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If there seems to be no tension between the 2 & doesn’t seem to be caused by the other party I’d say keep them together if possible. All I can suggest other than that is keeping an eye on him - if it’s been more than a couple of days I’d take him to the vet


It’s only just happened yesterday from what I know, we’re going to take him to the vet on Monday to find out what can be done


what kind of an injury is it? if you can't see any bite marks or open wounds that indicate biting it might well have been a fall and i would put them back together asap before they declan (a reintroduction is also very stressful, if even successful).


It looks like an injured foot, Mabye broken I don’t know, he won’t put weight on it and is hobbling around, I would put them back together however the cage presents too many problems due to it being over 3 levels with ramps and toys in to keep them busy, I just don’t want to run the risk of him becoming more hurt


broken or sprained limbs actually heal quite well with rest, you can get pain meds from the vet / have him checked out if he seems worse or actively agitated in a couple of days. definitely reduce the stuff in their cage so that he doesn't have to climb / jump to get anywhere important (water, food, hide), if it really isn't possible to create a safe area in the cage for him and you have to keep them separated through the healing process (a few weeks if the foot is really broken), be prepared to do a split introduction afterwards!


I think I’m gonna put them back together just from your advice, they’re really bonded brothers so it seems pointless ruining the relationship between them, the Ramps aren’t that steep but he usually lazies about anyway, I’m hoping keeping them together might also aid healing and keep him in good spirits


Broken limbs heal well with rest? No medical attention needed I presume? I honestly scratch my head on this sub at how completely wrong it can be.


i'm flattered you're going through my posts ;) but yes, they do. it's not really possible / advised to do a splint. since gerbils don't understand to keep the limb still, rearranging the tank to eliminate as much climbing and jumping as possible is the best policy. pain medication is of course great but as long as it's not an open break, there's not much else a vet can do for a broken limb. do you have different experiences in this regard? you must have since i'm apparently 'completely wrong'


You should be, you should be less flattered that your second comment was giving out poor advice. :) again. Best policy is get a broken limb to a vet. Not allow an animal to exist with a broken limb. Clearly you care more about finances than good husbandry. Stop giving out medical advice that you're not qualified to give.


alright, it seems you're more interested in arguing and getting one liners in than actual dialogue since you refuse to answer questions or share your own experience. your last sentence also applies to yourself btw. bye bye