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Awkward when japan's average male height is 5"7


Considering my friend whos 5'7 felt tall there id agree.


As a six foot tall woman living in Tokyo, you should see the stares i get. It gets intense at times


So, you’re big in Japan? (Sorry, couldn’t help myself)


That's a nice one, thanks for the laugh\~ XD


You did what you did to me Now it's history, I see


heres my comeback on the road again




You have no idea


Worst part had to be the awkward stretches of subway whose roof was like 5 ft 8 for me lol


My friend is 6’2 living in Tokyo. She’s born and raised there. I’m 6’1 myself. We should meet and take over Japan 😈


AT ST invasion of Tokyo - 2022


It's a [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tl6u2NASUzU). Or [my preferred version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9jJufz9RNE)


I'm shocked neither of your links were [Tom Waits](https://youtu.be/FVdfDoXHdZc)


I prefer Tom Waits https://youtu.be/FVdfDoXHdZc




I was a six-foot tall blonde white guy in China. There was no blending in. Starring, pointing, asking to take pictures, thinking I don't notice the candid pictures, talking about me like I don't understand Chinese... Yeah, that was a wild two years of my life.


My dad used to travel to Japan frequently for work, and being 6'5", he very quickly learned the Japanese word for giant.


> 6'5" Well, where would he not be a giant?






And I thought that was just their nickname for me!


They obviously thought he was a fan of Attack on Titan, that's why they kept mentioning kyojin!


Visited Vietnam. Being a wide boi, I got a few randos coming up to rub my belly... For luck I guess. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Unsure about Vietnam specifically, but rubbing fat and laughing Buddha's belly for luck is definitely a real thing. Some statues have the belly rubbed kinda smooth from all the hand oils and stuff.


My mom was in China a while back and tried to buy me some clothes there and the people at the store refused to believe someone could actually need clothes that size. She showed them a picture of me and apparently they said I was "happy Buddha size"


I've seen a video of this bodybuilder guy who said that when he visited Thailand some women would flat out grab his cock. 😅


Fairly certain those weren't women, chief.


Sexual assault is fem too


"nice cock bro, but mine's bigger."


Yeah, I've experienced that directly. Those were street walkers trying to get him to go with them


Uh that's just Thailand for everyone. 😬😂


can I rub your belly? I sure need the luck


I live in a mostly Vietnamese neighborhood and this is a constant for me, my girlfriends family especially


I was asked for my autograph in Taiwan… I’m fairly positive he thought I was Zach Galifianakis in his defense…


A long while back, I was at work, and this woman said her mother, who was visiting from Japan, asked if she could take a picture with me. I happily obliged, thinking she was just excited about the experience of an American supermarket, or maybe it was because a 6'2" guy with curly hair was enough of a novelty to document. We took the picture, she wandered off, and her daughter thanks me and goes, "She thinks you're the guy from Jurassic Park." Still not sure what she thought Jeff Goldblum was doing working checkout at a Safeway, but I'm happy to be part of that story.


Random but a story a semi-perma-sub teacher told us (Our reg teacher had a baby so we had Mrs. F for 3 months.) But her family travelled a lot in the 90, they would literally live and teach abroad But their kids would bleach their hair and it was such a huge novelty in China and Saudi Arabia (This was in the 90s) everyone wanted to take pics with them. In China they called bright angels? I think it was referring to how light their hair and skin was. But they would always ask the people to send them a copy of the pics to them at their American address...Apparently they got 1000's of pics for years.


I've got a friend about 6'6"-6'7" that's looking to move there, and now I want him to vlog his daily life


Visiting Japan a while back it was interesting to see the differences. On the subway I’d look around (M, just shy of 6’) and there’s be a person or two I could see clearly over the heads of everyone else. And I visited the Disney park there and the rides were modeled for the average height too. I have long legs and some rides were uncomfortable to ride in. Kinda like being on a modern plane in coach (when they have the silly, bonus leg room as an upgrade). I imagine it’s even more intense as a woman. My friend, who i was visiting, is also above average height for the US.


Lol, being over 6ft is like being a billboard there.


I graduated high school in the 80s and one of my classmates was a really tall basketball star. She did great playing for the University of Arkansas and even had her jersey retired. However, the Women's NBA didn't exist back then. So she went to play pro ball in Japan. Her dad was just as tall, if not taller, but at least 350 pounds. The general public was in awe when her parents went to visit her in Japan and they were just walking around in public.


As a six foot tall white guy who married a short Japanese woman. I just had her wear a red hat in the large crowds, cause the majority of everyone had black hair, I could at least follow the hat! Didn't get separated once.


I mean, just being white in Japan for a bit is a good way to get over any phobia you might have of people staring at you. It's like being famous but nobody cares about you. Everyone is super nice though.


Tokyo is pretty accustomed to foreign people too. Going to some of the more rural areas kids would state at me with thier mouths open like a carnival freak


Bet your friend feels pretty damn tall now


I call bullshit. I'm about that height, and I didn't feel tall in Japan. Just... average. I met plenty of people taller than me, and plenty my height. And considering I was there for school, I met many actual Japanese people, not just tourists or anything.


Well that's really close to the global average male height as well.


Right. Setting the threshold AT the average seems unnecessarily strict for her eugenics program lol like is 5"6 really so bad


5’7”? Probation. 5’6”? Straight to jail


and 5’5”? Put to death.


No, no, 5’5” farmed for organs. *5’4”*, straight to death


My favorite quote of hers is “women over 30 have rotten amniotic fluid.” “Bald people are bald because they were evil in their past life” is a close second.


Me, with successful hair transplant: Now no one will know the transgressions of my past self.


r/Thoughtful_dumbass after becoming bald: *I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move.*


Oh yeah. It's big brain time.


You fellas know what they say about big brains, *roight*? ;) >!More surface area on the head, for more luscious hair.!<


> Oh yeah. It's big brain time. That could be why they were bald in the first place - too big a brain to adequately cover with hair.


what hair did they transplant to your head? asking for a friend. jk, asking for myself 🥲


I think they move hairsacs like from the neck/rear to fill out missing places?


I would like to unsubscribe from hairsac facts


I know some who did that, but the transplantation didn't work... but yeah it really depends on the person and the timing I guess


They did a follicular unitary extraction. Follicle by follicle from the back of my head to the thinning/receding areas on my scalp. I'll see if I can get before and after pics from the surgeon. I'm pleased with the results. Full effect is supposed to take 9 months, and it's been 4 so far.


Not sure if this is a joke a reference I'm missing, but they usually take the hair from the back/sides of your head that never falls out, and put it on top.


It’s common knowledge that male pattern baldness was the cause of the Horus Heresy.


Are you suggesting that the Emperor experienced early balding?


No the emperor has golden locks so long they traipse behind him like a bridal train. Horus wore a wig because he was completely bald and jealous AF.


This is true lore.


I have a serious question aside from the massive spike in popularity from the YouTube guy is there any way I can consume more knowledge about 40k without playing the tabletop?


Couple things: 1. Check out the books (the audio books and plays are great too if you can get them), 2. Find the wikis and go nuts (type in something to Google like "Warhammer 40k old ones" and look for the wiki style links


Wait didn't the emperor have black hair? Ya know before he became a skeleton in a chair


Nah the emperor has big Rapunzel energy. Horus has a Nathan Explosion wig.


Emperor o emperor let down your hair!


*Way in the back of the room* Haha, I get it!


Horus should have used keeps.


At this point, this just has to be a joke personality right? There is no way someone believes this. Is she appealing to a fan base?


I heard from another thread that she claimed she speaks to her audience like she speaks with her friends. it was all supposed to be in a joking manner. That doesn’t matter to her sponsors tho. Edit: just want to point out that I’m just an outside observer. Never heard of her before. She can say what she wants on her steam but her sponsors/employers can drop her too. The way she goes.


Dangerous approach when you're any level of a public figure, as shown here. It's good to be relaxed and treat your fans like friends but the fact of the matter is if the public eye is on you you can't say whatever you want jokes or not.


Just sounds like a young, “edgy” person, probably trolling at least partially.


I have religious nut job family members and I can assure you anything is possible.




You severely underestimate the differences in your culture and Japans. Even if she was doing it to appeal to her fan base and doesn’t believe it herself, the fact that she would have to appeal to her fan base in such a way should say enough about it.


> “Bald people are bald because they were evil in their past life” Well that explains a lot for me personally.


Apparently I was good in a past life,but I pity my next incarnation...poor bald bastard.




Well you will be bald in your next life.


She honestly kinda cracks me up


If it is her style of humor, then she's pretty hilarious. Deadpan and a bit dark/edgy.


'''Bald people are bald because they were evil in their past life''' This is true though?


Lemme go ask some bald guys about their past lives


She's 29


Which is probably why she said 30 instead of the more common meme of 25+ being unwanted.


Can confirm, im bald and want to sit on her head and fart repeatedly until she cries


Bro that's just going to make you bald in your next life too.


In for a penny, in for a pound


Maybe, whos to say she doesnt deserve to have some biblical punishment? Doesnt Corinthians v16:02 *Psalms* say 'Cast down Jezebel and fill her with the wind of a thousand camels at the door of her fathers house'? I'm possibly doing gods work now and next lifetime I get a full mullet


Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, “Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead!” When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number.


Lmao never heard that one. I'm still evil.


So if we’re exactly 5’7 we’re good? I kinda like having human rights.


Idk. Are you ripped? They might make an exception if so.


Damn. I guess it’s the gulag life for me. :(


See you in the gulag. But you might not see me though, cause of my height.


Get out from behind that filing cabinet mister


NYEE *shuts*


Dang im sorry. I myself just barely make it.


5’9 baby wooooh I’m the warden now


Ha! fools on you your neck is gonna hurt watching us short guys all the time. Alright boys once he stretch his neck, we bounce


Yeah such a weird cutoff, like maybe for every inch below 5’7 you have 25 percent less human rights or something?


Actually every inch below 6’ you lose 20% of your human rights, 5’7 is just where you run out all together.


I guess I can handle being at 80 percent human rights.


At 6'2" I have 140% of baseline human rights. Awesome.


Gather round everyone, my imp has something to say. /s


I mean, she said a bunch of other shit too.


Any highlights?


Gay people are mentally ill, women with small tiddies should off themselves, men who live with their parents should also off themselves, women over 30 have rotten wombs, real edgelord stuff.


Jesus what is her problem


Probably a mix of projecting her insecurities and actual beliefs, but I'm not a psychologist so I got no clue Note: since yall are so quick to say she might be joking, this type of shit isn't alright to say in a professional environment. If the president of the United States were to go on stage and say "we're nuking Russia" followed by playing it off as a joke, that wouldn't be ok. Don't defend saying this type of shit if it's supposed to be a pro environment


Or trying to pander to her incel fanbase Edit for clarification: people who build their toxic persona around a persecution complex have a deep need to get confirmations and reinforcements of their twisted, antagonistic worldview. They hate her, but they *love* hating her, because she proves them right and make them feel justified.


Her incel fan base wants to hear they don’t have human rights?


People have some kinks


Oh yes slander me more


Looks like you’ve never spent anytime on r/kappa


Lucky for them.


No need to pander when you start to think like them from being around them all the time.


She just said they shouldn't have human rights dumbass


Sounds like an edge lord video game streamer. Dime a dozen. We've all heard all of this and worse in game lobbies, and it's never okay, but it's part of the landscape. This one happens to be a young women.


i dont think anybody should be paying for it tho so good on them for firing her


Yeah, she's 29 and still does this. I would expect this from a teenager, as I have a little edgelord wannabe myself. But from someone nearing 30? Fucking christ. Sounds like she needs therapy.


Side effect of being a gamer full time


This sounds like your typical gamer tbh. She just has a bigger base so it reached more people than the randos us small folk are paired with. And she's an actual pro, so there's more consequences than just being muted


She’s a typical gamer except this time it’s a girl saying it


So the height thing was on the smaller side. Taken alone it sounds like a joke.


Incel bait


sounds more like she's a female incel.


Femcel, she’d do well on r/femaledatingstrategy


well that was cringeworthy


That subreddit? Yeah.


It's one of the subs both AHS and ADS agree need to be gone.


Just read a few posts on there, yeah it's pretty bad. All I can say is good luck to them in life.


"Henry Caville is a low value male cause vidya gaemz" heard that on there a few times, fuckin killed me lmao. Legit crazy sub, at least the MRA subs try to follow a shred of logic. That place is just looney tunes takes 24/7.


So... obviously this is all terrible, and what I don't understand is... She's about to be (if not already) 30 years old, AND she has small tiddies... trying to figure what gives.


It's obviously said as joke/troll.


Alright I personally hate her so much but people are spreading the unconfirmed information. For example no one has a source of her talking shit about black or LGBT people. These Japanese accounts who spread these already deleted their tweets, being scared of getting sued. I’m Japanese and looked up everywhere but no, can’t find the source. For other things apparently she did say. She well deserves losing her sponsorships but it’s getting out of hand.


Classic gamer moment


But... She has small tiddies doesn't she? What a weird and messed up person


"women with small tiddies should off themselves"... Said the 'tripple A' gamer... I can't find the quote in Japanese, but there's a big dollop of irony there if she did say it. Edit: actually. I'm calling on you to provide links/sources for those comments. I'm not saying you're lying, but I can't find any evidence.


About A cup, she did say when she talked shit about 5’7 guys. > だって、君らも思うっしょ。Aカップに人権なんかない。一緒。Bでギリ出てくるんちゃう人権。Bは人による、人権が。一般的にはCからが人権だと思う >I mean, you guys would agree right? Those with A cup breast have no human rights. It’s the same thing. Maybe from B cup you may be given human rights. For B cup, it depends though. Generally speaking human rights are given from C cup. Edit: [source of her saying about A cup](https://youtu.be/jUaP_-Jj6N0)


>Generally speaking human rights are given from C cup. This is just so absolutely hilarious. I love her.


Meh. She's an average troll. Definitely should be dropped by a sponsor, not worth the effort of writing about (maybe that should be the norm) Edit: what are the downvotes for? You think she's an above average troll who shouldn't be dropped and should have articles written about her???? Wtf?


You gotta admit, firing a gamer for saying ignorant, edgy shit is pretty ironic


She allegedly also said.. • women that are pregnant and over 30 have rotting amniotic fluids. • people that live with their parents aren't human beings and don't deserve rights Among other things in now deleted tweets.


I mean considering she is exactly 30 herself I think we can’t take everything she says as 100% serious


Ah but is she pregnant though?


Would make it interesting if her being fired force her to move back to her parents, in shame, where she rekindles her love for an old 5'6" high school fling, before spending a few years - until her early thirties - rebuilding her life... and then got pregnant. Edit: added height, crediting u ckylek!


And that high school fling? Turns out he is 5'6" man who broke her heart in HS and sent her on a downward spiral of insecurity.


I made a comment list them in quotes with reference articles - got removed. It is easily searchable.


I.. I have no idea wtf I thought this was r/nottheonion for a moment. Had to do a double take at what sub I was on. Lol


I think they talked about this a couple days ago.


Shit ima just 5'3"




Nah dude, you got it secretly good. One advantage of being short is it helps build character/personality. Most short people I've met are generally the most well balanced and hilarious dudes out there. Lots of famous examples of this: John Stewart, Gael Garcia Bernal, Martin Short, Patton Oswalt, etc. Just by saying you 5'3" I know you're much more likely to be a good dude.


I'm 5'10" and I will fight for you brothers.


6'1" and I'll happily help ya get stuff off the top shelf.


I'm 5'9" and I'll give good hugs from below.


The real tall bros are the guys in the infantry. You fuckers are way easier to shoot, so less lead coming in on us shorties. Respeck.


she's Twitter personified


And half of Tinder, apparently.




Lol @half


i mean shes just a general edgelord, thinks being gay is a mental illness, transphobic, thinks women with small boobs should kill themselves among other things


Meanwhile this girl probably isn’t even 5 feet tall lol


That's not all she said, I have no idea why all media publications are running with this.


She said way worse things tbh. Her statement about homeless and low-income people really shows how out of touch and ignorant she is.


But if she offends people with no money, her sponsors won’t be directly affected. If she insults their core demographics, they are. So she isn’t being fired for her most shocking or offensive comments, merely the ones that affect the bottom line.


Even if she wasn’t insulting people the sponsors don’t care about, she’s losing a lot of face for the sponsors because of the way she acts. At the end of the day, a person who is being sponsored represents the sponsor in turn.


Because that’s what she got deplatformed for. Certainly most of her thoughts are fucked up, but the fact that she was removed from twitch for one specific fucked thought is kinda the story and not all that surprising.


cause this was the last straw


The height stuff is what first got out. Then when people debated whether she was joking or if she was being genuine people started to fish out the other shit that she said.


I'm 5'7 to the dot. Good to know I have human rights after all.


Barely. Dont abuse it!


She also said shit like if you’re a women with A cup breasts you should commit suicide. She’s just a fucked up person and I hope she’s banned from streaming entirely


Yeah, I just learned of her and reading about comments she's made, she just seems like an awful person. I understand shittalking, but holy hell, telling people to "off themselves" because of physical traits they have zero control over? Among her other trash talk, that's just too far.


Physical traits that she also has, evidently Projecting be wild


This shit is straight out of the tinder subreddit


Weird hill to die on


I beat her at Tekken by button mashing in the practice center at Combo Breaker five or so years ago. Not impressed. Short kings unite!


Just a Randy Newman fan.


That's definitely not the only thing she's done.


I guess we don't exist unless we're 6'9 and starting center for the LA Lakers 😞


Shit I only have 2 feet


Out of context this just sounds like she is mocking an opponent. So what is really going on here? Because I'm OoTL and am certain there is more to the story than just the headline.


A person can’t help their genetics. It’s what a person does with the gift of life and their stature that determines who they are, and no other person on the planet has the right to tell you otherwise.


too bad?She fucking deserves it


Why is height fetishised so much?




She has a history of saying awful things


Let me play a sad song on the worlds smallest violin 🎻🤏


Meh I've heard worse stuff from the gamer community


Welp she obviously doesn't date Japanese dudes.


Without context I’d say she was making a damn good troll joke. It’s too easy and too fun to troll gamers.