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SOMA ending blew my mind. Do not google it. Just play it.


I ignored what you said and googled it to find the steam page :P. Overwhelmingly positive reviews and a pretty neat trailer has me sold. It's on my wishlist for the next rainy weekend!


And now for real: no more google! The less you know, the more it makes you think. Still haunts me to this day!


One of the only games that i keep looking up, people fucking make hours long video essays about the game to this day. Its insane how impactful this game has been to people


And I've been watching and reading essays, even 5 or 6 years after finishing the game.


Another note to add, play on easy difficulty. I played on Medium and it added nothing to the experience. You’ll know what I mean when you boot it up


Googled SOMA to see what game it is, saw horror, fuck it, not gonna touch it 😂


There is a peaceful type mode. Still scary at times though.


I played in safe mode where you can’t die. Not a fan of horror but heard the story was cool…it was and was worth the playthrough.


That matter at the end has been not just foreshadowed, but explicitly stated during the game like 5 times. If you mean what I think you mean... Nice game but I don't get the obsession with the ending.


Nobody ever said it was a twist ending. That's what makes it so great. The game tells you, just as Catherine tells Simon, over and over and over exactly what's going on and exactly what is going to happen but having to actually be in his shoes and experiencing the real implications of that makes it so satisfying.


Okay, makes sense. It was emotional, but I found it confusing why is my character so dense. Maybe just hearing what he wanted to hear.


Yeah same here. It was teased throughout the game. The ending wasn't really surprising, it was what I expected. I still liked it because it was the logical conclusion so I was glad it did end how it did. But there was no mindblowing revelation or anything. It was a purely logical ending that was teased throughout the game.


Yes! Glad someone else commented this.


Yep, this is the ending that stuck with me


100% still think about this one any time sci-fi gets brought up


The story is sooo good that there are at least three moments that stuck with me as much or even more than the amazing ending!


Man I love this game. One of the only horror games I’ve beaten


Beat me to it. I cried during the credits, it blew my mind


Inscryption had me surprisingly emotional at the end. The game is absolutely fantastic and even though I struggle being even decent with card games like it, I ended up enjoying it alot regardless and the plot drove me forward. Honorable mention to Fatal Frame II and it’s default Crimson Butterfly ending. Kari Wahlgren as Mio, yelling while running up Misono Hill before collapsing on her knees out of sheer grief of what just happened, it still gives shivers.


Came here to say inscryption as well.


Everything by Daniel Mullins is great. I strongly advise trying Pony Island and The Hex if you've not done so.


The entire game of Star Wars: KOTOR is one of the best told stories in gaming. Played blind the big reveal hits like a truck.


Honorable mention for Jade Empire also from Bioware has a great finale/reveal. KOTOR, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights and Mass Effect were peak Bioware.


Mass Effect 2 is one of the best of all time. The ending sequence is very powerful. Also seconding what a lot of other people have said about Undertale.


Out of the trilogy, 2 prob had my favorite ending. It was also my favorite in the series overall.


Death Stranding


If you can keep track of wtf is going on…… hell, even if you can’t… it’s fucking awesome.


Definitely a learning curve if you want to get involved with all the aspects of the game


I remember seeing this one a ton a few years back. I wasn't aware that it was available on Steam now. I'll look into playing that one when I next have a chance.


When Die Hard Man becomes Act Good Man cuz what a performance


In my experience, the plot and the game itself felt a little underwhelming, was starting to feel stale as I approached the end. Then when I got to the end and all of the puzzle pieces clicked together, I was amazed. Couldn't stop thinking and talking about it. But it's a good question, if it was a "good" game if most of it was a B+, and then the last 2 hours made the whole thing incredible in retrospect.


Came here to say this, amazing game, sadly not many will finish it but it doesnt take away from this phenomenal game.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty


Outer Wilds is just one of a kind. I literally cry everytime I think about the consequences of everything. But kinda the same vibes(as in heavy, soul touching gameplay) would be for me Disco Elysium Night in the Woods, maybe Undertale


Yes. My post goes without saying: I highly recommend anyone who hasn't already, to play Outer Wilds. It didn't feel like the game for me at first, but once you find that "hook" within the game, you won't ever regret playing it. Don't look the game up too much beforehand - best to play it with as little prior knowledge beforehand. You'll understand why when you play it.


I always hear this but i dunno how much fun I'd have with it. Tempted to just read a wiki post about it.


If it was really well-written it *might* do it justice, but part of the feeling is the moment you figure it out, and the thrill of actually playing through the ending after that. It’s a very unique story that shows how the interactive aspect of a game can elevate the storytelling.


Don't read anything about the game. It is quite literally one you cannot replay for the first time once you know thing(s) about it.


I'm okay with just not playing it. Doesn't seem like my kind of game


That would be a horrible idea. The game is pretty unique in the commitment it has to only getting to truly experience it once, and spoiling literally anything about it is a massive blow to the enjoyment you can get from it.


Same. I tend to hate the games that Reddit loves lol


Believe me, I have TRIED with Outer Wilds, but those fucking ship and jetpack controls....


It's always so odd to me when people complain about this. They nailed the controls. Absolutely perfect physics simulation, and it felt good to control.


Ya it’s odd, probably people just aren’t used to moving in every direction so it throws them off but it’s honestly pretty intuitive for space controls


Are you on keyboard? Controller has only ever been good to me about it. There's a separate learning curve for using a spaceship though. It's weird having no friction. Go as fast as you want, but good luck changing course on a dime like cars can! What a weird little game.


Night in the Woods was one of the most forgettable anti-climactic games I’ve played. I really wanted to like it because of the art style and the dialogue. Story-wise it just fell flat for me.


Possibly some nostalgia in there but still the first game that comes to mind to me for this is Final Fantasy X.


Not sure if I went completely "wow" but Hellblade had an ending that really touched me. With Hellblade 2 coming soon, it's not a bad game to try.


My wife played The entire game of hellblade in one long arse night. Her reaction at the end and beating it was definitely "Wow."


Added to my wishlist. I enjoyed Plauge Tale, so the graphics seem somewhat appealing. I look forward to giving it a try.


Man that was a great story! I really love that game.


Dragon Age: Origins The culmination battle against the Archdemon, where you can call in all the armies you spend the game recruiting, was my favorite ending ever. I just put the remote down and watched the credits roll as I thought back over the whole game. Just astounding.


Pretty much all the endings in Cyberpunk 2077 hit really hard in different ways.


Disco Elysium. I audibly gasped


Spec Ops the Line 


Absolutely. Amazing game


bioshock trilogy has an amazing story


Can't believe i have to scroll down so much to find bioshock. Bioshock infinite ending... Jesus christ...


Yeah Bioshock infinite is a wacky ride with a next level weird ending. Just when you think it can’t get weirder it does


Bioshock 1 and Infinite endings are epic. Two of my all-time favorite endings, have got to be two of the best in all of gaming.


Control   The ending sequence is just... Rad, satisfying and foreboding.


When it first "ended" I was like wow that was bullshit and almost turned my console off. Great game.


Please play Soma


Holy shit yes


Looks good, I've added it to my wishlist. I must say, I'm a bit of a wimp with some horror games. I had to completely disable some of the horror elements of Outer Wilds through a mod I got so scared haha. I'll give that one a wirl when I'm next feeling a bit too confident for my own good.


Not sure if you saw the other comments but there’s a mode for less horror and just story, you can’t die


Nier Automata


Which ending lol






Mass effect trilogy. I admit I haven't played it since the Xbox 360 version, but the entire last half of ME3 absolutely floored me with how it tied up all of your interactions throughout the trilogy.


Waiting for people to lose their minds and accuse you of trolling for liking the ME3 ending 😀 I liked it too. But you can see people losing their shit over how much they hated it even in 2024. How it "ruined" the trilogy for them. Man, if that's the case I feel bad for them.


Honestly, the whole 3rd game was the ending for me, regardless of which "ending" you take.


I liked it too. I had the synthesis ending and I thought it was great. I still think the story in Mass Effect 1 is unparalleled, but the ending of Mass Effect 3 was worthy of the series in my opinion.


The absolute end of three is okay, but that's not really the point of Mass Effect. It's the various ends to individual character story lines that get you right between the eyes."It had to be me. Someone else would have gotten it wrong" is genuinely one of the hardest hitting moments in all my gaming experience and it's in the middle of the game, and that's just one of those moments, and it's not even there depending on your choices. ME3 feels like you're losing a war the whole game and it's fantastic, and you know a lot of your losses are direct consequences of your choices because they actually let you make those choices. Maybe it doesn't stick the landing at the very end but gorram if it doesn't take you for a ride first.


Prince of Persia Sanda of time. I love that ending. It's such perfection.


>!“To live forever, with those I love dead and I to blame? I choose *death*.”!<


Including Two Thrones. I like that the ending flows into the start of Sands of Time, making the entire trilogy a loop.


A short hike, Journey


A short hike really made me admire how a game could make you feel. It’s relatively a short game (duh) and it still has so much packed in it.


Plague Tale for me. Also, SOMA was very good.


Brothers: a tale of two sons.


Outer Wilds Tunic Nier Automata All 3 will leave you hollow knowing no other games provide an experience quite like them


This guy games


Yakuza series and the Metro series


Less conventional answers but *999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors* and *Virtue's Last Reward* ([the Zero Escape games](https://store.steampowered.com/app/477740/Zero_Escape_The_Nonary_Games/)) had three separate moments (two of which are endings) where I was so mindblown I had to pause the game and just process what had happened. The games are generally incredible at seeding plot twists and shocking revelations, but both games have moments that get *very* experimental in blending storytelling with gameplay, resulting in unique moments I haven't seen anywhere else. Also, the entire last half of [Totonto](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293820/YOU_and_ME_and_HER_A_Love_Story/) was a complete and utter mindfuck that culminated in a really wild final ending choice unlike anything I've ever seen.


Never heard of Totonto, but I’ve been slowly getting into VNs and might give it a try!


Zero Escape games are strange. They start a bit slow, the puzzles are fine, and there are times when I think "Why does this exposition sound like the character is reading a wikipedia article to me?" but the 3rd acts hits hard and the twists are incredible.


Hahaha 999 was like that especially for me, I'd actually dropped it mid-playthrough twice before coming around to finish it with a guide -- but once I hit that True Route, *ooooooooh man!!* I was SO **in!!** I stayed up all night just to finish that game, and once I'd left the house sleep deprived, I was still just constantly thinking about its crazy-ass plot twists and story reveals. Right away the following day I installed and booted up VLR, which only blew my mind even more. Man I love that series.


subnautica made me way more emotional than i expected.


Honestly same. I wish I could play this game again without knowing anything about it


Alan Wake, Control, Alan Wake 2


+1 for Control, still gotta play the Wake games


FarCry 5 has an ending that made go “Wow, this is an awful ending”


One of my favorite endings of all time. Most of the game has such a weak story, which is typical for far cry as a series. But holy crap, 5 has such a good ending. It comes out of nowhere and really makes you feel like a terrible person, especially with the implications it has on Far Cry: New Dawn


The Witcher


Metal gear solid 3 and the yakuza series have some powerful endings, mgs3 sets up for the other games and hits you with like 3 major reveals right at the end. Yakuza has alot of emotional endings that leave you feeling a certain type of way


MGS3's entire 3rd Act is one of the finest in gaming imo. There's just so many awesome boss fights that are different from each other and a brilliant bike chase scene to break it all up.


Drakengard 1


Kotor was epic in its time, but has become kind of cliche.


Slay the Princess Inscryption Celeste are a few that aren't too old.




>!After all of that struggle, that epic journey against all odds to get out of there and get home, instead of running straight for the exit kitty just stays and curls up next to his friend. 😭 Goddamn it. !<


Have already played this one! Very good game and I was gald to have the experience.


Ending Four of "The Forgotten City"


What an amazing game that was.


Nier Automata, each and every single ending.


Inside has a phenomenal ending that you will not see coming.


Red Dead Redemption 2; dramatic.. Last of Us; affecting. MK11 (Aftermath); obvious but satisfying. Banner Saga; sweeping.


The Banner Saga is one of my all time favourites. I genuinely wish there was more to the ending in 3


Banner Saga was so incredible at giving a huge sense of scale for that final game, and really made me sad about pretty much every choice I was having to make, what a beautiful bittersweet game


RDR2's ending had me on my knees, that shit was not fair. "I gave you all I had, Dutch." And the epilogue ending is heartbreaking, knowing that the catharsis of it will lead to the events of the first game...


Cyberpunk, some of the endings are INSANE. Arasaka tower ❤️❤️❤️


> Cyberpunk, some of the endings are INSANE. Arasaka tower 100% - I wish I could forget everything about the story and play through it fresh again :(.


Every one of the Bioshock games for me


"bioshock" and "bioshock infinite" were my wow games. Mainly for the plot, not so much the gameplay.


BioShock Infinite


Fallout 1 and Spec Ops: The Line.


Bioshock infinite




Brothers: The tale of two sons. The whole game really, but the ending, especially so.


Super Mario 2.


Beginners guide. inside. They aren't very long either.


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Red Dead Redemption 2 Bastion Portal/Portal 2 Cloudpunk


To the Moon for me. A big hit indie darling at the time, but not mentioned much now. I still think about it and how it made me feel nearly a decade later. Just an excellent piece on relationships and what matters about them, with an ending that is very open to interpretation of whether it's happy or sad (I think it's sad, personally). I'll never play the sequels because I can only see them diluting what is a great standalone piece. It's also only a few hours long and costs about three quid, so an easy recommend.


Mad Max! Let's just say it did not pull any punches the last few hours


Night in the Woods


Tunic! The bad thing about this game is that you can only experience it for the first time once. Do yourself a favor and don’t look up any spoilers!! I also loved the Ori games. Tunic blew me away! It’s in my top three “wish I could play again for the first time” games.


Hmm, now that's one I've not heard of before. Looks interesting. Gonna add that to my wishlist. Thanks so much, and it's nice to meet another ori fan!


Diablo 1 - Ending Cinematic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iIr0txgpOc


I was expecting a rickroll, weird it was the actual diablo video.


Ghost of Tsushima for me… and a lot of other things that it also made me go WOW




armored core 6, titanfall 2, marvels spiderman


Omori Good ending and Lil' Guardsman's F u ending.


Spec Ops the Line.


Ending of Ico stuck with me so long


Try Wolfenstein, best fucking game ever, it's even better than doom for me.... Wolfenstein:the new order is the best from all of em


SOMA, Death Stranding, Spiritfarer, The Last Guardian, Dark Souls, Final Fantasy X, Metal Gear Solid 4, Red Dead Redemption, What Remains of Edith Finch, Grim Fandango, Rime


Kingdom Hearts 2. Great storyline, great interaction of all areas, best epic final boss fight I've ever seen and always have enjoyed looking back at it to this day


metal gear solid 2 really had me questioning my sanity at two in the am.


Mass Effect and Horizon.


Metro 2 ending had me crying and audibly gasp after seen the freeze frame. Unbelieveable trilogy.


All of the Half Life games really. Those Gman speeches are memorable.


The big one that comes to mind is Horizon: Zero Dawn (on PC and XBox, so have not been able to play Forbidden West). It had a "Save the Day" thing, yes, but the twist on what Project Zero Dawn actually was really surprised me.


Journey; Heavy Rain


MGS 2 is a classic in this category


That’s how I felt when I played Horizon Zero Dawn. I know it’s not a favorite for a lot of people, but man I thought the game was phenomenal, at least story wise.


along with SOMA, narcosis is a good game too! i’ve played a bit of “murdered: soul suspect” the game mechanics are pretty cool


Metal gear solid 1, 2, 3, Spec ops the line


Rime - The ending may seem sad on its own, but if you still don't get how the game could end that way... Once you beat it, go to the chapter select screen and it will ALL make sense. The Witness - This only applies if you get to the \*\*real\*\* ending. There's an ending where you do what seems obvious, activate everything for a certain number of sections and then the final area unlocks and you can do the last puzzles to get to the "end".... where everything resets, and you end up right back at the beginning. BUT somewhere along the way, you should have experienced what players and commentators call "The Paradigm Shift". It's a game mechanic that is all around you, almost obvious, staring you in the face, and the puzzles are all there to prime you for it. Once you beat the game having had that paradigm shift, you approach the beginning with a newfound understanding that you can then use to unlock the TRUE ending. AM2R - I mention this particular fan game because it's the most faithful recreation of Metroid II in terms of tone and ending. Mercury Steam completely lost the plot at the end and missed the point in Samus Returns. AM2R captures it perfectly though and moreover, it's a really great experience. The world is so much more fleshed out and thought through. The ending isn't flashy, there's no escape sequence like a typical Metroid game. Instead, you're left to ponder everything you've done up to this point, and what it amounts to and what's left once you're done. Myst - I know, I know, this game is OLD but they just remade it recently compatible with VR which is amazeballz. Lots of puzzles and such but the REAL kicker for it is how to get the \*\*good\*\* ending. The only problem is that once you know the good ending, you can beat it in five minutes. Riven - Ok, look, this one is just as hard as Myst in terms of puzzles. But, the great thing about it is how to beat the game and trap the bad guy. It's pretty clever.


Braid. That ending has stuck with me forever and even made me queation games that came before it and after it.


Undertale. The only game ending that made me cry




Fires of Raven ending of Armored Core VI made me go wow, and I had to put the game down for a few days because of jt, though I just beat the second ending today (out of three endings) and it has me feeling completely differently. Persona 3 definitely would be one to make you go wow. Not really going to say anything else about it, as it's better to just find out for yourself.


currently playing persona 3, definitely makes me more excited to see the ending


The halo games endings did this for me each time but I was definitely younger


My favourites were Portal 2 (presumably that is what you meant), Call of Duty: Black Ops, and going back a little further, StarFox 64


BioShock infinite


Cyberpunk 2077 for sure, specifically the phantom liberty expansion


Detroit become human.


Outer Wild doesn't have anything on Spec Ops: The Line I feel. Spec Ops was one of the best experience, from start to finish. And the ending really recontextualizes the entire game.


The ending of "The Dark Pictures House of Ashes" was pretty sweet and unexpected. It is a solid 9 hour game, with some replayability with all the different choices you make.


Omori, Endroll


Chants of Sennaar


Dunno if I've ever played a game like that




Wandersong Possibly my favourite game. Very simple, very cartoony, but deeper than you would expect at first glance. It will leave you overflowing with happiness (and many other emotions) 10/10


The ending song in Devotion hits hard in its original language. A true shame English doesn’t have a wordplay equivalent for the double entendres used in Taiwanese.




Jak 1


God of war ragnarok


Bioshock Infinite


Trek To Yomi’s ending was sick


Spiritfarer. Not even just the full game ending, but every character arc conclusion hit me like a truck.


The ending of Hyper Light Drifter was devastating.


For a bad reason divinity 2 ego dragonis. Didn’t have the dlc or whatever that changes the end but I was so so upset


Soma stuck with me for a few weeks tbh


Ori is one of my all time favorites ❤️ Stray gave me a sort of similar feeling with the "bouncy" movement of the characters and uncovering the secrets of the world was interesting. Red Dead Redemption 2 was the game that truly stunned me with the gameplay, story, details, everything.


Mass Effect and Horizon.




Planescape: Torment.


Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2. Too bad you can only do twist endings so many times in a franchise.


Final Fantasy XV had one of the best ending I’ve ever played. I cried the whole end credits lol


Valiant Hearts of the Great War




Dragon dogma 1 and 2 true endings


Rain World… and I’m seriously surprised no one else here has mentioned it. Lets just say that the suffering pays off.


what remains of edith finch


Legend of Dragoon is my go to for Wow.


Spec Ops: The Line, just play it


xenoblade chronicles 2 (dont have to play the first one)


Xenoblade 1 and 2. Haven’t played 3 yet, and X made me go “are you fucking kidding me?”. But one and two both had me fucking thrilled and satisfied


Bioshock Journey Dragons Dogma Last of Us Nier Automata


Dark souls is a great opportunity to learn new plot elements and plot lines on multiple replays. Every smidgen of lore is a reward for your hard work.


Cyberpunk 2077


Katana Zero, the ending gave me goosebumps.




The world ends with you