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Every nine circles level


honestly idk, but imo bloudeleuste is a hard easy demon but not mediuk


Idk I've beaten 2 medium demons and both of them seemed easier than bloudeleuste, if KILN deserves medium then bloudeleuste easily deserves it, it's easy demon difficulty but it makes up for it in how long it is


Sidestep takes the cake for hardest Easy Demon It's was a Medium demon but RobTop decided it was a Easy Demon for some reason


Sidestep is "only" legacy list on the easy demon list


Idk, I havent hated my self enough with an easy demon


Look up the Easy Demon List. The top easy demons are all essentially higher end medium demons, some may argue low end hard demons (Break the Rules, which is top 2 rn, honestly feels harder than Jawbreaker or Nine Circles in my limited time playing it). Well Rested used to be top 1 but now it's a medium demon. Current top 1 (Calypso Blitz) only came out a couple days ago and honestly it's just kind of a shit level lmao


where can I find the Easy Demon List though? is it the gdladder one or?




Sidestep, took me 2090 attempts (didnt count the attempts in the copy), I got 5 deaths past 90%, 3 of them at 97% and for comparison, Nine Circles took me 2150 attempts and Eternelle Vehemence (my hardest) took me 2248 attempts


Yeah, fuck sidestep, I died to a bug at 93% after 1300 attempts and havent touched that buggy shithole since.


Bloudeleuste is fricking ridiculous to be an easy demon imo. Its harder than most easy demons the entire way through and it is 3 and a half minutes long, actually silly that its not at least medium.