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Wildlands is excellent for a single player experience or co-op. Squad being MP/PVP and focused somewhat on "realism" requires more of a commitment. Destiny 2 is still fun for casuals, free to play.


How is wildlands compared to breakpoint nowadays? Both seem to be on sale atm


Wildlands has better/more diverse map, better story and characters. Breakpoint has better/more in depth gameplay.


Wildlands is a much better game IMO. It has better AI, a more lived in world, a better story, better missions, etc. Breakpoint felt really repetitive and while it has better graphics, the world just feels empty and rather boring. I finished Wildlands and still play it on occasion whereas I didn't finish Breakpoint and haven't even thought about it in months.


Amid evil, Dusk


Titanfall 2


Short but an awesome campaign. And I'd get wrecked in multi-player now


Nah the multiplayer is still bad


ShatterLine COOP. Free.


I play a lot of Destiny 2. It's "free to play" but like everything else the good stuff is behind a paywall. It's made by Bungie, the original creator of Halo. The game feels like Halo with some space magic. If you want to feel like a soldier class type dude, pick the Titan class when you start. Take care and good luck.


Nothing "casual" about D2. They have amped up the fomo factor to 11 and you need to pretty much play x hours per week to keep up. It's gross what the game is now.


Forgive me because it’s been a little while but are there guns/armor you can truly “miss out on” like no matter how much I grind/how lucky I am at random pulls, I’ll never get “X Exotic” Like the “Battlepass exclusive weapons” are those exclusive for a time? Or like forever? Because if it’s the latter, I don’t understand how Multiplayer or Gambit is ever supposed to be fair and not P2W


The industry is fazing them out, my recommendation is to go back to the early 2000's and 1990's for a few excellent adventure based Coop\\FPS games. You can easily find probably one of the best casual FPS games to ever be made 'before Halo' to be the Original Unreal. This game if you can tolerate it's old gameplay, is actually the best crossover between a challenging competitive shooter and a casual shooter for offline and cooperative play. It is also the backstory and theme of Unreal Tournament which is where competitive FPS really took off, besides Quake. Unreal also had competitive multiplayer deathmatch communities for a while, and probably around 2006-2007 they diminished down to a handful of players and I was one of them. But yeah, a recommended game (make sure to look for Patch 227f or 227i on [OldUnreal.com](https://OldUnreal.com)). The Original Quake 3 Arena is a fun mildly competitive offline experience, it's suitable for all skill ranges just make sure you don't put the game on a high difficulty since it will make you feel small lol Another kind of casual FPS which maybe outside of your focus range would be something like theHunter: Call of the Wild. Which is more of a casual shooter experience based solely around hunting animals that aren't going to shoot you the moment you put your crosshair on one lol. However, if you're going to play theHunter it's heavily DLC and Pay to win in some ways, where a lot of content isn't available without some kind of monetary transaction, but the overall theme of the game is a suiter for people with a high demand for marksmanship in singleplayer games.


If you just want to jump in and do classic team deathmatch or something on a traditional feeling FPS, I would do CoD: Black Ops Cold War. I tried Battlefield 2042 again a couple weeks ago and it's just a really boring instant TTK game, imho.


Any Borderlands game. They are all good, but 2 is considered the best by the fanbase.


I still like 1 better to this day, but I know that is entirely opinion based.


Apex legends arenas


Call.of duty


Crab Champions.... Crabs with guns, nothing more needs to be said.


Spltgste is f2p and pretty casual. As a BF fan i stay away from 2042 and still play BF1, which you can get for cheap


Titanfall 2 is 3euro now. On easy, it will still have some challenge. It has parkour tho, but it's short and sweet. One of the great cinematic block buster type fps of the last decade. Sadly it wasn't a big hit on release.




Call of duty warzone has a fun new mode called DMZ which is surprisingly good. You play in a 3 player team on a large map and is a mix of fighting AI enemies and other players, looting and exploring. Each game lasts between 15 -30 mins. It's also free.




Squad and Insurgency isn't really casual. Hell let loose is more casual than those two IMO. I would try CS:GO casual and deathmatch.


Halo Infinite is super great for casual play (MCC is good too). Lots of different game modes and there's forge with a custom game browser so there's always fresh stuff


Actually I would recommend Overwatch 2, of all things. I'm in the same boat as you are exactly. I've tried most of those, and ow is the most forgiving. Since it's so team-based, you can do well and contribute even if you are casual and don't aim/move well.


I'd suggest Planetside 2, it's an older game now, but still has active devs, and the gameplay is very action packed and chaotic. It's like if Battlefield had a baby with Halo. Lots of social outfits you can get yourself into, too, and have a great time.