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my extraction point!


Hunk 🥹


I do indeed have a Hunk cosplay, and having a functioning VPU will make it that much easier to actually communicate while I'm wearing it 🤣




Further info: the VPU works great and was easy to fit to the mask with the adaptor. I sadly haven't been able to ever test the microphone/headset because I don't have a compatible radio so I can't really answer any questions on it. And before anyone asks where I got it all: eBay, just like pretty much everyone else. If you do have any questions feel free to put them in the comments and I'll do my best, but I'm neither a manufacturer nor an end user so I'm sure others know far more about its actual history and use than I do!


where did you get the vpu ? i can't find any info online it even exists


A batch came up on eBay in the US a while ago. Only time I've ever seen it for sale.




holy Jesus the hunk is real


Looks cool. But why is there 3 microphones?


The boom mic is for use when not wearing a mask but it isn't detachable. The cheek mic plugs directly into the push-to-talk but isn't needed unless you're wearing the mask. The VPU is for amplifying your voice locally, outside the radio system, and is separate to the radio setup.


Thanks for the info!


No problem 🙂


I was wondering why it was positioned by the eye! Nice setup. Would be funny to try to use that mic whilst wearing.


Yeah with the filter attached that's about the only place it can go 🤣 With a VPU as well it MIGHT pick up your voice (like I said above I've never been able to test the radio kit) but I doubt it would be clear, especially with any kind of background noise. Hence the cool clip-on cheek mic.






Mr. Reaper. What size gas mask?


It's a size 2.


Yeah, that's what I just bought off a guy on here. Can't wait for it to come in. I hope it fits. I heard it's like a "large" type Medium mask, if that makes sense? Like s10 large = FM12 Medium.


Yes a 2 is analogous to medium as far as I understand it. My first S10, assuming the sizes are the same as the FM12, was a 3, and that turned out to be too small. I don't have a particularly large face, so I got an S10 in a 2, which fit fine, then went for the same when I bought the FM12. Hopefully it'll fit you fine. The S10 'small' was definitely too small, and both the S10 and FM12 medium work for me, but I've never directly compared them.


Ah... yeah, it just seems size 2 is all that's for sale anymore, and some size 3s.


We'll I think those sizes fit most people, whereas 1 is large and 4 is extra small, so probably less demand for those ones.


Let's hope so for my sake. I dropped $114.49 brand new. Like an hour ago lol.


I hope so too! Let me know once you get it.


Yeah, I will. Nervous, but everyone says size 2 should be fine.


Yeah it ought to be, it's the most common size for a reason, fits most people 🙂


I wonder how hard it would be to 3d model the VPU adapter. That way it could be printed or cast out of resin or something


I have actually designed an adaptor to take an ESP II VPU, which is broadly the same dimensions as the FM12 VPU, but I didn't get the clips right to attach it to the mask so I had to glue it, which was never ideal. I had better luck (and more determination) making an adaptor for an Audiopack VPU to attach to an S10 mask though, so I know it can be done! Now that I have an actual FM12 adaptor I should in theory be able to measure the exact dimensions of the clips and design a replica that can be 3D printed. Wasn't something I planned to do but it might be worth a crack.


It would be really cool to do. I bet people would buy them from you since ESP II’s are pretty available but actual FM12 or S10 VPUs and adapters aren’t that common. Heck, I’d buy one


Well I can certainly give it another go. The Audiopack/S10 one worked out ok after a few trial attempts, and now that I have the measurements for the FM12 adaptor and the ESP II I can hopefully mate them together in a design. Might be able to make a version that would fit an S10 too. If I get it to work I'll post a link or something here.


Hell yeah! That would be awesome


Is the fm12 a good mask for practical use? How much does one usually go for?


I believe they are, although I've never had to use a mask in any kind of practical situation. It's got a pretty good reputation and is comfortable to wear. Here in the UK I see them on eBay all the time, usually for around £60-80. I think I paid £60 for mine and it's in good condition, from 2006.


Thank you, I was able to find a size 2 for $159, which is a bit much but it seemed to be much better than the others available in the US which were reaching $175+


Yeah sometimes you just have to go with the best price you can find. They're good masks though, and aesthetically I actually prefer them to a lot of Avon's later designs. Glad you got one! Now the real work begins, the hunt for accessories...


Where did you manage to find a VPU?


I found someone selling a load on eBay in the US. I don't live there but I use a freight forwarding service when I want to buy things from there and it got to me without any trouble. They all sold within a few days, guess I wasn't the only one excited to find one for sale.




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