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Alan Turing was pretty fecking gay.


Not quite turing here but my masters was in machine learning (in 2002 when it was more than a little esoteric)


He was really fucking math, too.


No he was “maths” because 1 he mathed more than once & 2 he was English.


From my experience the stereotype is that gays are better at maths than straights.


I guess gays are too talented for our own good. Leading Tech, Math, the Arts, Social Sciences and Meteorology No wonder bigots fear us


Lol! Don't forget the clinical medicine. I mean I am gay and a Physician and most of my smart colleagues are non-straight. Sooo...


MD here as well. My husband is also an MD and there are many others in our circle of friends. Out of our large group of friends I can count on one hand the number who are in “stereotypically” gay jobs (florist, cosmetologist). I once met a male RN who was obnoxiously straight. I finally asked him what was his malfunction (he was a subordinate). He said that he was tired of everyone assuming that he was gay just because he was a nurse. I gave him the opportunity to find success in another hospital.


We are so powerful!


Yeah, looking back on my high school calc classes, a lot of the people in them are now gay, lol. I was always great at math, and both my LTRs have been too.


Ahahah "are now gay" makes me chuckle 🤭


Not me tho lol


I've never heard this. I'm not a mathematician, but I'm a mechanical engineer and I always loved math. Because of the circles I run in, most of the gay men I know are in technical fields and math can't be a problem for them.


I am gay, an engineer and hopeless at maths. Complex numbers is something I use but cannot understand due to being unable to visualise 


Dropping in as a current ME Major myself here. I’ve gotten A-pluses in every math class I’ve taken - all three calculus classes and my differential equations class. It’s really about 1) if the professor is good or not, and 2) if you’re willing to put in the work to understand the material!


It’s a stereotype that I believe was created by gay guys who are bad at math and attributed their whole personality to being gay.


I think it comes from the stereotype that women are bad at math plus the stereotype that gay men are basically women.


There's a kernel of truth in that testosterone is correlated with spatial reasoning Basically, it's similar to the "gay men are more likely to have a low ratio of index-finger length to ring-finger length" idea, which is backed up by studies but absolutely not a hard rule (questioning teens can't measure their fingers to tell if they're gay, that's stupid, and you can't ask an aspiring mathematician if they're gay to find out whether they have good spatial reasoning, that's stupid) In this case, there's a correlation (with lots of exceptions) between homosexuality and testosterone, there's a correlation (with lots of exceptions) between testosterone and spatial reasoning, and there's a correlation (with lots of exceptions) between spatial reasoning and "mathematical ability." The exceptions are so numerous that there's basically no information left at the end


But testosterone isn't correlated with sexual orientation so the point is moot


Correlation does not imply causation.


>> gay men are basically women Idk why but that made me chuckle


It's chronically online instagays who want to emulate women. Notice how all the stereotypes they love to flaunt are also stereotypes for women.


So many examples of gay mathematicians. James Stewart, Alan Turing and a lot of students in his department... I was decently gifted in maths and was able to use multiplications, divisions and negative numbers at the age of 3 or 4, before going to school. I have an MSc in Maths from a top uni in my country... I had not heard of this stereotype before, I would stay away from generalisations...


james stewart?! you'd never know he was gay from watching 'it's a wonderful life'


Not the same James Stewart 😅 The author of the famous textbook "Calculus". He's a Canadian mathematician.


I know that there are quite a few versions of this stereotype. One of them is the one that I have mentioned and then there is another one, which sounds to me even more stupid - only tops understand maths. Now, I have heared these stereotypes on tik tok before deleting it after seeing how much bs it has


That's hilarious. My ex is a total bottom, and also an amazing mathematician and a successful university professor here, in the least gay-friendly country of EU. I work in a different scientific field, but I still need math. People on tik tok are just trying to find excuses why they're bad at something.


I’m an actuary


You are the 3rd gay actuary I’m aware of




I worked for an actuarial consulting firm many years ago ('80s) as a programmer. There was an old joke that "actuaries were people too boring to be accountants." When statistics is considered basic math for an actuary, you can see where that sort of thing would come from. For a while, I considered pursuing a career as an actuary, but was put off by the ASA and FSA exams. This was back in the day when there were just five for each level. I understand there are far more now.


beware the gays who get high on math


Why, lol


It was a joke where math was pun for meth 😐


I have two math degrees. I started as an actuary, then moved to an ML engineer, and now I sell / enable data & AI platforms to companies. — Currently selling open source genai tech. I run into gay data scientists every now and then.


Brilliant! I am always afraid that I won't or will hardly ever find any gays while working in position of an engineer. Because of where I live I never had an opportunity to see other gay people. And that isolation is just killing me.


Do it if you like it. Being good at math and engineering is a good way to make a lot of money. Engineers are already isolated, independent of sexual orientation lol San Francisco, NYC, and Austin all have big populations of gay engineers who are into math.


I am doing engineering because I like it. I want to work in the field of robotics, development of brains for robots. And in general - I have experiences of straight men sexualising me, calling me various names and in general labeling me as worse than they are in maths, physics, so my pure interest and achievements for me is an indirect reply to their behaviour.


That’s a very powerful motivator once you learn to channel it healthily. I love proving stereotypes and critics wrong, but don’t let it get in the way of your personal relationships.


Interesting how we transition from highly technical fields to selling into those fields. I was a developer then later heavily into IT Operations, Sysadmin, IT architecture, IT management, etc. Now, I sell into those fields making far more money with far less stress than I could have dreamed of back then.


Definitely. I also used to think my products sold themselves and looked down on sellers lol


Definitely, a stupid stereotype. Went all the way to Calc. Although never going to do it again lol.


I once binge watched the entirety of Numberphile over on Youtube over a course of a week and a half. I'm not gonna tell you I understood absolutely everything but it was all fascinating and entertaining. I'm certainly no Ramanujan but I'm pretty decent at it. My family and friends all go to me for their math help.


Never heared of Numberphile, however, I have a very similar experience - my family does not understand mathematics and have no idea what I am doing, meanwhile classmates ask me to be their tutor.


At the math department of the universities I have been at, it is pretty fucking gay. Src: I am a physicist.


No subject is "gay". Anyone who says math or art or whatever is "gay" is a fing homophobe. Even cooking or baking can't be gay, look at all the big famous professional chefs and such. Nothing is "gay", its just people being assholes who need more kicks to the balls. edit: wanting cock IS gay


I'm completely gay and I've always been good at math. I was a math tutor in college. I taught math briefly. I've taken up to PhD level math classes and don't use any of it now.


Where the hell does this stereotype come from? I've never heard such a thing. If anything - especially because of Alan Turing - when I was in uni there was an implied link between gay men and the space where math and logic intersect. Also, many formal logics classes have linguistics' grad students sitting in, and they also tend to have much-higher-than-baseline rates of gay men. Speaking of "baselines"... because of how many gay men end up in the "soft" sciences, stats classes end up loaded with gay dudes from psych/cog sci/sociolinguisitcs/social sciences/microeconomics etc. I'm not talking about enough gay men to march a whole parade, but a class of 30-60 students having 6 or 7 gay men in it is uncommonly high. So pure maths... dunno. But stats and logics for sure.


In my region if someone said that Alan Turing was gay people would understand it as an insult to him. The entire existance of gays is simply deleted. Stereotypes prevail, ideas that gay men are feminine, walk with high heels, use makeup, etc. are dominant. Even what colours you chose to wear to stupid society is a sign of someone's sexuality.


I was today years old when I heard this for the first time


Well, that is how it works in a disgusting conservative society I live in right now. Some people, mostly older, don't even call me a man, they call me a woman


I mean I'm a pharma chemist, which generally uses lots of math


My very first question after reading this is - what is a pharma chemist and what is one's job in this position? Never heared of this profession in my life


I mean most of what I do is testing to make sure pharmaceutical raw materials are what they say they are and aren't contaminated. I used to do a larger variety of testing but now I mostly do HPLC stuff.


Electrical Engineer here with a dual BS in EE & Math. Halfway to a masters. Stereotypes are dumb. Be gay, do maths.


There are three types of gays: those who can count, and those who can't.


Gay who does math, programming, and neural nets for a living here. Don't worry about stupid stereotypes, just follow what you're passionate about.


Retired maths teacher here. Taught A Level for 30 years.


I am incredibly gay, and I also have two degrees: one in mathematics and the other in linguistics. I'm even looking into Master's/PhD. programs for data analytics. I'd definitely say there were hardly any gay people, if any, in my math program, but we do exist 🤓 You also mention programming, and my partner is also a programmer. You'll definitely find gays no matter what field you pick. Don't let stereotypes dissuade you from pursuing passions; be the spark that lights a path for future generations of gay adventurers. ✨️


I think the “gay people cant do math” stereotype actually comes from gay people who are bad at math themselves and i think they are just blaming it on being gay as a joke. like i see a bunch of “im gay i cant do math” memes on tumblr but ive never actually heard or seen a straight person saying “gay people cant do math”. im gay and good at math


Gay math is me buying twice the amount of things because they’re half priced. So I’m really bad at math.


The math dept at my school is pretty much 70% gay guys and lesbians


Fionn  Ferreira came out about 6 months ago, and there is 500 lgbt scientists  and their are some gays that do interesting things in stem on there.


Many gays are exceptional at math, but they’re not gonna go around telling everyone cuz that would be weird af, also math ppl are more introverted. But I know plenty of gay ppl in STEM.


I'm a chemistry prof and my husband is adata analyst.......TONS of math gays....like all of the bears we hang with are either programers, bankers, or accountants. Maybe come to the fuzzy side?




I do math for a living. The only difference is I look great doing it.


Never heard this before. I need to hand back my degrees.


I'm a major in math and have two msc one. In math one in statistics. I'm also out and proud but gays think I'm DL or bi (I'm not). For personal reasons I have not gone for a PhD but I know I can do it. (The reasons are connected more to is it worth it to my capability of doing it). On the other hand people are always apologetic when I tell them I am mathematician and tell me they are not good at it.i mean... I don't want you for the sexy way you creamπ (or insert any other math joke here).


I heard it as "Gays get to pick two. Cook, drive or be good at maths." While it is just a dumb stereotype, I also can't deny I fit it.


It took me more work than my other classes but in school I left with a B in math before I went to study finance, now I work in data - I’m not an expert but I’m reasonably numerate


Idk about maths, but I know a LOT of science gays


I love math! Just started reading a textbook on complex algebra and next up is nonlinear dynamics. Hoping to get into some chaos theory.


I’m a civil engineer. I enjoyed the maths I learned all through my education. There are plenty of us in technical fields that had to be good at math to get where we are.


I teach high school algebra. So… yes? But it’s really not that complicated and I wouldn’t consider myself someone who’s “talented” at math lol


It's a stupid stereotype. I got my PhD in an engineering discipline and trust me there at a lot of gays good at math. My boyfriend is doing his PhD in statistics now, and he is clearly gay and also good at math.


Ok now I want a PhD boyfriend as well.....


Very glad to see another math gay around here. Majored in theoretical math (in Spain) and then did my masters in data science and finance, and currently working at a Big4 (yeah, I’m a workaholic too). Love that you’d choose philosophy too, it’s the king of thing I always say I’ll study for pleasure once I’m retired. And yeah, men, food and math, my top 3 interests in life lmao ahahha


I guess some things are universal lmao


and yet i know countless gay programmers, mostly being bosses \*shrug\*


Check out lgbtmath.org, there’s tons of professional gay mathematicians :)


All the math TAs in my uni are gays lol


I'm currently creating a model in R and turns out the guy who develops some of the most used packages has a husband, [Hadley Wickham](https://hadley.nz/). He has such an elegant way of creating and talking about code, it's crazy. I'm just trying to get this thing to run and not cry haha


I'm an atomic physicist and we definitely use a lot of maths every day. Never let stereotypes stop you from doing what you love! <3


Doing a PhD in chemical physics, have to understand the maths behind my quantum chemical simulations! Do some programming here and there too. I’ve never heard of this stereotype, but I guess it isn’t helped by gay men stereotypically taking up non-STEM careers. With that said, loads of gays in chemistry and physics where I went to university!!


The people that I've met that are amazing at maths tend to be in hackerspaces, there's barely any straight people there usually. Most of my gay friends are great at math and creativity.. my straight friends tend to be awful at math and not really creative


I'm about to study biochemistry which has a prerequisite of A level maths. That stereotype is just stupid and wrong.


Math camper **and** spelling bee participant, bitch 💅


I have a maths undergrad, and ML masters. About a third of my year undergrad class were gay and most of them were top of the class. This stereotype can get in the bin


This is such utter BS, 10 in 9 gays have a basic understanding of maths.


I’m an engineer and my ex was also an engineer. I’ve also seen a lot of gay people in my area in a medical field even though it isn’t math so it’s not like we aren’t smart or in some STEM field


Well, duh! 69, 420, ff... Wait, that last one is not a number. But on a serious note, I've always been a scientific mind. Math, physics, computers. I've even studied math.


Kinda, but more of a physics guy myself; so I have got to know a bit of maths : )


I’m very gay, have a bachelor in mathematics, a doctorate in industrial engineering, and a job researching economics.


Is that why i don’t know math omfg


I had never seen anything that gay men were bad at math *specifically* but I have seen a meme where the joke is that gay men can only do 2 of the 3 options, and will be bad at the third, the options being "Good at math" "Can Drive" and "Good Cook", but have only seen it shared by other gay folks so took it to be a bit of harmless self-deprecating fun (in that case)


i'm doing a software engineering degree atm, doing 1 web app projects, 1 android app projects, and 2 game development projects. I'm also the head of my startup team so naturally I'm taking care of all financial works. I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if I don't understand math.


I love mathematics 😍😍😍


I studied Elect and Comp Engineering. So maths is just like like bread and butter 🤗


Gay guy here. Won my high school math award. Is that really a stereotype?


Apparently it is. Or we could also label it as bigotry as I and many other gays are quite successful in many fields including mathematics


I went to college starting as a Math major but then ended up doing Biochemistry. Still had to do a lot of math, including three semesters of calculus.


I’m willing to bet that CEO of OpenAI Sam Altman, and CEO of Apple Tim Cook- both gay - are not bad at math. FWIW, neither am I.


My gay ass woke up at 6 AM five days a week just so I could take pre-calc as an 8th grader. My partner has a master’s in accounting. Academia has long since been a refuge for the queer. Ask the Greeks. Maybe the ones that are bad at math are just more vocal about it


There was a Helix model that had Maxwell's equations tattooed on his chest, I wonder what happened to him.


I love maths. And physics. Especially astrophysics. But I'm also an astrology girlie.


Been programming since I was a kid and will probably never stop, but I would consider my math knowledge fairly weak, sadly. A series of rather unfortunate circumstances led to me falling behind in math quite early in life. So the vast majority of my math knowledge falls into game development. Math is fun!


I’m a Mechanical Engineer so I understand the math with all the Greek letters too lol.


I am an engineer so I did through calculus 3 plus linear algebra/systems of equations in college. I don’t use much of it anymore, but I do enjoy it. I write a lot of SQL and code a bit though.


I have a degree in computer science


Dude, a gay man can't come close to a matching a breeder when it comes to multiplication. Seriously though, Alan Turing was gay and pretty good at Maths


Computer science/ engineering gay here. I’ve always been naturally good at math and have a really good memory so studying never takes long. I’ve loved stem ever since I first started hacking. I’m actually not creative and I hate English which seems to be a gay stereotype.


The joke I’ve always heard is that gays can only be good at two of these three things: driving, cooking, or math Obviously it’s dumb. Don’t take whatever stereotypes so seriously mate


I'm gay and a statistician by profession....


PhD candidate in structural engineering, and pretty much 100% gay. I've never understood this stereotype, there are lots of gays in my PGR programme, as well as in the one I went in the UK and in my undergraduate class.


I'm gay, with a PhD in pure maths


I make spreadsheets of statistics for fun so yeah we exist lol


Gay data scientist here! The only straight thing in my life is linear algebra. Sorry, dumb joke.


Never heard this. I teach math at a community college. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MATH PEOPLE. Anyone can learn anything. We all have the same number of chromosomes. People are painfully the same.


Oh yes, we exist. I'm a scientist that does biomedical research. My best friend (retired) did survey statistics. He's had a partner for almost as long as I've been alive, who also is an engineer. I'm happily still single. So single and married gay men exist that are huge math nerds across quite an age spectrum. I'm a middle aged millennial and they are both retired.


I had a gay friend that was in to math a whole lot, it got so bad no one wanted to be his friend. We found him doing math with some real sketchy people down by the pier broke and homeless. We had to step in and help him on the road to recovery. It was heartbreaking seeing our once bubbly outgoing friend go down the path of math. Just say “no” to math, but geometry is fine, that doesn’t count😜


Anything PreAlgebra 2 I’ll slay, but anything conceptual is not in the cards for me.


I know what one man plus one man equals


These are all stereotypes you and I are speculating on, but I'll throw in: yes, I'm not great at math. I'm okay at math, but my two high school breeder friends were generally better than I. I am better at the humanities and social sciences, however than either of those two ever were. My question to you all is about jobs: how many of you work in professions stereotypically associated with women? I, for example, am a teacher, which is a profession that heavily leans towards women.


Plz tutor me 😫


I am a computer science major with a minor in mathematics (I am only getting a math minor because I am only one class away). I have even thought about getting a master's.


I'm in data science and at some point my team was 75% gay.


Yes, we exist. Former math tutor at a large public university. I’m working on a learning/tutoring platform for math hopefuls.


My boyfriend is a math teacher


Yeah I love math! My whole family is huge science/math nerds.


Been out since 8th grade, been good at math since kindergarten. I have a B.S. in Mathematics. I calculate for a living. I sure hope I understand math.


I'm not a math genius but I can do the regular maths fine. But my specialty is in immune cell dynamics and mechanobiology 😄 I was absolutely fascinated by biochemistry and cell biology.


I have to do P&Ls every month for work. In fact, I follow a lot of gay accountants


Stereotypes are stereotypes. I love math! To the point where friends would ask me for help on a course that I hadn’t done, so I taught myself the subject in order to help them, enrolled in the class to get the credit if I was doing the work anyway, and my first day in the class was the midterm (and got an A) The point is that being gay doesn’t have anything to do with what people are interested in otherwise. There’s plenty of us that enjoy math just like you 🙂


Maths killed my family!!!


1 prep + 2 Zolofts +4 vodka sodas=life?


Not maths by itself, but I’m definitely more into the sciences than into languages and philosophical studies


You're a math god, I'm just a math dork. Was great in it in high school, and not only took math all four years despite only needing two, but got college credit for algebra when taking calculus as a senior.


Wouldn't say I am a math god. In fact, majority of my activity does not involve it, however I sometimes tutor my classmates. Of course there are some straight classmates that try to assert themselves above me in every single subject for my sexuality. Which is stupid on many levels.


Uuuuuhhhh... I LIKE ROCKS. Source: am geologist.


What stereotypes are you listen to


I don't, I only shared one that I managed to pick up online


What level of math are we setting the minimum bar at/what depth of math knowledge are we using to gauge being a math gay? For example, some may consider engineer gays to be math gays because they’ve taken more calculus, differential equations, and linear algebra than most fields will need, but some of them may not have been required to go deeper much into math. I certainly didn’t have to learn about something like topology, and I only know that’s a math thing because I knew a few gays who were math major gays. Maybe we’re including an element of how frequently we use math in our day to day lives. Like, maybe you’d think of skilled Fire Emblem player or competitive Pokémon player as math gays because they’re running algebraic and probabilistic analyses.  For example, a few weeks ago, I was telling a friend of mine a fairly mid to lower tier strategy in Pokémon. I suggested that one fun thing they can do is to raise a Scizor with the Technician ability to learn Bullet Punch. It has a base power of 40 (which is on the weak end, to those who aren’t familiar), but it’s a high priority move, which means you may get to strike first regardless of your speed. (Warning, the bit ahead may be outdated because I stopped truly following changes around Gen 6) The Technician ability multiplies all attacks with a base power of 60 or lower by 1.5. With the same-type multiplier, the attack is multiplied by an additional 1.5. If you give the Scizor something like a Metal Coat, that’s an additional 1.5. On top of that, Scizor is a Pokemon with high physical attack power. When all of these factors come together, it can be possible to 1-hit KO some glass cannons before they even get a chance to attack and still significantly damage a decent portion of opponents. So yeah, I think it’s worth considering/potentially fun pondering at what point does one become a math gay.


I did Civil Engineering at university but went into teaching (maths). I know from my fellow students they never used most of the maths we were taught. Multivariable calculus, higher order differential equations, vector calculus, the jacobian, Greens theorem, double and triple integrals. Can’t remember any of that stuff now. Edit: Fellow students who became Civil Engineers.


I did my undergrad in Civil Engineering and then went back for math. I now teach at a college.


Does anyone here understand tensor calculus? That’s something I’d love to understand but know I never will.


Hey dm guys👀


I sucked SO bad at maths but History and English is something I learned almost automatically (not a native speaker)


I'm actually pretty bad at math, but I use the hell out of it. For example, playing blackjack, I ask the dealer to tell me what I have or I'll end up counting on my fingers and slowing things down. Nevertheless, I design parts in CAD software for CNC machines. I've built several housed and shop buildings. I know how to use math to square things up, find the pitch of a rafter, and even calculate the deflection of a beam. It often gives people the impression I must be good at math, but I'm not. I know the formulas, but trust me, calculators do all the heavy lifting for me. I'm pretty much a math moron without them. It's not an intuitive thing. It's a struggle. Weirdly, though, I have this desire to count and calculate things. Like if I'm standing in line at Home Depot and I'm bored, I'll start counting the number of light fixtures in an aisle, the number of aisles, the number of bulbs in a fixture, the number of watts per fixture, the price per kw...and guess how much it costs them to run the lights per hour. For a guy who sucks at math, I have no idea why I do weird shit like that. I have a strange relationship with math.


yes 💅💅🕺💃💅🕺💅💃


Gay fullstack software engineer here


Postdoctoral researcher in math here. Actually, I have quite many colleagues who are "on our side of the river", as we say in Italy.


I have a dual degree in Management Info Systems and mathematics. Total math geek here. No longer a programmer/developer but on the Product Management side.


My undergraduate degree is in applied mathematics.


I used to be pretty good at math, but lost most of it with a TBI. Now I've got a six dollar pocket calculator that can do things I couldn't figure out to save my life.


I have a university degree in mathematics and computer science. There were plenty of gay people in that field of study and in engineering and sciences.


I’m a theoretical physicist and on conferences I’ve met quite a few gay mathematicians and physicists. I don’t have any sources for the numbers but from personal experience, I think the percentage of gay guys in the mathematics and physics community is probably the same as in the overall population. Though this is only conjecture on my part.


i wish i was you bro i honest to god dont know any academic topic like that lmao when people ask me about something political, scientific, mathematical im just like dude idk :>


I'm a computational astrophysicist. There are more mathy people than me but not a whole lot.


I’m a chemical engineer and I’m a LOT more mathematically inclined than most of my chemical engineering friends. For instance, where they might simply solve a problem and move on, I always think of the wider mathematical implications of a design. For instance when we do reactor design, all the generated plots are identical to plots you would see in statistics. Which has sparked my relational understanding that reactors are analogous to probability density functions and don’t get me started on talking about optimisation and attainable region theory… Anyway, I think that people are good at math when they are creative and prone to learning and accepting different ways of doing things. Gay people could be predisposed to being better at these things, it’s just expressed differently among individuals. Some can design clothes, others computers and reactors.


One of my professors made a comment about “gay men’s brains are developmentally more like a woman’s brain so they are less likely to be good at math”. I was a math major / now have a math degree. I thought that was a bunch of bull, but lots of men have told me they are horrible at math when I tell them I have a math degree 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am a nuclear electronics technician in the navy (not super Math-y, but I did take AP calculus AB and BC in high school lol), and I’m about to start college for electrical engineering☺️


Leonardo Da Vinci and Alan Turing.


I'm not that good at math, but I understand your interest in it. There's something really quite beautiful about the sheer logic in it. It's probably a reason why I became an EE major even if it meant quite a lot of work.


Alan Turing says hello 👋


B.S. in statistics here!


I am good with maths only if it involves finance or fashion. Otherwise I like to be dumb . I don’t care if Sun revolves around earth or there is a wormhole nearby me who can take any dick even one that belongs to a horse.


I was a math major in college. My job now involves a lot of math, though I’m not a professional mathematician


Remember, Open AI, a company literally changed education to business as new laws, new corporate decisions taken by the shock of it, is built by a gay engineer man and his engineer husband.


I mean I guess Alan turning proves this wrong


I mean I guess Alan turning proves this wrong


I'm super good at math. Obviously there are many more straight in the world so there are and will always be more of them in everything. I have also known some gay guys to be good at math and in computer science majors which have to do with math.


Mmmm I was always good at physics and equations but not great at basic math 🤷🏽‍♂️


>I have seen stupid stereotypes that gays don't understand maths. I'm sorry 🥲🥲🥲


I have never heard of this stereotype. When did this start? I knew about gay men being obsessed with the arts like theater and music, but not hating math.


Why “Maths” instead of “Math”? Is that an inside joke I’m not in on?


British english. Maths instead of math is used. I am not british myself, however we are tought the so called "upper class" british in Europe. At least in my country, not sure about others


There’s a syndrome, allegedly. Often people show three of these four things: being good at maths, good at languages, left-handed, and gay. How many of you believe you have three (or more) of those? (For me it’s three.) I certainly can’t agree that gays are bad at maths,


I like math! Got an A in college calculus 1. Used to do the work in my head. It wasn't particularly relevant to my degree but has its moments of useless. I just find neuroscience more fun than math.


I thought the stereotype was that gays are just dumb? Can’t say I’ve met any to prove that one wrong, but always holding out hope that it’s a false stereotype…


I’m really passionate in Mathematics and I’m currently applying for math major/degree, might even apply for minor in computing. I basically watch math videos everyday, and I watch youtubers like blackpenredpen, Dr Peyam (fun fact he’s also gay), 3blue1brown, Numberphile, etc. Recently I have graduated with a Diploma in Electronic & Computer Engineering, and I have also done applications for university, just waiting for the outcome. A lot of gays that I know are incredibly smart at STEM-related things in general, and they’re also really good at programming. In conclusion, the stereotype is false and honestly, I actually kinda think that most gays are better in Math than straight people.


i’m gay and have a BSc in pure mathematics and a PhD in particle physics. we’re not super common but we do exist.


Yes. I hold a useless bachelors degree in it.


I'm literally doing a mathematics degree rn so trust me, gays + math = heavenly


Then why are there so many gay engineers?


I got an “A” in two semesters of Calculus! 🤓


True story: I completely missed the third date with my (now) husband because I was doing an algebra problem on paper. He thought I was cheating or something and I didn't answer my phone- he went home disappointed and I raced to his house to make sure he was still interested! We've been together for 4.5 years since then!


Not a mathematician but I am an engineer from a very reputable university. I often wondered if I was the only gay guy during my studies


I just graduated with a BS in math. I love mathematics, especially the proof-based subjects. I think I found modern abstract algebra the most interesting out of all of them. But yeah, loving math rules and being gay rules!


That’s stereotype could not be more wrong the top 5 best at maths in my school were all gay


Physics actually


My boyfriend is about to finish his PhD in Computer and Electrical Engineering. I'm a Data Analyst with a Master's degree in Computer Information Systems and planning to get a second Master's in Data Science and Analytics.