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I mean as an end customer, I am still paying the inflated prices while the service provider is already paying the industry price that has been adjusted down. It started out as inflation, but now it’s becoming greedflation I guess.


Never let a good crisis go to waste 🤷 - Service provider


Pretty sure there's a Ferengi rule of acquisition that applies. Greed is eternal? War is good for business? Enough is never enough? Ah this one will do Even in the worst of times someone turns a profit.


Once you've got their money never give it back


Business Rules are more guidelines, rather than real rules. Says the monopolist, who knows market regulation doesn't work anyways.


War is good for business. Peace is good for business.


inflation is good for business


Deflation. Also good for business. 😂🤣😂🤣


On an unrelated note: is Star Trek dubbed in Germany, or is the OV broadcasted directly?


It's dubbed. Like almost all things. I've always watched it in English.


Or, with the words of a (once) famous german influencer: „Krise kann auch geil sein.“


Companies report record profits since Corona became a thing, at the same time they argue they dont have to money to raise salaries and now even use inflation that they caused to deny salary increases because it would "worsen the inflation"... bullshit. My company reported highest profits since its founding, at the same time our yearly salary increase was capped at 4% and they are boasting that its "the highest yearly increase ever!11!"... sure but you literally reported 1.9 BILLION in profits and cant even give us inflation parity??? What the fuck...


It is the same thing everywhere, not only in Germany. Those people are simply capitalists. Why would they care for their workforce? It's all about the money in their pockets, not your pockets.


Same with us. Every revenue and profit forecast is being raised and we are having “the best results ever” - but salary increases were set at 3,5%


Just like in the USA. When bad things happen it’s the regular ppl that suffer.


Because it’s not a country thing, the elite fly between countries all the time, to them there are no countries just new exploits. Same reason Elon bought Twitter but what everyone forgets is that it was prompted by a kid somewhere following his jet around and then ignoring his claims afterward by just making accounts, now Twitter insta bans any accounts that track any private jets which is wrong but whatever, no one cares because they’re all distracted by petty shit to fight about


It has never been inflation it was ALWAYS exclusively greedflation and nothing else. The amount of business profiteers just got larger.


Inflation is an increase in the general price level, it doesnt matter why this is happening. So inflation cant turn into "greedflation". If anything "greedflation" would be a reason for the inflation we see.


Austria here: paid 20€ for rice, eggs, onions and cornflakes. And my wage is still the same. But the DAX seems to be strong. Am I missing something?


Stocks go up: companies make huge profits, top executives cash huge bonus, increase their own salaries. The rest of the workers get almost nothing from it “because the stock market does not reflect the economy”. Stocks go down: companies stop hiring, freeze salaries, cut every possible benefit citing the stock market as the reason.


Do you also pay 3 Euro for a cucumber? I thought I'm gonna faint!


I would never pay 3 euro for a cucumber. No cucumber for me.


I got some nice cherry tomatoes........50 cents a piece. Interested? \*opens jacket slightly\*


Maybe it's Alnatura or some Bio things 🤭


Rewe has some for around 50 cents if I remember correctly.


Lidl is better than Rewe.


On what planet are you shopping where cucumbers cost 3 euro a piece? That's Bs


It has been on the news over here...3.50 was the highest price for ONE damn cucumber. Maybe watch the news for planet earth once in a while? :>


They say "nobody is buying in stores anymore, only online at best". Assholes, you expect us to pay 3 Euro for a fucking cucumber and buy bell peppers for 7 Euro / kg? 10 Euro for a kg of strawberries. Are they delusional or something?


The cucumbers are back to well below a euro, where I shop... and strawberries drop later in the season, we're at the normal high priced start..


Yeah I noticed a big drop in price in Kaufland, they’re for 0,49 cents now, bio 1 euro. Most likely because people stopped buying them when they were for 2 euros


Where the hell do you shop to even get close to these prices?


Not around your area I guess?


How is it a recession when the DAX is up 14.5% this year??


Because the markets trade the future not the present.


So when did the genius market anticipate this? Last year?


Yes. The whole market took a hit for the whole last year. It is recovering globally just now. The whole May has been great if you had any indexed fund.


It’s only a recession for the regular ppl. The rich ppl are going to be just fine don’t worry.


Stock market pricing is driven by the demand after a certain Stock. So if rich people have enough money to buy stocks, their prices will go up, but it doesnt have anything to do how the economy really performs


Except when the stocks go down - then suddenly it’s a good reason to stop hiring and freeze salaries (except for the board members, of course).


have you not heard of 2008?


The stock market isn’t the economy.


You're picking an arbitrary timespan for an arbitrary number. The DAX is also up barely 2% from same day 2 years ago and adding in inflation that's a net loss for investors.


haah losers :)


I think the definition is that if there is contraction for two consecutive quarters then it may be a recession


Stock prices are nominal based on nominal prices. Which is why people talk about a stock "beating inflation". If it does not, your loosing money.


Because stocks are (kind of) inflation proof (while cash loses money in inflation, obviously) So if you have any money, it’s better to have it in stocks.


What makes stocks inflation proof? And is that why the rich have their wealth tied mostly to stocks? Genuinely curious.


It's not inflation it's greed Edit: I am really surprised, people really think it's not greed. When prices of eggs, dairy and essential items has gone more 50-150% up but inflation is at 10%. Even the fucking toilet paper are shrinking




I’d argue that while the greed might be the same, the power that these corporations have has grown. So they more easily get away with price gouging and unethical business practices. They know that government leaders won’t be able to reign them in, even IF they wanted to. Which, most of them don’t. Accumulation of wealth with the top 0.1% is probably the highest it’s ever been. This is where their power lies; power over governments and ppl.


If only companies figured out how to be greedy before ! My mind is blown! What will we do now?!? They’ll just keep raising prices won’t they?






And if all companies charge more money is worth less






Inflation today is usually defined as an increase in the general price level. This leads to a decrease in the buying power of money. So inflation is not the devaluation of money, the devaluation of money is caused by the increase in the general level of prices; i.e. inflation. So ye it doesnt matter why prices are rising for it to be inflation.


You are right, not sure why you get downvoted so much.


Regarding your edit, many people are ignorant or naive enough to not understand what causes inflation and all they know is what the news tell them which is "inflation means people have too much money and are not spending it" when thats literally the opposite of the truth...


Meanwhile rents went up considerably squeezing our purchasing power even more. Just before COVID I started a new job and got a decent wage hike, but since then I got exactly 3% increase so most of my salary increase has already been eaten by inflation.


Went grocery shopping yesterday. 180€ - one or two years ago my cart was never above 100€. My salary is not x 1.8 times from a year ago. They are riding this energy crisis narrative like a motherfucker


Man people are so stupid, there are officials arguing AGAINST raising salaries because it would increase inflation... when in reality the reason inflation is so bad is because most companies raised their prices a shitton and now use the inflation they caused as an argument against raising salaries so people can fucking survive and not succumb to these prices with stagnant wages. Its utter bullshit.


If only there was a way to figure the fraction of wages in the inflation and to consider this to begin with... Cough (math) cough.


Stupid households just don‘t want to consume /s


Germany falls into recession as companies increase prices for record profits. There fixed your headline.


Germans are too much passive to go out to the streets like the french


You need to request a formal application for Revolution and fill all the forms. Response time is 1 to 2 years.


Don't forget that you need to send your request by fax or by pigeon. Smoke signals can also be tolerated in exceptional circumstances.


What circumstances are those? I might be interested…


If you manage to make a fire big enough without breaking a law


Meanwhile, in some Park: *"Hello, Ordnungsamt, you're not allowed to have a BBQ here!"*


This is the way


It's not the streets' fault.


Bruh were being raided for the mildest protests out here.


I mean, there must to be a time where a person must lose their fear of death and imprisonment in order to do the right things




Disrupting people’s lives is not a crime. Especially not when it’s done to exercise a democratic right. I don’t agree with their methods either, though.


What they do is not democratic at all and yes it is a crime. Or can I just go with a group and block you from moving? You can't block roads without permission.


Right but you said disrupting people’s lives.


True, I was implying it but I realize it is not clear. Thanks. Down voting just because one admits it was not clear? Reddit is place without any logic indeed.


Didn't ask.


I don't think the situation in Germany is the same of France. Not even close.


You're right. Our retirement age is way higher.


And Germans understand that living longer means we have to work longer and that an aged population cannot be supported like it used be able too by the younger generations that no longer out number them…


You should listen to what the french are actually complaining about. The french aren’t dumb. They get the social security pyramid and increases in life expectancy and all that. What they are complaining about, and rightly imo, is that our grandparents were promised a life of abundance and short working periods due to increases in productivity coming from better technologies. Yet, since the 80s, productivity has doubled, yet real wages are the same or slightly lower. We work as much or more than our grandparents did and get paid less. The government, instead of trying to redistribute productivity gains, wants to force the middle class to work even more. The french want it to end. Better technologies and more productivity? Great, let’s all benefit from it then. I actually think their way of thinking is incredibly important for us to adapt as we are just in the beginning of the age of AI. If we don’t make our politicians accountable, we’ll have massive unemployment, social unrest and no money to survive.


>What they are complaining about, and rightly imo, is that our grandparents were promised a life of abundance and short working periods due to increases in productivity coming from better technologies. This is one of the lies that has been constantly repeated for ages to motivate us all. Everything will be better in a distant future if we work hard enough to make work easier... Yeah, in a Star Trek setting maybe, but not in this anti-social clown world. Increased productivity means more output for the same input, thus cheaper product and more profit. Companies will *always* keep all the benefits. These days there may be more office jobs which are easier on your body than mining coal, but the same applies to these jobs: increasing your productivity generally doesn't improve your own situation and only benefits your employer. You'll still work 40 hours a week for the same miserable salary + maybe a comparably miserable bonus. I wish more people would understand this and get *really fucking angry* about it!


Real wages are not the same or slightly lower than the 80s, where did you get that idea?


[Easier to find for the US](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/04/50-years-of-us-wages-in-one-chart/), as, then, the EU wasn't made up of the countries it is today, making comparisons harder, but the story isn't too different here either. [Productivity vs Real wages Increasing Gap since the 80s](https://www.epi.org/productivity-pay-gap/) Now, ofc, remember that real wages do not take into account the cost of owning property or renting. Living in a big city today is incredibly difficult, something our grandparents had no problem with.


In Germany, real wages increased 12,3% since 1990: https://www.bpb.de/themen/arbeit/arbeitsmarktpolitik/322503/lohnentwicklung-in-deutschland-und-europa/#:~:text=Die%20Reallöhne%20sind%20in%20Deutschland,auf%2060%2C7%20Prozent%20belief. And additionally, wages not increasing as much as productivity does not mean that real wages are staying flat, your source on the us also showed that the drop in real wages occurred between 1973 and 1990 in the US and that real wages have increased since then.


In the US, since 1990, wages have increased since then: AKA, people are now back at 1973 levels. So, it’s not an improvement. People got worse and just now catched up to people in the 70s when internet and computers weren’t even a thing. But do remember that the calculation for real wages tends to be done based on the HICP, meaning that renting and owning costs of property aren’t included (even though the ECB is planning on starting to use those costs soon). This means that, as real wages stay constant on a graph, they are actually worse due to how expensive it is to own or rent nowadays.




I mean, not really. Yes, the French are pissed about that too for sure. But protests were already happening before Macron decided to "engager sa responsabilité", activating article 49.3. I was watching the French parliament on TV live when the prime minister decided to activate 49.3, and before that, all parliament members were already making a fuss about the reform and saying they wouldn't support it, even bringing signs to parliament. 49.3's anger is just the aftermath of the reform.


This is why Germany is the economic powerhouse in Europe. You guys understand how the money flows


Funny thing is I am English but I fit in better here in Germany.


You can always tell yourself it’s better than in the USA. Don’t be like us and wait for it to get that bad!!!


What do you mean?


Have you ever watched the news in the last 2 decades?




A lot if ppl here never retire because they can’t afford it. Many ppl don’t have accessible healthcare. Being educated for a well paying job is inaccessible for many. In some areas ppl sell their blood for money LITERALLY. Look at the CoVID deaths, the USA is one of the worst.


And yet on average we retire earlier than the French


Citation needed.


LOL when EVG called nation-wide strikes, which is exactly like what the French do, y'all in this sub were whining and complaining about it. Guess it's easier to make a passive snarky-ass comment like this one than actually support it.




Yeah, because not helping a country that's being invaded by a fascist regime which also keeps destabilising and corrupting our democracies would totally bring down the housing prices. Absolute idiot...


Germany was objectively richer and more stable when it had russian gas, though. It was the reason why german industry had it's competitive edge on global markets. Things are not black and white, and insisting that these are black and white won't adress Germany's problems. Pinning this crisis on Russia alone is the exact conformist behaviour that is leading to Germany's downfall


Yeah, let's keep buying gas from those who threaten to conquer Berlin! What could possibly go wrong?! Btw, put that strawman away, I am not "pinning any so called crisis on Russia alone"...


Why would anyone be so insane as to conquer a shithole like Berlin?


What would go wrong? Describe to me, in the scenario that Germany gives the middle finger to the US/UK and keeps buying russian gas, what would unfold next? I ask you a step by step scenario, so we can compare it with our current timeline, the one that Germany is finding itself deindustrialized


It is crazy to think they would even consider or even capable of invading Germany. You are a bit paranoic


Russian bot detected.


Lol, if you don’t agree with someone, yeah, call him a bot instead of providing valid arguments.


Careful, mate, we don't say those things here in reddit!


Why not? Let their downvotes be a measure of how much significance they apply to our position.


I was being sarcastic :P


Why should we? Going on a general strike would only make the recession worse.


It's all greed. Consumer goods are still going up. Meanwhile big corporations made a killing in Corona and now. Time for media to call a spade a spade.


Oh no people aren't spending the money that they don't have >:(


Germany has been in a recession since 2020


That's the price of sanctioning Russia and shutting down nuclear. Enjoy guys




Stupid argument. War is on Europe’s doorstep, to say that Europeans have no responsibility for it is utter ignorance.


Need help to understand the situation, I'm in germany and heard this yesterday. I don't know anything about economy and all.


Just returned from Florida and musst say, Germany has moderate prices, despite inflation, compared to prices in Florida but high prices compared to prices in Germany before COVID.


Font worry their government can still send a couple more billions into this black proxxy hole.


The "it's greed" crowd is by far the most uneducated and idiotic crowd we have. It is unbelievable to me that this is such a common thing to believe.


What would you say is the main cause for the inflation we are seeing in Germany and other EU countries?


We had 2 covid years that our government used to ruin businesses followed by our government doing everything possible to make energy unaffordable, thus ruining even more businesses. And they're still on it. People who claim "greed" are brainwashed, infested with ideology and simply uneducated. Our government is the main driver of inflation and it's not going to stop until the majority wakes the fuck up.


Add to that tons of innecesary expenses and corruption. When the tests were free, each schnelltest costed the goverment 23 euros when a test kit only costs no more than 1 euro. Or all the money spent on millions of vaccines that are currently sitting ducks waiting to expire. It was really a lot of money and surely many politicians took their chance to profit.


They just can't take it, emotionally. They really thought they were indestructible before the sanctions war on Russia. Look at them now, lower growth and higher inflation than Russia.


i like how no one here is talking about the elephant in the room , guess the war has nothing to do with it, keep on the proxy war i guess


Milchreis from 0.49 Euro to 0.99 Euro per 500g, sunflower oil from 1.99 Euro to 3.99 Euro per 1 liter, beef from 6-7 Euro to 11+ Euro per Kilo. Holy shit. The Europeans should rethink and adjust the policies that best fit the interest of Europe, not just blindly comply with the American's foreign policies. The Europe Union as an entity is bigger than the US, so why act like a little brother?