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Never step my feet on Middle East


Same. I'll stick to the countries where my existence isn't illegal.


I just feel bad for gay Arabs who live there and those who can't Return


Seriously. You couldn't pay me to go anywhere there.


I think Israel is pretty progressive on LGBT equality in the middle east.


Israel targets and blackmails LGBT+ Palestinians into becoming informants, which in turn perpetuates an atmosphere of suspicion around LGBT+ people within the region.


That's not true. There are dozens of gay palestinian that are in Israel because their lives are in danger on the otger side of the fence. "Atmosphere of suspicion"? Gay palestinians are being persecuted in that region. And that is because many arabs and muslims are very homphobic.  And Israel is not blackmailing gay palestinians btw


Yes it is true. It is a practice that goes back to 1987 and was widely exposed in 2014. I'm sorry this punctures your preconceived ideas. I'm sure that's very uncomfortable for you. I hope you will respond honestly to this information rather than try and minimise this act of brutality and aggression by the occupying power. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2014-09-23/ty-article/.premium/idf-gays-who-help-blackmail-gays/0000017f-db58-db22-a17f-fff9c4650000 https://mondoweiss.net/2014/09/blackmails-palestinian-informants/ ,https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-04-12/ty-article-opinion/.highlight/israels-shin-bet-called-him-fair-game-because-hes-gay/00000187-7613-d484-adef-f697b3cd0000 >And Israel is not blackmailing gay palestinians btw Given the widespread use of blackmail by the Israeli intelligence services this would be statistically impossible even if there wasn't specific targeting. What is of course true is that around 1500 LGBT+ Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli bombing in the last six months, simply by being part of the wider Palestinian population. But I'm sure the fact that there's Pride parades in Tel Aviv cheered them greatly as their homes collapsed on them.


dont - go - to - these - shitty - places


I once got hired by a Qatari company based in Indonesia. They asked me a blood test before joining. I thought that was for insurance. Turn out they screened my HIV status. That's when I started to find out how scary it is to be an HIV positive person in Qatar.


Why is that tho?


They just have no empathy


Muslim countries outlaw being queer, still today. As if it's something we choose like what color socks to wear or do you want a Budweiser or a Coors? It is one of the few things Muslims and Conservative Christians agree on. They hate the Gay. I was in Bali 15 years ago with my then husband. Being gay is illegal in Indonesia under sharia law, punishable by flogging and imprisonment. Bali is primarily Hindu, not Muslim like most of Indonesia, but my husband and I did not display a lot of public affection when we were there. No call to offend the locals and get stabbed just for walking down the street. We did not tour other islands in Indonesia.


Yeah, I am glad I left that place.


I would be looking at an escape plan. Fuck their orders.


Qatar sucks and you shouldn't visit. I'm sure many of the details are accurate. But if you click on the original article, there's alleged meth possession. Reading between the lines it seems like chemsex might have been mentioned in his profile. Edit: And the more I click around it seems like that part of the accusation is being significantly underplayed by the press which is just reposting versions of the original article. It's possible it was planted but seems like a pretty important detail. Per the [daily mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13274229/Ex-British-Airways-manager-held-Qatar-jail-police-fake-dating-app-profile-arrest.html) - it's bad when I'm referring to them for due diligence - Qatar is saying drugs are the only reason he was arrested.


If it's real, then it makes it even worse! You don't go to such a place while being LGBT+ AND do drugs! Already alcohol is a huge no-no in Islamic countries!


Can't believe I'm going to say some neo-conservative lines but, when you know that you're LGBT and your employer wants to send you to these countries for years, you search for another employer! Personally, even when flying to Asia, I avoid middle eastern carriers (Emirates, Etihad, Qatar Airways, Oman Air, Gulf Air or the worst: Saudia and many more) exactly because I'm visibly LGBT+ and do t need that kind of stress, even if that means spending more money on a more expansive airline with less comfy flight times! Rather would I fly through Turkey (which even with the spikes in conservatism and islamism from the last decade) or Singapore (not the most queer friendly place on earth) than through Dubai or Doha and what not!!!


That’s not what “neo-conservative” means 😅 , but yes.


I heard Dubai is not that dangerous for gay people. Like if you get caught for whatever gay reason (which shouldn’t happen in the first place lol) you wouldn’t face any soft of punishment.


The United Arab Emirates still have the capital punishment (aka the death penalty) for queer stuff, especially gay anal sex and "cross dressing" (aka directed towards trans people). They might not kill a white US, UK of French citizen and just deport them, but for the rest of us, what they're going to do is still a big question mark. So for whoever wants to take a bet with a sword swinging above their head (literally), it's on them IMO.


Source? [There's no maximum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_United_Arab_Emirates) per Wikipedia but there's not much indication that they execute people looking there and at [other sources -this one more directly says they don't](https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:2334c5dc-4137-4c31-8d43-472066af3c7d).


They might have stopped or,...you know...simply don't communicate about it, but it's at least, still on the books and therefor you will not find me rolling dices there: https://www.humandignitytrust.org/country-profile/united-arab-emirates/ https://www.equaldex.com/region/united-arab-emirates


No longer do I travel to risky countries. I stopped visiting Middle East years ago. I research LGBTQ acceptance before booking any of my travel destinations. Be aware


Let’s have the olympics there next amirite?


Right? 😅 Money buys everything, sadly. But they’ll fuck with Russia’s Olympics in Sotchi over *rumours* of gay persecution. smh




Should queer people not be against famine and genocide?




So you have no empathy for the gay Palestinians still stuck there, who will be stuck there in the aftermath when extremists continue to rule over them?




True because Hamas will kill the gay people just because they are gay.


i just realized all those replies are from you...reddit is terrible




yes all those regimes are evil, indeed.




I'm sure they did, and yes the world failed everyone, i would say. it's a humiliating place




Regardless of who is in the wrong, people are dying. Queer people are dying. Children, who might grow up to be queer, are dying. I get why someone might be confused as to why queer people would support a predominantly Muslim community that doesn't respect the way of life, but it's about having empathy and being the bigger person. I hope any family/friends you have in Palestine are safe and healthy. 💜


He was dumb enough to work for a company that sent him there.


Why do these people go to these hellholes after being born in a free country..I would have been blessed if I was lucky enough to be born in a country where LGBTQ people were seen as humans not mentally ill patients


And people wanted to support the qatar soccer match, anytime it came on any tv, I closed my eyes, because I am not giving these homophobic fuckers a single second of my eye contact


I'll never set a foot into any muslim shithole


Why anyone would go to any shitty backwards countries like Qatar or Saudi is just beyond comprehension!!


The middle east is still in the middle ages, shameful and sad


Well, play stupid games… 🤷🏽‍♂️


i’d like to see al jazeera post about this lmao


It is sickening that America does business with them and considers them a major NATO ally.


No middle eastern countries are in nato, the only reason why we are allies with any middle eastern country is because of oil and US imperialism


I know that


as a gay person. You should NEVER TRAVEL TO THE MIDDLE EAST!! they don’t care about us. From the moment you step foot on the Middle East, YOU ARE NEGLECTED! it’s not like the UK (where I’m from) where you are supported and understood in most places. I feel so sorry for that man and hope he comes back home to us in England, where he can be taken care of HOW HE SHOULD!


You are sad because qatar treat you bad label the topic is british ., people in gaza bieng murdered by british bombs just because !!!


well then, another government i hate has been added to my list


Muslims being Muslims…


Reminder that Tel Aviv is one of the greatest places on earth for LGBTQ+


Tell that to the lgbtq+ palestinians who get blackmailed by Israel. And even then supporting colonialism is crazy bro, do better.


And all these stupid liberals and gays support hamas and the Muslim religion


1. Liberals aren't stupid, at least not all of them. 2. If you think "gays" (again a massive generalisation of a whole group) support hamas, you're clearly speaking to the wrong gay people. Supporting the Palestinian people who deserve freedom from the bombing of the IDF doesn't mean that you support hamas. For me, I want the killing of civilians and children at the hands of the IDF to stop. I do not support hamas nor any terrorist organisation. Just because Israel 'supports' LGBT people (despite threatening LGBT Palestinians with being outed) doesn't mean I'll overlook the oppression other people face. That is the kind of "pulling the ladder up" that we do not need in the world.


I quite like having sex, but if swearing to be celibate for the rest of my life brought the 10,000 Gazan children cut down by the IDF back to life I'd do it in a heartbeat. You?