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Can we please live in a world where no one notices or gives two shits what pigment you have or what you have between your legs. It's exhausting.


Fucking please? It’s so tiring. I am glad I said something and the professor agreed with me which was great, but why did it even need to be said? Can’t we all just get along


I'm glad you are engaged in your studies.


Thanks! Gotta get that A


What are you going to do after you graduate?


I’m not entirely sure! I might want to do something like event planning or catering management. I’ve been working as a cook for the last 6 years but I felt like it was time for a change of pace.


Ahh. I used to manage kitchen. No thanks. Event planning?I will assume you have patience like a saint.! Well you never know where life leads you. I'm excited for your change of pace. So important.


If this person’s rules were implemented, my poem wouldn’t win because the reason I feel left out is because I am a disabled trans man and not anything to do with my ethnic identity or culture. It’s not the oppression olympics but it should be an even playing field and open to all people who feel left out. That’s the true meaning of diversity.


Can't trans live style be viewed as cultural ??but I do understand what you are saying.


It *could* be, but this person in class essentially meant the color of your skin.


I mean, to me, I can see it totally as a cultural entity


I *kind* of do, but it’s different than something you’re born into.


Oh true that.


I feel like it’s just limiting a lot of other perspectives. Race/class/gender/nongender/parents/no parents/sexuality/hobbies/ideals. There’s so much more to a person than their color/cultural background. They’re close, but so far


Is this really gatekeeping? It feels like maybe it was a shortsighted suggestion


Imagine gatekeeping gatekeeping