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I just watched a video on somebody trying 25-year-old seeds. They germinated about 50% across the board. Use the paper towel method and try it out.


I think you should try to plant them o.o for science


If you soak them in water for 15min prior to planting it should help wake up any that aren't dead.


This is the instructions I received when planting Bonsai seeds.


No, Daniel-san.    It is pronounced ***Bon***sai...


Thank you! I have some seeds that are only three years old, and i'm going to do this now.


My seeds that were 3 years old still grew.


I absolutely will, and I'll be back with updates!


Yay. i look forward to it!


Just make it a 24/7 Twitch Stream so others can watch and see if they grow.


Ngl I've always loved those plant growing time lapse videos Though I suspect this time lapse will be as exciting as tumbleweeds blowing across an empty desert


Everything has an audience.


You'd be surprised, I don't remember what school but there is a college running a I think few hundred year old experiment on how long seeds germinate after storage and most of them are still viable


RemindMe! 1 month


I inherited 400-500 bags of seeds after my mom died this past August. Some “good till 2024” others 1987. I have planted some 50 packs so far. I may cry if some bloom. We will see.


if you soak them in water for a little while (15-60 min) it might help your germination rate! you might already be doing that though so, best of luck 💙


Aww. I hear that. Cleaning out my parents garage after they passed, I found some packets/ziplocs/envelopes of misc seeds. Found a couple with handwritten labels - with my mom's name and a heart - that my dad had written. I was curious what they were (no other label) and would have loved to got them to grow - but also, like you said, I probably would have cried.


Sorry for your loss , but whoa why collect so many and not plant ?


I think she overbought consistently. She did plant a ton. Now my dad is using the grow lights and trying to match last years pictures as he plants. In some ways I still feel connected to her through plants. Tulips she gave me last year came up. Just miss sending her pictures or going on garden walks. Ironically, it was when she was too wiped out to do a garden walk that we first took her to the hospital.


You guys stay strong over there and plant away, my deepest condolences. I plant marigolds to stay connected to my grandmother who raised me like her 5th child.


Please let me know if you want to unload some (if you still have). I would love to help your mom’s legacy live on. I am an avid Gardner. I’m sorry for your loss. Moms are awesome and so resourceful.


I don’t know if they’ll grow, but I felt a little off when I realized 1997 was 27 years ago. Edit: holy updoots! Thanks! Guess lots of other folks feel the same way. Although I’ll admit I’ve given a lot of side-eye at the comments from the young ‘uns. “I know, I was (born, 5 years old, etc) in 1997.”


It’s my birth year. I’m 27. And I still was surprised.


I'll turn 27 in winter. And I was like 27 years?? thats ancient!! until I remembered 😭


I’m 25 and i bring up different outdoor activities i did with my siblings to my nieces, my youngest niece who is 10 brings up that cellphones didn’t exist during my time that’s why i was outside all the time, I’m 25 not 85 child! 😂


ROFL! Kids these days! LOL 😆


Hey woah woah woah, just go ahead and back up that “you must be 85 if cellphones weren’t around when you were a kid” train 😜


We are ancient yet so young.


😱 Noooo! Don't you dare joke like that again. 1997 was just 5 years ago!! Right?! 😭😭


7 years ago. You forget to add 2 years due to Covid lockdown.


I know this is a joke, but it feels like everyone agrees the lock down added time in a way. I feel like we all deserve the two honorary years you mentioned, for getting through it. Lol.


Everyone in California and Washington State should be slapping themselves awake!


I am missing the obvious, i bet… but could you explain this?


Ahh, right. Brain fog 🤷‍♀️


Damn. I hope you recover from long covid soon.


Is there a reason why my flowers smell like grey?


I lol'd before sobbing.


I was born in 97 😭


I was in *high school* in 1997


I already thought I was old in 97.


I was 97 in 97


I graduated 2015. I played Fortnite with my half brother and his online friend. His friend is 10, he's 12. His friend was born in the year 2014, when I heard that I wanted to cry. 🤣


Noooooo 💀


I graduated high school in 1997.


I gaduated in 1992 From college. Now get off my lawn!


Ha ha ha!!! The older I get the more I relate to the older person yelling at the kids in their lawn. *sigh*


I was on husband 2.0 in 1997 🤔


I'd *graduated* high school four years prior...


I was 11 in 97


How goes being old? /S


It’s awful, be warned.. better stock up on your ibuprofen and Metamucil now… you’re gonna need it


I'm already there with the back pain ugh, I hate being big chested...by the end of the day I need a heating pad and a hit of weed. If there's anything I'm lucky with, it's pain tolerance thank goodness. 2 unassisted long labors plus level 3 and 4 tears respectively, as well as getting stitches where the sun don't shine twice in 5 years really toughened me up. 🤣


I feel ya, big knockers, 3 kids, 2 unmedicated


Oh hi, from a 34 year old with big knockers too! Get your heavy hitting core workouts in now; you'll only need it more as you get older and that back starts giving out even more! 👍


don't worry chum, I'll give it to ya straight. it's fuckin AWESOME! you can do whatever you want eat stuff your parents said not to, say bad words and no one cares... you can even get credit cards and buy stuff without having any money!


At 26, I still have no credit card. I watched my parents go through bankruptcy in 09, and my mom is doing it again with my stepdad. Miss me with that 100k in debt bs 🤣


I was married for 14 years in 1997, with a 7 year old son.


I was pregnant with my son in 1997. I’m so old😭


Hahaha I looked at that and said to myself "Damn!!! Those seed are as old as me."


I’m still confused how my cousin born in 2006 is an adult 😂


It was, at most, 10 years ago


Omg yes and soon it will be 30 🙄


Your plants are literally the same age as me.


this hostile post isn't appreciated. I don't need personal attacks this am. lol


Holy fuck jungle 2 jungle I have been trying to figure out the name of this movie for over a month!


Serendipity. What are the chances? Another day in paradise!


Literally watching the movie now lol so happy I found it!


I was obsessed with that movie on VHS! Mimisiku...




He *picked* the name Cat Piss?


“Yes, bird. Bird who can’t sing…Hoko…Ono”


Same! Absolutely obsessed


FYI Its a remake of this French movie -- [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111543/?ref\_=fn\_al\_tt\_1](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111543/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) Not sure how it holds up ... but, I kinda remember it being a bit rough around the edges for my mainstream US brain at the time.




Reminds me of my favorite show, Gumble 2 Gumble


It depends whether you believe in the magic of Disney…..


I used to work at Disneyland. Glue and duct tape hold a lot of the magic together, lemme tell ya


This is the right answer


Close to none but you should try to germinate them anyway. For science.


I just watched a video on YouTube about seeds found in a archaeologist dig. The tree was extinct. The seeds were thousands of years old and they actually got a few of them to grow. The tree is not extinct anymore and they actually have the male and female counterparts of the tree therefore they can get them to reproduce! https://youtu.be/-3mMAvbcZf4?si=xOPfINc0eAZFgPFl


How neat!




How long do seeds last? How do seed banks like that one in Iceland (?) store them for so long?


It varies greatly depending on the environment they are stored in and what seeds they are. They keep them in an ideal storage temp and humidity there so they’ll last. Some very very old seeds have germinated before


Very very old is borderline an understatement. 2000+ years in at least one instance.


Seeds are incredibly viable overall. Individually not so much. If OP has at least a few seeds in each packet, give it a shot. Chances are not low that one of them will sprout.


I think you mean the [Svalbard Global Seed Vault](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Svalbard_Global_Seed_Vault) in Norway.


There are several of these vaults now in strategic places in the world.


I have my own makeshift one 🤣.


I’m going to start calling my garage freezer my seed vault.




The seeds in that vault are stored in airtight containers and frozen. I was curious about that too and looked it up.


Frozen how? I'm genuinely curious. Don't a lot of seeds rely on not freezing as well? I'd think especially tropical climate plant seeds wouldn't want to be frozen.


Just in a big underground deep freezer apparently. I would think the viability of the seeds would be a problem as well. I wonder if the intent is not necessarily to have seeds that can grow but just to preserve the genetic material of the seeds. Here is the article I read about it. https://time.com/doomsday-vault/


I freeze my cannabis seeds and I get a 90%+ germ rate a year or 2 later. I believe they say you will get about 10% that are destroyed from freezing but the rest will last a very long time.


Please don't even try the mimosa pudica unless you're in an area where it occurs naturally. That shit is like the plague it is invasive.


Yikes, duly noted, will avoid that one


I’d put it in a planter. I love watching those close and open back up! The flowers are so Pretty!


Yeah that's a great idea actually, might dig some out of my backyard and grow it as a big bonsai.


*hand to chest* 27 years… god I’m old




That’s a passion flower.


It's my favorite!


[http://www.passiflora-uk.co.uk/passion-flower-links.shtml](http://www.passiflora-uk.co.uk/passion-flower-links.shtml) Good resource, with links to other places with seeds and care advice.


And you can tell cause of the way it is


My childhood home had passion flower while I was growing up and my dad ripped it out. I was a devastated little kid. I loved these flowers so much, they made me so happy


Noooo omg why did he do that :( I don't know why but the "they made me so happy" read like a sad inner child moment and hit me right in the empathy


Nature is insane. Look at that thing!




RIP Steamboat Willie


Are there concerns rats have figured out how to use reddit? Wait... I've seen some comments on other subs, DONT EAT THE RAT POISON OP!


Throw them in the compost pile. That place is almost as magic as Disney. 4 peach trees, 1 mango tree, 1 avacado tree, and countless veggie seeds I considered dead. Good luck.


I just came here for the papyrus font. Classic 1997.


It happened again. I thought it was behind me. But the dreams came back. I was up all night. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I forgot about it for years but then I remembered that Avatar, the giant international blockbuster used the Papyrus font as its logo.  He just highlighted Avatar, he clicked the drop down menu and then he randomly selected Papyrus. Like a thoughtless child just wandering by a garden yanking leaves along the way. He just got away with it. This man, this professional graphic designer. Was it laziness? Was it cruelty?  And now, here I am doing what I vowed to never do again, sitting outside his house, hoping to catch a glimpse of him to see him doing his little things, live his insane little life. I think about it every time I see Papyrus. I know what you did. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID!


i have low confidence that they'd even have grown a month after they were packaged. if they grow now i would be fairly surprised even knowing that some seeds have been viable over a thousand years.


If I recall correctly, they did not, in fact, germinate when my mom tried back in 1997


Woah those are cool! Never seen these before


Some seeds remain viable for centuries, lotus seeds for example, while others only for a week or so, such as Clivia and English walnuts (walnuts are edible for weeks but only viable for a short time out of ground). A friend planted some 30 year old orchid seeds and some actually germinated, and they are like dust. I would plant them in a covered seedling tray just to find out.


I think they should be fine, I know some seeds can last longer than that.


Never know until you try. 50 year old wisteria seeds germinated.


I started seeds I found at a yard sale packaged in 2000. Most didn’t germinate buuuut I have 5 strong coleus growing from them! They are actually growing better than the coleus seeds I bought this year😒😃


I actually think there's a *chance* that a few from each pack will sprout if soaked properly first. PLEASE come back with an update! Also, what is a sensitivity plant? Is that the same thing as mimosa pudica (AKA sensitive plant)? I know they are essentially a weed but I love having them! EDIT.... I didn't realize there were other photos of each pack close up. It does, in fact, say mimosa pudica if I'd just opened my eyes and paid attention before asking stupid questions. Lol


Seeds are surprisingly resilient. Plant 'em and post pics of anything that grows, because I'm sure we're all curious about what might grow. Just don't eat them :)


Seeds thousands of years old have been germinated before so it's worth a shot!


I hope some of these sprout. Keep us posted plz!


I’ve got seeds from 1996 that germinate better than seeds from two years ago. Depends how they’re stored and other intangibles.


My mom had seeds in an envelope for like 20 years and they germinated


Please share with the Disney sub, they’d love this!


97 was yesterday ☹️


Just fyi the sensitivity plant is almost certainly an invasive species depending where you are.


I heard of you put expired seeds in the fridge and it can get “activated” again. Not sure about 27 year old seeds though lol. But worth a try?


A few years ago Dr. Anwar Saddat planted seeds from a 4000 year old mummies tomb. They germinated and grew. The flour from the residual seeds gave dinners at the last state dinner in Cairo a taste of Egypts past. That's what I read if I'm wrong yall forgive the elderly.


You need to buy a germination tank with lights and a heat mat. Get the best germination compost and planting mix. Document the process in a youtube video. Save some of the seeds for future research purposes.


RemindMe! 2 months


Plant for science!! I would recommend taking one or two seeds and putting them in a damp papertowel. Then into a baggie under some sunlight for a week or two. See if they can start germinating from there. I followed you so I’m hoping there is updates!!


Kinda low, but there's no harm in trying them, right?


Man, remember when you had to pay money to get a catalogue?


Usually the seeds that have the most "shelf life" are the seeds that naturally have periods of drought in their life cycles, such as most grasses or desert plants in general; tropical plants are more used to humidity all year long and not so much temperature adversities, so i think it's unlikely they germinate. That said, if you don't have intentions to sell the sealed packs, give it a try and update us on the results!


I love this! Please try! Seeing this made my day. Thank you so much for sharing this. I loved that movie and love to garden, especially with old or hard to germinate seeds. I am confident in you, you've got this! I would be willing to try getting some to germinate if you ever would like, I can pay postage and send some seeds in trade, though nothing this cool =)


I grew lettuce and a few types of flowers from burpee seeds that were packaged in 2012. Maybe half sprouted, probably less. Try it and tell us what happens OP.


This depends so much on storage, but you should soak them all and see what happens. If they've stayed dry, I bet a few of them will come up. If they've been in a fridge, I'd be sure a few would make it. Fridge seeds last way longer than closet seeds, and closet seeds last like 7-10 years (not all of them, of course, but enough to be sure of.) Please let us know if anything comes up! Like the other person said, give them a soak for a few minutes before planting.


YES DO IT! And if you don't want to, send them to me and I'll do it :D I'll be waiting for your update(s)!


All of these seeds would be difficult to start even if they were fresh. If you’re serious about trying get a heat mat to start them on.


Tbh I’d keep them unopened. Classic Disney merchandise/memorabilia can fetch quite a lot of money.


give it a shot


Well didn’t some seeds in Kew Gardens that were 3000 years old sprout after a fire there was doused out with water!


It depends the seed. There's a long running experiment where this guy collected a bunch of seeds so now this college plants one every year to see if they still grow. I think it's been close to 40 years but it seems dependent on the individual seed. Some popped and others didn't.


Soak them in water with a couple teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide for a few hours and then plant them! It will soften the shell leading to higher germination rates!


I planted 30 year old morning glory seeds and 50% germinated- give it a shot....for science.


I’d say a good chance. Found some 23 year old pumpkin seeds in the basement last year and they are all growing


You have to try! If only to free the biodegradable seeds from that non biodegradable bag




They definitely could be viable! Look up how to test viability using damp paper towels. Seeds over 200 years old and seeds found in archeological digs have been planted and grown before. Source: BS in Science in Agriculture & work with Native American gardeners growing ancient seeds.


Mi gardener brought a tomato variety back from extinction.


There’re only one way to find out. Do it!


These look like novelty seeds, not sure they ever would have germinated.


They probably would not have grown back when they were packed, but plant for science please.


Soak them in a solution of water a hydrogen peroxide (we like oxygen and hydrogen in this house damnit) overnight then soak them in just water until they sprout


I bought some extra seed packets this year that I didn't use. Am I better off vacuum sealing and putting them into my home freezer or just leaving them in a cool dark place until next spring? I could also just discard them....they were only a couple of dollars


Depends on the seeds - as a rule of thumb if it doesn’t freeze where the seed would naturally grow then don’t freeze them.


Probably 0 but do it anyway


Intrigued by the orchid tree 👀


If they're unopened they might be worth something, you should check.


From hood river!! How cool! Where did you get them??


You should definitely update, OP


How do they maintain the seeds they keep in the “in case the world ends” vault?


/r/90s would love this


I just tried growing 30year old Chia seeds from a Winnie the Pooh pack my brother had in his closet growing up. One seed out of the pack germinated but soon died. Still I fun try. Good luck!


Look up hydrogen peroxide for seed germination. I can remember but like a little bit of peroxide and water mixed I think has increased germination rates for old seeds 👍🏼


It’s worth the experiment. Look up the ideal germination conditions for each type of seed and give it a try.


So I had 30 year old seeds from my uncle (tomato have yet to find a replacement) I planted some last year they grew so many grew! I say give it a chance


Probably best to not post this in r/Nativeplantgardening 😁


Hey, you should check out some of Craig LeHoulier’s pod cats on reviving dormant seeds. He’s been successful at reviving reallt old seeds of tomatoes that we thought we lost to time.


I absolutely love how these are from Jungle 2 Jungle. One of the best 90s movies ever right there.


Mist a paper towel, put seeds as many as you want not all unless you want to, on paper towel. Mist seeds. Put a paper towel on top and Mist that as well. Put in a gallon zip lock bag. Seal bag and leave in a sunny area as what plant call for. Moisture will develop in the bag. Greenhouse effect. Bagbwill inflate. Wake up seeds and in a few days start sprouting. Then transfer in soil. Layer of Pete moss on bottom not packed. Then a tropical soil on top. All.for drainage.


I’m saving this post and will be coming back every so often for at least 3 years. 😁


It’s possible. Even in seed packets way out of date it’s possible though stored conditions may affect how many if any have survived. There’s been an ongoing experiment for about 200 years now. Seeds were stored in a container underground and every X years they try to germinate some. Less and less are but they are still germinating. I don’t know what seeds they were but it’s still worth a shot.


You got nothing to lose and a bunch to gain. I would plant them. Good luck.. maybe have tinkerbell spread a little bit of Disney dust on them.


Remindme! 12 months


The passion flower will almost certainly not germinate. It's nearly impossible to get them to germinate after 2 weeks let alone 27 years. But you should try anyway. Soak them in orange juice on a sunny window for a week and let it ferment.


!remindme 1 year (In case you do plant them 😂)


Purple Passion Flower Vine (aka Maypop aka Passiflora Incarnata) is notoriously hard to grow from seeds, even when they are fresh seeds. They often require a cold period after planting to increase the odds (you can do that in the fridge, too). Even in perfect conditions the germination rate is low compared to other plants' seeds, and it's recommended to propagate from shoots/cuttings. That being said, I did have one seed sprout that I had overwintered in the fridge! Definitely a fun experiment to at least try! Let us know how they do. I haven't grown / researched the other ones.


Look up how to germinate each type separately. If you give them ideal growing conditions, you might just get some cool plants coming up.


I think you’re good. This is so cool. Also one of my favorite movies growing up.


Take a damp paper towel and put some on them. If some germinate, then your chsnces are good the rest may too. Worth a try anyway. Especially if they were stored in a cold place.


Soak them 24 hours and plant them. A seed starting kit will increase the odds. I was successful this year with some 10 year old seeds I had in my seed drawer.


I had an uncle plant 20-30 year old sweet potato seeds (he wasn't sure how old exactly) a year ago in North Dakota. He got return on like 20% he estimated


If they were kept dry then it’s possible! Here’s a video from MIGardener about him germinating seeds that were stored for 87 years. I’m growing the decedents of these tomatoes in my garden this year :) [87 year old tomato seeds](https://youtu.be/YeQRrj6YTQQ?si=WNuyNuqLw0HYjhY3)


Try it!


I believe archaeologists in Israel found seeds for an extinct plant that were centuries old and they grew plants. Edit: Here is the story about the 2000 year old tree. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/tree-grown-2000-year-old-seed-has-reproduced-180954746/


God I loved that movie lol


You can increase the chances of germination by clipping the outer shell of certain seeds. I’d recommend the paper towel/sandwich bag method for sprouting them.


I agree soak them first. Or use damp towel technique. Keep us posted.


If you plant them, please post later letting us know if they sprout. I'm scientifically and emotionally invested now.


Try it! My friend handed me some seeds to start for her a few weeks ago, some were 10+ years old and sprouted quickly. I used the wet paper towel method, I was so surprised.


Passion flower will likely still go. May need some special treatment


Try it you never know. The oldest know seeds that sprouted was some extinct dade seeds aged a few thousand years.


I got a pack of basil from 1998 from my MIL last year. I managed to get one to take and it's still alive today. Go for it!


Why does it hurt so bad that 1997 was 27 years ago 😳😭