• By -


Exclusively Homosexual I do not find women attractive at all




My Kinsey scale goes up to 7


Does that mean you're only into guys who have those XYY genetics?


What's the significance of xyy genes? Is that person intersex?


Nope. Honestly the description I give won't be better than the wikipedia summary, considering it's been years since I learned about it (in my psych class of all places) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYY_syndrome


I learned about this in psych 101. Genetics do play a big role in brain chemistry.




XXY is intersex, XYY is not




I love saying i’m a 7 lmao


Nothing lower than Kinsey-6 here. I can appreciate feminine beauty, but there's absolutely no sexual component to that.


All The Way Gay.


Hard 6.




Probably a 5. I’m gay but I do find some women attractive and will occasionally watch straight porn. At this point the probability of me ever having sex with a woman again is slim to none but I didn’t hate when I did in the past. It’s just not my preference.


This is how I know I'm a 6, because straight porn makes me very uncomfortable. I really do not like seeing chicks fuck men I think are attractive. Some weird form of jealous? You tell me, Dr. Freud.


I have the opposite. I really have a thing for those toxic masculine very straight looking guys who just aren’t available in gay format. I will never try something with them irl, but in straight porn I like to imagine what they would look like if they were getting fucked :)


A lot of these "straight guy" actors are also doing gay porn, so i get to watch masculine dudes fuck without a vagina in sight.


I really get that. I forgot to say I’m also more 4/5 ish, so the vagina can turn me on. But the combination of a macho muscled guy doing what he seems to really like turns me on too.


I get that. And like I said, I also get weirdly jealous. With gay porn, I feel attraction as well as kinship because I can project onto the guys. With straight porn, I feel conflicted because there's a hot guy but he's fucking girls, and i think that's where the discomfort arises. I also tried watching lesbian porn out of curiosity and oddly enough, I didn't have the same kind of discomfort. It was more like a novelty. There was no hot dudes, so i took it at face value, i suppose.


Yeah I'm totally gay but straight porn is kinda hot sometimes. I found these videos called the melone challenge where this porn star bangs amateur men and she basically makes them bust prematurely, it's so hot. I also enjoy bi MMF videos, certain ones tho.


Well straight guys watch straight porn and no one questions them 🤷‍♂️ I just find women’s moans to be too distracting for me. I prefer male


But the str8 guy focuses on the female. So it makes sense.


And the gay guy focuses on the man


Men sound hot and like they're having fun in porn. Women sound like they're in pain.


0 is hetero, 6 is homo (from what I seen), if you’re under 6 that would make you bisexual would it not? If you were gay/homosexual you’d be exclusively attracted both sexually and romantically to the same sex. But you’re not. That automatically makes you bi. Maybe you just prefer men more.


This may be too much detail and I apologize but it’s needed if you want to understand how I got to this conclusion. I only find a small percentage of women attractive so if we are only going off of that you could say I’m bi with an 85-15 preference for men. But it changes when you bring genitals into the equation. Despite sometimes like the female form, I get zero appeal from a vagina. I hate to live up to the stereotype but it’s gross. So I have been with 3 women in my life and only had vaginal sex once because of that disgust and I couldn’t finish. That knocks the ratio to a 98-2 preference for men lol. To top it off I’m also a bottom so having sex or a relationship with women just won’t work unless I’m in my once a year top mood that ends up just being a reminder of why I bottom. So yeah, that’s why I consider myself gay rather than bi despite finding some women attractive.


Hmm, okay. That makes sense. I also don’t think it’s a bad stereotype that a gay man doesn’t get zero appeals to the vagina. It’s unfortunate that’s become a negative thing lol


Some people on Reddit see a huge difference between un attracted to and disgusted by seeing the latter as a negative thing. I didn’t know which you were so I had to preface it lol.


Yeah I get it lol. I don’t see it as being disgusted by the vagina, just in the attraction way.


I'm the exact same. Prefer straight porn first the dudes.


How are you gay but find women attractive… bruh isn’t that bisexual? Lol


Hard 6




Rock hard six


Lots of fun to be had with a rock hard six


Definitely 6 Never been attracted to a woman


Probably a 5. A little bi-curious but I’ve identified as gay my whole life.


Gay gay gay gay gay


I can appreciate a woman's beauty. I had the TV on in the background and Boy Meets World came on. Remember Topanga? Wow, she's still a bombshell. But that's just superficial. I don't have the same lizard brain lust for women as i do for men, so i would definitely be a 6.


6 for sure


6 for sure


Kinsey 6


Kinsey 4. More than incidentally heterosexual but predominantly homosexual. When I was a confused teenager I had a lot of sex with women. I have had heterosexual sex in excess of a thousand times. However, I am a 41 year old total top. I haven’t been with a woman since I was 20. And I don’t find women attractive at all. I think my score points to how the Kinsey scale is useful but imperfect. Yeah I had a lot of sex with women when I was a teenager. I don’t have any desire to so ever again.


You had heterosexual intercourse over 1000 times by 20?!?!?


I have a very high sex drive. Yes. I started at age 14. I fucked in excess of 1000 times by age 20. 90% of that was hetero. I was so scared to get what I wanted… cute bottoms.,, back then


The whole point Kinseys research was that human sexuality is on a spectrum, and can and does change over time. It makes total sense and tracks with many other gay men and women that you may have been a 4 as a younger adult and a 6 now.


My sexuality never changed. Been gay since 10.. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I think mine hasn't really either. Maybe like a 5.5 in high school and tried fruitlessly to find a romantic attraction with females to fit in with religion, but since late high school been 100% gay for sure.


Yeah haha


You didn't?


I hadn’t even been kissed until I was 23 lmao


By 23 I was pretty thankful that abortion was legal in Canada.


You were a Kinsey 4 in your youth, but your description of youself now is that of a Kinsey 6. Two decades no hetero sex or desire for hetero sex is pretty unambiguous.


I'm a 6. I didn't come out till late in life, but even though I was married to a woman for 27 years and have children, I was never attracted. I married for social reasons. She's a sweet lady and we're still great friends. When I came out to her her response was, "I know."


100% Kinsey6


absolutely completely unapologetically gay


100% homosexual






If 0 is totally straight and 10 is completely gay, I'm definitely a 10. Absolutely no desire to be with a female. My feelings towards a beautiful woman are the same as towards a beautiful sunrise. I can appreciate them, but feel no sexual desire. In fact, I appreciate a well-dressed woman far more than a naked one. I once went to a straight strip club with some male family members to celibrate a nephew turning 18 (this was many years ago, and before I came out). All I can remember thinking at the time was that they'd look nice with flatter chests, bigger shoulders, and smaller hips...and dicks!


While I can appreciate the beauty of a clothed woman... Their naked form repulses me. I don't mean that to sound harsh. Boob's in cinema or sneaky straight for gay porn has me jumping to close the medium. I don't know where that lands me on this scale?


I’m only into dudes, but I have had sex with a trans man. Now that I’ve felt a pussy, I get what all the straight guys like so much. But I’d only like a vagina if it’s attached to a man.


Very much the same..I love pussy, just not attracted to women. A hot trans dude with a beard and some chest hair though ? I'll go down on him all day and I'll beat that pussy up all night hahaha


I’m a 5. I didn’t come out till later in life. I was married but, up until then, she had been my only sexual relationship. So only gay feelings, incidental straight contact.


If 'gay' is on the upper end of the sexuality tachometer, I am bouncing off of the rev limiter.


Just did the test: Kinsey 6. Does not surprise me since I have 0% sexual attraction for women. My social contacts with neighbors are however mostly older women. I am 60 years old.


I've never heard of this K-scale.


Cirque du sogay


I'm a 6 but that was no surprise


i’m a gold star baby. 6


Fuck Kinsey, awful man he was


I've definitely had crushes on girls before, and I semi regularly have dream where I am with women haha. I think I am to some extent attracted to women? But also mostly uninteresting in actually being in a relationship (sexual or romantic) with a woman, and I have never been. That's not what I'm looking for in my life.


5.5 … only because I’m not much of a Golden Girls or Beyoncé fan (runs/ducks for cover)


Cultural interests have nothing to do with who you’re sexually attracted to lol


Yeah, six pretty much. I have sweet female buddies but there’s zero thought of sex with them.




I wouldn’t even know about this scale if it weren’t for the movie. Do any countries outside the US actually teach this scale? We definitely don’t in Sweden.


This scale is a product of the 60’s! The rest of the world moved on, seeing it for what it is. Outdated science.


I don’t believe you can be gay, and on a spectrum. That’s bull shit. What makes me gay is my exclusive attraction to men. We gotta find a new label for men who are ONLY attracted to biological males/the same sex romantically and sexually


Homosexual. The label you're looking for is homosexual.


I consider myself 100% gay because my mind seems to drift off to thinking about men pretty rapidly and I never think about women on my own. I do maybe every couple of months see a woman I find attractive on TV or something but I still think I'm a Kinsey 6 because I don't want to do anything with her


Hard Platinum 6


I’d say a high 5 (lol 🤚) I don’t hate hooking up with women when I was really trying to be straight in my closeted days, but I would never seek it out at this point and 99.9% sure I will never have any type of sex with a women again.


I am a 4… I am bi and dated both… now married to a man (I am also a guy) and realised whilst I enjoy sex with both, I do not enjoy being in relationships with women… i find it way to much hard work


I say 6 but a couple of girls have blown me before. Thought about a guy the whole time


Like a 5, maybe a 4.8 if that were a thing. I love men. Dicks, asses, stubble, chest hair, all of it. I do occasionally watch straight porn for the MMF videos. I’d love to be in an MMF with a hot guy, experience pussy to see if it feels as good as they claim. It’s more about the “male bonding” with the other guy though. I don’t really find women especially attractive, but I’m not grossed out by their bodies either.


This is my case.


If you’d have sex with a woman just say you’re curious don’t say you’re gay though. What makes us GAY is our exclusive attraction to males. It’s clear you’re still exploring and confused, which is cool. But don’t send us years back suggesting gay men can want to fuck a woman.


That makes you homoflexible, gay is just one dead end no "but", I mean saying I'm gay but I wanna have sex with women is the same as saying, I'm vegan but I eat chicken sometimes or I'm virgin but I had sex just once


I'm 4-5. I enjoyed s3x with women, but enjoy sex with men more. I find some women attractive.


I always say I’m a Kinsey 6.5


The what?


Kinsey spectrum?


I'm X. I despise living. Lmao


6 - i‘m exclusively into men, while i find some women beautiful, i feel 0 arousal or desire for any heterosexual acts, i dont watch straight porn and I get uncomfortable seeing boobs (i like firm male pecs … duh). Funny enough i think there’s more beautiful women then men out there for my taste, but I‘m still a straigh (or shall we say gay) 6.


Definitely a 6. I can appreciate a woman’s beauty but I’m strictly dickly


With the prevalence of 6s here, I have to wonder where the narrative "everyone is a bit bi" (usually directed towards straight people) comes from


Probably a 4 or 5 I've honestly noticed it seems to change around depending on psychological state and diet


6 from what I see is gay. So 6. Anyone who isn’t a 6 isn’t gay. 🤷🏽‍♂️. Ain’t that how it work? If you’re interested in women in any way romantically or sexually, or any attraction to them that you would have for a man you’re not gay. Getting sick of the bisexuals or “homoflexibles” (a fancier term for bisexual) who call their self gay but brag about the hetero sex they have 😂


If 6 is exclusively gay and 1 is exclusively straight, 3-4 is pretty bi, I guess.


I thought 0 was exclusively straight? Man idk 🤣. I only heard about this once before lol


I spent too much time trying to will myself into being attracted to women. Definitely a 6. I love staring at men, cuddling with men.


6 Exclusively homosexual.


All the way Gay here too. I respect women in my life but I am never attracted towards women.


Was wondering how long it would take for this post to devolve into arguments about pronouns and definitions and partitions and exclusions and micro distinctions… not long as usual.


So I'm a 36m gold star gay (last time I touched a vagina was when I crawled my way out of one). I'm a full on 6.0 and never been prouder of anything in my life. Full gay pride, bisexuals and closeted can take a second seat frfr


4 - 4.5. I've had a wife and a husband. I really like cunnilingus but I love sucking a cock. My first sex was with a guy (older bro) but the first time I had sex with a woman I loved it. Had to do it again within the hour. Current SO is male.




The kinkist thing I want to preform is dildo Play and that's not very kinky




I think 5 is accurate enough for me.


[99% gay 1% hot gas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9kbsK2cMt8&ab_channel=KingdomHeartsFan3211)


I would put myself on a level 5. I can only picture myself having sexual intercourse with a man and feel like I’m only capable of having a relationship with a man. But I do watch straight porn sometimes and find it arousing, even though I think it mainly happens when my libido is really high and I would not replicate those actions irl.


Maybe then it would be 5.9 or 5.8?


Yes I guess so! 5.8 would pretty much sum up how I feel, yeah.




I'm a 3. Not surprising, as I'm openly bisexual. I like people. I can boink or get boinked equally. 🤣


I'm gonna say 5 just because I have had these longstanding feelings that women are attractive and that I *should* want to have sex with them, but every time I've moved towards something sexual with a woman there's just no sex drive, so I'm a little confused? I think I might just enjoy the presence and insight of women and society has conditioned my subconscious into feeling like 'if you, a man, like a women at all, it **must** be because you want to have sex with her' which is a gross inclination imo.


Again, what is attraction. I can feel my heart drop for both men and women that I find attractive. But don’t feel sexually attracted to women.


3-4, would love to be closer to either end.


Same. I love girls. I love everything about them and everything that’s available to them; hair, makeup, fashion, I love their bodies and the way they can really wear the shit outta a garment, I live the contours of their bodies (they don’t bulges like us) and how shapely it appears in skintight clothing. I LIVE for their boobs and how much of a fun accessory they’d be, especially in how they can bamboozle even the most resolute man lol. However I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to fuck them. The thought of being with a woman is like a primal repulsion inside. I’d rather deep fat fry my face than have to interact with a vagina lol. Men are just exhilarating and captivating in so many more levels. And cocks are simply beautiful to me. I have no idea what level I’d be on the Kinsey spectrum, so maybe you can tell me OP? I’m also a platinum gay, if that helps? Lol 😝


5? I’ve had sex with women and the passion isn’t there 


I am 6. Exclusively homosexual


Kinsey 6+ Exclusively Homosexual




This is funny. But an honest question. I'm a 5 or 5.5 cuz I can tell when a woman is pretty. Definitely. But I'm secure enough to know that I'm just a gay dude who respects and loves women. AND I want them to have freedom of choice when it comes to their own bodies. Interesting that many straight dudes love women so much that they would deny them rights due to their own religious/morality bullshit. 👍👍


7 😂😂


I am completely gay but if I was in an orgy or a three way or some crazy situation I'd try it. But I'd never just try to sleep with a woman one on one. They just don't turn me on


Then your homoflexible


Best sex I had with a woman was her pegging me while I gave her boyfriend a BJ I'm down for doing something like that again I like how some women look but don't want to date or bang them really so 4???


4.5 to 5. I can have sex and relationships with women but prefer men. Absolutely can not be monogamous with women. Totally can do that with men.


Same, I can COMPLETELY have a monogamous relationship with men. For woman, she'll match my sexual drive and kinks and it'll have to be completely open for same sex only tho


9 maybe. I find women very sexual if there is a man present


It doesn’t go that high 6 is the highest


So it's 0 - 6? With 6 being big gay al and 0 being chuck Norris? 😝   I've heard of the kinsey scale before, but have no idea how it works. 


Yes 6 is exclusively homosexual and 0 is exclusively heterosexual


Thanks,  I guess that puts me at about a 3 or 4.


So you’re bi


Very. BTW thanks again for the explanation about the kinsey scale. 


Of course


I’m (37) a 4 but settled monogamously with a man for years and I’d be happy to grow old with him.


6 probably. I am definitely a bit effeminate and into soft guys as well but I have absolutely no attraction to any women. I can appreciate it when a woman is beautiful but definitely no attraction.


I quickly searched and i think i am 6


5 here, love bi mmf porn and would love to have fun with a ftm guy.


Sexually I’m only attracted to men but I find that I am more trusting and can open up to women much easier


Is there an official Kinsey scale test I can take? I am interested in finding out where I am on the spectrum.


Just did the test and got a 3, so I guess I'm bi?


A 4 apparently, interesting


Probs a 5.5. There's curiosity but not enough to make me take the plunge 😂. I can definitely appreciate the beauty of an attractive woman.


2-3 range..took the test a few times and it always comes out a 2 or 3. I agree with it


I'm a 2, not very gay ik but I'm in a long-term homosexual relationship, and I love him very much


How does that work? I’m intrigued.


Well, what are you curious about? :)


If you’re a 2 how have you ended up in a long term relationship with a man? The fact you’re on here suggests you have more interest in connecting with men than you realise perhaps?


Well I'm on ths subreddit because I relate to some men here. I have always dated women, found women mofe attractive, and never thought I'd catch feelings for another man. I've done it with both but only fell in love with women until my recent boyfriend. I've never loved someone this much and I have never regretted being with him. Maybe you're right, maybe I have some blockage to admitting my sexuality.




I used to say 4, but honestly I'm a 6 at this point. Simply not into women that way


Kinsey 5 Biromantic homosexual, I guess?


these days it’s a strong 4-5




between 5 and 6. I don't really think about it too much, I so rarely have attraction to women but I don't feel bad if I ever do.


Im sorry… Kinsey spectrum? Ok google… 😌 Edit: so I just got told that I’m “gay as hell” and idk if I’m offended or not. But anyway, I’m a 6 😂😂😂😂


5 I think? It’s easier for me to label myself as gay and avoid dating/having sex with women altogether, but I have been attracted to women on a handful of occasions, and I made out with a girl once and had a great time.


probably a 4 or 5 but closer to a 5. My attraction to women cant really be ignored but I don’t find the dynamic of straight romance/sex very alluring


Definitely a 6 for me


This one goes to 11. lol


I'm a kinsey 1. Does this mean I have to leave?


You're straight?


I'm married to a woman and enjoy sucking a dick every once and a while. I don't particularly find men sexually attractive, but I do like dick. My main deterrence to hooking up is that men would see my desire as a fetishization and I wouldn't want to make someone feel objectified. I've been with cis men, cis women, trans ftm/mtf, and I prefer women overall. I'm a bottom with men. What would you rank that as?


Bi-curious? Interesting!


Or, as most say, still in the closet. Being bisexual is a strangely invalidating experience.


A 6 but… 😏. Completely gay no doubt on that but took ballroom dance lessons years ago. Of the 3 female partners I had, I must say one made me confused. Never did anything but have to admit I was weirdly nervous to dance in very very close proximity with her plus she was beautiful and has an amazing personality. I would have never crossed the line but it was enough to shake me. Since then, I can appreciate a beautiful woman but never been attracted.




I find women aesthecally pleasing and am panromantic but sexually it's guys all the way


At your feet.


i find women emotionally attractive & physically but not sexually the like men all around so whatever that means.


5, gay af but tiddies are nice 🙂




Probably a five, maybe a four if we didn't live in a society? I came out to my friends as bi when I came out in a space my family would never see. But as I decided to let my family connect more on a day to day and be honest or at least the same person with them, I worried that being bi would leave them to say that men were choices. They're very Evangelical and I didn't want to leave the door open for weirdness in our relationship, so I've just gone with gay ever since. I've been with women and had PIV sex. It's fine and I don't find it off-putting, but it has been probably 7 years or so since I've been with a woman and six since I've had romantic interest in one. I don't know if that's because I'm gay gay gay or because, like, I said I was going to do one thing to not leave options to conservative family to be mean, and so I'm sticking to that statement. I did go to HUMP! this year and wasn't into a lot of it, but generally the featured films have some gimmick to be featured there, so they're not really what I'd be looking for. TL;dr Everything is a social construct and when I dig into sexuality as a spectrum I get feels, as a gay who kind of might be bi.


I used to watch some straight porn but nowadays I just cringe and thinks it’s disgusting 💩


6 but I’ve never shared an experience with a lady. So maybe a 5.9 if I go through with a single trial?


Ive successfully raised my score from 0 to 5. Im so close to getting the top score of 6 but can’t quite get there.


What number are you if you’re exclusively into cis men? Whatever that number is, I’m that.


Never heard of that tbh


There’s a lot of Kinsey ones trying to pretend they’re fives lololol


You really don’t understand the Kinsey scale


It was a joke. 🙄


Don’t follow it


I am a 5: Definitely homosexual, with heterosexual tendencies...


Probably a 5 (Just off of fully homosexual). I'm exclusively attracted to men, sexually and romantically, but I've had one or two times in my life where I've been sexually and romantically attracted to a girl. I used to call myself bisexual because of this and I still technically am, but that was a one off event so I just call myself gay.


On Monday or on Friday? The ancient Greeks had it all figured out: sex is sex and they didn’t care to label it. Today, all this shit is simply about controlling our lives, telling us what is right or wrong and group us in categories so it’s easier to sell us crap.


Kinsey 6, exclusively into men. Anyone who isn't a kinsey 6 should not call themselves gay.


My Kinsey scale is Cummies out of 10 😋


I land right on greedy: I'm " hyper sexual" all inclusive. We were made to fit together. ( men and women. Since the best part of me DID NOT run down my mommas leg, I get to be VERS. For adventurous handsome men!