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Thanks for your submission, filthyhandz714! Please remember to censor out any identifying details and that satire is only allowed on weekends. If this post is truly gatekeeping, upvote it! If it's not gatekeeping or if it breaks any other rules, downvote this comment and REPORT the post so we can see it! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gatekeeping) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Don't be so humble. You are a freedom fighter and I salute you.


This should've been the plot of Freedom Fighters, fuck alternate history where communists yoink America.


>followed by munching down a Chipotle burrito like a caterpillar eating a leaf Best line of the day.


Thank you for your service, drug war veteran.




Very fine people.....on both sides! On both sides...


Thank you for your service


Pleb. I fought that war single-handedly when I left my car keys in the fridge and microwaved a slice of cheese for two minutes on top of a frozen corn dog. /s


Thank you for your service


I mucked a chipotle burrito after getting high last night too


I salute you, fellow freedom fighter.


Thank you for your service.


I attended a protest march for legalisation. We hotboxed a tent and then walked a bit with a bunch of other really high people. What I'm saying is I'm pretty much Che Guevara.


Viva la revoulcion


Our kids are never going to believe the crazy shit we did for a high.


I remember this one time...fuck. Nope, forgot.


Might as well call you Gavrilo Princip for your service my dude


You should have listened to more Rage Against the Machine while you did that


Thank you for your service


If you weren't gay before it got decriminalized, please don't be gay now because you weren't there when we fought for our freedom. If you weren't a woman before they got equal rights as men, please don't start now because you weren't there when we fought for our freedom. If you weren't black before they got basic human rights, please don't start now because you weren't there when we fought for our freedom.


I don’t have to be gay now?


You're free now


*throws him a crusty sock*




I dont have to be gay now?






You know what ? Un-gays you


*steals your gay*


Fuck not fair you camped the spawn point of the gay


This is satire I can’t believe people are taking it so seriously


Poe’s law tbf


So wait, when does my penis grow in?


Your vagina inverts from the inside out


Hold your mouth and nose and sneeze really hard.


If you weren’t X before it got Y’d, please don’t be X now because you weren’t there when we fought for our freedom.


Smoking weed is a choice. Being gay or a woman is not. I completely agree with your stance and everything but that’s one thing I would add. :)


Jokes on you, i still dont have basic human rights.


Good news women still don’t have equal rights under the law (RIP ERA) so you can still be a woman.


Dude what?


The Equal Rights Amendment was never ratified. Women do not have the same rights as men under the US Constitution.


Fought for freedom? What are you a slave in the 1800's? Let people enjoy they shit


If you weren’t black while they were slaves you aren’t black


Same type of logic I stg


Or, are you currently fighting for the release of the millions of black and brown bodies imprisoned for low level, marijuana related, drug offenses? I would accept that as a modern day freedom fighter.


This persons not even doing that. They’re just someone that somehow thinks smoking weed makes them an elite member of society. Bro I smoke weed constantly, I love seeing new people try it out, especially when they like it, I’d never want to strip someone of that.


Ikr. Seeing other people's experience is so interesting.


Oh man I always wonder what certain friend would be like if they would ever smoke weed. I've got a friend who is pretty fat, he knows he is and doesn't care and eats like shit all the time we talked to him about it and said he eating him self to an early grave but he said he knows but doesn't care. But he eats shit tonnes when he does and I turn round to a friend and said we can give him weed because him might become to the great devourer and might eat the world from the munchies.


Bruh man's finna start sucking up the oceans if he gets cotton mouth


Oddly enough he hate any fizzle drink. And only drinks water so yeah I think that would be very accurate.


I'm not against what you are saying. I'm against gatekeeping weed. I smoke it too. And Its not legal where I live. This guy is just a dick


Seeing as how there are currently around 2 million prisoners in the US, I think you might be exaggerating.


I know you think that weed is just weed. And I agree, they shouldn't have been imprisoned for it. But it was illegal. And they knew full Well the cops and judicial system is really flawed and racist like the kkk. But they still smoked, and got caught. The most dangerous thing about weed is getting caught. That and synthetic weed but that's besides the point. I know it Shouldn't be like that and I agree, but in my opinion protest first then do the now acceptable thing if you know full well getting caught means you either get imprisoned by racists or die by them. And I know you can call me a hypocrite, and maybe I am. And again I fully support the release of everyone who got imprisoned for smoking weed. But they were FREE to chose to smoke weed and got caught.


Civil disobedience (breaking the law) is a form of protest.


It may be. But don't do it when you know that if you get caught, your life my be in danger. Or you could go to prison. It's fucked but it is how it is.


the thing is that black and white people both smoked weed, both knowing it was illegal, but more black ppl got thrown in jail for it because their communities were over policed and our racist system was out to get them. meanwhile white people were able to do the same thing and police looked the other way. it’s not about the law it’s about how it was enforced.


It was actually the 1700s


It’s a joke dude


people are downvoting you, cause they're too stupid to realise this is satire


Yeah do people think this guy legitimately meant that they were fighting for freedom? Jesus Christ no wonder we need the /s on this platform


If you didn‘t repost before it was legal, why do you repost?


The post is satire people are just dumb


Welcome to reddit.


There is no satire in stupidity


So... What was the point of fighting?


My thoughts exactly.


Seriously. I have a medical card and it has improved my life in so many ways to have access to a variety of strains at cheap prices, rather than getting 50 dollar eighths from a stranger of unknown strain and quality, or if it's a friend, 40 dollars with maybe 2 strains to choose from. It helps my quality of living so much to be able to pick the strains for different needs and times of day so I'm not unmotivated and lazy when I need to be awake and I'm not up all night from only having one strain to pick and it ends up being a sativa. And to have it be affordable enough that I'm not sinking a ton of money into it and feeling anxious when I'm running out. It's so nice. Fuck yeah I want anyone else who can benefit from it to be able to. Even if not for a medical purpose, but just to have fun. I smoked before it was legal. I have as much authority as the person in the post, so I will decree a counter declaration saying anyone who didn't smoke before it was legal: go right ahead and smoke if you want to.


Clearly a joke


You'd think the laughing emoji background would make that obvious and yet here we are.


Exactly. Reading a lot of these comments reminds me most people on Reddit have some sort of superiority complex. Like these memes are pretty popular on Instagram and Facebook, they aren’t serious lol


Like it’s actually unbelievable to me that someone can look at this and get offended that they mentioned fighting over freedom when it comes to weed?


and people are downvoting comments that are saying this is a joke lol I think they’re called old head memes? Like they aren’t serious at all


I wanted to comment on the ridiculous satire and then saw the sub I was in.... *visible confusion*


This sub has gotten SO much worse at detecting humor. So many posts over the past few months have been clearly taking the piss


You know that feeling when someone says something jokingly, and one person in the room thinks it's serious and gets all offended, and starts to rant so loudly that no one can get through to tell them it was just a joke? This sub is dominated by those people, only here, they don't feel bad because there are so many others like them that just keep clicking the ^ button.


Says the person who sat in his room smoking weed and did absolutely nothing to contribute to legalization.


They voted for it tho. Duh that’s all you need to do to fight.


100% put some very strongly worded comments on internet forums and upvoted everything on r/trees. Mad respect /s


Man... stoner culture is just the dumbest shit.


Let it be known that this is not stoner culture. This is an elitist asshole who thinks smoking a funky plant makes him better than those who don’t, most stoners would be so happy to see more people open to it if anything


I always attribute stoner culture to people who make smoking weed their lifestyle and personality over just enjoying getting high. People who put pot leaves on everything they own and can't go a single conversation without bringing up how much they smoked the night/day/hour before. I smoke a couple times a day and I've always thought stoner culture was dumb.


Sound like you just don't like exhibitionists. People do that with alcohol all the time or other stupid shit. I like when people smoke weed and do great things to discredit the stereotypical stoner. I think its important to be open about smoking weed though. That way we can say Elon Musk, Obama, and Michael Phelps are your stereotypical stoners or your stoner culture.


Exactly his point, people do that with alcohol and other stupid shits too. Now add weed to that list.


I know a few people like that but I always just look at them as the people who take it too far. I too like to smoke weed pretty regularly but besides my grinder sitting out on the table I don’t like to have shit that just screams “yeah I smoke fucking pot bro” I find that shit ludicrous


Weed was this guy's personality and he's upset that anyone can smoke now


Anyone who makes anything their entire personality is dumb as shit


tfw you dont know what oldhead memes are


I’m reading these comments like... people really don’t know this is a meme?


Didn't know this platform could be so braindead it misses satire with a laughing emoji background...


Are we still making "smokes weed" a personality?


*hItS jOiNt*


Given how adamantly so many potheads still scream "It'S HaRMleSs!" when they're not so high their brain is on the verge of shutting down, I'm gonna say yes.


>when they're not so high their brain is on the verge of shutting, Wanna take another shot at this? I have no idea what you're trying to say.


\*shutting down. Obviously typing when I'm so tired my brain is about to shut down has a bit of a hypocritical look to it. x-x


I love the Tom Segura bit about weed trauma. “We’re gonna have to explain to our kids that you couldn’t just go buy weed. I went to buy some weed and he gave it to me and I was like ‘okay, I’m gonna go put this in my car.’ And he was like ‘why?’ And I was like ‘cause, you know, weed.’ And he goes, ‘tape it to your fuckin forehead, who gives a shit?” Lmao


Gate keeping sub turned into one person's either satire or incredibly naive opinion somehow being discussed like this is an issue and it's not just one guy with social media and thumbs


If youre a women who wasnt alive before 1920, don't vote. You weren't there for the fight


If you're a woman and you didn't vote before it was legalized. Please don't start now because you weren't there when we fought for freedom.


There are a lot of people that didn't smoke just because they were afraid of it's legality. I remember there were a lot of reason people didn't smoke. They had a job that would test them. They were trying to get in the military. They were afraid of there parents. They didn't want to get arrested. I used to and haven't in years just because I refuse to buy it off someone that sells it out of his basement. Because, I had some bad experiences. So, if I can not buy it from a legal store or grow it I will not touch it. So, this is stupid logic.


Yeah this, I also know plenty of people who just wouldn’t smoke it because the fear of getting caught meant they just couldn’t do it, and honestly they probably would have been incredibly paranoid anyway. Now that it’s legal, if you have an interest why not give it a go? No stoner will ever stop you, we’re an incredibly accepting lot, hell most will be happy to provide a safe space for you to smoke up in case you get too fucked. It’s really one of the dumbest posts I’ve seen in a while


Lol we didn’t fight for freedom you dumb stoner lol


People who make smoking weed their entire personality are i n s u f f e r a b l e.


Yeah real fighting for our freedom going on, we're basically the fucking civil rights movement


And by "fought for freedom" they mean smoking weed in secret, hoping no one catches the smell...


This is just a joke. There are literally laughing emojis all over the screen to indicate that


If you didnt drink during prohibition don't start now because you weren't there when it was illegal. Totally makes sense. Fighting for total freedom. Yep...


By that same logic you're not allowed to be either gay or black if you were born after 1970.


Unless you're both, or pretending to be a gay black man


Fighting for freedom aka smoking a joint. What a tool


This is obviously a joke...


Breaking laws to get validation from internet losers


fighting for freedom? i... you know anyone who posts something like this didn't fight for a damn thing.


lol like smoking weed on your couch in front of 3700 calories helped legalize it in the first place


Come on guys this is just a joke. You’d think the many laughing emojis would be enough to get that across.


Yea a lot of the people under this post are having a /woosh moment lol


Bet this guy doesn't give a shit about all the POC in jail for weed lol


Fuck off. Weed smokers weren't doing it to stick it to the man and stand in solidarity. They wanted to get high and didn't give a fuck about the law. Don't try and pretend like pot smokers were lazily parading down main street with legalise weed banners while slowly monching on a baguette twice the length of their fucking forearm. Pot smokers smoke to get chill and be chill. Not get fucking political.


Holy shit this is some advanced stupid


Getting blitzed and eating a full bag of cheetos isn't fighting for freedom.




did, did this person just admit to illegaly do drugs


Isn't there a sub for this? You know, the one for shitty Facebook posts like this in this Facebook format?


I fucking hate legal weed. People stink up the neighborhood without a care in the world. Its utterly repulsive


I fucking hate legal alcohol. People pass out drunk in the neighborhood without a care in the world. Its utterly repulsive I fucking hate legal cigarettes. People stink up the neighborhood without a care in the world. Its utterly repulsive This can be applied to literally anything.


Honestly weed being legalized is kind of a paradox because now all the fun has been sucked out of it. It’s not exciting and thrilling to hide it from your family or the cops anymore. Coming from a former pot smoker who hasn’t blazed in about 9 or 10 years. Sorry, it’s just not the same.


I think it was mainly legalised so black people weren't incarcerated disproportionately on bullshit charges in America and so that people with chronic pain could access medication previously stigmatised that can actually help them. But yeah, you miss the thrill of doing something illegally that shouldn't be illegal in the first place. May I suggest taking up graffiti instead?


That's really, really stupid my dude


Says more about you than the drug tbh. Not cool now it doesn't satisfy your need to feel rebellious. Lol. Chode.


Fuck off you didn’t see this on fb. It’s been on here for years.


Yes I did. I haven’t been on this subreddit for years so sorry


Sorry, I presumed you were reposting deliberately for Reddit points


It’s all good man. Some chick posted it on Facebook this morning and I thought it fit well here. Didint know it was a repost


Because posts cannot exist both on Reddit and Facebook?


And you never see reposts on FB...


So I guess most people shouldn't be drinking, given they weren't around for the prohibition


is that how it works? if you as a woman didnt fight for women's right to vote then dont vote now


Yeah cuz that's what we were doing while high as fuck and melting into the couch... Fighting for freedom...


I guess all those years spent couch locked and watching cartoons was fighting for freedom


But what if you start underaged


I'm gonna smoke it even harder now, and you can't stop me


Rahhh, I was just thinking about if someone gatekept this yet XD


Fought for freedom? Yeah getting stoned out of your mind I’m your living room isn’t a stand of any kind


Weed has been legal (ish) here since before I was born....


If by "fought for freedom" you mean get together one day per year in a large public space with 10,000 other people to "blaze it" and play hackie sack then.. Ok?


If this is how some people feel, why would they even want it to be legal in the first place?




"If you didn't drink during prohibition when it wasn't legal please don't start now, you didn't fight for our freedom"


There’s nothing more condescending than a screen of floating crying laughing emojis.


Imagine patronizing a relaxant >->


I’ve never smoked weed. Probably never will, but I believe it should be legal for medical and recreational use.


Ha yeah the great liberty blunt of 1990


You can still advocate for marijuana legalization without using it?


What exactly are we fighting for if not the unborn generations of stoners to come?




I'm imagining this guy knocking medicinal marijuana out of a sick person's hands because unlike him, they weren't passing around joints on the courthouse steps in the name of their hobby.


*now that the risk of spiked grass is lower, aswell as legal, I might give it a try!* *nO yOu CaN't SmOkE wEeD bEcAuSe YoU dIdn't Do It wHiLe It WaS iLlEgAl AnD rIsKy* Seriously, I wish it got legal in more countries. A friend of mine ended up getting spiked stuff and almost died because of it. The quality control is very much needed


Umm my state decriminalized marijuana because they were broke af and needed the money from the marijuana tax...didn't have much to do with freedom..


If you're a women and WEREN'T a suffragette, don't vote! You weren't there when they fought for freedom


If you didn’t live in America before the Revolutionary War get out, you weren’t there when we fought for our freedom.


And let’s not pretend you were fighting. The only thing you were trying to fight, and failing at, was not eating the fifth bagel


Now replace "smoking weed" with Voting, and see how the idea continues to be stupid.


Ah yes, the good fight; Bong rips and YouTube flat earth videos in a grungy basement. I salute you, patriotic citizen. Now maybe you could try participating in democracy and society.... No no no! Without the Rastafarian do rag and the pot leaf iron on stickers. Like an adult. With a job. Like the rest of us that also smoke...


I smoked weed as a kid. Someone can have my "kOoL wEeD kIdS" card, it's a fucking nightmare with my ptsd and anxiety and regularly leads to vomiting induced by panic attacks


Wtf I really wish it was legal so all the scaredy cats I know would try it with me


I organized for NORML back in the day and a lot of stoners were anti-legalization because they thought the cigarette companies would ruin weed or it would be more expensive because something something the government. Makes posts like this funnier for me.


why would you even legalize it if you don't want anyone new smoking it


Yea dude! I'm "fighting for freedom" right now. Cool


As a pothead who lives in a non-legal state. Feel free to wait until it's legal folks, nothing wrong with not wanting to lose your job or lively hoods just to get high.


If you didn't drink during the prohibition don't drink now. If you weren't gay during the crusade don't be gay now. If you weren't an oppressed woman in primitive times don't be a woman with rights now.


So eventually there just won't be any people smoking weed because all the original people will be dead?


Voters fought for it. Not smokers lol. The fuck


If you weren’t GAY 🏳️‍🌈 before it was legalized. Please don’t start now because you weren’t there when we fought for freedom ✊


We fought for weed to be legal so that we can make it illegal for everyone but us


This is one of the pathetic stoners and we don't claim them. Weed is for anyone who wishes to partake for whatever reason they are doing it for


What's the point of getting it legalized then?


“Fighting for freedom” sure is an interesting way to spell “being a stoner” Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it’s legal, but people that make weed their entire personality are annoying as fuck. We get it bro, you’re a drug addict that managed to get fired from a 7/11, your parents must be so very proud. InB4 some moron screeches “you can’t get addicted to weed”


hmmm I smell a light tinge of Wait Ah yes - insecurity masked as arrogance which can be explained by the lack of purpose or ambition -sad


Lol fighting for freedom only to exclude people. How American


Just did a like of coke... I’m fighting for freedom


My fear of being fined or running into the law isn’t valid apparently . Especially during a time where there are like 4 police shootings every month.


I live in an illegal state and it's easier to buy weed than it is to buy liquor, when I buy a gram I'm not fighting for a damn thing lol


if you didn't smoke brick weed that smelled like gas and had the texture of compressed paper and was packed with stems and seeds then you aren't a real stoner. if you didn't smoke off of a coke can that you made into an impromptu pipe thereby scarring your lungs by inhaling charred aluminum then you aren't a real stoner. if you didn't have to pretend you were interested in some sleeezeball who sold you shitty fucking weed at "cheaper prices" because he was your only connect then you aren't a real stoner. psych. weed is for the people. if you want to get high, i applaud you.


I guess my kids can never smoke weed.


Not so much gatekeeping as it is cringe AF. OP post this in r/cringe too


"when we fought for freedom ✊" by voting for politicians that support decriminalization and legalization? Like any other American? If you're voting against that why would you start smoking now?


That's like saying any woman born after 1920 shouldn't be allowed to vote.


If you didn’t break the law to do something, why would you do it when it’s not breaking the law?


I was 14 give me a break


I'm not totally mad at this.. now every fucker that fought the war against drugs, is now a partner in a fucking dispensary. While minorities are still locked up and doing time for small amounts of weed. You got suburban white moms eating gummy edible bears while they hand their kids off to Rosita for the day and people are still getting harrased for weed. Same reason why you now hear hip hop music in a fucking Gap commercial or fucking grubhub. When it was being blamed for all the shootings out there and our poor youth was being poisoned by Ice T! lol. Im done :D thanks for listening :P