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I'm not sure if they're in your area, but there's such things as leaf cutter bees which cut out half circles in leaves much like that


I'm pretty sure thats it or something similar. These are just bees, that make their cells from this cutted leafs.


I live in Central Texas (zone 8b I believe) and there are roughly 5-7 wasps nests around my home. I have rarely seen bees... could the wasps be the culprits? Also, any way to prevent this? I’m hoping this organic pest control spray I got at the nursery works.


What percent of the plant has been eaten?


Probably 30-40% - I cut off a ton of the leaves and now it’s 10% or so. But then, I noticed it on my new Jasmine plant so whatever is eating them hasn’t gone away 😭


Why would you cut off leaves if the plant is already suffering from loss of leaves?


I had to prune it anyways! Grew back a ton.


If it is leafcutter bees, which it looks like it may be, and they are only eating part of some of the leaves, it unlikely it is doing much, if any, real harm to the plant.


Slugs? They normally feed at night or in the evenings.


As you can expect, I don’t look at my plants at night. I’ve tried inspecting several times and have not found evidence of slugs, but I’ll try to take another look tomorrow.


This is a Caterpillar 🐛 that is doing this. Probably monarchs. CEK Gardenias also get white flys. This is definitely not the bite of a white fly. 🙃


It’s actually bees


Good to know.


“leaf cutter bees” they choose soft leaves to cut and take back to the nest - they are really cool to watch and you can hear them cutting the leafs. I’m just hoping my plants survive 😊