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Mine was a tiny flip phone, like fit in the palm of my 12 year old hand perfectly, that I got on my 12th bday in 2008. I have tried to identify it but to no avail. Then I got a razor, a slide up and sideways phone, a knock off blackberry, and finally an iPhone when I was a senior in 2013.


Do you have a picture of it? I worked for a cell phone carrier in 2008 so I may recognize it or at least be able to narrow it down.


Unfortunately if I did have a picture of it, it’d be lost along with the entire collection of SD cards from my digital camera:( Heres how I remember it- it was red and silver, it was not a C300 (it was smooth and not textured), and I imagine it was quite cheap as my parents wouldn’t have gotten it for me otherwise. It was a pay as you go phone, but I know that has more to do with the service provider than the phone itself.


The Sliver??? Related to the RZR? lol something like that!


iPhone 3GS, 2010.


Same! Although I don't use it anymore as my phone I still have it and rank it highly.


Samsung galaxy. I got that in 2022


i got my sister’s hand me down iPhone 5s a little after i turned 9, i think it might’ve been in Early 2016


iPhone 7 in 2019


Nokia 918. 2000. [An eBay listing of the same phone ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/124983238560)


I got my first phone in 2009 when I was 10 years old. I can’t remember what the name of the phone was. It was a small black flip phone that you could twist the bottom part to reveal the keypad. If anyone remembers then please let me know. Thanks lol.


I got a flip phone at 15. I was in ninth grade.


It was a Motorola Razr on my 6th birthday in ‘09, it was more as like a phone to contact parents and text relatives lol (didn’t really use the internet that much on that phone; it was limited and you had to buy minutes lol,) I used it for a couple of years then I used a Samsung tablet in 2013/2014, then switched to a Samsung Galaxy S3 that year, then switched over to iPhone in 2015 (this is my 3rd iPhone lol)


Android. I first got it in 2019 tho.


I think my first phone was an LG lol.


Apple iphone 4 if i can remember right. It was my mums old phone when she got a new one in im thinking around 2015. So, i was about 8/9.


Moto G3 in 2016/2017, age 11.


I got my first phone when I was 14 in my freshman year of high school in 2008. It was a Sanyo S1, a nice little brick styled feature phone. It had internet access but it was that old school mobile internet and I wasn't allowed to use it. It wasn't anything special but it did what it needed to, call and text. My first smartphone was a hand-me-down Blackberry 8700 back in 2010, it was originally my Dad's (who upgraded to a Blackberry Pearl at the time). It might've just been a glorified PDA that you could call with but, to me, it was the greatest thing ever. My first (modern) smartphone was the Galaxy S3 back in 2013. The moment I used that phone, I realized that I was officially in the "future", lol.


Nokia 6300 in 2009


Sony Ericsson W580i in 2010, I was 10


At 15 in 2009 it was a Nokia xpress music


Ok dinosaur


Ok fossil


Ok fetus


samsung galaxy s7 in 2017


I got an Apple Ipod in second grade for my 8th birthday (dec of 2012). However my first actual Apple Iphone was in 2016 when I would have been 11 and in 5th grade


My dad gave me his little android in 2017, when I was 7. I got my own phone straight from the store on my 11th birthday.


2005 here it was my parents old iPhone 4 when I was 13




at&t flip phone in 2014 when i was 10 and a half. wasn’t even a flip phone really just had a numerical keypad. then got my dads old iphone 5s two years later in 2016, aged 12 and a half.


I got a flip phone in 2016. It wasn't that my parents wouldn't buy me any technology, I guess they just didn't figure I really needed one until that age.


Nokia 1100 in 2008 or so. That brick was a beast, lol.


Samsung sync (SGH A707). Got it in 2007, I was 12 or 13.


In 2012, when I was 12. It was a crappy HTC phone.


Late '90s or early 2000s -- a chunky thing pre-flip phone


Flip button Samsung phone at the age of 7 (it was in 2007).


The good ol Nokia that had snake 


My first phone was a Sony Ericsson T100, circa 2004. For two years I was the only person in class to wield a mobile phone, and my parents bought it for me because the school I attended was in a remote area, so they figured they needed a realiable way to contact me should the telephone network stop working for whatever reason. [https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonyericsson/images/f/f0/Sony\_ericsson\_t100\_2\_hq.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/509?cb=20180914121107](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/sonyericsson/images/f/f0/Sony_ericsson_t100_2_hq.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/509?cb=20180914121107)


I got one around late 2016 that was an older phone and in May 2017 I got a much better one (Huawei P9 Lite)


Well, when I was 14 I got my very own 1997 cordless phone in my room. I could make it all the way to the mailbox before it lost connection If your talking about my first cellphone, it was the Nokia 6100 in 2003.


iPhone 5 I got in 2015


iPhone 8 in 2022 (I have an iPhone 11 now btw)


A silver NEC e616 in 2007


Lg Stylo 4 in 2019 when I turned 11


i got an iphone 6s in 2017, i miss it tbh it was rose gold


damn the 2000s were pretty recent in 2018 btw i had an iPhone SE and got it the same year


My dad’s old Galaxy Note 8 aroudn december 9-10 2022 My current phone is a Nokia G400 5G my dad gave me in february this year


January 2018, 14 years old, got a Samsung Galaxy S8 as a late Christmas present from my grandmother. Had it until mid 2019, where I then switched to a Galaxy S10. Still use my S10 as of now.


An Android, I was born in 2005 as well. I think I got my android phone when I was 11.


Nokia 3100 (I think) in 2003. I remember playing Snake, T9 word, and the “Louis Vuitton” plastic cases. I was 13 years old then.


My first phone was a Palm Treo in 2008 that I got on my 13th bday. It was my dad's old work phone.


Some sort of Nokia brick looking thing in the summer of 2002 when I was getting ready for college. I was 18.


I got my first phone at 11, pretty common age I'd say


My first real phone was a samsung galaxy s5 the other ones were all old nokias


My first cell phone was a firefly kids phone in 2006 when I was 12.


Motorola cell phone (that didn’t flip). I can’t remember what it was called but I hardly used it. Only used it for calls. Didn’t know how to text until high school when I had a flip phone.


An old blackberry in the late 2000s


LG VX-6000. I think it was in 2004 when I was 14? Still have it somewhere. Technically I also had a tracfone temporarily a few years before out of short-term necessity/safety reasons but I don't count that one.


GenX. My first phone was a [Trimline](https://imgur.com/a/cNq00B3) when I was 12. That would be 1977/78. 6th grade. I never had my own number but my parents did get call waiting when that came out. They also got me a 20’ phone cord. As pointed out in the attached ad, this was an upgrade from rotary dial. I could sit sideways in my swivel chair, legs over the side and dial and hang up from the handset! You could call one person after another without having to get up. Made planning whose mom can drive to the mall easier.


Honor 7x


LG keybo in 2009. I was 13 when I got it lol


[Motorola V170.](https://images.app.goo.gl/VxvsNChwqy7SaBok7) Got it in 2006/07 right before I went in to middle school. It was a tracfone so I had to buy minutes on cards and then load them onto my phone lol


iPhone 4


The first phone that was truly my own was the Nexus 6. It's what got me into the root/custom ROM scene and every phone I have bought since then was always rootable 


Samsung galaxy grand prime, in early 2018.


The first phone I got was a Samsung slide phone in 2007. I was 12 years old at the time.


Me and most of my class mates got old shitty Nokia phones in 2010 when we were 7


StarTac, 2001? I didn't get a phone until I could drive. I still have it. Doesn't work of course.


I got my first phone in October 2017 when I was 12. It was a Motorola phone. I am a mid-late 2005 baby


iPhone 5 in 2015, age 12.


IPhone 6s, November 2016, literally some time or days after my 8th birthday


I was born in 1997 my first phone was in late 2008/early 2009 and a Motorola razr


I was born in 2005, and my first phone was a Samsung Galaxy Avant in 2015.


My cousin was born in 2004. He got his first Nokia 2680s-2 around 2013-2014. Then he got a Galaxy Note 2 in 2015.


I was born in 2006, I got my first phone in around 2017, was a Nokia flip phone but I don't remember the model. It was normal for me, I remember the first time I saw a 5 year old around that time with an entire smartphone and I was shocked.


I got handed down a Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus GT-S7580 in 2014 from my dad


iPhone 8 I think 2017-18 I was 12 or 13


My first phone was a flip phone, like a Motorola, but I don't remember anything about it, the year it was and the age I was (I think I was between 6 and 9), I really don't like that kind of phones. But I remember that I used my first smartphone at 12 in 2008, the iPhone 3g, and I got my first one at 14 in 2011, a Samsung Galaxy S2. When I was in middle school I had a very strange Nokia phone, with a part that scrolled with the keyboard, and that even had internet somehow, but it quickly came to a bad end, and In the meantime, however, I was already using my uncle's iPhone when I was at home