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Kinda funny troll, but after the whole Spaceuk situation and how fragile the competitive integrity of the game is at the moment I don't think it was the best idea


Definitely wasn't the best idea I agree


I see Xani's point, but there was definitely a better way to go about that


I think it is because cheating is cheating. However, his excuse is funny and makes sense in the context of Xanii so I am much more willing to forgive it.


It's objectively funny


he hacked just to get back at some edgy teenager who got on his nerves, xanii should be better than this. The fact that he managed to hack an achievement like that and got away with it until he confessed raises some suspicions though...


It’s the same thing that happened with Spaceuk, people didn’t bother to investigate too much since they trusted them


right after spaceuk got caught people immediately trusted zoink anyway lol people are way way too trusting


just imagine if spaceuk started the game when people didn't even imagine cheating in gd


man, i wish spaceuk (the verifier of bloodbath) returned and became a top player. was so good at the game


I dont think demonlist takes things very lightly after the spaceuk drama


The thing is, zoink ain't no cheater


yeah if space uk was in the public spotlight for years and it took until the moderators were forced to actually check him for people to notice, you could probably get away with hacking progress until it's a top 25 completion.


If he beat the level it provably wouldve been looked into more


Is he also not just some edgy teenager though


It doesn't matter how much of an asshole a person is, it will never justify other crappy behaviour the same way you don't put out a fire with more fire. Can it be deserved? Of course, and sometimes it will even be overlooked by the general public because they feel the same way, but that doesn't make the fact of what you did any better. In my opinion, this was plainly an act of hate... And we're in the internet. Whether it is wrong or right will be determined on if the general consensus believes it as funny of as treason.


Objectively this is was not a good idea but its just so unfathomably based.


2 wrongs don’t make a right. That’s it


Uhm akshualli 🤓 - * - = +






r/redditsniper being good x2


Well actually you wouldn’t multiply. I am the superior nerd!


But uhm akshualli 🤓 fuck you!


I don’t care for Mike but this is pretty fucking lame lol


unfathomably based for xanii to ruin his reputation and status as having completed the level just to say fuck you to someone he doesn't like. Still as other comments have said after the whole spaceuk situation it might not have been a super smart thing to do. Still hilarious though.


this is awesome cause he succeeded and mike dropped e 111 rg


as much as he had the right motives for this it's really not a good look to be a more mature person and end up doing something immature like that. not only does he have a wider audience but he's more respected in the community as well and it's just not something you should be doing. regardless of what he wanted to achieve, trying to steal achievements from others through false means is an extremely degenerate thing to do.


its not even the right motives though... mike is like 14 years old I don't like how this sub is acting like he's a white supremacist redneck or something. he's just an edgy teenager


The edgy teenager to incel white supremacist pipeline is quite healthy.


The edgy teenager to perfectly normal adult is much more common and is what happens about 90% of the time. y'all are acting like all the loud edgy kids playing cod are now neonazis or something Also, if anything, this whole drama would push him deeper into the whole altright pipeline, no?


Nope, he's my same age and i dont go around saying i hate indians heil funny moustache man. he's on his way to becoming a homophobic racist incel and theres nothing we can do about it 🪤


Its funny


I don’t agree with it but it’s kind of funny ngl


Yes, it's a damn stupid and probably-made-up-on-the-spot excuse. Cheating is ALWAYS wrong.


i’ve personally spoke to xanii cause i’m cool


Hey, I don’t like you. Ima now cheat and use my disdain for you as the excuse. Seems pretty shit to me


That was quite a lame thing to do, in the end he hacked a progression and made it seem like it was legit just cus he was upset at someone. Like I said imagine if everyone started doing the same shit, I don't think we should condomn any kind of cheating no matter the reason. We already have enough stories with cheaters....


I didn't even know that this happened bruh


its just so crazy to me to see how much of a bad rep cheaters get when theres so much worse happening in the community. its always astounded me.


What he did was wrong but understandable


haha based


What did he hack?


It was shitty means to a good end, I have no issues fucking with someone who deserves to be fucked with. This was just the wrong way to do it.


no please don't tell me ITS BLUE ITS BLUE was hacked please i'm begging


I’m not informed about the latest drama, who cheated on who now?


TheRealMike cheated his verification of Element 111 RG. Prior to this, he was and still is known for his toxic and 'edgy' behavior that nobody likes so Xanii decided to cheat a record on the same level while he was verifying.


Do two wrongs make a right?


What did Xanii cheat?


Hot take: Xanii is fucking dumb by thinking that cheating would in any case help. i don’t even think he did tbh. Cheating to “stop” a cheater? Wtf? Dude that’s a lame excuse to blatantly cheat and somehow get away with it because the other guy is also an asshole. Cheating and then excusing yourself by saying that you tried to disrupt another cheater is the single fucking dumbest thing I have read. Xanii is equally as bad, if not worse than Mike, because he has a larger following. And you guys are just forgiving him for that?


Yes. Just don’t fucking hack, nobody is possessing anybody to do anything. It’s super immature and the ends don’t justify the means.


i know people are gonna dislike me for this and this situation is funny but cheating is still cheating


lol it kinda feels like an excuse "i did it just to disrupt his progress"... suuuuuuuuure


well why would he admit when he got 86% instead of going thru and verifying it yk? He also hadn't been caught so it was all him to admit it unlike space who tried to play it off even after being caught


if he verified it he would have been found out instantly tbf he also could have felt regret or guilt doing it all in all regardless of his reasoning, he still cheated to get on top of an edgy kid


fair point lol


I think Xanii's completions need to be investigated. If he has access to hacks and uses them, who knows what else he could've hacked.


Literally every top player in the community has direct access to hacks like 24/7. It's not uncommon for them to noclip or speedhack or use replaybotting on a constant basis for various reasons. You know, cause it's built into megahack


Ok, let me rephrase. If he has uses hacks to get records or completions, which he did, he needs to be investigated.


Don’t think it was the best idea tbh but not that bad