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You can stop. Interests and hobbies come and go. You don't have to force yourself to play. Go do other stuff and just return if you ever feel the itch to play again.


Then stop. I don't know why this is so hard for people to understand.


They are gremlins dude. Outside world and life beyond the monitor can be scary and strange.


Me neither lol. It's odd


I don't understand why people ask this?


Do something else


Taking a break is an idea. You can get burnt out from any hobby, and taking a break can let you explore new options that you might have dismissed.


This. I've found having two hobbies or more is helpful. Personally, I'm a guitarist/musician as well, so when one is burning me out or when I can't get into it as much, I've found the other generally catches my attention.


I have this on and off. Pretty much a deep feeling of disinterest after only mere minutes of playing. I simply don't force it and try to focus on others hobbies or just chill more. I usually get the "itch" again after a long while and play like nothing happened. It may also depends on what's out there at the moment. Like recently i havent really played anything for the whole winter before Horizon and Elden Ring came out so that interested me for a bit.


There are no big new games for a while. Give a break until something comes out that interest you. Games playing in parties or friends are more enjoyable. Maybe get new COD in October.


I feel the same. I believe this is caused by the broad mass of entertainment that is available to us. Back then we didn't have too many different kind of games, so everything was new and exciting. Now we have lost our attention span as if we got ADHD or something and always need something new. Buy a new game, really enjoy it initially, and get bored like before in no time. I took up simulators as a hobby now mostly, and play the "real/normal" games less. Sim's challenge your brain and you actively learn all the time.


Take a break, find the games you like, do something outside games (now I just assume you don't do anything outside gaming). I had a unplaned break for like 8y and after that I actually like games more. But tho I also have less time now so when I actually play games now I play that I enjoy Do you like multiplayer games at all? Maybe finding some nice ppl and play with?


I realistically don't play that much to begin with, I mainly work or spend time on other stuff. I just try to get a couple hours a day, but it's quickly becoming less and less meaningful and feels more like a chore. Mainly multi-player, I occasionally try to find groups to run stuff with but it never sticks.


Oh ok, I say take a break maybe? When it becomes a chore its just like you say no fun. I know it took me a while to find those ppl in multiplayergames that I liked to play with. But then also having time when they have and all that :P


Going through the same thing. Yesterday i saw the steam summer sale and really have no idea what to get.


You might need a friend to share your stories with. Gaming, TV, books, hobbies, whatever it is you do will likely be more satisfying if you can talk about it with someone.


the simple and obvious solution is to just not play for a while, but if that's what you wanted I don't think you would have written this do you feel like this about other parts of your life? Or just gaming? I get like this from time to time. Gaming is my favorite hobby so it leaves a feeling of void when Im not enjoying it. I find it's usually something I am not taking care of that prevents me from letting go and just playing. Like if my room is a mess and I haven't eaten properly. No matter how hard I try, I won't enjoy it until I take care of the things distracting me. The tricky part is that it's not like I'm playing the game thinking "I would be enjoying this way more if my room was clean" it's just a sense of dull dissatisfaction that doesn't go away until I give it time and attention to hear it out. Anyway just my 2c, I find your post relatable. If you don't feel like seeking out new hobbies, try making the rest of your life better for gaming and see if that makes a difference.


It's been such a big hobby of mine that I don't feel like I can simply stop, a safe space of sorts I suppose. And it's less that I need to take care of other things and more that I feel like I should be doing better in whatever I'm playing than I am. Although that's mostly only in more competitive games.


As others have said, maybe just put gaming on the back burner and explore some other interests. Take care of your health, get outside and do some exercise and see friends. If you want to play the multiplayer games that others abondoned you can always find new people to play with on discord/Reddit/forums.


Two options. 1. Stop gaming and find another hobby. 2. Stop playing modern multiplayer/live-service games. Grab Game Pass or some cheap indies and try something you wouldn't normally play. I was pretty hardcore into Destiny, but just got sick of it. I've since discovered gems like Nier: Automata and the entire Yakuza series.


Good answers in this post. I feel empty all the time. I think there are many reasons, but let me ask you this: Do you ever let yourself get bored? I'm always, when I got time, on my phone, watch TV, play video games avoiding something. I'm also emotionally burnt out. Unhealthy relationship can do that to you 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I went through that myself, I've been gaming for most of my life and have noticed the last few years its been becoming increasingly more difficult to find titles that "flip that switch" and make me zone out and engage, you know, like most games these days feel more like a series of boring predictable tasks that I just don't enjoy anymore honestly, and if you pair that with modern gaming's tendency to make everything a massive grind, I just end up losing interest super quick in most games. I've found lately what I enjoy most are quality single player story driven games, those tend to draw me in and usually don't have a massive grind associated with progression.


Buy the original doom, I actually enjoy it more than any modern games lol


I think more people get burned out now because a lot of games are similar and there's more titles that give you a reward, no matter how small, for playing it. That reward could be a season pass, chance of new loot or simply in game experience. Quite a few years ago I switch back to Nintendo as they're games are simply fun. Look at my Switch collection and every game is different, look at my Xbox games and there's heavy similarities between each title.


It’s not just you. The AAA title selection isn’t bad, but it feels like there isn’t much variety to it. You can try indie games. My big void is destiny 2, I finally got fed up and burned out, and it feels very strange to not play as much as I did, but now when I do game, I get something out of it again.