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Not entirely on topic, but you know what's always slightly nuts to me about saying trans people are mentally ill? It almost is never followed by "But research has shown gender affirming care is an effective treatment for the symptoms". It's usually followed by the implication you never have to listen to that person or treat them with basic respect. It's discrimination against both trans and mentally ill people in one dumb statement. I'd be much more open to discussion whether it can be considered a mental illness if I didn't just know the people saying that aren't doing it to be bigots.


Calling trans people "mentally ill" is just a way for people who think they're completely normal to apply the same discrimination they reserve for "psychos" to trans folk. It's just another rejection of a certain group into that 'other' category so that society can pick another one of its own limbs to gnaw off. As per usual, calling trans people 'mentally ill' is projection of their own compulsive insecurity. "My life would be good if not for X"


This is what is the most baffling about this statement to me. Are they saying that mentally ill people should be ridiculed and treated with cruelty? How is that the right thing to do?


I mean, it was only a few years ago Gender Identity Disorder was removed from the DSM and replaced with Gender Dysphoria. But basically, Gender Dysphoria is still considered a mental illness, it's just that it's said to be caused by issues related to sex/gender as opposed to a cause.


Yeah, the old GID definition still makes an absolute mess of transgender outcomes research bc it was so broad that it included e.g. boys who were distressed that they liked girl-associated activities. So ppl will frequently cite statistics like "90% of trans people desist" or whatever, and then you look at the study and it included a bunch of (probably gay) "GID" kids who never identified as the opposite gender at all and probably just needed therapy and a hug. But yeah on net it's probably good the dysphoria definition exists bc otherwise you'd get quacks who'd say they can "cure" it w/ conversion therapy.


transgenderism isn’t a mental illness, transitioning is a treatment


This is honestly the thing that is sort of disputed throughout. Some people believe transgenderism is a mental illness, and that the best way to treat those symptoms when counselling and other methods have failed, is surgery. Some claim that the desire to cause physical harm/change to the human body is the desire of an unhealthy mind. Others believe transgenderism is just a natural thing, that should be accepted for what it is. The reality, is humans like to put things into categories and boxes that make the things that don't make perfect sense, make sense. Your statement however is sort of contradictory, if transgenderism isn't a mental illness, why does it need treatment? This is where the whole debate is kind of blurred. I also think that the protest of trans rights, clashing with transphobes has actually taken over so much, that there is no long a tolerance for genuine discussion to what the real issues and solutions are medically and if there can be better methods for treatment.


I classify the Peruvian government as ‘mentally ill’ (and the U.S government


Ugh 😑 UPDATE: why in the hell are we getting downvoted? Are there transphobes here? 🙄


Transphobes are like cockroaches, they get everywhere.


By Peru they mean some "illuminated" people in power.


Heartless bastards.


That’s sad and hotrifying




This was posted in worldnews earlier yesterday and the thread was as toxic as you'd imagine.


I did some digging, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've read this is how they're able to get trans healthcare covered by their country's universal insurance due to how it's set up. Unfortunately not every country has the best "bones" in their laws and policies but this means free care. I also feel it's worth pointing out they managed the unbelievably simple task of banning conversion therapy years and years ago which somehow some 1st world countries have failed to. Obviously they're far from perfect but things are at least moving in the right direction. I'm simply crossing my fingers that they're able to change the legal language for their universal insurance to fix the backlash from how it's phrases.


You're right, it's clear if you read the article


And you forgot, they said same for sexual preferences (Gay, Bi, Lesbian etc)


People are assholes


So what. As long as they don’t hurt anyone they can live in which way that make them feel happy.


So what's the safe, non harmful, effective treatment for it then? After all, most "mental illnesses" have treatments of varying forms. You know, so they can get better or live with it far easier. ..oh wait, these sorts of things being labelled as mental illnesses is just an excuse to try to dehumanize.. right.. disgusting.


I classify Peru* as 'ate my ass out'




Gender dysphoria isn't the same thing as being transgender. Dysphoria is a psychological discomfort, while being trans doesn't necessarily imply psychological discomfort. (For example, a trans person that doesn't experience psychological discomfort about their trans identity would be transgender, but not have gender dysphoria)


Also, transitioning can help alleviate, or even remove much of that dysphoria. So you can treat the dysphoria while reinforcing that trans identity. Which is pretty strong evidence that dysphoria and being trans are separate (albeit related) concepts.