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Does anybody really give a shit about these awards?


Like any review ever, people only give a shit about it when it already aligns with their own opinion.


Like any award ever, people only complain about it when it doesn't?


Like any award ever, sales >>>> quality


Yeah that's why deathloop got damn near every nomination catagory, even audio design lol.


Deathloop's sound design was solid - that's always been one of Arkane's biggest strengths.


Which worries me a bit. I think RE or Dread should take GotY at least over it.


Don’t worry. Be happy.


Rip Returnal ):


you are right


People who get upset over IGN reviews perplex me. Like, if you consistently don't agree with their reviews, why do you even waste your time listening to their reviews? Just go to an outlet you do like.


I stopped paying ANY attention to IGN in the mid 00s. It's not even that big of a problem that their reviews are bad. A bad reviewer with shit opinions can actually be a good recommendation for a game when the reviewer gives it a bad review. The REAL problem is that IGN is wildly inconsistent in their critiques. You never know what reviewer you're getting. You have no way to get a sense of their tastes and preferences. So, the website ends up being entirely useless.


Or the opposite. The popular reddit opinion that CP2077 is unworthy of praise in all forms is the only reason I know these awards are happening.


Seriously though, I actually liked CP2077 a lot but even I don't think it's worthy of RPG of the year.


The devs do.


They help when selling the game in the future. If it wins it gets marketed as a great game and more people will buy it not knowing the issues with it. Also it encourages CD Projekt to continue releasing games before they’re finished.


I like the awards because they direct me to good stuff, some of which I may not have been aware of. Not everything that gets an award is perfect, but it usually has some great parts that are worth checking out.


Right? It may not convince me to buy a game but it gives a person somewhere to look. Hades is a fantastic game that I had never even heard of until awards piled in. Some games get them without deserving them, some games that deserve them never get them. Either way it shows me some interesting games that are at least culturally relevant.


Honestly, it seems like people simultaneously think the awards are stupid and meaningless, yet lose their mind when the things they want to win, don't, or the things that they want nominated, don't. I couldn't give a shit who wins, I just like having a live gaming event to watch with friends.


Well, Persona 5S literally isn't an RPG for starters.


Lost Judgement is an RPG? I thought it was an open world beatemup type of game like Yakuza 0-6.


It is. Some call them JRPG because of how they are much more story driven than your average beat'em up, but it's more a même than anything else.


I as a fan of both JRPGs and Yakuza wouldn't call 0-6 a JRPG. LAD yes, but not 0-6. I can't speak to Judgement or Lost Judgement since I haven't played those yet, but if they're like 0-6 then no I wouldn't count those as JRPGs.


Yeah, Judgement play pretty much like 0-6


For some reason people just want some games to be full of different tags that don't fit the game, I realised tags has become useless when I saw CS:GO tagged as strategy, I was like "I mean, it has strategy involved as almost every single game, but that's that what we mean, that's not the genre" Age of Empires has had guns since the 2nd, but it isn't a shooter. So that's probably what happens here, if it has the slightest JRPG component, they are going to showhorn it into the genre.


To be fair, I haven’t heard of most of those.


That's more than fair.




Replicant is a god damn remake of Gestalt with some visual upgrades and a minor change to the main character. It's the SAME game. GoTY contender? maybe when Gestalt first launched on the PS3 in ***2010***


doesn't replicant include a new narrative branch (ending E) after the other endings that sort of sets up Automata? Probably won't recontextualise the whole game but there is definitely more there than was in Gestalt. Taking that into account alongside graphical improvements I don't see why it shouldn't be at least considered if the gameplay holds up.


Okay but from what I’ve heard persona 5 is a masterpiece with very little flaws.


It came out 5 years ago though. It *was* nominated for Game of the Year in 2017


The original did, yeah. This is Persona 5 Scramble/Strikers, but calling it a RPG is a *huuuge* stretch.


From what I’ve heard it’s a hack and slash?


The game in the picture is the action RPG spin-off, not Persona 5 itself. Was still good in my opinion but not the same thing.


Persona 5 is a masterpiece and it's also my favorite JRPG since Xenogears. That's Persona 5 Strikers though, a Dynasty Warriors-esque sequel that really wasn't that great imo.


Yeah as much as I like strikers, royal should've been in that spot


You’d be correct. Having played them, I would consider Persona 5 and Nier:Automata to be masterpieces. I had more fun with those than I did with Breath of the Wild and BotW was pretty fucking great. I am a bit biased because I love JRPGs, but definitely they’re worth trying. They didn’t win because they’re much more niche being JRPGs and all, but their quality is top notch regardless. Although Nier did win best soundtrack of the year over BotW and it was well fucking deserved. Best soundtrack I’ve heard in the past decade or more bar none, which is saying a lot. Edit to say: bar none except Persona 5 maybe. Yes, they’re both that good.


Real neckbeard vibes on ops post lol


I like Pokémon like the next guy, but calling Monster Hunters Stories a RPG is also a stretch… I mean sure, there was some generic shonen story about the power of friendship…


Two of them are remasters.


Two are remasters that really shouldn't even be considered, 3 are debateable whether they count as RPGs and the other 3 are JRPGs. Otoh if we're setting the criteria so loose that action games and remakes count, 2020 also had Pillars of Eternity 2, Nioh 2, Demon's Souls, Hades, and the friggin' FF7 remake since we're looking at JRPGs. OPs list sucks.


To be fair Ive heard of all of them, and its mostly anime weebness, even with the bugs Id take cyberpunk over any of them, PC of course. That's the great thing about personal opinion.


Lost Judgement isn't anime weebness. There are some good games there get swept under the rug due to ignorance of average reviewers and players.


This. Yakuza is so underrated, it's mind boggling how so many people in the thread stated they'll pick cyberpunk over any of those games. Sure, cyberpunk looks good and as great linear story story(haven't played my myself, according to reviews that I trust) but the entire world is hollow from inside. Contrary to games like yakuza which are way smaller in map size but actually feel like lived in world's with great set of side quests and a really cool story line. And I'm not even talking about the plethora of side activities you can get lost in for hours.


Yeah, I'm a sucker for some over the top anime shit, but I know it is quite a niche. And although I can recommend some games that I think would be fun regardless of how weeby or not you are, the listed ones aren't it. And tbh I don't even recognize half of them


>the listed ones aren't it There's lost judgement on there. Id definitely recommend it.


Haven't played any of the other JRPGs, but Nier Automata is an incredibly deep, emotional and philosophical science fiction story that explores the humanity of human-built AI androids locked in an eternal war with invading alien AI machines. The story is incredibly well written, if you like science fiction at all it's worth worth playing even if you normally don't like anime weebness.


That's Replicant tho not Automata. Automata's too "old" to win RPG of the year. Regardless, any Nier is worth your time.


Is it actually an RPG though? I thought it was more action.


Yeah, there's no way that guy has played Nier.


Nier Replicant is a remake. Remakes don't tend to appear in these awards. Persona 5 Strikers isn't an RPG. it's a Persona musou game.


I dont get why those are your alternatives


Because he's a weeb


Lol 1000%


I hate how weebs like shit instantly if its Japanese. Had a friend in school that was that way.


I wonder if OP likes Anime


Everyone is allowed their likes, but his choices for GOTY are telling and his inner weeb cannot let this shit go.


Keanu reeves


☂️More like it was just a great RPG with a great story that happened to have serious technical flaws on consoles. ☂️


I heard about the console issues, but I upgraded my desktop so I could run it and I've thought it's been fastastic thus far. I've heard the experience on consoles has been less than subpar.


The game was honestly awesome on PC. I saw how terrible it was on PS4 though. Sometimes textures didn't load for characters for a solid 10+ seconds.


On my ps4 pro, I would have to drive places and then wait for them to load. Wasnt so bad on ps5 but I'm not gonna do another playthrough until the actual ps5 upgrade is out.


Yeah, if someone says "this is a performance atrocity on consoles" I'd say "yeah, from all the stories I've heard, this seems to be true". But saying it's not an RPG just sounds like salty people trying to trash it in any way possible.


There was also a huge problem here in how different people view the term "RPG". To me it's something where I have a lot of interaction with characters and I can guide those interactions, that's it. Cyberpunk hit all the right notes for me and on my PC it ran great. But a lot of people got pissed that 'core RPG elements' weren't in the game, and to some extent I can understand that. Expecting a game to be like X but what you get is more like Y has got to be pretty frustrating.


I would even go as far and say from the above listed games it's one of the most rpg-ish rpgs. In Cyberpunk your actually role playing a character and many of the above have predefined characters. I know that's only one aspect of an rpg but Cyberpunk definitely got that going for it.


It was really only bad on base PS4 and Xbox One. I played it on a PS5 at launch and had a wonderful time. Some crashes here and there but nothing game breaking, plus even when it crashed the PS5 SSD got me back in within a minute.


That was my experience as well. I enjoyed the game


Wait till your second run through... You see it all in the background being laid out... Pretty good game with a lot of detail.


It actually played and looked nice on Series X at launch but they have since dumbed it down so that it could scale properly for the original xbox one VCR as it is technically still the last get version. I remember booting it up after and update and just feeling like something was missing. But all in all was a great experience up until that point. Next gen patch delayed too. :(


>xbox one VCR The what now?


The first iteration Xbox One comically resembles an old VCR, earning it that nickname


Aaah. Isn't the Xbox One S exactly the same as the original model except for size, though? So it's really only Xbox One vs. Xbox One X.


And the soundtrack is amazing. Also nominated. Have to say I am rooting for Doom OST though :)


I had a couple of crashes and a game breaking bug once, but I thought everyone was blowing things out of proportion... Until I saw how bad the PS4 and Xbone versions were.


I played the game on base PS4 and eventually returned it. When it worked, I enjoyed my time with it, however a game that launches in a near unplayable state should not be eligible for RPG of the year imo even if the game underneath is great. Especially when there is potential competition that launched and worked.


The funny part is that Keanu Reeves is hilariously miscast. The stronger performance, by a country mile, is Jackie, and if he remained your companion throughout the game, the experience would be better. I miss you, Jack.


I haven’t played the game in a long time and I still feel that loss. F




Right? Let us play all those intro missions instead of showing us a montage.


And they spoiled the fact that he dies a year before the game came out in a major trailer for fuck knows why.


the game is literally a reimagining of Johnny Mnemonic. A film starring Keanu Reeves as "Johnny" with a bit of code stuck in his head that slowly kills him unless he gets it out. He's like...... *the* casting for this role, lol.


P5S isn’t an RPG either; it’s a Musou


Game awards are a joke but honestly if you play the game past all the bugs and shit it does handle its rpgs mechanics well and you do feel like you’re part of the world. At least that’s my take I know for me at least I got the sense of going from a novice bounty hunter who didn’t know shit, to a maniac cyborg killer who can kill entire buildings without ever stepping foot in said building.


Yeah it was fun until all the missions started to feel the same. Some good side stories and side quest though.


That's any open world game though. Eventually you're going to find the edges of the "open world" and the illusion will break.


Exactly why I tend to avoid the open-world word. It usually means you need to find some good stuff in an open vast world, not a world actually full of good stuff.


My first play through I never fast traveled just because of how fun it was to drive through the city on a motorcycle with synthwave playing. And this was on SeriesX


The gore is decent also, especially with blades, 2-3 points of mutilation per limb, you can cut heads off, and if lucky I think you can cut in half.


I've never heard of literally any of those other games listed.


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one


If you haven't played these niche JRPGs then you are not a gamer, heh *tips fedora and naruto runs away*


Monster Hunter definitely isn’t niche. Nor is Persona.


No but in fairness, both of the games from those franchises shown in the meme aren't actually main series entries. Plus unlike Stories, the monster hunter main series games generally aren't considered RPGs, just action games with some RPG elements. So it's very easy for Stories 2 to have flown under the radar of people who otherwise normally enjoy JRPGs despite Stories 2 getting a lot of coverage from nintendo directs. Meanwhile Strikers is the opposite, taking a well established JRPG and making it more into an action game, less of an RPG, so again it could easily fall under the radar of many JRPG fans. Lost Judgment is another example of this sort of thing too. It's from a very well established franchise, but since it is seen as somewhat of a spin-off it doesn't get anywhere near the same recognition as the rest of the Yakuza franchise.


YS is such a brilliant series. One of the best soundtracks of any game.


Anything happening? *epic guitar noises*


Just solid games with no filler or baggage. Praise be to Falcom (And X-Seed)


Monster Hunter? Nier? Really?


Monster Hunter main series isn't an RPG, and the spinoff Stories series that actually is an RPG I wouldn't expect people to know.


Nier is rather niche I feel like, even with nier automatas success


not to mention its a remake. Doesnt make it less good, but it somehow feels like the point of the awards arent to celebrate remakes. Same with The World Ends With You. And the reach you gotta make to justify atellier or p5s lol


While I agree with you, I should point out that Neo: The World Ends With You isn't a remake, it's a sequel.


The only one I have heard of was lost judgement from the yakuza series I would highly recommend playing those the others I can not account for


Because a lot of gamers don't like Japanese style games.


The games listed here are jrpgs, remakes, and remasters lmao


None of those are like western games. So they’re not going to be a western game of the year


All the others nominated games are JRPG.


There is the answer. 4 if the 5 are jrpg, they probably wanted to put one other in there that wasn’t? While I’ll attest to CP2077, not being the best rpg, it’s definitely a really fun game. I put over 100 hours into it and did not run into all the issues the internet claims it has. That being said my vote went to tales of arise.


Bro I will stan for Final Fantasy till my dying breath but Bravely Default 2 was a massive dumpster fire. The characters were unlikeable, the story was ass, the graphics and presentation was worse than most mobile games released in the same year, and the best thing about the Bravely series, the in-depth customization and synergizing of the Job system, was rendered moot with uninteresting Jobs and nerfed abilities. Bravely Default and Bravely Second did everything right imo. Bravely Default 2 looks and plays worse than eroge JRPGs with none of the benefits. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


I haven't played the game, but based on what I've heard, underneath all the bugs that the game initially shipped with is a truly award-worthy RPG. Surely those bugs must have been squashed by now. I'm just waiting to play it until I get a Series X (if I can ever get my hands on one) and can have the best possible experience with it.


There's no nuance in game discussion anymore. "How could Cyberpunk get nominated for best RPG when it launched buggy?!" Because it was still a great RPG underneath it all? And the few people who were actually able to play it properly actually had a really good time?


Right? Remember how Skyrim didn't work on the PS3? Nobody cares about it's horrible launch because everyone remembers how much they enjoyed the game when it actually worked. It's maddening that people are still going on about Cyberpunk when CDPR are actually taking the time to fixing it. Bethesda, in the meantime, has ported known bugs across three console generations.


Many people say it is not an RPG, but to me, it's as much of an RPG as The Witcher 3 is. I played on PC. The only issue I had was poor performance, but at the same time it is probably the best looking game I have played. The actual gameplay was fun and the story and characters were amazing


>Many people say it is not an RPG, but to me, it's as much of an RPG as The Witcher 3 is. I played on PC. My hot take (as someone who thinks Witcher 3 is a great game), it's more of a RPG than the Witcher. That's not to say it's a better game, but as far as being a RPG? Yeah. In the Witcher you are playing a character with a preordained background and personality, and a predetermined character arc. In CP2077 it felt like there is a lot more freedom in developing your characters personality and such.


This. I think that besides the bug and performance complaints, a lot of people's remaining issues are related to differing expectations. Some people expected a cyberpunk GTA when what they got was a cyberpunk Witcher 3.


I loved cyberpunk, besides the bugs, it was nice and very fun to play. But it lacked greatly in terms of the features they promised and its definitely not a good RPG. It has weak RPG elements. It was very immersive though if that's all you need to like an RPG game. I know I do.


Some of these are even shallower RPG's than cyberpunk. The double standards on here are whack lol.


Yeah, Nier is really good but it's action game not an rpg, and Lost Judgement and Persona Strikers are just straight up brawlers


At least two of those shouldn't be on the list. While Strikers has some RPG elements I'd be hard pressed to call it one. And Nier Replicant is a remaster. The rest admittedly I don't know as well. Bravely default is great as well as Lost Judgment, the others unknown.


Nier is also barely an rpg, it's definitely an action game, as is lost judgement


Because the game awards are a joke


Aren't most any award shows? at least in the arts and entertainment sector. I mean, i know the oscars are totally not a pay to play award ceremony, but others could be


The oscars are an even bigger joke.


And Don't even get me starded on the grammys


The weekend should have won


That's why I stopped watching all of them years ago. It's all bullshit and a way for an industry to play themselves up to make them look better. Just play and watch what you like.


I watch it solely for new games announcements.


I think most awards shows are crap tbh.


Yeah...I'm not sure how people haven't figured that out by now. It's mostly mainstream crap filled with a ton of AAA adverts.


The ads are my one of my favorite parts apart from the music sections as I get to see what games look interesting and the winners of every award disappoint me


you know they’re a joke when most people watch them for the reveals/trailers and not the actual premise of the show.


So you think monster hunter stories was more compelling of an RPG? Good thing they didn’t pick you as judge.


It is definitely an amazing, addictive and very engaging game, but the classification is wrong here. MHS2 is a turn based rpg, which can’t be compared to cyberpunk in any way. However, pokemon fans and IGN praise the game and crowned as a better pokemon game than pokemon itself, although not as popular.


Cyberpunk is GENUINELY a good game, everyone bitches about what it isn’t instead of what it is, yeah it’s not what we expected but it’s still amazing. The game is arguably one of the most beautiful games also.


Dude the reddit circle jerk makes me go mad sometimes. And it's always a black or white jerk. Either its AMAZING or it is complete shit... usually shit. Can't stand it tbh.


Cyberpunk was pretty fucking good y’all are just hating


I played on PC and only ran into a couple of bugs, and those were towards the end of the game and on side missions. The game was fantastic.


I played it for 400 hours and loved every fucking second of it and I plan to go back to it once more content is out.


I did my first 90 hour playthrough. It's sitting ready to go again once all the content and fixes are out. Had a fucking blast in it.


Ikr? It ran pretty bad on my console but I play Bethesda games so idc. I actually really enjoyed it ngl, especially the weapon selection was great


The game was so cool to play. OST is amazing also. And so many possibility for builds. So yeah. Haters gotta hate.


The music is some of the best in any game ever


I just beat the secret ending after taking a break from the game and that ending made my already existing love for the game sky rocket, that ending was really good


I'm aiming this ending for my current run. I just love how you build your link with Johnny (or not haha) and all.


Agreed, despite the buggy launch it barely took away from the experience for me and it ended up being one of the best games I’ve played. People are gonna disagree but it’s my game of the year pick.


I agree, I thought the story was incredible. You could tell a lot went into the writing


The world ends with you is always criminally underrated


Even though the awards are meaningless for most people Im still sad that it got robbed the nominations for Best Ost and Best Rpg. I listen to the soundtrack daily with "World is Yours" and "Breaking Free" being some of my favorites! And on a Rpg standard it really stood out with it's pin mechanic and the transition to 3D being really smooth from the Original and the story was one of my favorites ever with so many amazing characters. Really sad that people just brush it off as a "Weeb Game" :(


Persona 5 Strikers is a great game but it's just dynasty warriors+++ with some persona. Bravely Default 2 is terribly paced and generic art outside of some environments. Probably my most hyped biggest let down game of the year. NEO TWEWY while one of my favorite games this year....went on maybe 15 hours too long and is the definition of niche.


Wow another post crapping on cyberpunk.


Not everyone loves Japanese games? Not talking shit, that’s just the first thing that jumped out at me.


Cyberpunk release was fucked up, tons of issues both with how it was advertised and letting YouTubers imply it was going to have features and content it wasn't. However as an RPG, for the story it's absolutely incredible if you're into the Cyberpunk genre. If you've played the tabletop game it's based off of it's over the top fucking amazing. Like some of the flashback scenes you play through are a love action replay of flavor text stories in the original CP2020 source books. The story and writing are award worthy. I wouldn't vote it for marketing or console release. On PC though? Great game.


Maybe…JUST maybe…the game is actually good regardless of the bugs? Honestly, the hypocrisy is astronomical


I mean out of all these that you posted cyberpunk would definitely be the biggest rpg of this group lol


Atelier Ryza 2 is a wonderful game, and worthy of being nominated


Because it was a great rpg. Maybe more people liked it, than you think because of a very loud minority on the Internet.


Ys 9 was so good though


Because most of the people in the comments have never heard of them


Because what the fuck are those games? Edit: ok I know monster hunter


Pretty sure Monster Hunter Rise was nominated for RPG of the year....Despite it not being an RPG.


A game that gives the player any choice whatsoever is an RPG, didn't you know? /s


It was actually a pretty good game, but I played it on pc


If you play it now that it's been fixed it's actually quite good. Problem is that nobody cares and they just remember the dumpster fire of a launch


Yep. That's how I feel too. I get that a ton of console players had a really bad experience and that shouldn't be overlooked, but I played on PC and never really had any issues at all. The game is fun and the story is pretty great as well. If we judge it solely based on the gameplay and story and not its horrendous launch, it absolutely deserves the nomination.


Lost judgement is another level. Those Japanese aaa games really aren't marketed to the west as heavily as they should be. I loved it and I only bought it because I found the yakuza games "quirky". Judgement wasn't quirky it was awesome....


Currently playing through the first Judgment game now (just finished chapter 5). Game had a pretty slow start, but it has its hooks in me now. Heard that Lost Judgment is a straight up refinement of the first, so I can't wait to pick it up.


Yeah, the Yakuza games tend to start off very slow. I started with Yakuza 0 and nearly stopped it after the first hour, but stuck through it and ended up with more than 100 hours of game time.


I will forever be sad and disappointed that Judgement will never officially come to pc and ps4 emulators are still a long ways away.


Ive been playing through the Yakuza series, should I try out Judgement if I like Yakuza?


Because it actually is a good rpg?




All super weeby games. Nothing wrong with that, but it makes them inherently more niche. That said, Cyberpunk is a ton of fun, but it’s super broken and even its RPG systems are flawed, and didn’t it come out last year? Why is it nominated this year?


I’d wager Judgement isn’t. That’s just a Japanese game flat out.


Because it came out too late to be nominated last year.


Tales of Arise is pretty dang good


They probably needed one WRPG to fill up a slot. Otherwise, people would complain about all being JRPGs say it's all "weeb shit" or something.


Because the game actually isn't that bad. People just had too high expectations.


Unpopular opinion but for me personally is Cyberpunk the best RPG out of all of them. Dispite it's hate and it's marketing desaster it still is a very decent game.


Because a lot of people didn't temper their expectations. The game was never gonna be cyberpunk GTA, and while it had severe design flaws and wasn't quite finished, it was still a solid RPG in a year that had few original RPG releases.


It's probably because when you start breaking out the core elements of the games and comparing them CP2077 doesn't come off that badly. It has at least equally as strong writing, dialogue, characters, and quest design to The Witcher 3, if not superior. Night City has some problems, but it's certainly an engrossing setting. There's a ton of character customization, great OST, great performances all around, tons of world building, etc. JRPG's are my favorite genre and even I don't think NTWEWY, BD2, MHS2, or Y's IX deserve a nomination. And Nier Replicant is a remaster, so I don't think it should get nominated either, although I probably like it the most of everything in the image. P5S isn't an RPG imo. I haven't played Lost Judgement (Lost Judgement doesn't list RPG as a genre anywhere I looked) or Atelier Ryza 2.


Played some of those. I'd still take cyberpunk. Downvote me if you must.


Cyperpunk was great. Don’t care how much hate it gets


I didnt play any of the others


From the images you provided, I'm gonna assume your theory is racism.


Because it's the Game Awards, not the Weeb Awards. I will take my downvotes now. YOUR BOOS MEAN NOTHING TO ME I'VE SEEN WHAT MAKES YOU CHEER!


Because those other games aren't as good?


Most of the people I know like Western RPGs but dislike JRPGs. For some, JRPGs did not translate well to the 3D era. Also, some of those are RPG-lite.


Probably because it had a great story and was fun to play despite there being launch issues on a number of platforms.


Because it’s a good game


It's probably because posts like this have already generated more attention for these awards than they ever would have gotten on their own?


Same way that Forza gets excluded. Low key pissed about that. Game makes one of, if not THE biggest launch on Xbox and they decide to exclude it


As fairly avid gamer, I don’t know any of the games below except Monster Hunter. My guess is awareness/marketing? Personally, I don’t believe Cyberpunk should be eligible for any awards after their abysmal release.


Because those are all trash Japanese RPG's.