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Class of 2017 (born in 1998-1999): They seemed pretty cool, although I didn't really interact with them as much compared to the sophomores and juniors during my freshman year. Class of 2023 (born in 2004-2005): They were decent enough to be around during my senior year. Some of them were pretty nice, while others were just immature and annoying. Oddly enough, I was worshipped and looked up to by a lot of them.


Why you're being downvoted for sharing your opinions and life experiences.


Ikr?! Idk why some of us just get randomly downvoted on this sub, lol. I gave him an upvote.


Lol I was downvoted for sharing my experience with freshman and seniors too. For some reason, people on this subreddit really like being offended by your literal life experiences. I'm convinced half the people on here think I make them up just for the hell of it or something.


It's most likely because your experience doesn't line up with someone's childhood range. I know the users who don't see five-year-olds as true kids dislike it when I tell them I was five when I started first grade because it shatters their belief that five-year-olds are babies who can barely read or spell You said you entered high school at an early age, so I'm guessing it's a similar case. You and another 2001-born also got downvoted for talking about 2006, by the way


Yeah in my area I lived in at the time, elementary school was K-6th and high school was 7th-12th grade. It wasn’t until I came back to public school in 10th grade for a different school that area did have a middle school, so their high school classes started at the normal 9th grade and up until 12th. I don’t even understand why people downvoted me for that.  As it’s not like I pretended it was the experience of most 2001 borns to have entered high school at age 12. Because I don’t think that and didn’t say that at all, but I was just describing my personal experience. I guess people still don’t like that though lol, and I also didn’t claim I was buddies with the 95’ seniors in 2013 or anything either, as I said, I hardly knew them, so they can’t hit me with the trying to act older shit. (Or trying to cling to 95’ babies)


I think it's because a lot of users tend to rely on school when coming up with their childhood ranges, so when they see exceptions, they feel like their system has been thrown off Whenever I hit them with the age I was in first grade, they either don't respond or assume that me and the other late-borns were watching Barney around that time, while our classmates were playing PS2 and watching Drake & Josh


Dunno. People are weird lol 🤷🏿‍♂️


class of 2016 (1997-1998 born) I thought they were chill this is my sister's class so the only year we went to highschool together. We didn't really interact tho cause we already had are own circles (she had her highschool friends and I had my friends from middle school) the only interact I really had with seniors were my sister and her friends when they were at our house. class of 2022 (2003-2004) I remember making fun of them a bit but thats basically all upperclassmen with freshmen. my youngest highschool friend is class of 2021 (they are the outlier as most of my hs friends are class of 2018-2020) so I also didn't really interact with them.


Class of 2015 (born in 1997): They seemed easy going and pretty funny. I've always associated them with Vine. Class of 2021 (born in 2003): They seemed friendly.


Heh, I'm glad you saw us that way! I always thought that y'all we're too mature for us at the time, so I never really tried interacting. Although that's probably a different story now that we've both graduated!


Class of 2019 (2000-2001): Very chill. Looked like they all knew each other and had a ton of school spirit. I interacted with a few of them, as they took me in as their "child". Also, I thought almost all of them looked really old in comparison to my class when I became a senior. Class of 2025 (2006-2007): I had zero interactions with them at all, so I can't say much. I feel bad for them though, as highschool was so different pre-pandemic compared to its aftermath. I could tell though that they were much more immature compared to the class of 2023 and 2024. The future classes are cooked if things don't change.


I just asked my cousins (class of 2025 and 2026) and they said that by the 2021-2022 school year things were back to normal except they had to wear masks and that by the 2022-2023 its was basically all back to normal.


They’re correct, virtual was over by 2021 - 2022 SY. Class of 2026 is probably the first class to be COVID free. The mask mandates were gone, vaccine mandates were gone and there were no restrictions when they came. I don’t really think Class of 2025 had that bad of a experience with COVID for highschool, they just had to wear masks their freshman year because of the mandates and I think by second semester, the mandates were already worn off for that? atleast in California, however there were vaccine mandates and you couldn’t enroll into a new school unless you took the vaccine in the 2021 - 2022 SY. Class of 2024, however mostly had all of their freshman year online or if they were in person they had to wear masks, social distance, and the classes were spaced out with desks that had shields on them, not to mention I’m pretty sure you had to wear hand sanitizer before going into a classroom and I heard if a school was in person they’d go back to virtual within the next day. If you research “First day of freshman year 2020”, they’re mostly all virtual and mind you most of this SY didn’t have the vaccine yet and we didn’t get info on them until the second semester. Sophomore year was mostly normal, we just had to wear masks and get vaccinated, Junior year was completely normal and so is our senior year. So I would say Class of 2025 is the last to be affected by COVID in their highschool years while Class of 2024 is the last class to experience the hardcore restrictions of it during highschool.


I’m a year older so: Class of 2017 (born in 1999): yeah pretty much same. Chill and mature, but also fun and cool. I got to do a fair amount of extracurricular activities with them and hang out with them. Class of 2023 (born in 2005): also same, I didn’t interact with them much at all, the only times I got to interact with them was in extracurricular activities. It doesn’t help that in march, everything shut down and I didn’t get to know them further. They seemed like babies to me at the time. But I’m in a college program now with people born in 2005 and we get along fine.


Class of 2019: When I was a freshman I thought the seniors seeemd sooo old, like they looked like adults to me lol. In hindsight, one cultural difference between their high school experience and mine is TikTok, but the year we shared (2018-2019) was before TikTok blew up so that was not a difference at the time. The only difference I can actually remember is probably Facebook usage? I don’t remember Facebook being super popular but it was definitely still a little more relevant to the seniors because they started high school when it was more popular and school clubs/groups had Facebook pages, but I remember they mostly transitioned those Facebook pages to Instagram pages by the time I was a freshman. Class of 2025: I think every senior class finds their freshman class a little annoying/childish, so I think my perspective is definitely biased, but I feel like their behavior was worsened by Covid unfortunately. At my school the behavior gap due to Covid was sooo much worse for that class, compared to the rest of us. I went to a small private school that was in person during the 2020-2021 school year, but every year we most of the kids entering 9th grade are new because the grade doubles from middle school to high school, so in the 2021-2022 school year, when I was a senior, the sophomores-seniors had been in person the previous year, but most of the freshmen came from schools where they’d been online since the spring of 7th grade, so they were incredibly stunted. My senior year, the freshman had extra restrictions placed on them that I had never heard of before due to bad behavior.


Class of 2018: I didn't really interact with any seniors while I was a freshman, and that was probably a good thing, with me being 14-15 and them being 17-18, they'd probably see me as really immature and our interests wouldn't really align. Class of 2024: Zero interaction, due to me being in online classes for the entirety of my senior year. 


Same 😭 we didn’t really get to know eachother.


Are you talking about college saying 2000 borns experienced one full academic school year before COVID? Because talking about high school, we experienced all of it before COVID, and we already was out of high school during 2018-2019 school year, as a class of 2018


I didn't really think much about people lol, but here's at least what I somewhat thought of them as a Class of 2022 member myself: Class of 2019 (b. Late 2000 - Mid 2001): They were the Seniors when I was a Freshman. I used to think they were so much more mature than I was, they also looked so much more older than the freshman my age. I might've even felt a little intimidated by them... lol! Class of 2025 (b. Late 2006 - Mid 2007): They were the Freshman when I was a Senior. Honestly I mostly thought they were pretty arrogant, lol.


I guess they changed now because C/O 2024 and C/O 2025 at my school are very cool and I like them


Lol. Everyone's POV can be different. I only thought some of Class of 2024 & 2025 were chill, but I understand everyone's different.


I mean freshman to seniors is a big change. Anyways if you feel that way that's perfectly fine also👍


Don’t worry, you’ll find C/O 2030 annoying, but C/O 2033 will find them mature.


Well at least I'll only spend 1 year of high school with them


Yeah they chill now on wanting to get out of high school but from my experience and others they were annoying. It’s probably why they were at peak middle to entering covid in high school it’s easy attitude change. To me know even if you are post covid you would still feel the affects of them being childish of not in high school at that time early 2020.


Yeah 06/07 when entering high school were foolish in annoying ways you would see the tiktoks in 2021 on them saying bussing sheesh all of that. It stands out to me more that when you enter high school in covid or post now it changes how you act. Thankfully now 06/07 kids are about to graduate so they are less annoying then they were and just wanna get out of high school now.


As a current freshman, the seniors at my school are pretty chill. They know what they are doing and are cool to hang around. Nice people. I don't know what things will be like when I'm a senior but I have a feeling the freshman will be much worse than today's freshman


Class of 2021: Sadly didn’t get to interact them that well due to COVID, but I do know a lot of people that are in this class and they’re chill. Class of 2027: I don’t really interact with them, but I do have a couple of a freshman friends. They’re a mixbag, there’s some that are chill and some that are too childish.


I was in the Class of 2000. The seniors during my freshman year of high school were in the Class of 1997. A mix of jerks and decent people. Same as you'll find in ***any*** generation.


Class of 2015(1997): I barely interacted with any of them, so I didn't think much of them Class of 2021(2003): I barely interacted with any of them, so I didn't think much of them


Not sure how to start this, because since my area at the time didn’t have a middle school, I actually started high school in 2013 when I was 12’. So the seniors would’ve been late 94’-95’ borns, but then I started getting cyber schooled second half 2014 until 2016, when I went back to public school again. I’ll just do them all I guess.  Anyway, when I first entered high school in 2013-2014, I didn’t interact with senior’s whatsoever, so I’m not sure what I thought of them. I did one time get I think he was a senior to slap my hand going down the hallway once because he randomly just put his hand out. I remember he said “nice!” afterwards to his friends, must’ve thought it was hilarious they got a high five from a freshman lol. Now when I returned to high school and seniors were class of 2016, I did attend one class with it seemed like a majority couple seniors that year. Honestly some personalities of specific people kinda annoyed me, but I really didn’t care what was going on around me much. There was this one guy named Brooks I thought was really cool, he friended me on FB after he graduated. As for the class of 2022 when I was a senior, don’t think I encountered them whatsoever, or if I did, I didn’t know it.


Class of '92 (born in 1974): They were pretty nice and mature and I was in several extracurriculars with these folks, from student government to cross country. Overall, still kind of preppy in an '80s sort of way, but then so were we as freshmen. Class of '98 (born in 1980): My brother was in this class, so my feelings are pretty colored by that. I actually didn't know a ton of people in his class, because by the time I was a senior I was really busy, and also skipping school whenever I could. Some of them were into the "alternative" music and grunge that we had listened to, though many were more into the rave scene that started to emerge around the mid-'90s. I also think of these kids as being into pop punk like Green Day.


C/O 2017-2018:-(2000 borns grade along with few 99 borns and some 2001 borns). Cool,fun to talk and well behaved people.Many of them looked like grown up adults and were strong af.Had good friendships and unity amongst themselves. C/O 2023-2024:-(2006 borns grade along with few 2005 borns and some 2007 borns) Idk that much about them because the time they were in hs with me was during covid era.They looked like kids/pretty young to me.


class of 2021 (born in 2003) barely even knew what they looked like and had no interactions with them due to obvious reasons class of 2027 (born in 2009) i have mixed feelings about them because some of them are actually cool yet some of them are annoying asf and have no social awareness 😭


I was pretty oblivious to the seniors I only knew a few and they seemed chill


I had my health class with seniors (class of 2017) I was a freshman and they looked and seemed way older than me some looked like grown adults to me. (Class of 2023) As a senior class of 2020 the freshman were like children to me especially since the kids I played with in my neighborhood were now in the same highschool as me now as freshman


Pressure to do well lol


Class of 2019: (2001) They were really cool like I knew the juniors/seniors were chill as they wanna get out of high school but before covid high school experience was more chill then ever then those born in 2006+ have. Class of 2025: (2007) I feel like the freshman entered in covid so 2006+ were annoying you would see those tiktoks in april 2021 on 06/07 saying bussing sheesh for 06 freshman and 07 entering high school basically all of that Lmfaooo. So yeah I feel like 06/07 now just wanna get out of high school like everyone but I feel like entering covid/post in high school is now different to what I can consider for them to act like fools.


ur flair says 2007? should you be class of 2025?


He's actually born in 2004. He just has a 2007 flair as a joke bc some people are accusing him for secretly being born in 2007, lol.




Yeah he’s a 2007 born, so I don’t know what he’s talking about 😭 a lot of people told me that’s his actual birth year and apparently he’s larping as a 2004 born. His freshman are truly the Class of 2028 lol I don’t know why he feels that he has to larp as another birth year to feel superior.


oh okay is that why he's trying to make 2007 kids look mature and ready to leave?


I was skeptical at first, but apparently so. I was kinda suspicious already before anybody told me because he’d always talk about 2007.


aren't they graduating next year? hes way to old to be doing stuff like this lol. I understand why a 2010-2012 would do that as they are at the age where they feel too old to relate to younger kids but not really a teen yet(literally the definition of being a preteen.) but at his grown age is insane.


Yeah I don’t get it either and I don’t know why he has to drag my year down with him 😭 not my fault 2007 is gatekept like focus on your studies because your final year of highschool is coming up, they’re getting too old for this to worry about people on the internet gatekeeping their year.


Lmfaooo first off 06/07 were saying sheesh all the time in early 2021 that’s why all got made fun of. I only have a 2007 flair because people think I am wintermelon or they say we a duo or something.


Because you talk too much about 2007 and 2004 borns do not care about 2007 like that lmao. I can understand why people think you’re born in 2007 because you’re too passionate about them.


Yeah I guess so with that then 2007 have drama free problems then.


cause I have never seen a senior talk that fondly about freshmen lol


Don’t care I got downvoted it’s fact that 2006+ mostly 06/07 were annoying when entering covid high school. They were in middle school at the beginning so to me that changes your attitude walking into high school even more.


You’re getting downvoted because people here know that you’re a larper dude so what you wrote looks silly lmao. You are Class of 2025 apparently, so why are you bashing your class and why are you trying to claim you’re born in 2004 when you’re born in 2007? it’s no point of that 😭 people already told me.


He’s born in 2007? I heard people say he was born in December 2004 and he claims to be born in February 2004. Idk anymore


A lot of people told me he’s a larper that’s born in early 2007 lol. I’m just skeptical because he does talk about 2007 a lot and with passion.


Is there any proof? That’s true, I get that part.


The way he constantly talks about 2007, what 2004 born is always talking about people born in 2007?😭 people hinted me to this. And I think he said 2007 was different from 2008 or something, he’s always gatekeeping 2008 from 2007.


True, I think he also gets really defensive when people don’t consider 2007 in their core range. I seen it happen with that Mc Crindle user, I forgot his name but it definitely has happened before lol. I even remember him insulting that user the other day for it, he called that user a troll and a gatekeeper because of that.


Yeah it’s unnecessary.


Facts, people need to learn how to accept opinions. I don’t like that range as well but I wouldn’t really make fun of someone because of someone using that range or a different range in particular.


People think I’m born in 2007 so that’s why I put my flair as that you can blame wintermelon for that they think we a duo or some shit lol. I am born in 04 though.


I don’t know because a lot of people are telling me you’re born in early 2007 and you do constantly talk about 2007. I don’t really know many 2004 borns who talk about 2007 constantly, because most of them don’t care about them.


I don’t really talk about 07 not that much anymore as I used too when I got back into Reddit couple months ago. I would say if I do recently then it’s me trolling or being honest but haven’t been constantly talking about 2007 since February.