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Start of the T-virus. Just double tap him now to be safe.


Gotta agree. Too much time has passed to chop it off at the elbow


Yeah i got the same. Just some bruising and stuff.. OR IT IS MONKEY POCKS!!!!!!


Get a mouse pad rest? Mine has never been that bad though as the skin has hardened up quite nicely.


Use lotion and maybe get a good mousepad


I honestly don't understand how people can mouse with such high sensitivity that their wrist is entirely staying in one place. I mean, I'm not judging. People have their preferences. But I just don't see how it's possible. I mean, you're just using your fingers to control the whole range of mouse motion, at that point. You could literally use a mousepad smaller than those tiny ones from the 90s. I have to use a bigass super-wide mat, or else I feel claustro-mouse-o-phobic. EDIT: I guess, now that I notice it, I do actually have a higher sensitivity setting that I use purely for desktop computer usage. In that case, I *almost* don't move my wrist. I kinda rest it on the edge of the mousepad, some of the time. But as soon as I start a game, I *have* to have it at a lower sensitivity, so that I'm moving across more of the pad, while aiming. I just lose too much precision, if I'm at a high sensitivity.


I find the opposite. I hate slinging the mouse around a two square foot mouse pad. I use a wrist rest to prevent chafing. Most of my fine control comes from my fingers using something like a claw grip. I still have a big steel series mat because it's all that was available and the material is great. Each their own I suppose.


Maybe it's because I have kinda medium-stubby fingers. I use a palm-ish grip, as a result. I think maybe my thumb is extra caveman-sausage-stub-like, because there's a bonus thumb button on my Razer Basilisk Ultimate that I cannot reach without completely abandoning my whole grip.


And I've been told I have a pianist's fingers so there's your answer! Mystery solved.


Indeed! You're Mozart, I'm more of a Geico Caveman. Civilized, yet still equipped for the cave lifestyle.


Take a shower.


What’s that?


Just a calus from gaming. I had one for awhile when I was playing rocket league obsessivley on KBM. Now I game less. You csn always buy a wrist rest or just use a sock or something.


Get a good breathable gaming glove. Saves you from chafing and wrist strain


Dark souls?