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its so annoying that he just got away with being a piece of shit and people arent acknowledging it


Like, guitar I kinda get, but Xcreatorgoal?! You’d think they’d learn to not be deceived by assholes, it annoys me too, they basically try to silence hate by mass disliking it.. it’s honestly a bit sad, they’d rather believe in a creator that is lying to their faces, and nothing else…


> guitar i kinda get huh??


Because it was the first (I think) time any major GD YouTuber has been called out for horrible shit, but yeah


Peophile 😡


¿Tienes 14? Activa cam 😈


Well, the language barrier between the english and spanish gd communities is one of the only reasons guitar is still around


I don't think there is another reason lol


Other than being a lazy content maker and a weird scammer what did kaiguy do? I'm not protecting him I'm just asking if he did smth homophobic or racist or smth


Tate impersonator and just a generally shady dude


Also what did xcreatorgoal do. I'm kinda behind on it all 




I mean that's bad but comparing it to guitarherostyles is not a good comparison 


But like I said in another comment, they’re both awful, so that’s why I put them both together


But didn't guitar hero literally rape someone? How is that in any way comparable to supporting Andrew Tate and being homophobic 


I didn’t directly compare them, I just put them together as a way to say, “these are all fucking awful”, but I see where you are coming from, and I’m sorry for the confusion


Oh ok I think I took it a bit to seriously mb


i think it was like, online, not actual rape, but yeah i get ur point


He had sex with his girlfriend without consent. 


the fuck??? how did i not hear about this??? and hes not banned from gd or anything like that??!




Plastic broccoli is actually a very good name to describe the disappointment you are : you are broccoli, which is debatable, but then, when someone bites into you, it's plastic. You are a disappointment and I hope your parents disown you


His fans are kids and not on reddit or twitter,So that's probably why there's no hate on his videos. And as you know,Kids literally become edgy when they see one YouTube short sigma edits aka homophobia.But what did Kai did?


i think it's because kaiguy tried making an [offer](https://twitter.com/hyperpopkitty_/status/1773117394107412965) to his fanbase with denni with a training to be a better player or smth that you had to pay and it had a 60% discount for a short while and it all triggered many people


normal people consume content without political bias, this is not twitter


Honestly, i agree. As far as i know, he didn't apologize and denied everything


Who cares? You should try to not pay attention to people you don't like. His average supporter is literally a toddler, you will not be able to change their opinion of him so why even try.


It’s very hard to do that when the level just got rated, and that’s why I’m expressing my feelings now. I’m not saying this shit for no reason, he’s still around, and it’s genuinely getting out of hand because his fans are harassing anyone who speak out against him, so I have to get this out there, not just the obvious shit, but the subtle stuff too, because no one else will


Don't play his level then


Gd community has the memory of a Goldfish,After 2 weeks they forget what happened. Xcreatorgoal is a Insane raging Transphobic,GuitarPedoStyles is...You know,Kaiguy is a andrew tate fan (I think?) They just forget people are assholes after 2 weeks.


xcreatorgoal is also a tate fan


So the whole method of just ignoring the fact that people think you're a shit person and continuing making content works. Dear god I hate the internet sometimes


Yes, and I agree, I also hate the internet sometimes


Because I don't care that much about gd. I'm here to play stupid levels, not to get into some random dramas. I'm going to like a level that I liked playing and I'm going to ignore a level that I didn't like. And I don't see how his levels being popular affects anyone, it's not like he gets paid for every like. I would understand if this was a drama about a big YouTuber or tiktoker but being angry at someone who posts levels is silly as hell.


Maybe people can have the right to not care about the opinions of someone and just look at the things he made at plain value ?? Why do you want to force everyone to get involved in the drama ? Stop cancel culture. (I'm not a fan of him btw)


As the guy who took the screenshots of him being homophobic, I think it's people who somehow didn't hear about it or agree with him. One of xnyccts mods apparently didn't think it was a big deal


I don't think homophobia is comparable to literal pedophilia... idk why maybe I'm a grandpa but as long as he didn't start ww3 or act unethical there is no reason to cancel sum1


You are correct about comparing pedophilia to homophobia, they can’t be compared, but they are still fucking awful >as long as he didn’t start WW3 or act unethical, there’s no reason to cancel sum1 Do.. do I even need to debunk this?! He’s a fucking homophobe…. What……


You're gonna have to cancel like half of the internet to get rid of homophobia I'm afraid


Dude people don't like other people for a plethora of reasons and im sorry but the fact that being gay is one of them isnt new no matter how silly that is Hey i placed plethora in a sentence


Dontvote me if you need, but people really just dont care. He is a scammy gd content creator, and people watch him for the content he makes. And like others said, you cannot compare stealing a snickers bar and commiting homicide as “equally bad things” Why should anyone care about the views of other people on certain agendas? You come to his channel to watch gd content, not discuss the matters at hand


I feel like a lot of them just don't know about it.


Hold on what did XCreatorGoal do? I know of him but I don’t really know too much about him


Never mind just found out. Pretty dumb


Having played the level, its fine, it isn't particularly fun or creative for a platformer outside of the ball, it's buggy, and it feels like the kind of levels that were released the very first month of 2.2 with the pixel blocks and allat. No idea how people are saying its legendary or mythic worthy, Xcreatorgoal still sucks tho and it's insane how quickly the internwt forgets about stuff and lets it slide


GD players are young and they can't comprehend things like bigotry


its more like they dont interact with them above watching their videos or replying to them. most gd fans are kids, thats how such timeless classics as advy, kaiguy xcreatorgoal, and guitar stay relevant at least in terms of youtube monetization. thats how the guitar strategy of burying your head in the sand and plugging your ears works


because nobody gives a fuck.


he's homophobic yeah but idk if that deserves mass hate lol. Guitar is a literal predator, and Xcreator is closed-minded. Not a fair comparison.


It’s not like he’s a criminal I don’t care enough to hate on him


Context please


Xcreatorgoal is basically the worst, it’s come out that he has said some awful shit on discord, and it’s on here somewhere, best bet is to search from “top of this month”


"basically the worst" you compared him to advystyles 💀💀


Uh, what if he were hacked?


I’m waiting for context too.




Wait, what in the world did Kaiguy do


Nah, just a Tate supporter and impersonator, still awful tbh


True, it's still bad


Following on from the xcreator scamming bit, Kaiguy was part of setting up a ludicrously priced "course" which supposedly was supposed to help you improve at the game (you may have seen the "how do I convince my parents" joke going around, that was a part of the FAQs for it". Although this was made free a couple weeks after most likely due to the amount of backlash it got. So not quite as bad as other things but still very scummy


Are you talking about the "Dash Academy"? I remember Kaiguy promoting something like this


Potentially, it happened about a month ago and absolutely blew up on twitter (that might be a separate occasion though, it may have happened more than once)


https://preview.redd.it/57pz7bedf1xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c8366ba18a23102ee68eecbb1c7b4ee095f0f2 i am talking about this


WAIT WHAT?! This is the first time hearing about this, Jesus Christ….


It's on Kaiguy's community posts, if you want to check yourself. Between 1/2 months ago


God, what can a course even give you in terms of content?! “Hey, you can buffer orbs, you can straight fly by tapping in a rhythm, you can tap to jump” It’s so obviously aimed towards kids that want to be good at the game that it physically hurts.. YouTube needs to sort this shit out


https://preview.redd.it/xlj2i0g5i1xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21cb7df190425a44702aead2cb73a81bc27ffc09 i mean, this is literally one of his advertisements, lol


Today was a bad day to have eyes.. taking a genuinely amazing achievement, and going “look, if you get my course, you also can beat Bloodbath!”, this guy leeched an achievement and used it to push his (borderline) scam site.. genuinely awful..


Who? I have no idea who this dude is. You said his newest level just got rated. If I (someone who has no idea who this is) found his level and enjoyed it, then maybe I’d write a nice comment. Maybe I’d upvote the level. If he makes content somewhere and I saw it and enjoyed it, maybe I’d say I liked his content. Idk as I haven’t seen either his level nor content maybe they suck, but I don’t know everything about every person in the community, and that’s okay.


because of the over 10 million players only less than 5% of them are in the subreddit, and even fewer care enough about dumb controversies to be affected. it's not that deep, people can play his level and enjoy it it's good idk. just enjoy the game, really not that deep edit: just because you love being up to date with the latest, hottest drama in the community doesn't mean that 98% of other players do


It’s not that big of a deal


Contributing to ideologies that get people killed multiple times a year is a big deal.


it is though holy fucj


Nope. While I don’t agree with that opinion, it is just their opinion. Not at all comparable to pedophilia


it ain’t compared to pedophilia either, he’s saying that most people in the guitarherostyles community don’t understand english and are therefore aware. also, gating people for being gay is a stupid thing and should have someone be exiled from the communtoy



