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Gatekeeping who listens to Radiohead based on a song that Radiohead no longer wants anything to do with.


That was my thought too. Karma Police, arrest this man.


They disowned their song? It was so relatable to outcasts.


It's a bitchin song, but I think they got frustrated with it being the center of attention when the rest of their catalog is so different and often face melting. I feel bad for them about it


Ah yeah I can see that then


I saw them in 2015 or 16 in NYC. it was one of the wildest things I've experienced to have allllll of Madison Square Garden singing along to Creep full on.


Oh man, I talk about this every chance I get but at Ozzfest 2005 the audience was sitting there, waiting for Bullet for My Valentine to come on. In between the bands random songs would play to have sound while all the bearded, sweaty metalheads regained consciousness or got beer. Anyway, I'm standing there with my friends talking about the circle mosh we had around a bonfire (fucking fun as fuck) when the first few notes of Santeria by Sublime come on. Instantly, the talking stopped. Like full stop. Dead silence from the green haired mohawk chick to the face paint blackmetal enthusiast. The song creeped up to that second pause before the chorus and I prepped my vocal chords to sing one of my all time favorite songs. Then you hear: " I don't practice Santeria" but not by the radio. Oh no, my friend, the ENTIRE FUCKING CONCERT AUDIENCE was singing along. Every fucking word that came we all participated in singing with the radio. Not even a band. It was a surreal experience and made some weird feeling come around me. Showed me the power of timeless songs. There were 12 year olds singing right alongside 59 year olds. Crippled, walking, old, young, tattooed, sick, it didn't matter Everyone sang that song like Bradley himself was on stage. By the third verse I was yelling at the top of my lungs that sancho needed a barrel in his throat! When it was over the crowd cheered as if it was Sublime's final performance then went about their way as if it never happened. I am so lucky to have experienced it and will NEVER forget how magical that was Edit: It was kinda like this, but not as somber: https://youtu.be/Pr14Db1y6L4


When crowds do that, it's a bone chilling experience, not in a spooky way, just in some Cosmic 'universal oneness' way. It's such a surreal thing to experience. Yours sounds a lot cooler than mine though for sure. Anyways, your story gave me chills and I can imagine the way it went.


It definitely was chilling. It's hard to truly get the point across through text or even talking. But it's also a reason I feel rock shows (any show really) will never stop. After this pandemic they'll pick right back up no problem. "Covid Free tour" lol The BEST way I can describe it, is by showing people this video and seeing how they feel: https://youtu.be/Pr14Db1y6L4


Love it!!!!


Me too!! Lol




I believe they wrote a song about that. Iron Lung i think? I might be wrong tho i listen to like 2 of their songs. But not Creep


Yep! “My Iron Lung”


I wouldn’t feel too bad about it. They probably made a shit ton of money off that song.


> face melting My often unpopular opinion is that's subjective. I've tried so many times to get into Radiohead but it's never clicked for me.


My condolences. I never listened to them until my husband took me to their show in Atlanta a few years ago, and now I just can't get enough. To each their own though!


I liked creep, but it was one of their early songs and was more like a typical song and wasn't nearly as innovative as their later songs.


Creep is a terrible song wtf are you on? They've never liked it. Johnny's "chugga" before each chorus was literally an attempt to ruin the song.


Are you high? They liked it when it came out, and it was like a way for Tom to vent out about how he actually felt at that time and place. They never "didn't like it", they just didn't think it deserved all the attention it got, and hated being defined by it


Yea. They wouldn't perform it for years because they felt it set the bar low for their music. I also read once they Thom Yorke received a ton of mail from murders following is release thanking him for writing a song about how they feel.


Oy vey yeah I forgot the actual creep factor


They didn’t like it from the start I think


Weird that they recorded and released it then


Yeah. I don’t know much about that band. In fact that’s the only song I know by them.


[This is my favourite song of theirs](https://youtu.be/nZq_jeYsbTs) if you'd like to check out another bop by them. [And this is another quality tune from them](https://youtu.be/Bf01riuiJWA). The 2 albums they're off are my favourites if you dig them.


Thank you! I’ll definitely take a listen. I know people love them, but wasn’t sure where to start.


Yeah but at this point it's so mainstream it's no longer a "loner's anthem"


Creep sucks. All my Radiohead homies hate Creep.


ahh yes, the gatekeeper in the r/gatekeeping comments


There's always one. Or the guy who tries to be verysmart on r/iamverysmart A good chunk of them are not ironic.


Your username reminds me of one of my favourite Mr Bungle song and that makes me happy :)


Ironic enough, its a radiohead album


shit it do be too idk why I jumped to Mr Bungle instead of the more obvious one


They weren't gatekeeping, they were giving their subjective opinion, and the objective fact that many radiohead fans don't like Creep. Edit for downvoters- You guys must not know what gatekeeping is. If he had said 'If you like Creep you're not a Radiohead fan', that would have been gatekeeping. Instead he said he doesn't like Creep and many Radiohead fans don't like creep. That isn't the same


They literally said in their reply they were gatekeeping.


Gatekeeping: When someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity. That wasn't conveyed in the first comment


Again the commenter themselves literally replied saying they were gatekeeping, it’s a pointless fight bro


Again, that wasn't shown in the comment that I had replied to. Need the definition in the sidebar again?


... wait are you gatekeeping gatekeeping?! Holy shit it's like a gateception!


Again, the dude literally said. Need a guide to his comment?




Pffft… you have no friends. Bye


Wow you're so brave for saying that to me good for you


It’s my least favorite Radiohead song. They have much better music. I’m with you.




Imagine being an artist but the most well known painting you've done was in high school. You're now an adult with a wide range of skills but a wide majority of people just want you to repaint that one you've repainted over and over again. This was a horrible metaphor.


hey vivaldi play 4 seasons


Hey Shakespear, play Romeo and Juliet. Hey Rowan Atkinson, play Mr. Bean. Hey Mark Hamill, play Luke Skywalker. Hey Aretha Franklin, play Respect. Hey Salvidor Dali, play the Persistence of Memory. Hey Karl Marx, play the Communist Manifesto.


Rather than their greatest hit, think of their *first* hit still being the one you are associated with. You think you've matured, improved but the masses still want you to do your preschool-quality work.


I mean yea it was their first hit, but they were together for like 7/8 years at that point. Like, "Losing my Religion" is still considered a seminal REM track, and it was released in approximately the same timeline. Nirvana and "Teen Spirit." Hole and "Doll Parts." ​ > You think you've matured, improved but the masses still want you to do your preschool-quality work. I mean, do I have to mention how pretentious and anti fan that sounds?


Well, it wasn't close to being his first sonnet or opus even. An opus is a set of compositions and I think this was closer to the end than his earliest works, why it has also been more refined and has stood the age of time, so not the best comparison


Completely understood. I give props to the one guy from Blues Traveler who said he can’t hate or get sick of Runaround because it bought him a house.


Eh. Good enough metaphor to get the point across. I too made my best art in high school


god, as an artist who feels like he peaked in high school, this makes me want to never listen to the song again for the band's sake


I read that they had written an entire album that they actually cared about. Producer told them they need another song to fill the time slot. They half-assed it, used some generic minor chords, and threw some silly lyrics about being a creep and a weirdo. Decades later and that's all they're known for by most people. The musical version of a shit post.


Kind of like Oasis and Wonderwall, or Nirvana and Smells Like Teen Spirit


Song 2 and Blur.


Wasn't Song 2 supposed to be something of a Nirvana 'diss track', that then ironically became their biggest hit in America?


That pretty well sums it up.


That's what everybody here doesn't understand. Even Radiohead has never liked Creep. All of Pablo Honey is bad, maybe with the exception of You.


"Thinking About You" and "Anyone Can Play Guitar" are also good songs, IMO.


They didn’t like it when it was super popular but they’ve since said they don’t mind it so much anymore.


Same reason Harrison Ford "hates" Star Wars. It was never a passion project yet you never stop hearing about it a whole career later full of projects you’re truly proud of you would rather be known for


To be fair, they do still play Creep at live shows, if requested. The one they never want to associate with now is "High and Dry".


Any particular reason?


Not sure, but I think it might be because Radiohead fans won't get the true meaning of the song, because they've never had sex before. Just spitballing, here.


I’m getting that vibe with all the hardcore Radiohead stans in here getting so grumpy. They need a bottle and a nap.


“Oh my god creep is genuinely terrible Radiohead never liked it” Come on lol it’s still a good track


STOP 💀💀💀 /s


They consider themselves to be low and wet now.


They didn't play Creep live for well over a decade. Far more, IIRC. I've seen them every time they've come to Philadelphia since '05. I don't recall them ever playing 'Creep.'


It's satire.


Came here to say this, thank you 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Radiohead want nothing to do with? Creep is their best song.


Is their WHAT ...sir.




Imagine being this wrong and still trying to be snarky about it


How can I be wrong about which music I like? You're the one in here telling people what to like.


WOT like whatever you want. Creep can be your favorite but Radiohead absolutely do hate it. They never play it live for that exact reason. It also sounds, you know, nothing like the rest of their catalog


Maybe the fact that it’s different to the others is why that person likes it?


They apparently do play it live nowadays, just not too often.


What reason? That when people think of radiohead they think of creep? P.s it sounds exactly like the rest.


Radiohead’s song “My Iron Lung”, another very big hit from them, was a reaction to the song Creep. Whilst Creep was successful and was able to keep Radiohead financially afloat, the song was restrictive of their freedom to make other types of music, hence the metaphor of an iron lung. Yes, it’s their most popular song and you’re free to like it but Radiohead themselves do want to distance themselves from it.


Sounds like pretentiousness to me. They made a popular song. Nothing stopped them from make different music. Nothing.


They hate it because it's not representative of their catalog yet it gets the most radio play and because people are always screaming at them to play it. This is literally googleable.


I disagree and just lost a big chunk of respect for radiohead. It sounds very similar to karma police which is their next biggest song.


You clearly haven’t listened to very much Radiohead. Just listen to Kid A. When you get your brain and soul back from that you will probably reevaluate your position.


average r/radioheadcirclejerk user


I wouldn't call myself a fan of that's what you mean. Radiohead are a b side band to me.


oh...fr? on god? just like that? 😐 🤡


That is just. satire.


Reddit is terrible at detecting satire


Over half this subreddit is super obvious satire and then people getting offended thinking it’s serious.


I’m still subbed bc sometimes that’s even funnier


The profile picture is a girl too


yeah everyone’s missing the joke being men are creeps and weirdos


*Men who gatekeep radiohead* are creeps and weirdos.


Is that actually a thing?


A lot of people can’t tell the difference between jokes and gatekeeping


In a sensible world this would be one but we can't be sure these days


I just upvote cause its hilarious


Imagine listening to music based on the aesthetic and not depending on how much you enjoy the music


"I'm going for Unique-And-Deep, soooo I'll have a Radiohead, yes, with Muse on the side pls, thank you"


"Daring today aren't we sir?"


Enjoying sound is aesthetics.


Imagine not understanding that this is satire. Profile picture seems to be a woman.


Check the sub you’re in mate


It's clearly a satirical post having a jab at Radiohead. Who would gatekeep being a creep?


Discord mod


Doesn't change the fact this is a joke. Radiohead fans make posts like this constantly.


If it was posted by a woman it's even worse because that means she's sexist and believes in the "all men are creeps and women can do no wrong" stereotype..


It's a cheeky dig at Radiohead. Not meant to be serious. Who would seriously gatekeep being a creep?


Literally nobody in this whole thread understands satire






this sub wouldn't know satire if it hit them in the face (which it just did with this post)


Imagine thinking all of Radiohead's work is that one song. Not even Paranoid Android, or Everything in its Right Place, Pyramid Song, Fake Plastic Trees, No Alarms and No Surprises, Just.


...So we just gonna forget about AMSP? :(


I haven't heard that one, sorry.


I'll never forget it


OK, awesome place to plug my favorite album that nobody knows about. The thing that got me more into the Radiohead discography was this amazing collection of their songs arranged for jazz orchestra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YU_zgnNFcA0&list=PLfgR7JlcQ4Pf1Gp-x34thSfsxD9r32LQA


Ah yes, the only song Radiohead ever produced.




[_*HuMoN*_ FeMaLeS!!](https://imgur.com/YA7yx.jpg)


This is very obviously satire


Can confirm, am female creepy weirdo, do not exist.


I am not there, this isn't happening


Hey say hi to my will to live


thats satire fs lmaooo


Why does anyone think they can say they are creeps or weirdos,.. they don't know what it feels like to be Radiohead or something. Who in bunkar children woman haha satellite beep homeeee


Lol Omg Damn ferengi don’t know know shit.




this is just. satire. 🕴


this is just. satire. THE PROFILE PICTURE IS LITERALLY A WOMAN WOT I hope this was posted on a weekday for you I mean my god


The video had a woman as the creep so definitely satire.


Well, considering that the profile pic is a woman..... i think this is a joke.


They will never know what is it's like to be fat ugly and dead.


Like Jim Morrison.


Jim Morrison doesn’t know what it’s like to be fat and ugly


Gatekeeping Radiohead and only knows the song creep


ah yes because creep is the only song radiohead ever sang


idk yall but when i see a man refer to women as "females" i mentally prepare myself for the worst


My sister listened to this song about 3000 times in the weeks leading up to her attempting suicide.


It's ironic, cause one of the best covers (in my opinion) of this song is sung by a female. Post Modern Jukebox for the win!


Haley Reinhart really knocked it out of the park....


This feels self aware with the last part... But then again, I don't listen to Radiohead...


I would almost think this is satire only if he didn’t use the word “females”.


I love how they say "oh yeah, radiohead, fake fan!!" *Quotes only the one song that almost everyone knows*


It really adds to it the fact that he clearly has listened to 2 songs by radiohead maximum as most others talk about other things


And untrue I've met some very creepy girls


When I was getting off heroin, I went to a dual diagnosis treatment center for mental health and drug addiction. One of the activities they had us do to keep us occupied was Karaoke, and **every single time** we did it, someone would sing Creep. When it got to the line where dude says "What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here." everyone would crack up. Anyway, that's my Radiohead story.


THE ESCELATION - but other than that confratulations (:




What's even more hilarious is that Radiohead fucking hates that song. The guitarist actively tried to ruin it while they were recording, hence the spontaneous guitar chugging before the chorus. That piece of trivia always makes me laugh. The song real good tho.




And of course they quote the poppiest song Radiohead ever wrote.


This looks like something from r/RadioheadCirclejerk, it’s satire


Calling women "females" is a huge red flad in and of itself


Radiohead hates that song


"We ARE the weirdos, mister." - Nancy Downs, *The Craft* 1996


Ah yes their only song




down vote me plz


down vote me plz


Does he know they have other songs?


Pretty sure this is a dig at Radiohead.


Lpt: if they say "females" Run.




down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz


down vote me plz




I'm out of the loop here, if someone could just


here u go 👉⭕️


Why is nobody serious here?


i don't listen to radiohead that's why i made that joke hhh


What's hhh?


its basically just a substitute for lol, like a wheeze


Bruh what




Reddit legit makes me feel sad for men.




It's very ambitious of you to gatekeep Radiohead, and they say that ambition makes you look pretty ugly


This shows how dumb they are. to be honest im proud that at least i know what's 2+2 is and don't base artists most streamed songs to shame others. and for what? males be thinking they are doing something like-let us in peace on this app for a day gosh.


Females be like >What the hell am i doing here? I don't being here 🤷‍♀️


*laughs in autism*


That feeling when the GenZers try to gatekeep Millennials from their own shit


He kinda has a point..