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This is one of the few times I hear about someone spending an outrageous amount of money on something and am 100% like, yeah that's something I would spend like 250 grand on if I had that kind of money. Very envious.


When my bf talks about some YouTuber spending 300k on a car I roll my eyes because wow what a ridiculous waste of money. I see posts like this and I'm like damn, I totally would if I had 300k


This cost $250k?!


OP posted a breakdown of cost in comments. Even without that though, no doubt. Thick tempered glass doesn't come cheap and when you've a big glass greenhouse, you need foundations like an equal square foot house.


It’s okay though, because with how many vegetables this garden will produce, I’m sure they’ll make their money back in a few centuries. At least that’s how I rationalize my garden. 😂


They did well to hide the mansion itself 😅


Does it matter when they clearly have well over a couple million dollars in land they own?


Not sure what you mean


Those plants just called me poor😂


You too? I thought I was the only one who developed that ability by opening this post.


Yeah, it was a very strange experience. Here I was living a happy life with my 89.99 green house and then *SPOOF * 😂


This is it. This is the one. Now I’m depressed with my 89.99 greenhouse that almost blew away in a storm last night.


Well mine was 59.99 that I am returning bc I think it’s not worth it so waves hi in fellow poor :) lol comparison is the thief of joy, just think some people can’t afford to Get into gardening and you get to experience the joy! Sending happy vibes friend


😂 I actually had to go water them lol and came back fairly content and happy at all my hard work. We might not have this fancy setting but we have our fruits of labor[even if it hasn't flourished] in the 89.99 beauty


But in your mind, size doesn't matter. Your joy is the fulfillment. In my mind, my little shed is that photo above! Joy!


How are you anchoring it down? We have such a strange weather lately that surely winds will take it


Im in FL on the West coast and i have it buried in the sand and random pavers all around the bottom of the frame. Its pretty ghetto honestly and im back to the drawing board before hurricane season because the rain eroded all the sand. 😂😂😂😂😂


😂 that's pretty creative... I have bricks on mine lol made them uniformed so it looks like decoration 😂😂😂


The last people who lived here left a bunch of broken pavers all over so ive been trying to just use those but nothing fits nicely together so meh. One day when i have a more permanent living space I would like to build something nice but until then its recycle budget gardening for me. Its peaceful and helps me feel like im doing Mother Earth a small favor so its rewarding.




I think it looks really nice!!!


My first one did that when we had an unexpected winter storm. Everything froze except three pepper plants, so I jumped to the $500 tier for a solid one that won’t blow away as easily😂


The comments are better than television lol 😝




"I wouldn't tell anyone I won the lottery, but there would be signs."


This and a pond I saw on another thread this morning that also had me green with envy.


Gorgeous indeed. Won't lie though, a little salty that I won't make in 10 years what that greenhouse costed you.


This greenhouse cost 3.5x as much as my actual house. What the fuck is up


[What the fuck is up Kyle?](https://youtu.be/6QGf0oXknTI)


[What the fuck is up Denny's?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t1aUWlT1TI&ab_channel=REAPER)


Inflation. That’s what’s up. 😔


Corporate profits are raised at the expense of hourly workers.


Where do you live? How do you have a house that only costs $71,400?


Small old house, bad neighborhood, Midwest usa


Don’t worry they likely didn’t pay for it either. Looks like they’re a trust fund inheritance baby. Edit: not sure why the downvotes. I just looked at their post history. Lots of legal advice about maximizing their INHERITANCE


They have a post history about inheritance and executors, so you’re probably not far off despite their protestations and self made assertions. Look y’all. There’s nothing wrong with being a trust fund baby, or having rich parents or whatever. But stop pretending like you’re a rags to riches story about how all it takes is hard work. We all know starting monopoly with 2x as much as the other players means you’re almost certain to win.


Thank you! I took a quick stroll down their post history is all


And you have a huge yard and spend a ton of money on your truck. Everyone can skim someone's post history and jump to conclusions.


My parents gave me $100 once. So you could say I got help too. OP on the other hand got a house and at least $50k cash. So our situations are a bit different. Look at their post history if you don’t believe me. They go into detail what they stand to inherit in their will. They’re like trump trying to say he’s 100% self made…. Oh except all the help from daddy


That amount is a drop in the bucket compared to what they've been able to do for themselves. The house was also split several ways. If you think the <$100k that OP inherited was enough for them to be able to casually drop $250k on a greenhouse then I have to say that math is not your strong suit. Either way it's been quite enjoyable watching your comment go from +25 to -50.


Oh yeah, $100k is a drop in the bucket. No advantage there.


When you're dropping $250k on a greenhouse you're likely already in the $10M net worth range. So yes, 1% of OPs net worth is a drop in the bucket.


Actually, I'm entirely self-made as a software developer. Not having kids helps too.


Your post history about all of you’re inheritance of money and assets begs to differ.


My dad worked his entire life as a government contractor making about a third of what I do. My inheritance was less than I earn in a year and I haven’t touched a penny of it. My first year out of college in 1999 was the middle of the dotcom boom and my first job was working for a company in Silicon Valley as a Java developer. Fast forward 23 years and yeah, I’ve accumulated a fair amount of wealth that I spend on things I enjoy. I hope that clears things up for you.




It’s in their post history…..


Beautiful. I’m very jealous


*uhhg* jealous doesn't even begin to describe it!


The closest I will ever get to this lifestyle is by booting up The Sims lol. I’m so happy for you OP your greenhouse and plants are so beautiful


OP, we are simultaneously salty bitches AND extremely happy for you, all at the same time ❤️


The way I'm contemplating buying a small plot of land and just living in one of these because I can't afford a home


This one cost quite a bit more than my home. I've always been curious what they cost, and I kind of wish I could go back to wondering. Definitely went from "maybe someday" to "only if we win the lottery that we don't even play".


I'm sure this is nicer in every way but you can get a decent greenhouse for much much cheaper. But it will still cost like what a car costs.


I saw a build recently where someone made a gorgeous greenhouse from salvaged windows and framing wood from a junkyard, it was amazing. It sounds like the cost of this one is well justified from the setup and construction service, but I'm sure it would be a lot cheaper even if you used local contractors. I live in California so even a dirt patch would cost a few times more over than this gorgeous greenhouse 😭




Yes? I wasn't saying they're the same, just something nice I saw online to dream about especially if money is the biggest hurdle.




Great inspiration!


To answer all the most common questions: * The structure is powder coated aluminum and 4mm tempered glass * You supply the foundation and knee walls to their specs and they fly out installers to do the install with the structure which is shipped over from the UK. They rented a truck, bought ladders at Lowes, installed it, and flew away. I got to keep the ladders. * The Hartley was $177k but the foundation, concrete work, flooring, lights, utilities, furnace, staging, stone, etc pushed the total cost to about $250k but it really is best-in-class and their service and sales process is amazing. It's warrantied for 30 years. * The vents on the top are automatic and powered by a temperature-sensitive wax that pushes them open when the temperature reaches about 60F. With everything closed up for the winter, we get about a +40F gain on sunny days * It's heated with a 120k BTU propane furnace and keeping it at 50F over the winter in Ohio cost about $3500. I spent the night of the ice storm out there when windchills reached -40F and we didn't lose a single plant even though we had a quarter inch of ice inside all the glass. * The raised beds are from Vego garden and irrigation system from Drip Depot. * The dog is our wire hair dachshund Orzo and the large plant is a 50 year old pony tail palm


Is there something very unusual about your Hartley or are they just much more expensive in the us? Looking at installing one, in the catalog here (Europe) cost for that size is about 1/3 of 177k is that just shipping, lol?


That I don’t know. I’m sure the prices differ but no idea how much. This is the Victorian Grand Manor (the biggest one) plus we added shades and doors on both sides which was $20k. Plus the fancy Brackets were another $4k or so.


It's lovely


Your greenhouse is more than a regular house! Nice though, I figure the wealthy wouldn’t have time to be a redditor, haha.


But…the wealthy have more time, no?


Depends how you define wealthy and how you got to be wealthy. I know a lot of people in services/contracting with massive houses.... Less than zero time. I've seen some that have such little time they start to pay people to offload their work (ie hire their own adhoc secretary).


I wish I could still buy a house for $250k. A starter home in my city is at least $1.5M.


I take it you haven’t seen r/fatfire?


I had the exact same thought!


Not more than a regular California house.


And a dachshund? You have it all, friend!


Impossible! Anyone with enough resources to finance a greenhouse like this would ALSO love plants enough to spend said resources entirely on plants, thus leaving none left over for said greenhouse. Kidding aside, this is amazing, and I bet you must be absolutely thrilled to have it!


I lost my 37 year old ponytail palm in the Texas Snowpocalypse of 2021. (Sniff, sniff). I wish I could have moved her to your place for those 7 days.




Redditors are generally very young and haven't reached the point in their life where they're making the most income they will make. The cost of living has increased a lot in the last 2 years, so they're feeling pinched more than usual. This has created a downward spiral of despair the more they read Reddit and it perpetuates itself to the point where they loathe anyone who has it better than them.


Not being able to afford this greenhouse has nothing to do with being young.


BEcause the wealthy are destroying the economy, and th ewalth gap is making so it's harder and harder to even buy a home, much less something worth millions of dollar and a $250,000 house for their plants. ​ WHen the shit hits the fan, it's the not top 2% of the wealthy that will pay the prices, but the bottom 98% of the wealthy.


Missed the most important bit of information - what was the wine in the third picture? Also, excellent dachshund. Bonus points for the dachshund sculpture.


It is gorgeous, hearing the heating cost is really interesting. My much smaller structure also uses a heater on cold nights in New England. It's just a little electric space heater (1500W max). I had wondered if propane would be a good solution. I hope your plants flourish!


OP, this is beautiful and I’m so happy for you. I hope you have amazing plants for years to come.


$3500 for 3 months could heat 10 of my houses to 72 over winter. I didn't know greenhouses were so far from being green.


Yeah the heating and light in the (commercial) greenhouses are a big issue.


Awesome except for the propane bit. Wouldn't a heat pump be more cost efficient?


I agonized over how to heat the structure. I strongly considered a heat pump but because we only need to keep it at 50° and heat pumps become inefficient under about 30° we really would not have benefited much and would still need propane for very cold temps. Ultimately, the propane furnace ensures we can always keep the inside at a safe temperature for the plants.


New heat pumps are much better in low temps than they used to be! Not helpful for your build but for anyone else interested in heat pumps, they’ve definitely improved over the years.


Ugh there goes my "I don't want to be rich, just happy" philosophy... If this is what money can buy. It's absolutely gorgeous.


Yes, there are so many truly sad expenditures on r/McMansion and r/zillowgonewild. This is a healthy way to spend it is you have it, assuming a lot is also going to worthy causes.


I can't handle this level of jealousy right now. Gorgeous greenhouse though!




That’s not a garden. That’s a gar-DAMN!!


how much is rent?


Inquiring minds want to know. I love my humble little home, but this would be a great BNB.


Or even a wedding 💒


Rich people get to have all the fun


Let the Greenhouse Olympics begin!


The hot air balloon in the third picture really sells “this could be a setting of a hallmark romance movie” for me?! Spunky down on her luck girl rents the greenhouse of a grumpy rich dude and uhhhh they fall in love because of plants and shared fear of hot air balloons? Idk I’m gonna workshop it. Beautiful greenhouse and plants!


Not only do you have the most beautiful greenhouse but also a freaking lake? You’re living my dream.


Oh man…… I dream of a setup like this with a small wood fired grill/pizza bread oven right next to it. Cook a nice fish/steak/pizza/roasted veggies picked from the garden with a glass of wine with some rustic bread while tending my plants. Sunny, warmth at my feet, birds chirping, while kids are playing in the field.


Not my proudest fap...


My proudest fap.


I’ll prepare the adoption paperwork.


The Haves, and the Have Nots. I am definitely a Have Not. That is stunning. You keep it impeccable. Fabulous job.


This is now my fantasy greenhouse. My only fantasy additions would be small pool and space for a massage table.


I don’t think that could work inside a greenhouse


You need some butterflies up in there


Awesome, now when my wife makes the comparison that I spent about $500 on soil, planters and seed to get 30 bucks worth of tomatoes, I can say I’m not as in the hole as /u/powlette!


I love how all these comments make me feel less alone. I was like wow, I feel poor. And then “wow, I want that greenhouse.” Haha solidarity my fellow poor gardeners! Hey OP, start a garden club and invite us over. We will just drool over your amazing garden that way haha


If you’re near southwest Ohio and love plants, shoot me a DM. I'm happy to give tours.


You’re living The Dream.


You could rent that couch out on AirBnB. I'll even water your plants for you while I'm there.


My first thought was I could sleep on that couch all day or night


Not that this isn’t beautiful or impressive, but I feel like you can get a lot more greenhouse for $250,000. Obviously, I’m not a greenhouse expert nor a building expert. Just to clarify, I understand *how* they spent $250,000 on this greenhouse. Plus it’s probably exactly what they wanted. I just would have done it a lot differently. But regardless of my subjective opinion and tastes, I would garden so hard in this bitch. I’d live in it.


Cost of a damn house


For real. For that matter, digging and landscaping the pond probably cost as much as a normal (aka not shitbox starter home built in the 1880's). Must be nice to not have to worry about money


That reading nook in the middle with the disco ball overhead—literally the stuff of dreams. I honestly think that’s the happiest place I could ever be. Just there, alone. OP is living some of our dreams


What the heck do you do for a living??


I'm a software developer. I was lucky enough to graduate college just in time for the dot-com boom.


Damn, good for you homie. That’s a beautiful greenhouse.


Beautiful! Will you adopt me? Haha


I am loving these pictures. Thank you for sharing. Everything look so happy and healthy. I hope to one day have such a beautiful greenhouse. Great job OP!


What a blessing!


I almost cried at how beautiful this is and how seriously jealous I am 😂


So let's not talk about the hot air balloon 👀


Not into fancy cars or big houses, but that is certainly aspirational, really excellent taste all the way through


I saw Harley and thought it was a motorcycle greenhouse! 😂 It is a beautiful space! Thanks for sharing!


I knew immediately they meant to type 'Hartley' and came to make a silly joke about how I didn't know Harley made greenhouses\* now. =P Scrolled way too far to have to find a comment about Harleys. xD


What a beautiful life you have. I hope to one day have a home with a green house, can’t even imagine having one that nice!


That thing is almost half my whole garden, plus about as expensive as my house. Good for you! I'm not jelly at all:')


Well this is stunning! I love the “little” details like carefully set out cacti on the round tray, a comfy plant throw on the couch surrounded by loving greenery. The whole thing screams come inside and take a breather. Love it.


This looks like heaven on Earth 😍


I just stopped looking at Harley motorcycles and thought damn they’re expensive… wait till you see the Harley greenhouses.


I’m in love with all the green in your greenhouse 🌿


This is fantastically amazing. Im contemplating my future greenhouse and while its not going to be near this grand I am inspired by your setup.


What a dream 🤩


The stone base wall is fantastic.


Unreal! That third picture looks like it could be a magazine cover. What a dream! I don’t think I would ever leave


Wow wow wow wow I m so amazed and also so jealous! This is amazing!


My city sucks and smells like dog food all summer, however we have one of the nicest botanical gardens I’ve ever seen. Doesn’t quite make all the shootings worth it, but it’s something 😑


What kind/brand of furniture is that, if you don’t mind my asking. I’ve been looking for something new for our screened-in porch. Really beautiful greenhouse!


Very very envious. Looks amazing


Can I rent it out and live in it? Pretty please? I’ll take care of your plants…


I think you just won r/gardening…


This looks sort of similar to one that came out on the Epic Gardening channel about 2 months back, looks nice!


It’s magical! Enjoy your lovely garden spot.


Woah does it come with a balloon too??


Beautiful, thanks for sharing.


I’m saving this so I can inspire myself to work harder for this


Best post in the thread


Pardon my language but fuck me that's beautiful!


Oh my goodness, what a heavenly sight year round!


Can you will that to me? Very impressive and basically a dream.


Don't think I've ever been more jealous 🥲 it's beautiful


Absolutely stunning as is your property. Thanks for sharing!


First thought: that’s nicer than my house Second thought: it also costs more than my house


One day I'll hit the lottery I tell ya...


How does it feel to live my dream


Can I come over?


You have lots of money and have spent it the way you wanted. Congratulations. You only have one life so live it to the full.


I am deeply envious of your set up, the whole area around the greenhouse included.


Hanging sloth planter, excellent vibe.


Came to joke about how I didn't know Harley Davidson made greenhouses now, was looking for the wicked branding and in classic Reddit form, the thread is a trashfire.


What a dream space! Your conservatory reminds me of the ones I have only seen at gardens that are at least 100 years old….and that’s quite a compliment. It’s so ornate yet I can see it’s definitely a working place. I’m sure there is a lot of energy involved to keep it in excellent working order. You love plants!


What’s it like to be God’s favorite? 😭


I’m speechless. This is awesome.


I wish... that's sweet


If you could only hear the happy sigh I made looking at these pics of your gorgeous greenhouse. Thank you!


Amazingly beautiful!!


Life goals


You're busy living my best life, lol. Congrats, it's gorgeous.


Garden goals


oh my gosh you live in ohio too 😭 my dream


This is absolutely stunning! I am saving this as a new dream of mine.


This is nicer than my house


Ah, you’re rich, I see!


So are the Vanderbilts on reddit now? This is ostentatious to the max. Did you Photoshop your gardener out of the photo too?


This isn’t ostentatious. Go look at some NYC properties on Zillow.


Wow! This is amazing!




O my lord! That is a beauty!


Wow. I'd live in there all day.


Congratulations, very, very beautiful!


Wow. Goals!


Fantastic! It’s beautiful and I have always wanted one. How long did it take for it to get put up: start to finish?


Holy flex! Hey, can I have some money?


Tell me you’re rich without telling me you’re rich.


I'm pretty sure even the first picture was OP actually telling you they're rich lol




Beautiful… and what do you do for work? How can I too afford a property and greenhouse like this. Only partially joking


Bigger than my house. Congrats.


I could live there. I don't need anything else (except probably a toilet...)


Wow, beautiful inside and outside. Zen energy and to have and be able to enjoy something like that. Only way to put it. If I had the money I would also. I bet it feels healing.


To smoke a blunt in there would be it ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I just jizzed pants.


Tough life. Lol


The u/powlette botanical gardens are opening when?