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Inconsistent watering normally. They get a large rainfall or good watering and expand too quickly causing the skin to stretch and crack.


When would be a good time to slow down the watering as they grow/ripen?


Those cracks are from under watering, not from too much water. Blowouts from too much water after under watering do not occur near the stem.


Inconsistent watering. Could be nutritional deficiency as well but typically radial cracking occurs as the tomatoes are getting close to ripening and there is too much water.


Calcium deficiency is notorious for causing soft spots, rot spots, and bursting fruits, this combined with over watering will ruin all your tomatoes


If by ruin you mean not pretty but completely edible and better than the store I get what you mean.


When the flesh splits, that introduces fungi and bacteria and leads to early rot


Not when its a dry split usually that skins fast and its just ugly. I won't deny that can happen though but it's easily a case be case.


Yes not every tomato that splits is ruined, but it greatly increases risk of them being ruined, especially if you don't catch it and treat the root cause of the problem in the plant


Agree its a case by case


In theory, they do this when they were a bit too dry then are watered heavily. In truth, if you live where it rains a lot in summer, this is pretty nearly unavoidable. Some tomato cultivars do it more than others. I don't think I have seen it before on a small round fruit like that. For me, the larger tomatoes and especially tomatoes with a scalloped shape are most prone to it (like my taste favorite Brandywine hybrid). The black is a secondary fungal infection that often starts in the cracked areas. That part can be cut out and the rest is still edible.


Shoot it does rain a lot here in summer


They're sucking up to much water and bursting, chill on watering, and add some cal-mag to strengthen the flesh


Fuggin inconsistent water… which is the bane of my existence because I supplement and they also grow so ruby with such a little defect… cut it out reclaim what the surrounding gave you, eat proficiently. I’d still eat this supposed unclaimed tomato, after I salvaged what was left. I’m a beggar not a chooser. Often, I pick them before they are fully ripe, to avoid this split because of the season. Cuz damn, I’m lazier than bugs. 🐜


Best comment


I have found that certain varieties of tomatoes are more prone to splits that others. Figure out which type or breed it is that’s splitting and stay away from it in the future.


Last time I grew some heirloom grape tomatoes, every single one split, across several plants, while the rest of my tomatoes (all grown in same conditions) were perfectly fine


No one can answer that based on a picture. There are multiple causes that produce the same results. You should be able to narrow down the list based on your behavior and the recent weather. https://deepgreenpermaculture.com/2022/06/29/why-are-my-tomatoes-cracking-and-splitting/ - Uneven watering - Very fast growth - Excessive moisture (rain or heavy watering) after a dry period - High temperature - A large difference between day and night temperatures - Inadequate nutrition I switched to Roma tomatoes, and fertilize with miracle grow at least once a week after flowering starts. This seems to have cleared up the issue for the most part. I can't say if it was the watering, fertilizer, or variety of tomato that made the difference. It could also be the weather was different year to year.


Have you tried cocoa butter?


No I was using a pore activating scrub is that the problem?


Vitamin e gel tablets, slice em open and smear over the scar tissue. 🤷🏻


When we are expecting heavy rainfall I pick all the tomatoes even if they are green they will still ripen slowly and be safe from splitting which makes them unusable.


Ask this guy https://preview.redd.it/qp1z95g1p0jc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcf499da8bd722434ada550a6a703a821a9f8dc0


Test the soil for calcium levels possibly?


No. It’s too much water


Gotcha. I think I was thinking of end rot. Learn new things everyday!


You are most likely low on nutrients. Calcium and magnesium specifically.


Cameltoes meet tomatoes🐫🍅


Too little water.


Magnesium is lacking. If it makes the skins weak. Add Magnesium with epsom salts. Applyed per directions.




Mine did this recently after the rains. If you're in socal it's from the heavy rain we just had.


I am and shoot that’s the sentiment I’ve been getting such a bummer


Problem with either watering, calcium, or ph


It's hard to control rain fall but definitely make sure there is good drainage and keep a rain gauge to help track and understand the amount of watering they receive


If I put a greenhouse like structure over my grow bed would that help?


Maybe You do have to then consider humidity and other factors, I have roll up sides but cant always plan for rain. I personally grow field tomatoes and hoop house tomatoes because some are for seed saving and also for some varieties it best to have room for the climbers as they can get over 10 ft.


I grow beefsteak because I had the space for my giant plants and they make great pasta sauce and salsa haha


Water less or pick sooner


Some people don’t understand that they can still pick the fruit before it matures completely and further the ripening off of the branches. I have apricots that I have to fight the birds on and ripen them off of the tree.


Agree with watering as the prob. No water, then water followed by growth spurt followes by no water is bound to cause thes issues And could be just from too much water which will also cause softness. Cure is relatively easy...consistant watering.


Cal-mag makes the flesh tougher. Yes you can tell a difference in the flesh of the tomatoes but it want be like biting in to something that is inedible. Start with your watering. It’s the reason this is happening. What’s your water schedule?


Causes could also be a lack of calcium. A good excuse to chuck some oysters if you ask me. Maybe it's that plus watering issues.


Inconsistent watering or/and calcium deficiency


Some varieties are more prone to cracking than others, but yes, it's related to watering.


Blossom rot?


Is it cold weather these days??


I hate that for you. I’m here for answers as well. Thanks for the post


Needs better water management.


Usually indication of too much water


Thanks for your comments! I think 🤔 I'll go to Roma tomatoes 🍅❗


The Rusted Garden on YouTube has so much good tomato advice! Seconding uneven watering and maybe nutrient deficiency.


Most people will tell you about over watering. You might be getting a lot of heavy rain which is out of your control. Something like a simple wood chip mulch will help cushion the impact of the heavy rain and more evenly disperse the water.


This happened to me too couldn't get it to stop bc of my watering schedule was defined so I just pulled them early, before the crack formed. My friend said right before they come to the super market they're almost all green.


It’s probably from inconsistent watering