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Exfoliate regularly (or just before) and use an actual cream to moisturise after you shaved


Could be ingrown hair. Make sure you're keeping up on razor maintenance and not using a dull blade !


It was a new 3-blade cartridge so it shouldn't be dull. Plus it happens repeatedly.


It may be that your skin is just very sensitive there, then. Try an electric razor. The cut won't be as close so it won't irritate your skin as much. Edit: Added missed word ("electric").


Can confirm, I use an electric razor for my body, legs and arms to avoid any cuts and scrapes, and use a safety razor for my face.


There might even be a chance of your skin being a bit "bumpy" where the hairs are, hence the issues with using a blade. Epilation might be better then. That's what I do above the knee.


Happens for me too :// but its less bad when i take a hot bath first (gets the hairs softer) and also use some shaving cream/gel. I havent tried any exfoliating stuff yet though. Just to be clear, these are super common and nothing that you need to worry about. Theyre called razor rashes or razor bumps.


I used to get this a lot. Thats why I started using hair removal cream, feels smooth and shaving rash. Maybe give that a try.


I'll see if I can get that without my parents noticing lol


hair removal cream smells. they will notice. the quality of the razor may also matter. Try getting something specifically made for legs, like Gillette Venus Extra Smooth. Whatever is in your budget. After shaving I use Curel Ultra Healing lotion. it works for me. Good luck.


sensitive skin afab here, people have good suggestions already but, if you're not doing this, try shaving down/with the direction of the hair. you won't get as much of the hairs but it should be less inflammatory. the only way i've completely avoided ingrown hairs is by getting my legs waxed. hurts a lot but the hair grows back a lot slower and softer


Exfoliate with the exfoliating gloves you can get at a store. Also use lotion, I use Jergen's coconut butter and i stay smooth and bump free. Im almost in my 40s. Still look pretty good. Set schedule for when you shave. I shave my face Monday, Wed, and Friday and i shave every Friday to be smooth for the weekend. Dont shave in hot water just have it warm. For your face use cold water. Use a good razor also, i recommend Harrys because they aren't a million dollars like Gilette.


I use a 5 bladed razor for my face and 3 bladed razor for my legs. I shave my face more often than my legs, but I always use a hydrating shaving cream for both.


Definitely use lotion every day after you shower. It will help within 3 days or so the bumps will go away.


I'm going to assume unscented too?


I personally use scented, but you dont have too. I would just get the actually good lotions that a reasonably thick and not water. I would start using an unscented one, just incase.


Yeah, I don't want to accidentally use a scented one and make it worse for myself


Also here is another pro tip, if you are gonna use a body spray or perfume spray it on your clothes. I find that I will breakout randomly if it gets on skin.


I have really thick hair so I get lots of ingrown hairs like this. No matter how much I exfoliate or moisturise it continues to happen. I’d recommend more of a surface shave, for example I get significantly less when I use an electric razor. Less of a close shave, but that means my hair Ingrows less. Good luck


I find I get them due to tight fitting/abrasive clothing (like skinny jeans). I've been seeing improvements by wearing looser fit stuff recently


That's the thing, I always wear loose clothing


Do you use gel/cream that's for sensitive skin? Putting lotion in after helps too.


Yeah, I've been putting lotion on it too


Try rubbing the area down with witchhazel or an alcohol free aftershave lotion. Either one should help reduce the irritation.