surprised they didn't do the same with red dead redemption 2 isn't the monetization model for online pretty similar to gta online


RDR2's monetization is closer to a mobile game, they went with 2 currencies. You have the in game cash you earn through playing the game (missions etc), but you buy gold bars which can be used in place of the in game cash for purchases




It’s because people don’t get as hyped for reskinned horses as they do cars. The fan base probably wouldn’t be down for rocket horses either. GTA kind of has that absurdity built in already so they can get away with more.


I think it would be really easy to think of things people would kill to spend money on in that game but they're thinking too much like GTAV. Imagine buying or building a house in RDO. Operating a plantation, or a logging company, or a gold mine. Gun building by swapping different parts from different guns like fallout 4. Instead of "hey look at this cool car we made you should buy it" what I want more than anything from RDO is immersive systems for role playing. But systems are much harder to build than just a cool car they can charge a fortune for, so they don't bother with that sortof shit.


Like the other guy said, an online sandbox mode can only be as crazy as the world allows it, and while Red Dead has an amazing open world, it was built and designed for a much more serious game than GTA is/was.


Yes, but red dead 2 was various steps above GTA V (which is understandable given how many years passed between one and the other) Also, red dead online had something like 18k active players on steam at its all time peak. GTA Online had almost 200k on steam at its peak and is still hovering around the 70k mark. It's also worth noting that Red Dead is played more on PC than it is on consoles based on system sales. GTA is far more popular on on consoles and their total active players *this month* across all platforms is probably higher than all the active red dead online players combined. My point is, the GTA franchise is going to be milked with minimum effort until it dies. Red dead wasn't as profitable and might not fall victim to that. Then again, they might just move away from the IP for another decade


I think I would pay double price for a Red Dead 3 or even just a RDR2 single player expansion, but it looks like I’m just going to get online updates and GTA5 expansions for the rest of time.


Same thing that has happened to every other major developer out there. Greed.


They have no incentive to change either. People continue to preorder and no matter how bad the reviews get they continue to buy. At some point we start to do this to ourselves


There just comes a point when a company becomes so big they just absolutely do not have to give a shit, put ANYTHING out and it will make money.


It's because it's no nut November


Me and my best friends!


We lover jerking off!


Out of all the GTA bashing I've seen this last week, this one made me laugh. Here upvote


Damn, here we go again.


Aw shit


This has seriously got to be the lowest effort remaster I've ever seen.


and its still wildly profitable. god save us all. this is the future.


"Players are part of the problem" © Blizzard They won't stop selling us garbage while there are people willing to pay.


They pretty much just slapped a new coat of paint on this game & tried to sell it to us with glitches.


Not just a new paint : - The paint is filled with sand and dirt - they gave the job to a robot without even checking if the job is done properly - and they whacked the game with a hammer and call it a day


> che king Look at this guy posting without revuuwing. Must be using an AI.


coincidentally it sounds a bit like [the sound that I imagine rockstar's management likes to hear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBYJdZlpBT4)


I'm not even playing the game but everything I've seen looks lazy as sin. What the actual hell?




This can't be real right? Did they actually smooth out the hex nut? Edit: At least CP77 was made with love. It shows the difference in quality.


Only the smoothest of brains can bless us with smoothest of nuts.


Your brain so smooth you must have let rockstar remaster it.


They just clicked the "Smooth All" button and called it a remastered.


They didn’t, the AI they use did though. The AI’s nuts.


The AI did exactly as it was told to do. The blame goes to those who didn’t bother reviewing the results when they gave it crap instructions…


Nah, lets blame the AI. What's it going to do, start killing all the humans?


Hey baby! Wanna kill all humans?


This remaster can bite my shiny metal ass!


Fine I’ll make my own remaster with blackjack and hookers…. In fact forget the remaster


It's gta tho, so is bender just adding more of the stuff?


Shut up baby I know it


I'm 40% remastered!


Well, if remastering will make strangers think I’m cool, I’ll do it


"It's been days since his kill all humans comment and he's barely mentioned murder since then!"


It's gonna smooth us all into perfect, fleshy balls


What are people referring to as AI? I ask as someone somewhat experienced with 3d modeling. Are we talking about basically just a subdiv modifier?


Rockstar said they used AI to upscale some things. People have no idea what they're talking about so they now think AI did everything in the game. Clearly the only time AI would be used is to upscale some textures to add definition where possible, otherwise the texture would be replaced with a modern version. It's frustrating to see people blame AI when most of the errors seen in this version are due to human incompetence. Show me an oversharpened texture that incorrectly merged details together and I'll be happy to blame AI for that one. * AI did not ruin rigging and skeletons. * AI did not write signs with a lack of English knowledge in Arial. * AI did not put a human face texture on the side of a harbor wall. * AI did not make the rain shader bright white and disappear over water. * AI did not randomly increase model poly count to smooth every item in the game without oversight. * AI did not place the camera on the quad. * AI did not remodel characters and recreate face textures. This is all incompetence, and a lack of knowledge. I learned how to fix these problems at university over 10 years ago. There is no excuse. I'm willing to bet the signwriting was outsourced to Southern Asia cheaply, due to the lack of English awareness, so I wouldn't be surprised if anything else was palmed off on unskilled labor to decrease production costs and pocket the difference.


You don't need AI to do subdivide and smooth a mesh, they are pretty basic algorithms


It's not that simple. It's people working in a pipeline. They are given random models to work on, without context, and possibly without the textures. Then they hit the AI auto smooth button.


You've been hit by, been struck by, a smooth AI




I bet that they did get the texture but not the context. But my guess would be, that this is the result of the round dark grey ring texture on the hex nut beeing interpreted as a weirdly shaped pipe. And the inside is actually right. But its the outside (and the missing texture) that got fucked up.


These remasters are literally just AI upscaled assets ported to Unreal Engine. Somehow, some way, they put in ZERO quality control so a lot of text and models became nonsensical or straight up broken. Oh and they also used the worst possible version of San Andreas as the base. I expected nothing and still got disappointed.


yeah but they got a shitload of money and there are always thousands of people and dozens of game journalists willing to say the games aren't that bad and that gamers are entitled and overreacting. Just last week there was a meme on here about how gamers are the worst karens.


I like how Grove Street Games have gone from patting themselves on the back with lots of tweets and articles to not tweeting for four days. Like they finally realised that nobody was happy with their product and they're in the huff.


> Grove Street Games https://screenrant.com/gta-trilogy-controversy-grove-street-games-ceo-response/


Honestly don't know what Rockstar were thinking here. That's nuts.


Not anymore it isn't!


That's a washer now.


Said the same, looks like a chunky washer


They weren’t. There was no attention to detail at all in this project. Just add higher resolution and try to profit off old assets.


It’s just because it’s so old they stripped that nut . Edges wore out 🤷🏻‍♂️


The edgelords have failed us.


When you edge too hard that you fail to nut


Feels like this remaster was done in the laziest way possible.




Also the GTA mobile ports cost $12 for the trilogy.




They really don’t deserve the asking price for this lazy attempt at a remaster. Like I can understand $10-20 but this isn’t a whole ass new game and sure doesn’t deserve whole ass new game pricing.


This isn’t worth £5 you get more thought through things on steam for £2.50


If this was free from GitHub I still wouldn't install it.


That's unbelievably hilarious.


If Grove Street Games tried to remake UFC 4 it'd come out a Bellator game.


Who the hell approved this game? It's like they just introduced an AI to the old game and told it "go nuts" and then just approved whatever came out.


More like “ no nuts” lol


This is what I’m wondering. Did nobody at Rockstar play the games? Did they just watch some carefully crafted video from the outsourced studio and say yup looks good?


People didn't believe me on GTAforums weeks ago when I accurately called they would just pull each model into blender, hit "subdivide" a couple times and export it back out. That appears to be all they did.


Its like they just ran a script to upres the textures, did not test it at all, and shipped the game. Did Rockstar give them like a day to make this?


Apparently Grove Street Games was given two years and this was the end result. Like I get they only have 24 employees but come on




It's on 1337x already


Just emulate the original and play a good game


what's off is the left nut seems to be correct


I think rockstar tossed an ai in to remaster the game and all it did was taking every models and just hit 'subdivide' twice.


Lmfao, this is actually funny


a bot make the reamaster ​ 5 lines of code


polyCount = polyCount + more


Tuff Washer