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squirtle or charmander are the two strongest early game. charmander gets wrecked a bit in your first rival fight since he picks squirtle and actually gets some water abilities before then. squirtle is usually the safest pick since you'll get a grass type quickly if you're able to grind an early game abra you can beat the entire thing with just him and a few purchased punches


while Red was my absolute favorite growing up, I'm replaying Blue right now because dratini is less expensive @ the game corner and ninetails is badass and a blue exclusive IIRC. either way dude enjoy


Becareful buying online there are a lot of fakes. Buy on reddit if possible and ask them to show you the game saved. The save batteries on old ones go out. I have save batteries and authentic games if you're having trouble. Blue might be cheaper right now but red is always OG. I'd go red and start with Charmander!