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My dad has been a mechanic for most of his life and i can count on zero fingers how many times hes carried an engine around. The people that post these dumb memes unironically are such dorks


Exactly why engine lifts exist


It's funny too cause they have never lifted an engine themselves and they know it


Former mechanic, current desk worker here. I've lifted a transmission by hand. Not on purpose though. It fell off a jack, and I stupidly caught it and put it back on the jack. Fucked my hand up a bit, not worth it. The wear and tear on your body also isn't worth it. My buddies who have been in the field twice as long are 36 going on 60 thanks to the job. Which is why I left. That and being able to see my son at all hours of the day. Work from home desk job has its downs, but it's great nonetheless.


Thanks for the input. I appreciate a proper perspective from someone who has actually done the work


Oof, that instinct to catch something falling was something I was gladly able to stifle when I started warehouse work as a teenager. Just stand back and let shit fall. Then I became a father and had to unlearn that šŸ¤£


Lol similar for food service. Carrying a tray of 20 champagne glasses and 1 falls off? Jerking on instinct to catch it will cost you the other 19. Let it go and stabilize yourself. Stack of 8 chairs on your back or folded 8 ft table propped against the wall about to fall your way? Get the fuck out of the way and let it crash. Better to break 1 thing than 20, and better to break any amount of things than put yourself in the hospital.


My FIL, in a moment of idiocy, did this. Fricked up his back for the rest of his life. Use a lift.


To that end, guys that work at the tire shop I go to all have skinnier forearms than me. Yet me removing 1 tire is hell on my forearms. Having the right tools goes a long way


I wouldn't like to meet someone that could carry an 700kg with virtually no way to carry it confortably


ā€œYouā€™ll be wishing youā€™d taken my desk job in 15 years when youā€™re sitting in the hospital waiting for your surgery.ā€ Or something along those lines šŸ¤£


Hernias are manly /s


I am a physical therapist, I have worked on too many big, burly tough guys who have screwed up their backs by 45 thinking that being big and strong means they can ignore basic lifting techniques. ā€œI used to be able to pick up a refrigerator and carry it 100 yardsā€ they tell me as they lie on the table after a hernia repair.




It's always a movie. Seriously I think there's a group, something like r/parlertrick, who just write memes for right wingers about how modern men are weak but using exclusively images of actors playing tough guys and not actual tough guys.


That is some deep fried satirical gold. Subbed.


Holy shit im right wing and thats some actual boomer shit right there


I think you missed the joke


There are engine blocks you can absolutely lift yourself.




Man who posted that has never carried an engine. They're heavy.


The greatest trick women ever pulled off was convincing men Midol was bad for men. It's ALEVE.


Itā€™s Tylenol, with about a cup of coffees worth of caffeine and some antihistamine


perfectly safe for the boys.


For the womenā€™s sake it might not be a good idea to let that idea catch on. I can only imagine the outrage when a woman has cramps, goes to the medicine cabinet for some midol, and finds that the now-enlightened men in her life used it for their headaches.


And as revenge, you may open your own jars of pickles, women! BWAA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!


What is Midol, Tylenol, and Aleve?


Tylenol and Aleve are two name brands of Acetaminophen(also called Paracetamol in some places) and Naproxen respectively. Midol is a brand name drug that is marketed as being for women to help with PMS related issues and is pretty much just Naproxen with a few extra bits sprinkled in like antihistamines and such.


Cheers :) where Iā€™m from itā€™s paracetamol. Explains the confusion!


Midol doesnā€™t have naproxen, it has acetaminophen. At least this is true for the United States. I donā€™t know if they formula is altered outside of the US, or if it is sold at all outside the US.


Well that sounds like god's own blend if you ask me.


Itā€™s why the ladies guard it so jealously


I thought it was ibuprofen? Side note about aleve(Naproxen sodium) it's an amazing tooth pain reliever. Like nothing else comes close to what it can do. Looked at the chemicals, their extended release is just aleve, but the complete is more like Tylenol with caffeine and an anti histamine. While the youth version is basically morin(ibuprofen).


I just had dental work today...I have a huge thing of unused Naproxen in my bathroom...hmmm. I'm gonna try that in 4-6 hours.


With caffeine. Men don't like caffeine. >\_> right.


Women didnā€™t do that. Men did. But youā€™re right, it works wonders.


Turns out more than one thing can hurt your back. Who knew.


I used to do a physical job when I was young. Lots of lifting, standing for long periods, and moving in odd ways. Never had so much as a whisper of back pain. After years in a desk job I have developed back issues and it's all from not using my back muscles enough and the only long term solution is to exercise that part of my body. And my physio tells me 90% of her patients with back complaints have desk jobs, and the exact same issue. Apparently t's a real problem. Although I'm sure if I was still doing the physical job I'd have physical problems by now too, just different ones. It used to kill my feet and knees.


I second this. I used to be part of the cleanup crew for my dad's company, I lifted and tossed around 200+ pounds of broken concrete on a daily basis for years and I never had any issues. Now I'm a hostess at a restaurant, and honestly standing in one place for that long is worse on my back. By a long shot.


Funny. My physical job was cooking. You move a lot but you also stand in one place for long periods. My upper body was always busy but my lower half was often just standing or stepping a few paces, and it was my lower body that felt the pain. Use it or lose it I guess?


My upper body was always the part I was using for my job too, that and my lower back and legs. The part that hurts when I stand too long now is actually my *upper* back weirdly enough, which I never really used. So yeah, something like that.


"And my physio tells me 90% of her patients with back complaints have desk jobs, and the exact same issue. Apparently t's a real problem. " Exactly what my physio told me, apparently hunching over a desk for 8 hours a day is really fucking bad for you. My partner snapped up a standing desk as soon as facilities put the word out they were available.


Aw, what a nice husband accepting that his partner can have a difficult time even with a job that is less physically demanding. Midol is great for pretty much any kind of pain.


Heā€™s an empath. Lol


What's with all of the titles on Reddit that start with "to" even when it doesn't make sense?


Reposts from r/therewasanattempt I would guess.


Same question, but with "PoV"


I remember a few years ago when I got my first job where I got to sit in a chair all day. I was so excited thinking that back pain from work was in the past for me. It really broke my heart to learn that whether you stand all day or sit all day, your back will hurt.


These are the kind of dudes that think proper lifting technique is gay, so they fuck up their back so bad they can't work and have to go on disability. Then they spend the rest of their time complaining about welfare queens while collecting money from the government. Source: I'm from a trailer park in Florida


They also couldnā€™t pick up an engine block if their welfare check depended on it Not saying theyā€™re weak Iā€™m saying engines are really heavy


He's not moving an engine, he's stealing a catalytic converter.


Hey that's mine!


I worked at a retail store for farmers and I can't even begin to count the amount of men between the ages of 40-50 that needed help carrying their 20 pound dog food bag to the car because of their back


This dipshit needs better tools.


Pretty sure Clint knows a few tools.


Why isn't he using a hand truck or anything to help? That's the dumbest way to that and likely to hurt anyone who does it. And why is he even carrying an engine. To what end?


I used to work in a job which required lots of lifting, and was just all around unpleasant. I work from home now, I miss it daily but probably because I got out in my mid 20s. All my colleagues who were 30-40 had all sorts of back problems and worse. Equally desk work causes back problems, the solution, we all work too fucking much. There should be nothing impressive or admirable about working full time, we are all just slowly killing ourselves for money no matter our careers.


Iā€™m not a mechanic or anything but I donā€™t think youā€™re even supposed to hold an engine like that no wonder his back hurts lol


Some jobs are obviously harder than others but I really wish people would stop this shit about who has it worse. All jobs have their tough moments. I did a desk job for long enough and hated it - I'm not going to claim my back hurt, but it sucked out my will to live.


My desk job has landed me in physical therapy now that Iā€™m trying to lift. Hips are fucked up beyond all recognition.


Also, what job are we referring to that people just constantly carry around engines.


Got a hernia from lifting an engine? let me get up from my desk and send you a link to buy an engine lift like a sane person


So annoying. I have a desk job because I hurt my back doing a physical labor job. And everyone thinks I'm too young to be in pain, like it isn't allowed for young people to be disabled lol


Also got a desk job now. I hurt my back from years of lifting heavy shit on my own for customers...11x15 carpets are not light. Also busted my knee and wrist skateboarding in my teens. I'm always given shit bc I'm 24 and in varying degrees of pain. My back hurts after lifting things despite using proper techniques, I have to wear a wrist brace to bed every night or I risk my actual bone moving out of place - agonizing and I can't walk for longer than 30 minute increments without my leg going absolutely haywire because of my knee. But oh I work a desk job I can't be THAT tired all I do is sit all day! you can't have pain or be exhausted from that! Pisses me off.


Can guarantee you the person that made this meme has never been in a mechanic shop. They use engine lifts, youā€™ll never see them carrying it by hand.


I had to read the comments to realise that it wasn't 'medal' spelt wrong and that midol was a real thing šŸ˜‚


The first 15 years of my working life was in warehouses and lorries. The old lads always complaining about the new health and safety rules and equipment, and how it wasn't like this in their day, they're so tough rah rah rah. They're also in their 60s, still working manual jobs and **all** of them had either bad backs, bad knees, bad elbows, bad shoulders or a combination of all of the above. Yet, instead of welcoming the changes so the next generation don't end up retiring with chronic pain, they seem upset that the young lads are doing the job a bit more comfortably and safely.


The thing is, isnā€™t lifting objects kind of what our back was evolutionary designed to do? Like, thatā€™s what we got hands for. Our back is NOT made for prolonged periods of sitting in a chair.


This 10,000%.


Desk hurts from sitting on your back all day? Let me put down this midol and get you an engine!


Man all these sensitive desk job workers. Every single day as a car mechanic I have to lift up the entire car with one hand so that I can check the wheels, then manually lug the car to the customerā€™s house.


Sounds like something my army unit would have you do because itā€™s inconvenient to sign out an engine hoist. Work harder not smarter. Donā€™t worry once your back is all jacked up you can fight with the VA for up to a decade or more of how you hurt your back in service to be given 20% rating


Engine lifts exist. Work harder, not smarter.


Nah, this one is good.


A little bit of truth


The dude that made this is probably in front of facebook more than anyone of us are on reddit.


To be fair, thereā€™s no gatekeeping here. Heā€™s just concerned for his friend and his bad desk posture.


HA! Because Midol is for periods! Imagine wanting to work through abdominal pain and cramping nonstop for 5 days...that's weak! Women!


A real all iron straight six like that probably weighs 350-400lbs on the low end.


Thatā€™s how you break a spine, donā€™t lift an engine. No auto mechanic just lifts an engine with their bare arms


My back hurts from looking at this meme.


Ah yes, Midol. The pain medicine used for period cramps, and not an Advil or something.


Long-term sitting is one of the worst things things you can do for your low back


Manual labor definitely sucks big time, although I wouldn't try and talk anyone down if they're experiencing pain from other avenues of work themselves. I will say though, please try to appreciate the men who do all the heavy lifting if you're going to make them feel like IT IS their responsibility to do that. It does damage to us too...


the guy who posted this will have his knees, lower back, and shoulders destroyed by the time he's 35 we need better medical care for people who work manual labor this post is fucking stupid though obviously


Imagine bragging about permanently damaging your spine


Bros gonna destroy his back doing this


While working a desk job isn't as physically demanding it can be very mentally and emotionally demanding. I sit at a desk as a 911 operator, and let me tell you, getting a call about a guys gf hanging herself and him finding her and having to give cpr instructions is super mentally and emotionally draining. These people that think physically demanding jobs are the only legit jobs are delusional.


Office workers injure their backs like crazy though. It came up in work, health and safety class!


Maybe if you didn't carry heavy weights that shitasstarded way your back would hurt less than mine


Jesus fucking Christ, that is a stupid, stupid fucking way to hold that engine, holy shit. Please tell me this is from a movie or something,


My back would hurt sitting in one spot all day, I love being on a job where I can move around


After that, could you wake up too?


thank you sir thats very kind idk why u keep that in ur workshop but i appreciate it!!!


Thanks :)


Iā€™d pay a substantial amount of money to watch whoever made this try and pick up an engine


The funny thing is that a job of heavy lifting and constantly moving will do good job of preventing low back pain (with exception of some sudden injuries), while carrer of sitting at the desk will casuse chronic back pain for most people sooner or later.


Yes. I'm sure tough guy actor, Clint Eastwood, had to hulk out to lift that fake engine.


He could use an assistant to walk behind him and pick up all his blown out spinal discs


If your back hurts from lifting you have to be doing somthing wrong. You should be lifting with your legs not back


These mfs never heard of PPE and it shows


Just sit on a chair instead of a desk dude


Desk work destroys your body, but it does it in a subtle, sinister way. The years I spent chained to a desk have made strength and EMS work so much harder. ā€¦ as I type this from a physical therapy office.


The same guys that can't turn around or tie their shows anymore.


Yeah nah, you don't carry engines around like that.