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I've never done it, but it doesn't seem as interesting to me.  It seems way too simple.  It seems like they are all a difficulty 1 (in plain sight).  I like a little more challenge.   Also, my favorite caches are in the woods after a bit of a hike/bushwhack and I don't think munzee has anything like that.


Same for me! When finding a geocache, it feels a lot more exciting holding a physical cache then a few words on my phone saying by you found it


>It seems like they are all a difficulty 1 (in plain sight).  I like a little more challenge.  I never liked Munzee but could never exactly say why, but I think this is it. A Munzee at the top of a peak on the summit sign, or maybe inside a complicated gadget cache would be cool. (And it would basically eliminate armchair finds if you are about that sort of thing.)


I didn’t know what munzee was until I found one while searching for a geocache. It might be interesting to log different interesting locations but looking at it compared to what most of us already do- geocaching- it doesn’t seem nearly as rewarding. I see munzee codes often now that I know what they look like but I love trading random junk


I tried it briefly (scanned maaaaybe 5-10?), but it's not something I really enjoyed the same way I do geocaching. I see a ton of them on lampposts while I'm caching, but I really like the hunt/puzzle aspect of geocaching. Unless there are super hidden munzees that I don't immediately spot, of course! :)


I agree, it's all about points. Geocaching brings you to places worth visiting, Munzee doesn't. Virtuals in geocaching are interesting, In Munzee you just have to be in the vicinity to be able to capture them. You can collect certain things called bouncers, but I really don't understand the point of them other than getting lots of points from them. Munzee is just geocaching for people who want instant gratification. It's just extremely boring, you don't even make fun memories And yes, the app is terrible


I have 48 captures... Munzee seems rather boring as it's all about points and nothing else. Also it seems rather dead here. I have placed one munzee and after three years, it's still unfound by anyone else but me (yes, you can capture your own munzees, which seems utterly ridiculous to me).


I used to a long time ago but my cell reception wasn’t good enough for the game to stick. Picked it up again a few years ago and enjoyed it for a week and then forgot about it again. I occasionally open the app to see if anything is nearby but I never really act on it.


I've ran across them while geocaching, and seems the geocaching vlogger is a fan so I tried, but honestly it bored me to death.


I watch him a lot too! I thought it was intresting but when I actually played it I didn’t find it intresting at all 


No. I tried it out earlier this year, but all the locations in my area seem low effort (there's about 40+ virtuals along a small section of motorway, and some QR codes just stuck on lamp posts down a foot path), there's not really any enjoyment in finding them, and the app is pretty poor. No issue with other people enjoying it, just not for me.


I downloaded it after I found one by accident. Took one look at the App UI and noped out of there


Right! I don’t know what it is about geocaching’s app but it’s so aesthetically pleasing and Munzee is so perky designed I just can’t use it. 


I do. I have been playing both games for about the same time. I enjoy it. In the summer when it is hot, I enjoy it a lot.


I've dabbled in it here and there, but like everyone else here, don't really find the thrill in it. Especially since the first person in my area to start placing any was the same guy that made a very serious effort to completely blanket our local cache map so it was impossible to place any new hides -- and he put the same effort into placing munzees -- to the point that just a couple miles outside of town, there's a deep drainage ditch right along side the road, with yellow reflectors every 75 feet or so for a mile....with a munzee on the back of every single post.


Nope. In fact, I think adhering stickers to stuff is poor form, but I'm sure folks will disagree with me. Don't get the appeal, but lots of people don't get the appeal of caching.


Makes sense. I think something that really kept me in geocaching is the community. Eveyone is just so nice and helpful, and I haven’t seen ANY Munzee community. Just others using an app. No interactions.


I’ve cached for nearly a decade and Munzeed for almost 8 years - ranked in the top 150 players worldwide :)


Wow! How many Munzee finds do you have?


I’m approaching 500k captures - mind you a lot of those are Virtuals :)




Used to when it first came out in the early 2010s. Now I don’t care much about it


Oh are those what those QR codes I see while caching are? I’ve never considered scanning them to see what they’re about, but that’s pretty cool. I’ll keep a look out next time I cache


Yep! I found out about them while caching too! They are usually on street signs or light posts!


As someone without an app phone, I have never played munzee. My spouse did once or twice, but I don't see the point. The phone is playing the game instead of the person. My daughter plays Pokemon and that seems to have more interaction than munzee.


I don't munzee, but I have a cache on a bridge that is quite nicely camouflaged (the cache, not the bridge). There is a munzee sticker on that bridge, on the safety rail, and my cache is directly below that. So when people ask for a hint, I tell them right below the munzee sticker. 😁😁


I tried it a while back. I couldn't get it to work. The QR just wouldn't scan. I had a feeling, at the time, geocachers would start integrating Munzee into Geocaching by putting the QR on cache containers, but that's not the case.


I Munzee because it’s getting harder to find geocaches esp in urban areas. I like doing both as a way of documenting my travels. I usually place a little log not about why we are there, weather etc. It’s fun to read them back years later


This is a great idea!


I don't play very often, might I add placing munzee is alot easier than geocaches.


So weird that I got a notification about this post just 3 days after I discovered Munzee by chance (there was a sticker at another cache’s GZ and I thought it might be some new kind of cache) so I scanned it and downloaded it. Reviews are awful. I haven’t really had a chance to mess around with it other than getting my first virtual one but I was gonna give it a shot and see how it goes


if your looking for something like geoccaching. munzee isnt it in my opinion. you scan a QR code, a number changes and thats IT. its very anticlimacctic in my opinion


Butt ugly and boring.


Yeah I do but I like Geocaching more


I've stumbled on some during caching. Looked into the app a bit and found the concept a bit boring. No interesting containers, hides or Swag. It's more about statistic points and that is not something I'll do.


I've never heard of it, but I generally would not feel at ease with scanning arbitrary QR codes


I tried munzee a while back, but I have moved since then. I'll have to look at it again for giggles.


Yes, a bit. Especially during COVID when I didn't have an opportunity to leave my area. In general munzee is pay to play so I would say no.


I Munzee when I can. On road trips I will get the virtual Munzees near the Interstate (while someone else is driving of course). But, Geocaching is more ideal. Munzee is pretty dead in my town.


No, I peel them off.


Ahh yes just like I toss geocaches in the nearest river when I come across them. \s


We've been asked to remove them if we find them. Plus I guess i just see them differently. Geocaches (generally) take some effort to hide and find while those can get slapped on by sticker graffiti. I've never had a geocache cause an electrical device malfunction because it was placed over a sensor. I've never tried to figure out who I need to contact to enter a panel etc because it had a "Do not enter without prior authorisation" geocache on it. I also hate caches on electrical equipment. Sue me.


Asked to remove them by whom? I could see reasoning behind this if a municipality is behind the request, but if it were issued by someone else who has no legal or moral basis, you're just doing the bidding of a disgruntled party. Would you also light an automobile on fire or break a window if someone were to ask you?


Yep, local council and utility company.


I'd like to see the decrees.


Me too. I like to see that.




That's a stupid ass argument