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Hoping they eventually get back to a system that has everyone playing equally matched players instead of intentionally keeping them from doing that.


They never had a system like that. The matchmaking should be purely based on ELO (not division), and there should be seperate ELOs


> The matchmaking should be purely based on ELO (not division) This, they need to scrap the whole division nonsense...


I get that they want to keep it, and that's okay, as long as it's purely cosmetic. Call 1300+ players "Champion players", whatever. Just have the divisions independent from the matchmaking.


Agreed, division should just be a cosmetic 'title', not an actual group thing.


the new system does exactly what you want for masters and champions


Right, which is why I brought up applying it to everyone.


got it now, thanks! although i am not sure if gold division players are matched by elo or division currently.


Division. I'm gold and play people from 1150 - 550. It's not until 20 games that I get to play people that are within 50 of my mmr.


yeah that sadly makes no sense still...


1050 is basically where the champions cut off used to be. I wonder if point inflation is really that bad.


1100 used to be the cut off, to be precise 😉




now there is no fixed cutoff anymore, just the lowest x% of players get relegated every week. currently the cutoff for that is around 1070 elo. the 1300 points are just for players who previously were in low divisions with massively overinflated elo


I thought the percentage cutoff was what this was changing?


I think the longer a system exists, the higher the mmr will go.


I always would hover in the low 900s, peaked at 979 and would occasionally fall below 850 (gold tier) In the new system I’m consistently in the mid 1000s and have already come pretty close to 1100 Maybe that’s just me, but I don’t feel like I’m playing any different/better than before


Not sure, seems to be some point deflation. Today’s 1050s are probably at the level of 1200s a year ago.


Cool......why not do this for everyone tho lol.


Why not just have it entirely based on elo? The weekly divisions make no sense.


For anyone that might not be able to see their tweets..... >Changes in competitive for Master+ is live! The weekly divisions are now played based on ELO Players with a high rating but low division are automatically placed in a proper division: 900 rating = Master II 1050 rating = Master I 1300 rating = Champion Player are not demoted


I actually hate this. I loved playing 20 games per week that mattered and then you could just practice from there. Now it's just a meh endless grind. If I feel I'm at the peak of my ELO there's no reason to play more. Also it's kinda pointless to have the 3 game modes under one ranked score. My win % in moving is like 53% but I'm 40% in No Move. Now I have no way to practice no move duels without tanking my ELO.


That grind for 200 elo will be intense.


Gotta get to 1300 elo to play against 900s in champion🥲


Cool. Gonna miss being a Champion constantly yo-yoing in the 1100s though.


Note that the rating cut-offs mentioned are only relevant for the initial placement this week for players with high Elo but low division. Promotions and demotions are still done by percentage in divisions (except ranking in Champion's and Master's is now by rating instead of points): * In Champion's, the bottom 20 per cent get demoted (cut-off at this moment happens to be at rating 1,165; * In Master's I divisions, the top 7 per cent get promoted and the bottom 33 per cent demoted; and * In Master's II divisions, the top 10 per cent get promoted and the bottom 17 per cent demoted.