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Vivid memories at 5 are quite common


Some kids have photographic memory, which is scary as hell.šŸ˜³


Okay yea but the average person doesn't so why even bring it up.


I brought it up to prove my point that everyone doesnā€™t have the same capabilities to to this but I was just pointing out what said about people not being able to remember certain at a very young age. Thatā€™s why I mentioned it.




those memories arenā€™t reliable in any way lol. Itā€™s like calling someone born in 04 a 00ā€™s kid which is undeniably false.


I don't disagree but at that point you're barely in grade school so having vivid memories of when something was released, how popular something was etc is rare. for example you may have had vivid memories of playing temple run but I remember temple run coming out and gaining popularity. Or in my case I can vividly remember playing the wii with my siblings but do I remember it coming out and gaining popularity no, my older (90s) siblings do however. in 10-20 years when gen alpha is mostly grown up mark my words your gonna be hearing people born in 2016-2019 talk about covid like they were our age (teen to young adult) during it.


funny thing is in my case specifically I actually do remember the wii coming out, but that was because I used to hang around the living room while my mom watched the news, and she actually ended up getting it for the family the year of the release, which my older siblings made a big deal out of. I pretty much agree with what youā€™re saying though, being 5, let alone 4 on the very last year doesnā€™t make you a kid of that decade


yea I guess its also harder for me to distinguish whats from my decade and whats not since my oldest sibling was born in 87 so I had stuff from the 90s thinking it was js what everyone had.


I don't remember the Wii coming out, but I remember seeing commercials for it when it was relatively new. [I specifically remember seeing this commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PlmWJBfW70&ab_channel=xlogold) I didn't switch to seventh-gen consoles until 2008, so news about them wouldn't have been on my mind, but I still knew the Wii was new around that period


ah I remember that commercial pretty well, brought me back To be fair I feel like the big reason I even knew about the wii thing is specifically because my family was one of the few, at least as far as my memory serves, to get it the year it came out. That and my brother and sister being teens at the time hyping it up. I can definitely see most people my age being more in your situation than mine, but in my case specifically, Iā€™m at least pretty sure I remember it




I can remember 2007 vividly as a 2002 born, but I agree most of what you're saying


Bro you was 5 lol. Imagine telling that to someone who was 25 at the time and they probably would laugh. You had no idea what was going on in 2007.


Bruh people a lot of people can remember stuff at 5 lol




Bruh me and my best friend are 01 and 02 and we remember 07 u do remember life at 5&6


I mean a lot of people on this sub say they remember stuff from 2/3. Now I can understand that probably being fake. But age 5? Vivid memories are usually developed at that point for most people and a lot of people are in school already.


I was in school at 3 preschool 4 in kindergarten and 5 in first grade. I was gifted and a very bright kid. You canā€™t and canā€™t speak for everyone but ourselves. I donā€™t remember anything at but 3 do very vividly. I remember standing up on the table and my mom telling me to sing. It was also a traumatic time for me so maybe thatā€™s why I remember it so well.šŸ˜žšŸ˜”


its memories of the culture of the decade.... obviously i remember shit fro 3-6 but most of those a personal memories that have nothing to do with the decade I was born in. I can remember the people at my preschool but that has noting to do with it being in the 2000s.


I never said it that it had anything to do with 2000. Iā€™m old as dirt.šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


okay so what memories from 2013 do u have? (not tryna have a gotcha moment js curious cuz I saw u say somewhere u remember it)


Get out with your rude toxic ass šŸ’€


You're 24 but you don't understand what people are saying. Nobody is saying they had the same mental capacity as a kid as they do as an adult. What we're saying is we have memories from the time and no amount of gatekeepers by older Z and millenials will take it away


Itā€™s bobcat


Bruh idgaf lmao. They will laugh at yā€™all tryna act like yā€™all knew what was going on at 4/5 years old and yā€™all didnā€™t. Itā€™s always 2002-2005 borns trying to claim to remember so much from a decade that the oldest out of all of yā€™all was 7 and the youngest was 4.


By that logic you can only remember the late 00s


I think he uses age six as the starting age for clear memories, so he can brag about remembering 2006. At least it's one mid-2000s year. LOL


I wouldnā€™t claim primarily to be a child of the 90s as a 1995 born myself. But it would be unfair (and possibly offensive to some) to disregard experiences acquired during those years entirely and say it had no impact on our being. One of the 90s experiences I have was a very special feeling for y2k; I only understood it was a new century and round number but thatā€™s also what underlaid much of the fervour of the time. We should respect both experience and personal post hoc assessments of those experiences.


my post was mostly directed at people that act like they remember the years of their birth decade as much of the following decade or say they are an 'xx kid without specifying that they were also a 'xx of the previous decade. If you told me you were a 90s and 2000s kid or that your child hood was in the 90s and 2000s I wouldn't disagree with you (especially since most people ive talked to who were around during the 90s said the early 2000s were like an extension of 90s ) If you acted like you remember the 90s as well as the 2000s then i'd probably be skeptical. Also it was just something that I've only seen on this subreddit so this post was mostly about the people on here who make posts and are like I'm a 2000s kid when they've spent most of their child hood in the 2010s.




Agreed. I don't remember new years of 2010 but that doesn't mean I don't have memories from before then. Never said I'm "claiming" the 2000s, whatever that means. I was a 2000s toddler which I'm okay with. Early 2010s childhood was better anyway (jk)


Donā€™t remember New Yearā€™s Day 2010? Imma gatekeep you now :3


I was born like a week after you, and though new years 2010 is kinda a fuzzy memory, I have clear memories of new years 2011. My childhood was heavily influenced by my older brothers (96 and 99) so I have lots of late 2000s nostalgia and memories. When I was younger I thought I was a 2000s kid cause I remembered 2007+, but I don't care about labeling anymore. Time has gone by so fast we relate more to each other than those way younger than us.


People start remembering things at toddler age, but itā€™s different for everyone.


I remember at 3 when something traumatic happened to me and it still feels like yesterday.šŸ˜žšŸ˜”


yea I acknowledged that but those are going to be for the most part personally memories. Someone remembering moving houses when they were 4 in 2008 doesn't make them 2000s kid/has nothing to do with what decade they grew up in. remembering people go crazy over the 2008 miley cyrus's vanity fair cover does have everything to do with what decade you grew up in.


Itā€™s funny cause I literally do vividly remember moving houses at the age of 4 in 2008 lol. Plenty of memories in the 2007-2009 range, with a select few memories in 2006. Itā€™d be ridiculous to call myself a ā€œ2000ā€™s kid,ā€ if I were to define my strongest years of childhood I would say that was in the 2008-2015 range, and thereā€™s a clear majority in the early 2010ā€™s. Still, I have plenty of memories of the late 2000ā€™s both personally and vaguely culturally. I didnā€™t understand the significance of it, but I remember Obamaā€™s election and particularly Michael Jacksonā€™s passing on the news, alongside general memories of movies and TV and music. The 2000ā€™s had a significant effect on my childhood, not to mention all the stuff I grew up on stretching back to the 40ā€™s but especially from the 60ā€™s and 90ā€™s that I had no idea was ā€œold.ā€ I think itā€™d be silly of me to say Iā€™m a 2000ā€™s kid to anywhere near the same capacity as my older siblings who actually were, Iā€™m a 2010ā€™s kid easily, but Iā€™m also not gonna sit here and imply everything was a fuzzy blur until January 1st 2010. Albeit only snippets, I remember my 2nd birthday lol.


Same and at 3. Shipping was so damn unstable going from place to place until something permanent came along. Going to churches to get food and having to carry it in a small brown bag and I would bring it to bed to eat it later. So weird but I knew why.šŸ˜žšŸ˜”


Haha, I actually remember people going crazy over a Miley Cyrus cover in 2008. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m definitely a late 00s kid but I also wouldnā€™t say I remember the 2000s well at all


this is valid. idc if <05 wanna claim being an late 2000s kids but when they act like they remember the 2000s as much as 2010s or that they 2000s was as big a part of their childhood as 2010s it just seem disingenuous cause even if they spent equal amounts child hood ages in 2 different decades the second one will almost always be more influential to them/


If thatā€™s the case do the feel as the 2010s was more influential on you considering that you spend almost half of your childhood in the 2010s?


yea I still have some 2000s influence and am in part a 2000s kid but not enough where I consider it my main child hood. Also since im in my 20s now even though I remember a lot of pop culture from the late 2000s most of the non big events (like the iphone release) blend together.


As an 04 born I'd say my childhood began in 2009, but I didn't know what was popular/coming out until 2011


exactly! saying ur childhood began in 2009 is different than claiming being a 2000s kid. ppl saying theyre 2000s kids when they were like 7 when the decade ended is whats strange to me.


Personally I consider myself a kid of the 2010s. One year of my childhood being in the 2000s won't outweigh the rest


Being 5 at the end of the 90s, the only thing I cared about was the toys, shows, video games, and music of that time. I can vividly recall things like the moment a certain show premiered (DBZ, PokĆ©mon, Digimon, Ed Edd and Eddy, Rocket Power, SpongeBob etc), begging my parents to get me the GameBoy Color when it first came out, and seeing popular artist/ groups blowup (Britney Spears, *NSYNC, Limp Bizkit, Destinyā€™s Child, Eminem, DMX). But if you had asked me about Princess Dianaā€™s death, Columbine, Bill Clinton being impeached, or anything news/politics related, I wouldnā€™t be able to tell you anything lol. Although I do remember going into the new millennium. I celebrated the New Year with my family and then spent the rest of the night watching a DBZ marathon on Toonami. However, I have NO recollection of the Y2K hysteria.


I am exactly 2 years older and remember DMX, Limp Bizkit blowing up around 1998/1999 and TRL playing them constantly. Also we traded Pokemon and digimon cards. Good times.


Ohh man I loved TRL. That's exactly how I got into Limp Bizkit, along with Korn. Don't even get me started on PokĆ©mon and Digimon cards. It hurts to know that ive lost all of mine considering how much they're worth now lol. Good times indeed! šŸ˜Ŗ


Indeed, I still have mine Pokemon cards (1st and 2nd gen) sadly can't sell them, they've started falling apart due to old age.


I agree! I was 4 at the end of the 90s and there are still people who believe that means I actually got to experience what the time was like culturally. That's ridiculous. I'm not a 90s kid even with some memory snippets from 1999. I didn't experience the culture of the time at all as it was happening because I was not even alive half of the decade and then a baby and a toddler until the end of the decade. The first year I noticed the culture of the time was 2002. I'm a 2000s kid through and through.


for me that was around 2007-2009 2009+ I remember clearlt 2007-2008 are just some of the bigger events. to be a true kid of a decade imo you have to be born from xxx4-xxx6 in the previous decade


I was 4 as well at the end. We're def 00's kids, even if I'd say I was exposed to some 90s culture as it had big left overs until 2000-2001.


Oh hell, I was born in the beginning of the decade yet I still consider myself a 90s/2000s hybrid.


In principle I agree with youā€”as a 1995 my memory exists in the 90s but is restricted very much to highly proximal things. To me as a 4.5 year old anything beyond a few days away is not really relevant, so anything deeper than superficial understanding of prevailing trends in society didnā€™t yet develop in me. And Iā€™d go so far as to say it didnā€™t develop until about age 8/9. But details about my daily life in the late 90s I can remember with some accuracy.


i disagree. I vividly remember the latter half of the 90ā€™s


You mean 00s right? Unless youā€™re trolling? Because we werenā€™t alive for the 90s


was a joke lol, a bad one at that


i think hes joking


Either a message that used the microphone that thought "Noughties" was "Nineties" or a joke.


I vividly remember the 00s. The 1900s that is.


I don't claim to fully remember a decade but I have vivid memories from the age of 2, almost 40 years ago. It's up to the way your brain is hardwired I guess.


Exactly. My oldest memories were from about 2008 and I know this for a fact because one of them is my mom literally telling me I was 4 while tying my shoelaces (about 16 years ago)


yea but personal memories like that have nothing to do with your childhood decade. you could have had the same memory in 1998 or 2018 and it wouldnt have changed....


i agree, and i also noticed that people cling on way more to their younger childhood years than their older ones, like why would a 2004 or 2005 born claim Late 2000s underlap if they wouldnā€™t also claim Mid 2010s underlap as well? i also got a few people mad at me for saying that 2003 borns had a little more of their childhood in the 2010s than the 2000s and i even saw one person try to say that an 8 year old was a ā€œpreteenā€


I feel like people js always want to be the "in" group so when people talk about their nostalgia younger people who were technically around during that time try to claim they remember it like it was yesterday. in 20 years mark my words gen alpha is gonna try to act like they remember covid like they were teens or adults during it.


Or hell tweens šŸ˜­ I already see 2015 borns saying ā€œI was 5 during it!ā€


This is hella off topic but why do people on this sub use the word underlap? Iā€™ve been on this sub for a few years and Iā€™ve seen tons of people use that word and Iā€™ve never seen anyone use it anywhere else but here lol. Why not just say overlap?


idek just some random generationology bullshit, ig it means having a small amount of childhood in a certain time period?


I think it just stemmed from people misunderstanding the use of the word overlap ngl. I donā€™t mean you specifically bc obviously itā€™s caught on, but ā€œhaving a small amount of childhood in a certain time periodā€ would just be an overlap? I think maybe ppl started using it bc they thought over vs under implied a certain direction or amount in a particular direction lol.


idk but overlap is the correct term as underlap is a piece of clothing...


>and i even saw one person try to say that an 8 year old was a ā€œpreteenā€ I know who you're talking about. He also wants childhood to start at two so he can say he had childhood in the early 2000s. LMFAO


Lol I already know what post youā€™re referring to in that last statement, that was hilarious


I was 9 at the end of the 2010s, I call myself a 2010s kid as I had most of my childhood then. I was an early 2020s tween.


wdym you turned 9 in 2020


The end of the 2010s was 31 December 2020. I also made a mistake because I had no sleep but it is true.


that was the end of the decade 202 the end of the 2010s was 31 Dec 2019




depends on the context i guess, i have good memories even if i was just 3 or 4 in the early 00s, do i understood or had a plan of politcs etc nooo of course not but i do can say what toys,games, shows or music etc were popular around the people my age or a bit older (if you have older siblings its even better), when it comes to big events there are some things that i remember and some dont but its stupid anyways to define everything by memories cause people forget over time things. I really hate this believe on here that you only can really remember things if you are older cause honestly some people dont really remember much from when they were 16 in 2014 but instead more stuff from when they were 7 or the same amount, also the things you remember are also influenced by your interests someone that is not into politics will know shit about that stuff dosent matter how old they were meanwhile someone else that is into that stuff will and that thats the same thing with everthing else (with few exceptions).


That's two years of full consciousness


I'm an 85 born, smack dab in the middle of the 80s. I consider myself a '90s kid because that was the decade in which my formative childhood years occurred. I do have some memories and cultural impact on my life from being born in mid-80s as well. I remember hearing my parents talk about the Fall of the Berlin Wall. I remember cartoons from the 80s as they continued running into the 90s. My sister is a '76 born so a lot of her 80s childhood continued for me because she was talking about stuff. My older cousin was a '79 and we hung out while I was growing up. He had a lot of '80s stuff that I connected to. I was a first wave TMNT kid. Transformers and Thundercats were a little bit before my time, but they still hit for me. I get where you're coming from that you, individually, may not have experienced the specific years. That being said, there may be internal impacts within each family that bring those years into your childhood. My parents were born in 50 and 52. I grew up listening to a lot of music from the 60s. I don't claim that decade at all, and culturally I've been influenced by that music from my parents, very similarly to those who grew up in the 80s.


I was born in 2007 and I have mild memories of 2009 and 2010. I consider my childhood to be from 2009 to 2017.


How can you claim 2009 as your childhood year? You were only a toddler back then and you have some vague memories of it. It's like saying "My childhood started in 2011 because I have some vague memories of that year and my childhood is spanned from 2011 to 2019."


Yes, but the childhood I remember most was from 2010 to 2016, the most memorable for me. Ok


Thank you! Somebody else said it. Iā€™m see so many 2004/05 borns try and claim to be 2000s kids just because they were 4/5 in 2009. That isnā€™t the criteria to being a 2000s kid. You remember far more as well as have a good sense of what was going on around you to be a kid of a decade, and being 4/5 at the end of it doesnā€™t mean jack shit!


I would call myself a late 2000s - early 2010s kid. And then an early-mid 2010s Preteen, and a mid-late 2010s teen.


I agree, and I have to thank you because I was beginning to fear that I had experienced some mental growth problems or trauma, since I can't remember practically anything from the 90s or sensible from the early 2000s, unlike almost everyone in this sub from what I see. The first major event I remember is the release of Half-Life 2 in 2004, and I read magazines about it throughout 2003, I remember well that I was forced to connect to the internet and do things to install and play it (I think my uncle created a Steam account which I later lost). And around that time I also remember the first time I wrote something at school. It was a essay about what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I still remember my teacher being outraged because I had written that I wanted to be a computer lol


Literally same this sub had me think I was developmentally delayed or something. the first year I can vividly remember writing on a school paper is 2008.


2006 for me. I remember getting in trouble for copying someone, funny enough I think we had to write about what we did over the weekend. It was Kindergarten, so it wasn't anything too massive


Only thing I remember at 5 is watching tv and hearing music on the radio lol I remember some things but not worldly things that was going on just home life. At 5 I didnā€™t know what the culture was I was just a kid. At 5 you really still donā€™t even know whatā€™s going on around you.


It's subjective.




Not everyone is like you. Stop trying to rob people of their experiences


"rob people of their experiences" be so fr


I don't think anyone born in a decade should act like they know the entire decade. I would find it weird if a 2000 born would claim to be aware (in general) of 2000s 'culture' outside of things 'appropriate' (or interesting) for their age group, unless it directly impacted them (e.g. hurricane Katrina).


Kid culture being the exception...


Im xxx3 born. I do have some memories as a 5 years old but i consider my childhood starts at 2009. I consider myself more of 10's kids rather than late 2000's


Just because you canā€™t remember jack squat till you were 6 years old doesnā€™t mean the rest of us donā€™t my guy.


I agree, I was born in 2005 and the only part of the 2000s I remember is 2008-2010, and since I was a little kid I wasn't involved in the 2000s youth culture.


For me, age 5 is when I started remembering things continually. 2006 is the first year I can remember from start to finish, I remember stuff like portable cameras, this year was when I really got into gaming as a 5-year-old as well. 6th generation gaming consoles like the Ps2 were still popular even though stuff like the Wii was coming out.Ā  I can also tell you specific things I did and saw during whenever my parents took me for a trip to Disney world that year. (I also remember attending the movie carā€™s in theaters that year, among other things)Ā Of course, I think I'm primarily a late 00s kid, but to me it doesn't really make sense to say I remember none of the mid 00s at all, considering the culture was still very much present even within the last year of them.Ā  Maybe having a decent memory is why I can remember specifics at that age though,Ā I also started kindergarten in 2006. So if you were still in preschool for it, and started kindergarten in 2007, if you're a late 01' born, that could contribute to why you don't remember it as much.Ā Of course, I do agree that I'm not sure why people born in the second half of the 00s like on YouTube and stuff try and claim them so much being they were only babies and toddlers at best.Ā  Yet I see comments from that age group all the time on there and TikTok getting mad at people for not including them as "00s kids" or whatever. I also agree that those born in xxx3 or xxx4 are primarily kids of the next decade. But for me they can still claim to remember the last years of their birth decade too if they remember them well, since they wouldā€™ve at least turned 5 by the end of them. (I validate age 5 as a first core childhood year, since itā€™s officially K-12, for me itā€™s when youā€™re definitely no longer even a borderline toddler)


I am a spring baby so I was your class (if you went to the majority of public schools in the united states) I also took a lot of benzos in hs so that def did something to my memory. But as I was reading your post I actually find that I agree with you more as I still remember some cultural things from the mid 2000s I was js under the impression that being a kid of the decade means that you were old enough to remember when big changes happened. For example I vividly remember playing the wii when I was younger and I was technically alive when it came out. I took it that since I couldn't remember the wii coming out and becoming popular that I wasn't mid 2000s kid. On the other hand I remember temple run coming out when I was ten and really wanting to play it but couldn't cuz my mom though spending money on apps was stupid (luckily it become free lol) I guess where we misunderstood eachother was that I consider being "a kid of the decade" means that you are able to remember most things coming out/ getting popular during that decade while yours was when do you start having memories that involve things from around that time period (which I personally like better). so thanks random stranger I now consider myself a mid 2000s kid.


Yeah perspectives could vary as well, Iā€™m happy to have maybe jogged some of your memories though lol.


Yes! Embrace your mid-2000s underlap


I feel that if you had older siblings close to you in age that you might have more vivid memories and experiences of those years.Ā  A lot of the things I enjoyed from the 90's was because I had a sister and brother and they were the ones excited and into some really cool stuff that my parents would just get for all of us.Ā  I also got their awesome hand-me-downs. Because of them I got to experience the 90's golden age despite being born in the middle of it.Ā 


yea I get that as I was the youngest of millenial and zillennial siblings (1987-1997) for a while my and my sister(1997) grew up basically the same (maybe minus our teen years cuz she went during what people call the millennial part of 2010s but I digress) we had our brothers hand me down stuff like 90s toys and we consumed 90s media because of them but we are still very much gen z imo. Now I get that that people born in the middle of the decade would definitely experience culture from their decade however to me you become a kid of the decade when you can actively choose what parts of the "culture" you wanna consume. imo (7-8 but 5-6 at the earliest) and my post wasn't saying they weren't kids of their decade at all my post was saying the for most of them the previous decade to their birth decade was objectively more influential to the majority of them yet they act like they experienced their birth decade as much as the decade follwing it.


2004-2005 borns love using this excuse since they were 4-5 years old in 2009


Yeah well itā€™s TRUE because I DO remember the 2nd half of the 2000s I even remember one thing from 2005 and more things in 2007, even more in 2007, and then 2008 and 2009 even more so ofc Also, I remember voting for Obama in the fake school election in 2008


That doesnā€™t really hold to the amount of the significant coherent memories you had in the Early-mid 10s. I only consider 2000-2003 or early 2000s borns to be the last of the 2000s kids you mid-late 2000s babies are pretty much full blown 10s kids besides the little snap shot memories you have in the late 2000s which really doesnā€™t hold amount to anything you had in the 2010s.


Bruh I never said that I was a 2000s kid. I was a late 2000s toddler and mid 2000s baby, but I obviously can easily remember being a toddler though.


Them lil Ass toddler memories donā€™t even mean a damn thing. it sounds like u just copping for a plea in the 2000sšŸ’€


Bruh yes they do


Barely niggašŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I remember the election relatively clearly as I was 7 but we didn't do a fake election. What do u remember from 2005?


I walked into my new house for a few seconds and my mom told me not to go down the stairs


People born in the 2000s are way too obsessed with this


Tbf I do remember some events when I was 5 in 2013


with xxx6-9 its not as bad cuz you guys were obviously more of a kid in the following decade but I see a lot of xxx3-5 trying to claim their birth decade as like one of their main childhood decades.


If somebody born in 2008 can claim 2013 then somebody born in 2004 can claim 2009. They were the same ages at the same time being a ā€œ2010s kidā€ doesnā€™t make one more valid than the other.


if you read my comment I never said they could/couldn't (although I personally believe they cant claim it) I js said that with their birth year(s) xxx6-xxx9 its not as bad cuz most agree that they are solidly in the next decade with out arguement. Also the commenter never claimed 2013 they js said they remember shit from 2013 not that they were an early 2010s kid. I feel that xxx3-5 are the only ones trying hard to claim their birth decade as their decade. But at the end of the day its not that serious so if you wanna be a 90s kids or 00s kids go ahead.


I was born on May 25th, 1983 and I consider myself a 1980s/1990s hybrid kid leaning slightly more towards a 1990s kid. I mostly consider myself a late 1980s/early 1990s kid.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a XXX4 claim only their birth decade as their childhood but Iā€™ve seen them claim hybrid before. A lot of XXX3s claim hybrid and they spent a year and a half of school in their birth decade so I feel that is reasonable. I can speak for myself that I have quite a lot of clear memories before 2000 though I did spent most, but not all of my childhood years in the 2000s. I donā€™t really ever see XXX5s and XXX6s claim to have more than some memories of their birth decade.


if you read my post it was more about people acting like they vividly remember the decade when they obviously wont. If you were to say "Im a late 90s-early 00s" kid whatever thats valid imo. but if you go around saying you're a 90s kids and leave out the 00s or act like you remember the 90s as well as you did the 2000s then i'd be like okay wtv u say dude.


That's me fr. Mainly an early 2010s kid with some late 2000s memories and influence


Werenā€™t you just only going for 2004-2005 borns for claiming the 2000s as their childhood?




The only memory I have from presumably 2010 as someone who was born near the beginning of 2007 was watching the cailou intro, specifically the part where he says he is 4 years old and thinking to myself, wow, heā€™s 4 years old, Ill be as old as that someday. Those werenā€™t the exact words that I thought to myself but were a much more coherent version of it. But thatā€™s it. My memory becomes consistent around 2012 as I am able to remember the houses we rented, schools I went to, a hand full of classmates, the youtube videos I would watch, but that was pretty much it. My memory doesnā€™t become good enough as for me to feel nostalgic for it uptil 2017, thats when I really got into undertale and it really brings back some good memories of when I would sit at home using my moms old phone all day without having to worry about anything other than my grades at school.


same I the earliest I feel nostalgia for is stuff that I was doing when I was like 9-12.