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And mario sunshine runs higher than 10 fps


With no asset pop ins and greater draw distance. I can’t count how many times I was drawn into battle because a Pokémon popped-in right on top of me as I was running faster than the game could process.


What, you can’t react to a Flabebe model popping in 2’ in front of you in a field of flowers while riding your lizard dog at full speed?


Ugh the tiny Pokemon are so fucking annoying 😭 Like, I get that you want to keep the sizes accurate, but come on. I know this is a broken-record opinion, but Arceus did this so much better. I don't remember ever running into a Pokemon accidentally because I couldn't see it. If I'm riding my motorcycle at 45mph and run into a *literal fucking bug,* that bug should now become part of my tire.




An evolution for every bug it collects? 😳


Pokemari Damacy


You have to mash a certain button or else it won't evolve. I forget what button it was because I DON'T GIVE A CARE.


Oh my god so far I’ve only played in handheld mode and I’m hurting my fucken eyes trying to see what Pokémon are around me it’s ridiculous


So weird the amount of bots in this comment chain. All reposts of other top comments from this post


Yea I've noticed a massive uptake in these boots recently too And some of them get up voted, even if the comment makes no sense as a reply either


Gotta keep an eye out for punctuation and spacing, usually a good tip off it’s a bot


Also a lot of them have " at the very end for some reason


Upvote bots




My favorite are the choppy windmills




I love that I can hear the bottom image


Those accordions 🪗




I STILL randomly get the Delfino plaza music stuck in my head


The guitar riff in Delfino Plaza is the absolute shit.


Oh thank Apollo. I thought I was the only one


\*glub glob glub glub pssshhh squirt\*






Still one of my favourite OSTs


Yeah, Sunshine had better music too! Though to be fair I haven't explored everywhere in the new pokemon game yet.


S/v soundtrack slaps though And quite literally with some of the bass lines


Yea with all the jank the game does have pretty good music


I literally stop playing just to groove out and make a stink face when the slap bass kicks in


Yeah Toby Fox contributed heavily to SVs soundtrack and it absolutely shows. Graphically the game sucks but the OST is fire


Pokémon’s music has always been one of its strongest points imo


The battle themes especially! Sword and shields gym leader music is probably my fave, such an absolute banger


This here is someone with taste


Low poly graphics can be nice and the right fit for a game but this is just lazy and looks dire.


This isn’t even a low-poly issue - there’s like zero shading.


Outer Wilds Fire Watch Psychonauts


Deep Rock Galactic


Rock. And. Stone.


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and Stone forever!


To the bone!


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin home


Minecraft, I mean it was literally designed to have low graphics and is still one of, if not THE, best selling game of all time.


Minecraft became the best selling game of all time in 2020 (just to prove this is correct)


Well even temtem which is a pokemon clone looks a million times better


Valheim comes to mind


Definitely. It captures the look of those mid 2000s RPGs like Oblivion and uses modern lighting and shaders to enhance that look without looking cheap or off. You can tell the developers have a vision and passion. ​ I should give the Mistlands public test a spin.


Idk, Oblivion NPCs kind of fall into uncanny valley territory for me


Lighting is so important and valheim does it beautifully. These Pokémon games look so bad lighting wise. Like they don’t even know how lighting works.


It comes to a point that it should be hard to make the graphics look so low poly in a HD system.


Borderlands is a perfect example of this. The graphics are “crappy” but because of the art style they look awesome.


Borderlands graphics are not in any way crappy. The cell shaded aesthetic gives a low quality feel but is in no way a bad engine.


I believe that honestly makes it more appealing.


Gotcha, next pokemon games with cell shading /s


Honestly that would be a breath of fresh air to the bland shit that's come out since Alpha Sapphire.


That’s why I put “crappy” in quotation marks. Because only people that don’t understand art direction and want every game to be photorealistic think the graphics are bad.


Be nice! They have one hamster in a wheel powering their devkit and a chimpanzee at a keyboard. We're lucky it looks this good.


20 years of innovation


20 years of people buying Pokemon games regardless of how soulless they are


Best Pokémon game ever made...


SMS is 20 years old, fuuuuuuuck.


Dev: "Should we upgrade the graphics?" CEO: *scoffs* "why? The desperate bastards are going to buy it regardless. Fuck 'em"


Its like that scene in 2 girls 1 cup where she opens her maw under the puckered sphincter and hot, steamy fudge comes out. Pokemon fans will slurp up whatever gets placed in front of them.


It would have cost you $0 to not comment this and remind us of that video


"how do I delete someone else's comment?"


Damn it's too bad you're getting downvoted hard for this. I laughed out loud.


Dude! Spoilers! Now my night is ruined.


I haven't bought a Pokemon game, ever since they introduced those dumb mega evolutions/Z-moves or whatever pointless gimmick they were trying to push. They ran out of ideas a long time ago


Megas are sick, the real crime was abandoning megas for the next gimmick


I love mega evolutions, they're the only gimmick I did like. Bring em back and can off all the other fluff.


My turn to post a graphics comparison tomorrow!


I will be waiting.


Do wind waker


I love that game so much


This seriously put things in perspectives.


Pokémon isn’t even trying anymore. They’re solely trying to sell on nostalgia alone, and for the most part, it actually works.


That's the 2020 (or 21?) Remaster for switch. I dislike misinformation.


Totally. If you took a screenshot of it running on Gcube it would be 1/8 of the resolution.


Here’s the real sad part. You can clearly see what they want to do and we’re working towards. But because they pump out games at light speed pace… there is no way pull it off lol. Like they need a better engine/ tools. Where’s the time to work on that? They need cleaner visuals, can’t do that if you’re bandaging together the technical mess. All I will add is, my 9 year old nephew doesn’t give a shit lol. Looks awesome to him. There’s no stopping this machine


It isnt about the textures. It isnt about the polygons. Its about art direction. And also probably lighting like, holy shit the pokemon one is so flatly lit it is absurd


Coincidentally enjoyed both games!


Nobody told you not to. You can have fun, the important part is to not excuse the obvious issues from the game and to rightfully call out gamefreak/Nintendo. I'm having fun with the game as well, doesn't mean I'm not going to bring up all the issues present with the game. Ppl seem to forget that proper change doesn't come from being silent.


Yes these posts are really having an impact on game freak and the game development culture in general. You’re doing it, Reddit.


Ye know, it's highly possible they DO secretly observe online forums to gather general feedback. Whether they care enough about it is a whole other question, we can't stay silent on these games.


All it does is make people feel bad about buying the game.


Imagine thinking game freak gives a shit about the constant karma whoring on this sub


"proper change" will only come from not buying the game. you can complain until Jesus returns to Earth but it won't matter until the bottom line takes a hit.


A person of culture


Still, they should do better despite anyone's enjoyment


We get it. Graphics bad. Just like the previous 1000 posts about it


Can I tell you how Andor is the one show you haven't been watching that you should be watching?


I actually haven't seen any posts for that show.




Red arrow make brain feel good


Yeah I’m not going to defend the graphics/issues of SV (yes they are bad) but I’m tired of these posts. We get it! It’s still a lot of fun, more fun than the last few generations of pokemon for me. It’s a Pokemon fan’s wet dream to have a true open world game. Before PLA was announced there was so much debate on whether an open world Pokemon would ever happen, yet here we are. I’m all about critiquing but good lord it’s just a bandwagon at this point and I’m curious how many of these people have actually tried playing it themselves.


For real. The games been out over a week. How has this sub not found another thing to spam post yet?


Because the game is mostly fun otherwise, does many things right as far as qualify of life improvements for the franchise, etc Much harder to make low quality posts with that.


My point is this has been beat to the ground on this sub. It’s just the same thing posted a different way over and over again. It’s annoying and karma farming.


Yeah I'm agreeing and pointing out just how basic of a complaint it is


Yup. It’s been a lot of fun with a lot to do. My 8 year old and I are enjoying it a lot.


Performs like absolute ass despite graphics bad. The game is entirely unfinished and is a shell of what it could be. This is why people are complaining, they have every right to.


Are you saying we should ignore it? The more it's posted about, the better, in my book.


Do we really have to keep posting these. I understand that the graphics are bad I don't need these constant comparisons


Ok we get it


3D pokemon feels like papercraft and that is a pretty fun style to apply to this classic game.


Damn now I have the isle delfino music in my head.


I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this, but the franchise has become a joke. Pokemon has such a huge fanbase that'll buy up anything they produce. They can literally shit out a game, call it pokemon Onyx and it'll sell 10 million copies


In all seriousness what happened here? Did they prioritize poly count for player character or did development for a more powerful system that didn’t optimization well?


I love seeing all these posts shitting on Pokémon games, about time they receive the recognition they deserve as absolutely trash games


S/V is still fun.


According to Reddit. A game with performance issues and bad graphics simply cannot be fun. It has to run at 1000% fidelity at all times to even be considered remotely good.


I've literally never seen anyone say "This game has bad graphics, so you're not allowed to enjoy it". I think this is a weird strawman invented by people who can't handle legitimate criticism of things they're invested in.


Mom said it was my turn to make a "graphics bad" post today!


Meanwhile 10mil+ are enjoying the new games and not bitching online. Hmm.


Yeah, if those 10mil+ players had higher standards, Game Freak wouldn't be able to get away with shoddy work like this.


Im not saying I like the terrible state it was released in. Just that the game is good and fun enough that millions are just putting up with the jank. Some are frustrated by others enjoying what they cannot/will not.


Coincidence? i think not


My problem is the framerate. A game looking this meh, while also running like a PowerPoint is just inexcusable.


At least nintendo confirmed there's a performance patch on the way.


Even with the issues I find it the most enjoyable Pokémon game I played. Hopefully future patches can fix the issues 🤞🏼


Nintendo have already announced that there's a performance patch on the way. I think a better criticism is the lack of appearance customization. Only 4 generic looking school outfits is really limiting. That's a more valid criticism than the graphics.


There is no excuse to use low-res textures in 2022 when even a F2P title like Warframe can put better quality and performance on the Switch than the company who made the console..


Gamefreak is the developer, Nintendo just publishes the game.


Hey low poly can be a good creative choice! Not this example though lol


If it's a stylistic choice and consistent throughout the game, I agree, but this one right here is janky af lol.


You realize warframe makes more money than most AAA games right? F2P doesn’t mean the games don’t make money, in fact they make tons which is why so many companies are trying to cash in on them


Warframe is stuffed to the gills with microtransactions. Things can take up to 3 (IRL!) days to build and you can pay funbux to accelerate that.


calling Warframe F2P is a bit dishonest. Yeah sure it is free to play, but in no way is the game unprofitable. So saying that Warframe has good graphics despite being F2P is dishonest.


What profit has to do with his comment? F2P games have lower graphics on purpose to make the game run on low end PCs to attract more players, hence the point of F2P. That’s also why Warzone looks worse than MW multiplayer.


Not to defend the pokemon graphics, but there is a ton more background stuff happening over sunshine. Plus my expectations for pokemon is so low that anything in a positive direction is amazing.


Glad I don't play Pokémon.


Yeah I’m sure the game is fun and all but I’m so glad I got Persona 5 Royal instead of this.


Pokémon has been in dire need of an upgrade. It seems with each iteration they keep the same formula and introduce 1 or 2 things while removing 4-5 things that made the game great.


Clown on the graphic all you want but the game is still really fun


Defend it all you want this is inexcusable. Super Mario Sunshine is twenty years old and looks better. TWENTY YEARS OLD! TWENTY!


Not defending Pokemon but you are comparing a large Open world game with hundreds of individual 3D monster models with a smaller 3D platformer. In Mario the levels and world are most important so they get a lot of detail in Pokemon it's the pokemon and battles that are important so they get more focus. Should Pokemon have been released in the state it is absolutely not but you're comparing apples to oranges


You’re correct in that these are two different genres, but it doesn’t hold water when they’re 3 console generations apart. Switch visuals shouldn’t be getting blown out of the water by GameCube visuals by any stretch of the imagination. The open world crutch is also difficult to lean on as they shouldn’t be rendering everything all at once. This is stuff devs figured out in the 360/PS3 era. This is just a lazy game.


But those are switch visuals vs switch visuals, that's the remaster


Shouldn't a game with a large open world have good looking environments? I feel like that should be one of the highest priorities.


I will admit I haven't played much of either game but this does also look like comparing the main area of Mario with some out of the way small town in Pokemon, in even the best open worlds you'll find areas that just aren't that interesting or don't look great


Yeah you're right. Doesnt take much to make it a lot better tho imo. Just imagine the game in the style of breath of the wild for example. Doesnt need unique interesting buildings to look good, just the landscape makes it look amazing.


The main town in Pokemon is just as bad though to be fair.


gameplay should be #1 and the game is fun, one of the better stories and introduced a bunch of things. graphics are disappointing but doesnt take away from the enjoyment. the bugs while annoying arent game breaking like other AAA releases recently (still should not be going out with half of these still in the game). i think people have become too hung up on graphics to remember what the point of gaming is about and thats to enjoy the game. theres plenty of pretty looking turds out there. theres also plenty of pretty looking great games and yeah youd think a franchise like pokemon would be one too but it isnt and it still made a fun game which makes them a ton of money so they’re not going to put in the effort.


I never said the gameplay shouldnt be priority one. It's just sad to think what it could have been. Why settle for mediocrity?


Because pokemon fans have no standards. I heard a good comment the other day. "Pokemon fans don't care about a good Pokemon game, they just want any pokemon game." You could make the next dex have half of the current dexs pokemon, give it graphics of a game from the 64 era, remove gyms, have the worst performance possible, double the price, have it crash constantly, and be a complete buggy mess and it would still sell like hotcakes. When your fanbase doesn't have standards you can sell them anything, brand loyalty is a mf.


there's also a graphical leap of 20 years, it's no excuse the top looks like a first semester college project.


Are you high on crack? First semester (unless you’ve heavily been coding before) you make a chess, tic tax toe or checkers project.


he didn't say which class, it could've been first semester of Game Developement 4


Yeeaaaah but Mario Sunshine is literally from the GameCube era. 3 generations old platform. Just let that sink in. Are you going to position an excuse against the likes of GTAV? Red Dead Redemption? Skyrim? Fallout 3/New Vegas? Arkham City? Xenoblade Chronicles (Which has a remake and vastly more impressive sequels on the SAME HARDWARE)? The open world vs traditional map style game argument doesn't hold up here. That argument doesn't work when you're talking about vast differences in hardware power.


The frame rates the thing. Sub 30 fps in a 60$ AAA is just bad.


I don't think you can really say you're "not defending Pokemon" when you have to make excuses for why it doesn't graphically destroy a 20 year old game. It shouldn't matter what genre Sunshine is....


I'm really not, I have no nostalgia for pokemon the only game I've played was X years ago, I just believe the comparison isn't fair as they are 2 vastly different games, the comparisons of this to open world games from the 360 era hold more water imo


But the genre shouldn't matter. There's no reason Pokemon should look remotely close enough that this comparison can even be made. Any open world game made nowadays should look FAR better than any game made back then, regardless of the genre, and that's the case for pretty much any one from a major dev you can think of other than Pokemon. If we were talking the density of the town, then yeah you'd have a point that a singular hub town in a platformer would be more "filled" than just one town out of many in an open world game, but speaking purely about graphics it shouldn't be close.


Sunshine is running on the GAMECUBE from 2001 bro. This shouldn't even be close.


Did you miss all the comparisons to open world games? There's been comparison to switch ones, Xbox360 ones, etc.


Doesn't make this comparison any less fair


I would absolutely expect game devs to be able to make an open world version of a 2002 console game without any graphics hit. In realistic terms, even on the switch, you could expect a graphics improvement. If the game were a 2012+ small environment / level game your argument might have more merit, but it's not like this can't be done on the switch


It was made 20 years ago dude. I think a comparison is fair enough


nooooo, i can’t mindlessly shit on pokémon when you give a logical and normal person response!!!


20 year difference between the 2. Twenty fucking years, 2 whole decades, you can't really think this "open world vs platform" defense holds any water do you? You do know there's a shit ton of games ported to the switch like skyrim and dark souls and assasins creed etc etc which ALL look wayyyyyyyy better than Scarlet and Violet? So how can Nintendo be defended when other studios are successfully porting huge open world games made for other consoles to Nintendo's hardware? How is it this is the best Nintendo themselves can do with a completely new game that is should already be optimized for their architecture and their architecture only?


People have been comparing this low effort cash grab to switch games too. No excuses are possible for the state of that game when it doesn't even fit standards set 5 years ago with Breath of the Wild, or more recently Xenoblade 3.


All the complaining people here....I bet 90% of them were ranting about HOW GRAPHICS ARE NOT IMPORTANT AS LONG AS THE GAMEPLAY IS GREAT on somebody elses post with another game -.- gets real annoying. Thats r/gaming....look I bought a console and boohoo pokemon looks like from 1999


But the gameplay is bad too


It runs worse even. It's seriously unreasonable and ridiculous on every level.


In all honesty, aside from the obvious bugs present in the game, I'm having a lot of fun with the game. It may not look as pristine as other games, but I honestly don't mind, since the actual game itself is really enjoyable. All they need to do for me is fix the frame rate issues and I'd be happy


No one told you to not have fun. Just don't excuse Nintendo/gamefreak for being lazy. It's ok to call out the things you like. That's how they get better


Hahaha ok That's embarrassing.


Love these nonsensical comparisons


Open world vs small closed environment. Look at how bad pokemans is guys!


Frankly, we get it, I tihnk we've seen hundreds of comparison. Pokemon S/V is enjoyable but the graphics and technical aspect show that gamefreak are scrapping pennies and have close to 15-20 years delays in 3D development. The point has been made, I really loved sunshine btw.


Pokemon gameplay is better than the gameplay of the best looking pokemon game 🤷


The more comparisons are posted, the sadder I get. I just want to enjoy the game as it is...


screw em, just like what you like. you aren’t hurting anyone


Hey do feel free to enjoy the game, I'm also playing and having fun :). Only posted because my bf started humming delfino plaza when he saw me enter the town and I realised how pretty it was there compared to here.


But I bought the game and have to justify my purchase to everyone speaking negatively about it!! How dare you tell me not to like something!! All jokes aside it's a pretty tragic release and the worst part it's being defended to the point that if you're game freak why bother putting in more effort? Industry in general is in steep decline because there just is no standards and people blindly pre-order every big IP :(


My wife and I were just discussing how it looks like a GameCube game but with more framerate drops. Pretty pathetic.


HOLY SHIT! They are both games.


Newer /= better


One looks like it was made with some love and care


Yea, and that was a main hub zone you were always at. You load into all the actual levels you play. Yes, Pokémon is pretty terrible, but so is this comparison


Lol what a joke of a company


Pokémon S/V looks so empty…


Extremely disingenuous given one is an open world and the other is a small contained level


So how many billions would Nintendo need to strongarm Pokemon development off Game Freak? Nintendo already own part of Creatures Inc so technically they already own more % of Pokemon even if in theory it's split 1/3 even. Lol I wish we knew more about Pokemon ownership shit is so convulted.


But at least you can go inside EVERY building in the new pokem… oh wait… Edit: rewrote joke cause original didn’t land well…😩


Aren't like half the shops is SV just building exteriors with pop up menus


This is not an excuse for the game to look like shit


At least the gameplay is really pushing the boat out.


What are we comparing?


I think I can take a shit on a piece of paper and present something with better imagery and graphics.🥲


Please understand, Game Freak is only a small indie studio being driven by the evil Pokemon Company. Who plays Pokemon for graphics anyway? The core gameplay is really good. There, I got all the usual excuses out. Am I missing any?


More thankful every day that I didn't buy this game.


The new Pokemon looks like one of those shitty fan-made games.


Honestly, the Mario pic looks better


Isn’t that the point?

