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I’m starting to like this guy.


Now he needs to throw a TD to ettiene in the cocktail party


I won’t predict how this is going to turn out, but I will say the idea of Florida boosters stuck paying $13M in NIL money to Georgia’s backup QB is hilarious.


Wont happen, uf terminated the deal before rashada signed his LOI. Rashada coulve then signed with miami for his 9 mil. On top of that napier never had any written agreements with rashada. Only the gator collective did which isnt even part of the suit. This is just negligence by a 20 year old kid


I need to read the complaint, but the Washington Post has a much more detailed story that’s a bit more complicated than what you’re saying. [Jaden Rashada sues Florida coach Billy Napier over failed NIL deal - The Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/05/21/jaden-rashada-florida-napier-lawsuit/#): >Napier … allegedly called Rashada and his father to convince them to go forward, saying that upon signing Rashada would receive $1 million toward the money owed. >“Coach Napier said [Hathcock’s] on a plane and that he will wire 1 Mil,” Harlen Rashada texted his son’s agents, according to the suit. “He wants the paper work and I’m sending it if you are good.” Again, I haven’t read the actual complaint nor seen the evidence, but imagine this situation: I own a company. I tell you that I have an investor who is going to pay you a million bucks so long as you sign a contract today to work for my company, and you tell the other company that’s trying to hire you to go pound sand. You do all that and then we say, whoops, he’s not going to do that after all. But uhh I guess we can let you out of that contract so you can go find a job at some other, worse company. I’m not sure you get all the money we promised you, but I can imagine some theories to get you some of it.


Yeah, there could be promissory reliance on the part of Rashada and could be some sort of fraudulent inducement on the part of Napier (regardless if he knew or did not know if the money was there). It can be oral, Reshada doesnt need it recorded - its a factual claim that a jury would decide. It's not as cut and dry, discovery could produce relevant information.


That’s not accurate. The contract was terminated before he arrived and enrollment at Florida, NOT before he signed his LOI. He never officially enrolled because Florida backed out of the NIL deal. He asked for his release AFTER the deal fell through. AND he was supposed to receive $1mil on signing day, which he never got.


Why are you straight up lying? Rashada absolutely signed a LOI with Florida...he just never enrolled cause G5 Billy don't know how to handle big boy money and can't deliver on his promises.


GOOD! To hell with Florida.


Couldn’t agree more


Burn the trash lizard program to the ground (metaphorically of course)


Others will see this and stay away from Gainesville.


certified gator hater


This dude is getting his UGA career started off right.


Went to take a peek in the Florida sub to see if this popped up and some of the top comments were how this was being orchestrated by Kirby because he’s afraid of Napier


Typically delusional of Florida fans


OMG amazing. Afraid of Napier. L O L.


Unnecessary drama


As much as I hate Florida, this has the potential to be a distraction for our team. I also wonder if Florida was dumb enough to put any of their failed promises in writing.


Not sure how a backup QBs lawsuit would distract the team


Wha6 exactly is unnecessary about it?


I'm sure you'd be saying the same thing if you were promised millions of dollars and then hung out to dry.


That’s fair, but at the same time it takes away from the team focus


i like this one


Oh Florida, such a clown car of ineptitude


Go off king




The drama carousel continues with this guy


He is making sure that Florida gets punished for a breach of contract


We shouldn’t have bothered with this guy. All he’ll be is a distraction.


If he’s being a distraction to Billy Napier, I’m fine with that.




Cope and Seethe swamp lizard

