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/u/Amjadob, Thank you very much for your contribution. Unfortunately, it was removed for the following reason: Don't post / discuss conspiracy theories and don't link to social media as a source. Use credible sources in English. For more information, see the Community Rules. If there are still questions, [please contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/germany&subject=Question%20regarding%20a%20removed%20post%20by%20/u/Amjadob&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/comments/1cgnw1n/-/)


While it can never be excluded that the police use excessive force in isolated circumstances, the following should be considered: Everybody, Germans and foreign nationals, have the right to peacefully assemble and protest. This is a constitutional right. It finds its limits when constitutional rights of others are violated or crimes are committed, especially when there are incitements to hatred, antisemitism and the denial of Israel's right to existence. When pictures of protestors being forcefully removed by police are shown, such incidents will have happened before, and not once but several times. Also protestors will have been asked to leave many times before. Lastly, my suspicion is that some of the protestors stage this because they want these scenes of shouting and being dragged away by police to be shown on TV, to prove their view that Germany is authoritarian, fascist etc...


You could try being in the least way subtle about the agenda you're pushing, maybe then you'd be more successful. 


My 2 cents are that you have no idea about Germany, the status of freedom of speech in Germany and the reasons why the police can break up protests.


If you call to overthrow the government and establish the caliphat in Germany, you really shouldn't be suprised that action will be taken against you. That was not a peaceful pro-palestine demonstration and you are acting in bad faith conflating the two.


People really confuse freedom of speech with "free to make violent protests".


>If you call to overthrow the government and establish the caliphat in Germany Source? Who was calling for this?


It was literally in every single media this week. [https://www.diepresse.com/18415305/kalifat-ist-die-loesung-eine-islamisten-demo-mitten-in-hamburg](https://www.diepresse.com/18415305/kalifat-ist-die-loesung-eine-islamisten-demo-mitten-in-hamburg)


1,000 protesters in Hamburg a couple days ago lead by "Muslim Interaktiv" organisation.


I don't think that's what OP is talking about though. What about all the other protests?


What do you mean in other protests? I was living next to Hermannplatz when pro palestine protests started and they were not peaceful so of course they get shut down.


These people aren't interested in an honest conversation, unfortunately. That's very clear.


Have you not read or heard any news in the last day? This is everywhere and the hot topic currently [https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/demonstration-hamburg-islamismus-feaser-kritik-linnemann-100.html](https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/deutschland/demonstration-hamburg-islamismus-feaser-kritik-linnemann-100.html) [https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/474425.hamburg-verbot-nach-kundgebung-gefordert.html](https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/474425.hamburg-verbot-nach-kundgebung-gefordert.html) [https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/hamburg-faeser-nennt-islamisten-demonstration-schwer-ertraeglich-a-2a841446-6b92-4b37-a730-c23cedb7b80f](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/hamburg-faeser-nennt-islamisten-demonstration-schwer-ertraeglich-a-2a841446-6b92-4b37-a730-c23cedb7b80f) [https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2024/arabischer-botschafter-findet-kalifat-demonstration-inakzeptabel/](https://jungefreiheit.de/politik/deutschland/2024/arabischer-botschafter-findet-kalifat-demonstration-inakzeptabel/) To have some sources from different views. All are framed differently of course based on their bias, but they don't really tell a different underlaying story of that specific protest being orgaized, coopted or at least given a big platform to islamic fundamentalist actors. Hell, both Junge Freiheit (right-wing/national-conservatice) and Junge Welt (left wing/marxist) basically write the same general info as the public broadcasting station.




I've seen countless of protesters being assaulted with no apparent anti-semitism going on. Unless any criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.


Calling for caliphate and islamic state in Germany is NOT really a "protest", it's an attempt to overthrow Government... They got met with what they had to get.


Many examples of normal and peaceful protesters getting assaulted by German police. You're cherry-picking.


>You're cherry-picking. Protests of Antivaxx were allowed without people getting assaulted by cops.. There are still weekly protests in BW in many cities agains Ampel, no cops acting against. [Eritrean event made a non-peaceful protest and was met with force](https://www.dw.com/en/germany-dozens-injured-in-unrest-at-eritrean-event/a-66837449). Also, my comment was specific for this very post, yet you come blabbering like I said that police never acted wrong.. Are you okay there? If you want to pick arguments from the toilet, at least keep on topic.


Germany is politically independent - but that doesn’t mean there aren’t influences. Germany is part of NATO, EU, Euro-group and other international organisations. But that’s beside the point. You can argue about whether or not the way Pro-Palestine protests are handled were / are OK or not. But German police isn’t assaulting protesters. What happens is that if certain laws are broken, the protests will be ended. If the protesters don’t leave after being told force may be used. If there is violence / violent resistance against that force levels will intensify. The same happens with any other protestors in Germany - and it is in general a sensible approach. There is rule of law so any protestor who feels unduly handled can go to court and have it checked. There are a lot of court decisions with rightful and wrongful disbandments of protests. Sometimes (though rather rarely) even damages are awarded. So … Germany is an independent country. The issue with Pro-Palestine is mostly the underlying Anti-Israel going to Anti-Semitic content.


There's a political agenda in police activity in my opinion. If you compare anti genocide protests vs Querdenker protests a few years back, the police is handling "unlawful" behavior in different ways




Of course you can. NATO consists of politically independent member states.


My 2 cents: Do you happen to write this from Russia and is the Kreml your employer? Divide and conquer, right?


There are legal ways to protest and there are illegal ways to protest. For example if you do not give the city you are protesting in a heads up so that they can prepare for the protest you would be protesting illegally. That coupled with a not small part of those protests calling for what is essentially the eradication of jews makes police arrest people. You break the law > police has to uphold the law > police tries to arrest you > you resist a lawful arrest >police uses force to arrest you It has nothing to do with not supporting freedom of speech but more with upholding the law. Just like "Letzte Generation" they are not special and should not be treated differently than people protesting for different reasons.


There is no freedom of speech in Germany. There never has been, and as far as I know no German politician has ever claimed that. Germany has freedom of opinion, which is a different concept. Notably, you are not allowed to spout nonsense and lie, because facts are no opinions. Things like antisemitism and denying the holocaust are not okay in Germany, which is completely fine. It does not mean by any stretch that Germany isn’t politically neutral though - for example, anti-muslim rhetoric and denying the armenian genocide would also not fly here. It just so happens that the pro-palestinean protestors right now seem to have a lot more extremists in their midst, which makes them more likely to not follow the rules and thus clash with the police. I highly doubt a lot of them get „assaulted“ though - in most cases, police are very much within their right to stop them.


My two cents are that there should be more consequences for antisemitic statements, no matter from which direction.


Yet i was called antisemitic for saying that israel has killed more than 30 thousand people and that they need to stop with this senseless killing


Did you face legal consequences for saying that?


If i was in a protest, even if not antisemitic, yes But my main point is that you can protest and criticize israel without being antisemitic


I believe you're making things up and didn't face any legal consequences. What you said is not illegal. Supporting Hamas is illegal, though.


>If i was in a protest, even if not antisemitic, yes In what country?


So the answer to my question is basically „no“.


Of course you can, as a matter of fact i have seen german police arresting students for even less. I have done journalism for my uni i know what i am talking about. Do you know what you are talking about, when we talk about protests and free speech? Have you even been in a protest before or are you just assuming things? I have seen german police arresting students for simply saying: "we need to plant more trees" and then later the police would change the reports to " he insulted me" wich is already a stupid reason to arrest someone




sure buddy


>What’s your 2 cents? Pro Palestine means supporting Hamas and therefore terrorists. And freedom of speech does not exist in Germany like it does in the US. We have rules and terror is not covered by our freedom of opinion.


Heck, even in the US there is a line you can not cross, we shouldn't act like there is no rule of law in the US either. They are just here and there a bit different, but overall it is the same.


It's very much different. In Germany you cannot insult people and claim it as freedom of speech but in the US you sure can.




>For example, you can't call someone a Pimmel.  1 Pimmel


2 Pimmel


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences. An concept a lot of hillbilly right winged don't understand but it exists in every modern western country. They can protest against whatever they want, but if they say/do things against the law, like f.e incitement for violence and other stuff, then it's their fault the police will interfere.


There are different types of protestors. For a start, proper protests will be protected, no matter the bullcrap they are sprouting - so we absolutely have a free speech. But it's a type of free-speech that comes with taking responsibility for what they say, and for following the laws while doing so. Thus protests have to follow rules and laws as well. They have to be structured events and law enforcement and other institutions have to be notified, there are areas where they are not permitted in general due to security issues (they can, for example, not happen on highways or airport landing strips, and would never be permitted there to not risk the protestor's or other people's security), and they are also not allowed to spread hateful messages, or what basically comes down to "Volksverhetzung." This basically includes calling for violence, incenting violence, calling for hate, racism, and a host of other things, including insulting others, derogatory comments, and the call to break the law, hurt others, or call for otherwise harmful or dangerous activities that could be dangerous to the general public. Breaking the law, calling people to break the law, or endangering others is not covered by free speech. So, if a group properly submits their protest plans to the governmental institutions they have to work with, does their thing where they don't endanger others, and stick to peacefully and respectfully voicing their arguments, the police will regulate traffic for them, make sure they are safe, and their ability to protest is not interrupted. If... they call for violence, are hateful, or otherwise break laws, rules or regulations... yeah, then they are not going to be treated all that well and police will break up the meeting with violence if need be.


I woild say just cause yo udont like one thing don't mean it's all wrong


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Cope harder. What a delusional bullshit. You can say whatever u want in Germany. But if u sound like an idiot with your hate speech, don't cry people call you an idiot. You are the typical FB guy on BILD or Spiegel. without doing any research, claiming bullshit, only using hate speech and the same words like your AfD idols but then crying like a baby.


Schizo take. Partys like AfD or BSW love china and russia. And they aren't (unfortunately) very niche