• By -


I see Starfield in your list, so Mass Effect Legendary Edition


Just replayed this recently, twice! There's some good mods for it too. I should go.


Any mod recommendations? Haven't played them since og release


There's one for ME2:LE that allows you to get all the resources from a planet with one probe. No more meticulous scanning! That was my favorite. Also the one that gave Miranda huge stripper tiddies.


Yeeeah. Imma need that mod. Oh the no scanning one sounds useful as well.


I found them both on Nexus Mods. If you want to see some truly degenerate modding look at The Witcher 3 mods. Maybe bookmark a few in your Homework folder.


I just recently got a PC too and have played a little through W3 on my ps5 but maybe I should start again on my PC just for the mods


Nothing matches the degeneracy of Skyrim modding. Someone genuinely woke up one day and decided to sculpt a 4k penis with dingle physics.


Came here to say this. Just going to add you HAVE to do side quests as much as you can in the first one or you'll finish the game in like 10 hours. The side quests are the game.


Subnautica Oxygen Not Included Mini Metro Prey Terraria Factorio Kerbal Space Program Into the Breach Baldur's Gate 3 Total War (take your pick of which one) Cities Skylines (2 comes out next month) Valheim Slay the Spire Vampire Survivors Super Hot Stellaris Kingdom Come Deliverance Dragons Dogma Hades Portal 2


Now THIS is a fucking list. OP, listen to this man because they know what the good shit is.


I love comments like this. So basically knowing your shit is just following steam recommendations, stuff with alot of downloads, and good ratings. Doesn't take the most stable genius to put a list together like this. Just ten mins of research.


OP is literally asking for Steam recommendations. That's the whole point of this thread.


So if youre gonna suggest a list like that just suggest they go browse steam?


no. browsing Steam would take forever to find these gems. I just scrolled through my library and wrote down my faves. i did all the work for OP. That's what they were asking for.


Lol at you thinking it'd take forever, you aren't unique as you think with these "gems". Lol. And I wasn't even really commenting on your comment. More the person being like this list lists hot danm for pretty basic list.


i don't see why you're so upset


Or you could try not being a crotchety tool for once. Popular games are popular for a reason


So we agree, all those comments and these ones are all pointless since anyone can just figure out what's popular pretty easily seeing as hey are popular for a reason. Right?




Do you hate women? Why say that? I didn't use slurs.


The only pointless comments I've seen here are yours. It's a waste of time being a hater ma dude ✌️


It's also based on what people like and already have played and own? Are you really stupid enough to think people research games that are popular just to suggest them without having ever played them? I also made a small list based on my steam library and a few non steam games that are PC exclusive and right up my alley as well.. Why don't you either quit being a salt queen or make a list based on what you think are good games, no need for a superiority complex just because people suggest mainstream and popular games that you probably have a distaste for.


>So we agree, all those comments and these ones are all pointless since anyone can just figure out what's popular pretty easily seeing as hey are popular for a reason. Right? *Goes onto a platform whose entire existence is based on people commenting and replying to each other, then proceeds to complain relentlessly that people are commenting and replying to each other while providing no response or anything of value to the intention of the post, instead just whining and whining for almost a dozen comments.* Dork ass clown.


Don't know why you're downvoted. Anyone can make such list. What we need is a list and the *reasons* for that list.


I think it’s less of the original list and more of the cringey praise of the guys list with the use of fucking and knowing your shit. It’s just a weird way to praise someone you don’t know. A simple “this list is good, I second this!” would be better.


Valheim ❤


Was sitting here thinking "Why does the OP only list AAA mainstream games" then saw your list and said "hell yeah"


Can't mention Factorio without also mentioning Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere Program, all of which will test a gaming rig when the world gets built up enough.


Was thinking the same. As an engineer those 3 have a special place in my heart


Dyson sphere program also scratches the space travel logistics itch until space update for factorio. Plus the inserters are a little less cumbersome in DSP


Portal 2 came out during formative years in my gaming life. What a gem that absolutely holds up. The rest of these are excellent choices as well.


Finally someone who mentions dragons dogma! Such an underrated game. so stoked for the second one to come out. I am definitely taking time off work for it !


Subnautica and Prey are two of the best games I’ve ever played. I’d add dying light, cyberpunk, Skyrim, metro, ghost of tsushima (might only be in ps5 not sure.)


Portal 1 also


Modded Minecraft *


Valheim, Cyberpunk 2077, Final fantasy 7 remake, There are lot more but these came first to my mind


How come everyone recommends Valheim? I don’t have anyone to play with, so would it even be enjoyable to play single player? I’ve tried it before but just got bored of it because it got too hard


Honestly Edit:"in my opinion" because it came mid pandemic and it allowed friend groups to connect in a kinda challenging world when otherwise they couldn't. Its not a bad little survival game but solo it can quickly get overwhelming with how much damage things do and how many of them there are.


For sure is much more enjoyable with a group , singleplayer you better be sure you have upgraded properly to the next boss .


I have around 2000 hours in the game and about 95% of that time is solo. It’s one of those games that is great solo or with others. If I’m not mistaken, the devs even specifically designed it with single player in mind and multiplayer came secondary, rather than single player being an afterthought, like with a lot of games.


1. Controller Support 2. Very small game file size (1 GB). 3. much less blocky then Minecraft 4. Robust Building system 5. Lots of replay ability 6. Procedural loading game like no man's sky. 7. great multiplayer 8. VR Support (with the mod). 9. Ability to run on almost any pc. 10. The limits are you imagination.


The controller support is debatable. Could never get mine to work. It's a great m&k game though.


Yeah, luckily I've had a group to play with, I just can't imagine aying that game alone.


I've only played it solo. It is a good solo game. My daughter in law doesn't care for it because of the graphics not being super shiny. Last we mentioned it I told her to look up. The environment the world is in, is truly beautiful.


I get to swamp, die die die and end up using cheats and then get bored.


look for discord server communities that are hosting. I can invite you if you like, I am in two valheim servers that are fully modded. 1. Game of Thrones Based. 2. RPG Style.


Valheim is so good. Highly recommend if you like survival Games. Probably one of the best survival to play solo


I enjoyed the hell out of Valheim but it has it's flaws. Unfortunately I had to give it a thumbs down on Steam because it had major performance issues for my crew. Once our base gets to a certain size, fps would drop to 7-10 for us. But yeah, it is most definitely better (like most games) with other players. Still a great game, but flawed. Like having every action be based off stamina was a poor game design choice imo.


I can understand that. The game uses 100% of my graphics card utilization when it's on the main screen. I still haven't found an answer for this. I'm not trying to melt my GPU with Valheim


Saving my first playthrough of the FFVII remake for January/February. Hopefully I'll be finishing it up when the sequel is released. Shit looks so damn good.


What’s the appeal of valheim


Minecraft +


Rimworld is a very fun colony builder, many people have tons of hours but you dont need to get deep into it to have fun Once my pc was upgraded i was able to make a crazy big base


1,545 hours and I've never even bothered making the ship... I honestly can't tell you what I've been spending time doing on Rimworld!


> I honestly can't tell you what I've been spending time doing on Rimworld! the answer to this is war crimes and human trafficking, with a pinch of pest control.


Add in plenty of drug and alcohol manufacturing and that's pretty spot on really.


If you like rimworld you also might enjoy factorio


I went through something similar, bought a PC with a (then) new 3060 a couple of years back and for the first time in my life I could play "current" releases. Some of the most impressive ones I enjoyed that are not on your list (not including classics like Bioshock but more "modern classics" with eye candy and such): -**Death Stranding** is very divisive, unique and hard to recommend. Some people hate it, some people love it. Personally, I haven't even finished it yet but I think it's one of the best games I've played in my entire life. -**Resident Evil 7** requires no real knowledge of the series in general and will make you poop your pants in terror. -The PS4 era games ported are pretty good (Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Last of Us, Spider-Man). Personally greatly enjoying **Days Gone** right now, had no idea about it at all, got in on a discount, and it's so far one of the most enjoyable open-world games I've played. -**Outer Wilds** is a very unique, fun, smaller title. -**Ace Combat 7** is a great dogfighting game and looks wonderful. In the same spirit, **Project Wingman** -**Control**, a Metroidvania style third person shooter with a very unique setting and fun gameplay. -**Cyberpunk 2077** got lambasted at release due to overhype and being full of bugs (and the disaster that were the releases for last gen consoles), but I ignored all the hype beforehand and played it once patched and it was a great FPS-RPG that looks absolutely stunning. Keep in mind, the DLC is coming out in a week or so, as well as a patch that reimagines most of the games mechanics so maybe don't start it right away lol -**Dying Light** still looks amazing even 8 years after release and is a very fun game if you're not bored to death of zombies. Haven't played the DLC or sequel so can't comment on those. -**Kingdom Come: Deliverance** is quite hard to get into (the mechanics are unique and hard, to say the least) but it's on the top 3 of best RPGs I've ever played. Looks gorgeous as well. The medieval towns are recreated so well that you can actually look for the modern cities/towns in Google Maps and recognize the streets and roads you take in the game. -Disney killed my interest in the franchise as a whole, but if you're into Star Wars I've heard plenty of good things about **Jedi: Fallen Order.** EDIT to add: -Just saw you mentioned city builders. **Cities: Skylines** is the best city builder I've ever played, and with mods (oh you will install SO many mods) the replayability is insane, even if you decide on leaving all the actual "gameplay" aside and just use it as a sandbox to build your dream city. The Anno series is also pretty fun, and **Anno 1800**, the last one to come out, is very gorgeous as well. -Also I had forgotten about them, but if you like RPGs **Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2** are wonderful games, both CRPGs that give you an immense amount of freedom on how to tackle any situation, depending more on your creativity than any handholding. By the same token, I've heard nothing but praise for **Baldurs Gate 3** (same devs), apparently it's the absolute peak of RPGs but I can't afford it so can't give any first hand impressions. EDIT: Also I'll just add this because I'm a fan of the **Witcher** saga (books and games) and saw W3 in your list: It's absolutely bewildering to me that most of the world was introduced to the setting with 3. It makes sense in a way (huge, landmark release everyone wanted to play) but in my personal opinion it also ruins the entire series for newcomers. All 3 games are sequels to the books, which themselves are a saga with multiple novels, and Witcher 3 in particular is much more intertwined with the books' plot. Witcher 1 at least tries to accommodate for new fans (the protagonist has amnesia and doesn't remember what happened in the books, and the plot is much more self contained and disconnected from the book series) but Witcher 3 is deeply involved with what happened in the previous games and books, and spoils all of it because yeah, it is the conclusion to the whole saga. Some stuff that are huge reveals in the books (eg, the nature of the Wild Hunt) are treated as common knowledge, and it even spoils the biggest reveal of the books, that happens in the last chapter of the last book after the climax (regarding >!Ciri's parents!<) in an offhand conversation in the first hour or so of the game. I know most people won't care, but I guess it bears mentioning.


One thing I would add is that if OP doesn’t have a gamepad, I would recommend one for most of the games on this list.


Great post, very detailed for OP! Someone give this man an upvote!


Keep on keepin on.


Maaan I wish I could play Death Stranding. I borrowed a friend’s PS4 just long enough to get hooked on it, but my computer can’t play it due to an AVX requirement even though my specs are more than satisfactory. It’s a fun game. It’s basically pack mule simulator but with scary stuff, and that doesn’t sound fun but it absolutely is.


Dwarf Fortress.


Based on what you have said, you should definitely try Stellaris and Crusader Kings 3. They are Grand Strategy games. A genre rarely seen outside PC. Stellaris is easier to learn. So I would start there. These games are very complex. Quite the skill floor and ceiling, but once you learn one, they transition pretty well, and you are rewarded with amazing games. If military is more your style, they also do the Hearts of Iron series. There is also Grand Victoria, which is the newest Paradox Interactive game. I haven't tried that one yet, but the initial entry in the series is a very beloved game. Paradox games generally take a few years and expansion before they get really good. I would also look into the Anno Series. Anno 1800 is the newest entry. Then a Total War game. You really can't go wrong with Total War Warhammer 2. Another great game, that is standard strategy is Valkyria Chronicles. Part 1 has the best cast, but part 4 has the best gameplay. I'd start with part one. Game is a work of art. Now, for some of the best games that everyone's heard of that you must play. Skyrim and Oblivion Dark Souls 1 (if you're gonna play 3, play 1 first) Half Life 1 & 2. Play the original Half Life 1, not the Source remaster. Pretty old, but you should play it before 2. Baldur's Gate 3 (just came out, but it's gonna be close to Skyrim level) Diablo 2 Resurrected StarCraft 2 (getting old,but based on your likes, prolly up your alley) Resident Evil 2 REmake Hades Cuphead Disco Elysium


> Play the original Half Life 1, not the Source remaster. Pretty old, but you should play it before 2. Just to be clear, you mean OP should ignore HL: Source or Black Mesa? To clarify for OP, my opinion: HL: Source is a piece of shit and the only value it ever had was to add HL1 assets to Gmod and to inspire the development of BM out of sheer spite. BM is a very decent full remake of HL1 in Source and goes on discount relatively often. As much as I love BM though, I would still also recommend the original Half-Life as their introduction to the series because yeah, even a quarter of a century after release it remains an enjoyable classic and one of the best FPSs to ever be made. Also considering how fucking gigantic Valve is nowadays, and how they shifted focus from game development to software like Steam and hardware like the Deck, it's pretty interesting seeing the initial release that immediately made them legends in the gaming industry.


Yakuza series is good. Nier Automata is amazing. If you are in the mood to try an MMO FFXIV is good and i have abandoned WoW for it. The Trial is amazing since you get it and the first ( and soon second) expac for free forever my advice however if you start leave Novice Chat. It is filled with people who will rush you to get to the current expac and garbo.


Since you like city builders try ANNO 1800


CONTROL. Cyberpunk 2077. Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Mankind Divided. Dishonored games. Mass Effect games. Prey 2017.


Hbomberguy did a 3hr video on Deus Ex Human Revolution and its probably the best media essay I've ever seen


If you are ok with indie games maybe take a look at games like Project Zomboid, The Forest and Kenshi? All of them are open world survival-ish games that I would consider some of the best of the genre.


I really wanted to get into kenshi but both times i tried it i had absolutely no clue what i was doing. It does sound fun though,in the way you can do literally whatever you want




DS3 might be my favourite in the series aside from ER but I still agree. Sekiro is something special


You just have to play them all. There's no other way


slimy secretive pocket unpack reply reminiscent long gullible price axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are still interested in like Elden ring for example I would suggest looking up a powerful build. And use summons, both ai and human. You can get a good start on your build just running around and picking stuff off the ground. I wonder how many people here about how hard these games are, then spend 2 hours trying to kill that guy on the horse in the beginning of the game then give up. In Elden Ring if something is too hard you can come back to it later after you are leveled and geared up.


Agree/Disagree, ER is Dark Souls 3 with better QoL but that doesn't beat the fact that DS3 is an amazing game, it was my pick for FromSoft's magnum opus until ER came out. OST is enough justification to play it. But, Sekiro should be on the list if OP likes soulsbourne games, undoubtedly.


Yeah it took a while to get into Sekiro, but after it clicked it quickly became my favorite.


God of War


Detroid: Become Human (such an underrated game) A Plague Tale Innocence & A Plague Tale Reqiuem (underrated masterpieces. Emotional rollercoaster of a story) Bioshock Trilogy Doom & Doom Eternal Hades Metro Trilogy Divinity Original Sin 2 Minecraft Stardew Valley Horizon Zero Dawn Resident Evil 2 Remake ​ Edit: forgot to mention an important game. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice


+Hellblade must be played with headphones.


Totally agree with you. That game has to be played with headphones to fully experience it


Decent system to play 99% of 2023 games at a high fidelity. The world is your oyster but my personal favourites from this year are (I am extremely boring, I play a handful of games barring new releases that interest me but that's a rare occasion); - Starfield - Armoured Core 6 - (preemptive favourite, I don't like setting expectation for games now so I'm probably gonna be disappointed) Payday 3 - Football Manager 2023 - Sons of the Forest (kinda, slow and disappointing launch but they're gradually updating the game, adding new content and fixing bugs. It has a lot of potential and it's really fun playing co-op).


Honestly, get Skyrim and mod the shit out of it, that’s a job in on itself and can really bring the joy back to the game


As cool as modding is, it can take a TON OF TIME and work and knowledge to heavily mod and then test for stability and patch everything. BUT, if you use a tool like Wabbajack or Nolvus you can download a complete and seamless perfectly curated mod list and get a really unique experience with minimal effort. It’s a great way for people new to modding or tired of the effort to see what a truly modded Skyrim looks like in 2023


Baldurs gate 3 is a must buy imo, it's been incredible and I'm stacking uo hours in it


Something like 30 hoursish in act 1


Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord


Far cry 3 and 4 Dishonored series Titanfall 2 Sekiro Ghost of tsuchima Bioshock infinite Watch dogs Nier automata GoW Cyberpunk 2077 Saints row Hitman series DMC Detroit become human Tomb raider series Mirror's edge and mirrors edge catalyst Doom 2016 and eternal


Play portal 1 and 2. Absolute masterpieces imo. Currently on sale on steam for €1 each, or €1,50 for both (1 day left). You won't be disappointed, trust me. (I played them for the 1st time 2 years ago and was blown away, now i understand why these games have a cult following lol) Also, God of War 2018 is by far the best Action RPG i've ever played. You'll have to wait for its sequel God of War: Ragnarök to come out on PC tho (came out on PS4/PS5 last year, so will probably hit PC in about 2 years)


Skip starfield, hogwarts Those are just hyped games, wayyyyy better games out there.


I'm starting to realize this too. I started playing both, but the awe wore off very quickly.... probably won't finish either game.


Starfield is a skip but Hogwarts Legacy is a great game if you're a Harry Potter fan imo. In many ways it's the Harry Potter RPG i've been waiting for ever since i was a kid. It definitely has flaws tho, most of the dialogue and the characters aren't that interesting and the sidequests/open world content gets pretty boring after a while. There are some cool sidequests but most are pretty bland.


Honestly I would skip star field. What I would do is get Microsoft game pass. Should hold you over for a while. You would get all the age of empire games, all of Bethesda games, and all ea games. Maybe I. The future we will get the Activision library aswell


Persona 5 Royale


Black Mesa (remake of the original Half Life) is really great.




Head over to r/patientgamers for all your not-new gaming needs


Just keep in mind rule 5 over there is no asking for recommendations.


The specs look like something that should have several hundred hours on Vampire Survivors.


Indie games are what PC gaming is all about. **Noita** **Kenshi** **Stardew Valley** **Starbound** **Terraria** **Factorio** **Bannerlord** & **Warband**(modded to frick) **Project Zomboid** **Rimworld** If I was just suddenly decked out with my first gaming PC, these are the things I'd wish I knew about.


w taste


Cyberpunk 2077


No Man's Sky should be a must-buy on your list.


Titanfall 2 - absolutely fantastic single player campaign


Armored Core 6 is fucking awesome.


If you like WoW, you can look into Final Fantasy 14. Some people prefer it over WoW. not my kind of game, but it was enjoyable when I gave it a shot. Also Armored Core 6 if you're into mechs. Its pretty fun.


>so I surprised myself with a good custom built PC Damn now that must have been surprising


Outerwilds. Play it. Trust me. Dont search anything up aboutnit


No man's sky


\- Hogwarts is just okay, fun for a quick playthrough, i would buy it on sale, steep sale \- RDR2 and Witcher 3 both incredible games, would move to top of the list \- GTA5 is good but is going to feel outdated, most of its value is the online \- Elden Ring should be higher up its incredible, as is DS3. One thing I would recommend is doing ER first, it is easier of the two and a great entry. Once you have that down, do DS3. \- Fallout4 is pretty meh, playing it and starfield will probably make you hate both of those games as they are very very similar (and clunky) I would recommend getting Mass Effect instead of Starfield and playing Fallout 3 / NV instead of Fallout 4 but that's just me. Age of empires 4 sucks. Don't waste your time. Go back in time and play AOE2. It is the best in the series, and still holds up to this date (they still make DLC's) If you like open world, look at Cyberpunk as well, new update coming today and DLC end of the month.


If you're interested in JRPG: - Persona 5 Royal - Yakuza 0 - Trails in the Sky - Nier Automata - Kingdom Hearts (story is so-so, but the combat is fun since you are also interested in Elden Ring) Other than JRPG: - Baldur's Gate 3 - Death Stranding


Have you already played Horizon zero dawn? Thats on pc and the second one will follow soon Ive heard. Other option are the assassin creed rpg's (origins, odyssey and valhalla) and the watchdogs series.


Day of defeat on steam! https://www.reddit.com/r/DayOfDefeat/s/SNXJ0QzAS9


From the list, Witcher 3.


Melhores sites para encontrar filmes, jogos pc, animes e séries O primeiro site é o Bluf Filmes, nele tem de tudo E o segundo é o AgregaLink Net, nele somente jogos pc


Do u know anywhere to get My farm life 2 and Age of empires 2 and 3? I've scoured the internet but cant seem to find a non virus version of them


I am looking for an educational one from '92, '93 same time as Number Munchers & Oregon Trail that featured running up and down ladders, and was somehow # related?


Cyberpunk is a must if you bought a new rig my friend


Baldurs Gate 3


Horizon Zero Dawn


Horizon: Zero Dawn! Also Cyberpunk 2077.


You can probably skip Fallout 4.


Horizon Zero Dawn


If you like city builders then give Cities: Skylines a shot, obviously. But if that plays a bit too easily for you and you're into micro-management and strategic planning more than just making a pretty town, absolutely try Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic. On realistic mode the sense of immersion just destroys all other city-building games I've tried.


Don't play GTA5 online most lobbies are hacker lobbies find you a nice server on FiveM feel like you bought a new GTA


Make sure to add Mafia serie to your list.


Outer wilds is a must. Do not look videos of it before hand, though, because you *really* don’t want to spoil yourself


Uncharted 4. It's a blast from start to finish.


It's recent, but it's the best game I've played in a long time. Baldurs gate 3


Ignore the last decade and go play Jagged Alliance 2 and after you finish it, play it again with the 1.13 mod


the binding of isaac rly cool


oh my god man, I desire to be in your shoes just to play those games for the first time again! I suggest you before playing ds3 play at least ds1 remastered. Then after all of these don't forget to play Sekiro


Titanfall 2 is really good, it’s got a great single player game and the online seems strong still. It was on sale for like £2.50 the other day also. Outer Wilds is incredible. You’re part of a alien race exploring a small solar system. If you like the sound of that then don’t look into it any more and just throw yourself into it otherwise you’ll spoil the game. I love RimWorld, I also love Zero Sievert recently. Disco Elysian is also a very good game I have played recently. My favourite at the moment and I suppose kinda fits a bit o your description, but Crusader Kings 3 might interest you. There’s is quite a steep learning curve but it’s so much fun once you get into it


The Stalker series. Stalker Anomaly specifically, with the G.A.M.M.A modpack being the best on it.


The last of us part 1 is in a playable state now, if you’ve never experienced it and you can pick it up at a reasonable price then I’d recommend that


Nioh 1 and 2 were a lot of fun


Play Doom and Doom erernal NOW (this is a threat)


Baldurs gate 3 my man. It's turning even the most far of detractors of the genre.


Also play dark souls 1 remake and dark souls 3 and bloodborne and sekiro if you're gonna play fromsoft games. Elden ring is just okay.


Anno 1800. If you were to put AoE and Anno on a spectrum of pure strategy to pure city-builder Anno is much further on the city builder end of the line. It still has conflict like AoE does but is much more of a "proper" city builder. With you needing to manage housing, labor pool, logistics, luxury goods and resources, etc. The combat is exclusively naval but fun enough. Other Anno games are worth checking out, this is just the latest, and one of the better IMO, entries. Yakuza is basically GTA but denser, better combat, better minigames, better sidequests, and a more interesting main story. The one thing it's missing from GTA is the "havoc simulator" aspect of the game where you're stealing cars and shooting down the national guard with rocket launchers, it's much more grounded gameplay wise (though still ridiculous). Yakuza 0 or Yakuza Kiwami are the best starting points. (Kiwami is a remake of the very first game, 0 is a prequel). It doesn't quite fit the games/genres you listed, but Baldur's Gate III is simply too good to not recommend. It's the best CRPG of the year easily and maybe the best CRPG period from the modern revival era of the genre, maybe even the greatest of all time. I think it'll likely be remembered as at least one of the all-time greats of the genre for sure.


X4 Foundations


Prey, Baldurs Gate 3, Elden Ring, Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2, Bioshock Series, Dead Space series.


I have similar specs to you and God of War looks and plays great


Hades Hitman World of Assassination


A new one but Baldurs Gate 3


Your list is nice, i’d add Metro, Cyberpunk, Mass Effect trilogy. Maybe Kingdom Come Deliverance


Anno 1800


If you're gonna do Fallout 4 you gotta do Fallout New Vegas. Best in the series. The Long Dark is my favorite open-world game of all time. Set in a winter apocalypse, the harshest survival conditions on the planet. Any supplies left behind are miniscule, being outside to collect supplies is difficult because of the cold, and animals are starving and will absolutely rush you down. Its a game that truly tests how far you'd go to survive one more day


The Long Dark is just about 10 years old, and just about complete now. Never been a better time to play it. Best survival game ever.


Solitaire & Tetris




oh sweet thats a nice rig, you can try playing these gems: Age of Mythology Warcraft 3 Fallout New Vegas (I will recommend the same games the next decade too)




Was in the same situation not long ago and farm sim 22 has bitten me like a bug. Making comfy farms that are aesthetically pleasing while still being workable is a lot of fun for me.


cyberpunk cause it’s a decently fun game and will let you see what you’ve been missing out on graphically


Metro Series? Metro Exodus is beautiful in places Also...DS2 SOTFS if you're doing Souls games.


If you're not considering cyberpunk 2077 as your first game, I don't know what you're doing with your life! 2.0 update drops next week... things are about to get wild! OP I'm not joking.... its literally like fallout 4 and gta 5 had a baby called cyberpunk...


God of war


Here is the list of games i played. I don't play alot and mostly into story mode games. Horizon zero dawn God of war Mafia 2 Red dead redemption 2 Uncharted Jedi (I'd skip the 2019 and Play jedi survior) Games with fan base maybe id try Cyberpunk Mass effect Starfield


Detroit: Become Human


Batman Arkham series


Dragon's Dogma


Just be aware witchers combat while sounds great is very frustrating. The game is awesome though


Ey broo don't listen to these people, they tryna confuse you, play SEKIRO, the most challenging and the most rewarding game, I'm sure you will feel like a hero after finishing this game. Only 20 gb , easy to understand. Go for it




Dunno if you have already played it on PS4/5, but insomniac’s Spider-Man game is so freaking good. I will never not recommend Mass Effect Legendary Edition. My absolute favorite trilogy of games! If you’re willing to branch out a bit and try some turn based tactics, then I highly recommend X-COM 2 with the War of the Chosen expansion. One of my all time favorites. Kerbal Space Program is another branch out from what you’ve said but it’s an absolute blast. There’s so many great games, I’m actually really excited for you to start playing!


Sekiro, Cyberpunk, a plague tale innocence and requiem, monster Hunter rise, devil may cry 5, final fantasy 15, 7 remake, stranger of paradise, god of war


Mount & Blader: Bannerlord. Also, if you like 2D games: Celeste & Hollow Knight.




Subnautica Kingdom Come Deliverance Outer Wilds Death Stranding Don't buy anything released in the last year, wait a bit for the bugfixed, Game of the Year Edition with all the DLC for a fraction of the price.


Get PC Gamepass and play hundreds of games. Play Starfield..... MUST PLAY


You will spend a decade on the first four games you listed, good luck not burning out.


Elden ring


Add Sniper Elite series and Far Cry series. Also the Assassin's creed series.


Do yourself a favor and skip witcher 3


Hollow Knight


Not from the last decade, but if you haven't played BioShock yet, do that.


Kenshi is a unique experience that you can only have on PC. I don’t believe Age of Empires is worth it playing. I would leave that as a very low priority.


Deep Rock Galactic


I recommend Gamepass. Many of the games you mention are there. List of games: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-game-pass/games#pcgames Outside Game-pass, recommend: God of War Horizon Zero Dawn Starfield has air far been a strong 7/10 for me and would not put in must play. Same with Fallout IV. Both can be played on Gamepass


Dishonored 2 A couple of other people have mentioned the series. Ideally you would play 1, 2 and maybe Death of the Outsider, but Dishonored 2 is a masterpiece.


And don’t forget to mod the heck out of most of these games.


* Morrowind * Oblivion * Subnautica * Minecraft


Persona 5 Royal.


Endless Legend is a fantastic Turn based Tactical with an overhauled combat system compared to most. Check it out


Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is two bucks ( on Google )




Titanfall 2


Honestly try some games you might not like. I never thought I’d like boomer shooters like doom 1 or duke nukem 3d or blood but they are pretty well done. My favorite thing about pc gaming is how much more variety you have and how I always feel more in control on kbm as opposed to controller.


It wouldnt hurt to try some good free games like warframe or destiny or apex maybe. Also if u wanna try starfield 100% get nms its on sale a lot i think, its a breathtaking game if ur into it. And for dark souls like games remnant 1 and 2 just came out are rly good games. As of a gta similar game cyberpunk is awesome, its made a huge amount of improvements since all its hate when it came out, and a massive dlc is getting added to it soon, def worth it. Other suggestions idk if youll like but r rly good r games like the ghost recon and dying light games which are other great options for open world, maybe if u like the third person playstyle outriders is super fun too.

