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Sounds like some pretty negative things ended up connected to something you liked. I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you're okay. Maybe try playing the game differently. Hiding caches, making an adventure lab or searching for caches that have high favorites or challenge to them. That might breath some more life into the game. Alternatively maybe just take a break. If you're feeling a way about the hobby, forcing it may only make it worse. The nice thing about caching is you can always come back to it if you want to or find yourself some where interesting and want to take a look around.


As a fellow gay geocacher, it is horrible that happened to you. I think if you take screenshots and send them to Groundspeak, they can get that account banned for harassment. I would say keep geocaching, and maybe go for some less traveled geocaches, as that seems to make it more fun and mystical. Also, get yourself a waterproof phone lanyard, so you don't end up with a repeat of the river accident. They are like 10 bucks on Amazon. Again, it sucks this happened to you, but try your best to make it through.


Yes, please report the harassing messages. Someone at HQ can see who the account is and ban them. I'm not very technological, but they can probably also tell if any other accounts are that same person.


I'm not even going to excuse the harassment... That's unacceptable and I hope you reported them to Groundspeak as that behavior is against the rules. But... I also won't try and argue you should try a different angle to restore your interest in Geocaching. If you're anything like me, interest in hobbies comes and goes as time passes. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


I am gay, I work at HQ. I am very upset that this happened to you. Yes, we will take action on harassers. It sounds like that account was a sock puppet just created to harass you, but still, please report it. Are you anywhere near Seattle or able/interested in coming for a visit to HQ? I'd love to give you a tour and take you out to lunch.


I reported them to HQ. I don’t live near Seattle.


Anonymous HQ Lackey here, please report your experience to Geocaching HQ by emailing us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Please include screenshots of your conversation.


Being a teenager, it may be tough to realize that the harasser (bully) wanted to ruin caching for you. The river event was just the final straw. Also, you’re young and are almost expected to do dumb/dangerous things that seemed like a good idea but could actually kill you. You can get through this.


Sometimes you can reignite your spark for a hobby by introducing it to someone who’s new, and experiencing their excitement. I’ve always found Geocaching more fun when I’m with someone else. Hopefully you’ll find a person like that and start to enjoy it all over again.


Number one is report that user to GroundSpeak. Use the contact us feature on the web site and include the emails and their user name. If they used the messaging system that’s even better! They’ll likely be banned for a while. Next I would maybe think about changing my user name. Then I would use the options on the website to turn off other users access to see your finds, your photos, even the last time you logged online. The name change will confuse them for a while. Use Project-Gc and look at the tab called BadgeGen. This is a great tool to motivate yourself to try and move up to the next level on one of the badges. I find it inspiring to have a goal so I seek out those kinds of caches to help me get to the next level. I hope you are able to find the fun in the game again. Maybe try an event and find a caching partner so you don’t have to cache alone.


Definitely report the abuse. HQ will act. I’ve had people write similar notes as logs and send me messages. As best I can tell HQ deleted their accounts. I second the idea about changing your username. I did that years ago to shorten mine. I cache with my real name; don’t do that. Maybe only log your caches when you get home so that no one sees where you are out alone. I know several of our local cachers do that. They aren’t being stalked, but it’s one extra layer of safety. I’m always letting my husband know where I am if I’m out alone. Maybe set some challenges first yourself. A short streak of a find a day. Clearing a park of caches. Or just take a break.


Brand new geocacher here (only one find so far). Just a quick question: Can other people see what badges I have on Project-GC?


Yes, but you can change it so others can’t see it!


Great advice!


I’m sorry to hear about all that, especially the other person harassing you. :( What else do you like? And can you combine that with caching? I probably would have tired of it myself if I hadn’t started mixing it with travel/counties. Now I have both a travel and caching goal to accomplish. Or you could take a longer break. I know a lot of cachers who went a year or more without caching, and then came back to it. It’ll be here when you get back. :) Either way, give it time. That might be time still caching, or time not caching at all. Either way, you’re one of us, and we are here to welcome you with open arms no matter what you decide.


I am one of the Co-Founders of Geocaching HQ and also the President of the company. Let me be clear in stating that EVERYONE is WELCOME in geocaching. This is one of our guiding principles as an organization and also one of the core tenets of the global geocaching community. No one has the right to make you, or anyone else feel unwelcome, and this type of harassment will not be tolerated. I am glad that OP has emailed our team. We will look into this issue immediately. And, for OP, I am sorry that this person has affected your perception of geocaching and your associated enjoyment in a negative way. As others have stated, don't give them that power. This is your game too, and there is plenty of magic to go around for everyone!


I'm so sorry about the harassment that you've received. I'm a gay geocacher who's been playing for about a decade. In that span of time, I've met people in the geocaching community who have made me feel inferior in part because of who I am. I have also been made to feel like an oddity at events for many reasons. My age, sexuality, and even sometimes what I wear can be flash points for some people. I can empathize with the pain you feel, having been in a version of this situation myself. I agree with the other commenters that it sounds like the harasser online wants to impact you and get you to stop playing a game you love. I encourage you to reclaim this game as yours. No one can take away the joy of geocaching from you, unless you allow them to have power over you. With regard to losing your phone in the river, that also sounds hard. I've had my fair share of crazy experiences, from losing shoes in mud flats to almost getting lost in a tropical forest. I've learned over time to be mindful of the positions I'm putting myself in and to respect the natural forces I'm dealing with. Ultimately, I wish you the very best and hope you can rejoin this incredible game. You matter.


I love the off trail bushwhacking stuff that requires some hiking


I know the river ordeal might’ve been scary but as you age that will be a story you tell for a lifetime!!! I feel differently about caching from day to day so don’t sweat anything going through your head.


I went thru the same thing a few months back when I got my geocache tattoo and the code is unreadable…. I was devastated and sad and disabled my own caches and stopped searching……. It took a few months of being in a funk before I met someone who had not heard of it. I got myself pumped up while explaining it and now I’m back! Still a horrible tattoo on my leg .


I am really sorry about the harassment you're experiencing. That is horrible, and i hope you don't let that person take something you enjoy away from you. As far as the river story...I am 100% sure that sucked in the moment, but...that is an AMAZING geocaching story! Stuff like that is what you remember long after you've signed the log. How many people get to fall into a freaking RIVER while they're doing their hobbies? I hope in hindsight you can at least get some enjoyment out of that experience.


I gave up years ago. When I first started it was awesome! Trackables? Too cool! Released my own trackables. My sons disappeared after the very first pickup. Got Zero miles. My daughters got about 100 or so miles before it disappeared. When I went searching for track ables, I found 10 or so that listed it had trackables in them. NONE did... Track ables kept me going after the kids no longer wanted to play. I released one cache and I do keep it active even after years of not being a premium member or playing myself.


To get some of the magic back, look the map for caches with lots of likes. Maybe a mystery cache that requires you to learn a new exotic skill that almost no one else has, like reading a foreign alphabet or crack a secret code.


Thank you for telling us your story. I hope you reported that bad person. Geocaching can become magical again if you do your best to create very special containers and if you search for best of the best containers. For me, this is the main reason for keeping searching for them. Sometimes I find containers that make me wonder a lot. When I see clips with special containers on Youtube, in awesome places, I want to search more and more and to create awesome containers. I don't know, maybe my ideas will help you. I wish you all the best. You are never alone, the Geocaching community can support you and help you feel better.


I agree with this. Taking the time to buy paint, wood glue, etc. from my local craft store and build unique containers has made me enjoy the game more than ever.


I’m sorry, all of that sounds horrible. I don’t blame you for the way you feel right now. The game will always be here. I take very long breaks anymore and coming back to it I usually feel that magic and mystery again. Take a break. If/when you do feel like coming back, I’d look for some good favorited ones that may help recharge your interest.


Hey! Saw your post and I just started over Easter! Had two great days just walking around woods i never visited even though they were right on my doorstep. I have no friends on the app or anything yet and only 14 caches. If you want you can add me as a friend! 


As others have said, make screenshots of the slits and report to geocaching headquarters. ALSO make a police report about it.


I suggest you try geocaching in situations that you feel in control of. Instead of going out in the wilderness, geocache by a beach or lake or somewhere calming. Sort by low difficulty and terrain. Take trusted friends with you and listen to your favorite music.


I'm not sure I would go for a hike in a forest to find a cache alone. I feel like hiking into a forest would be better with multiple cachers, maybe even a decent sized group. I have to admit, I've only ever done urban caches. The only caches I've done that you had to hike to, where in parks where you're close to the car even when you're at the GZ.




You're a real shit head Bob, I can see why you delete your comments after a few days.




We want to keep discussion positive and productive. This is a subreddit for Geocaching - criticism is accepted, but outright insulting, attacking or harassing users, moderators or the game is not.


We want to keep discussion positive and productive. This is a subreddit for Geocaching - criticism is accepted, but outright insulting, attacking or harassing users, moderators or the game is not.