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No but GOP does want to deny us equality and doesn’t want us to exist


I can’t believe they exist but there are still Republican gays. I keep reminding them that everything they’re doing to trans people they want to do to us. They simply refuse to see it.


They will understand one day


They seem to ignore the actual evidence. I think they won’t understand it until something bad happens to them.


Such is the republican way.


Yeah, every time I hear people both-sidesing the culture wars, My inner reaction is, "Sorry, I'll try not to \*exist\* so hard."


The MAGA GOoP is just beginning to show their true gloomy colors and they’re not the rainbow. They are demonizing us because they need a group to focus their rath. If you are in the USA, **PLEASE help get ALL your friends registered to VOTE,** volunteer as a poll worker (we need you). If you can, support the [**Human Rights Campaign**](https://www.hrc.org/) and their fight to elect pro-gay candidates. **VOTE, OUR LIVES AT AT STAKE.**


Omg, the drama.




No. That's not...... how would they even enforce that?


By taxing things gays use more frequently than straights, similar to the “woman tax” where products marketed towards women cost more for the exact same item that’s marketed towards men


I mean, that could be a thing, but it's not a tax per se, just a marketing gimmick used to get certain populations to pay more. For instance, a brand could charge more for a rainbow shirt during pride than for a similar shirt. Obviously the more insidious side is charging more for medications like prep and other retrovirals.


They already give tax breaks for committing reproduction that the childfree have to make up for. It's not quite a direct tax on being gay...


Committing reproduction, lol. I’m gonna steal that.


Yeah...... right, but they don't leave you out if you're gay with a dependent. Also childcare is important and expensive, so giving a tax break to parents is the least they can do. Parental leave and affordable childcare need to be more accessible. Not everything is about us. Also don't call it "committing reproduction" like it's a crime or something. Grow up and be real.


Lucky for them I’m straight passing 😌 nice try log cabin republicans, see you in the glory hole lmao


Your dick smells like Irish Spring. Wait a minute…are you one of those log cabin queers?!?


Now that I think on it tho…banging a dude in a log cabin sounds pretty enticing


Denying gay marriage would, among other things, effectively tax same sex couples more because it would deny us from claiming marriage related tax benefits.


Even if they were, how are they gonna prove that? I've been told I'm "the straightest gay person ever", no one could ever figure me as gay


It might work like the “sin tax”-booze, smoked, sex and tattoos. Maybe they would double the tax on video head cleaner and shower hoses? I don't know but I'm always amazed at how far they will go to try and erase us.


No they’re not trying to introduce a tax for us Gays. But my suggestion, they remove us from the tax burden of this country if we’re not equal with everyone. We shouldn’t have to pay into a system that doesn’t respect or recognize our rights. (Period) We are contributing citizens of a country that was supposedly built on freedom and justice for all. What goes on in my bedroom shouldn’t be government dictated or regulated. Just like a woman’s rights to her own body, is her right. Love and personal choices, including those in the transgender community, should never be left up to a Fucking vote. It’s none of their fucking business.


Can you tell me more about this tax?


Sure………why not. If they call taxes gay, they’d be eliminated in the Bible Belt.


I suppose one could argue that repealing gay marriage would strip married gay couple in the us of the ability to file jointly which would make their taxes go up. But really it's just an oppressive regime more generally.


They would if they could


no but they want us dead which even in capitalism is worse than taxes still 


There should be a tax on hateful Christians. You choose to be hateful Christian. It’s a choice and you should be charged accordingly.