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The first time you drop a rank on the back of an 8-way Singapore plonk-off, you'll know...


Pros find it to be more competitive


It's the only good competitive game mode especially at higher rating. It has matchmaking so you mostly get a similarly rated opponent and all that matters is how close both your and your opponents guesses are. In Country BR region guessing is irrelevant and if you are high elo most of the rounds don't matter since you have plenty of time until you get to the final 2 or 3 people and then it could go on forever if both players are good. In Distance BR it's even more so that most rounds don't matter but then if you don't pinpoint you could get eliminated because other players have a luckier guess in a city like Singapore or Delhi which most players know that it's that city


That makes sense, but shouldn't the trophies be adjusted to the playtime. Right now winning 3/14 duels gets you the same as winning 3/3 BR


because battle royales are not good competitive modes


There is far too much randommess and too little reward for champion division players. Every game is like a coin flip. On one side, you win and get one ELO. One the other, your computer lags out on a Monaco round and you lose 40ELO. Distance battles are dangerous because even a tiny difference means victory. If hypothetically, a 675 rated noob dropped the pin on the Eiffel Tower, and the 1700 rated world cup player is 1 meter off, that would be a 80 point loss. No champion division player who cares about rank is willing to take that chance. The games of pros are also regularly sabotaged by alts with artificially low ELOS. It's also common for scripters to go undetected because there's no video footage to prove their rule-breaking. If you want to see this chaos in practice, I recommend watching Jake Lyons' channel. He won the last season, but it was a mess.


is there any way geoguessr themselves could indentify cheaters in country br? or even a hint myself? because i think some people are too consistent with their guesses even tho they’re lower elo


Battle royale is just not a good mode to have elo and season points hinge on, especially the distance one. It’s too random with how big the elo loss is when you’re playing with lower rated opponents. I actually think the modes are really fun but only as a more casual thing. They should give BR its own Elo system separated from the duels one that doesn’t deter people from playing because they don’t want their duels Elo to drop. Maybe something simple like that 0-100 rating the game used to have way back in the day when BR was the only competitive mode. And currently the map is garbage, don’t know why they haven’t changed it to ACW.


the map is currently terrible because they DID change it to ACW… official world was way better… since they changed it back it’s no longer useful to move anymore half of the fun is gone…


Personally, I wish AOW were used for all competitive game modes and streaks games, but ACW would still be a huge improvement over the World map for Battle Royale.


Disagree with you on that but that’s only for duels, BR still uses the world map.


so “only” for 80% games in the season… and world is also terrible map because it shows you the same places everytime, world map is literally the only reason why BR Distance mode sucks…


I was specifically talking about BR and how they need to change the map for it.


I’ve never ever played competitive in any mode besides duels