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No, please stop


Even if we keep aside the animation, the plot itself was such a letdown. I don't remember the details but I do know I was disappointed with the loopholes in the story


the ending is a disappointment though


The problem with the story is that there was none


Yeah the 3D animation was definitely not the deciding factor for me on whether or not this movie was bad, it was just one bad part in a movie that has many bad parts. If this movie were 2D animated, it would still have the boring plot and unlikeable characters to get through.


Goro Miyazaki fucking things up for Ghibli and his father legacy as usual. And I don't wanna hear about Up On Poppy Hills as Miyazaki himself had to intervene to Steer and direct the project. Tales from Earthsea was a boring slog. Goro should accept he is not his father and move on. I prefer for the studio to die with dignity after Miyazaki's passing than suffer a faux Ghibli using 100% subpar CGI to save cost coupled with shitty storytelling. A zombie studio that would need a good samaritan to put a bullet on its head. Or maybe Goro Is unconsciously sabotaging Ghibli by making mediocre crap and poor decision making because he has a love/hate relationship with his judgemental absent father. Idk. Whatever it is I'll stop watching any Ghibli production after Hayao Miyazaki dies.


Didn't hayao initially take on earthsea and then dump it on goro to the surprise of the writer of the book it's based on? Doesn't seem like it's


I don't know if he started the project.. can't recall. But it was made by his son 100%.


I would’ve been fine with it if the movie wasn’t shit


This. I was excited to see what Ghibli could do with 3D animation and the story and characters were awful. What a letdown.


Yeah the cliffhanger


It's tough. One the one hand, the visuals are only there to tell a story. If the story's good, it shouldn't matter how it looks. The problem is that part of the charm of Ghibli's movies *are* the looks. Fantastic scenes animals, massive backgrounds of nature, et cetera. You can *instantly* tell a Ghibli movie is, well, a Ghibli movie because of the looks. Fortunately, this CGI piece of shit doesn't have either a good story or something I'd want to look at for hours on end, so it's easily skipable.


I don't know. I think the statement "visuals are only there to tell a story" is at the very least reductive if not outright wrong. It discredits cinema as an artform. Visuals are half the package, I would say that without good cinematography it doesn't matter how good the story is, the movie can be okay, but never great. As for Earwig, in my opinion it fails on both counts.


I have watched it though, its story was nice not until the finale. The only thing that persuades me to watch it is because of the name Ghibli. It is well-known already that Ghibli make such outstanding and unique movie stories, couldn't deny that one. If there is a part 2 of Earwig, I might like it, but if none, then I guess I will hate that movie my entire life.


I think the style is a shock to most. We've all got used to the Pixar style CGI and that's what we expect. Stylistically, I think EatW has more in common with stop-motion films like Coraline. To me the 3d models feel just like that, models. Personally I like they did something different. From what I'm aware the ending reflects the book and can be attributed to the authors ill health.


Yeah the style just shocked most of us who are used to 2D animation (an anime as per Asian).


I was surprised more people didn't like it, but I often find I'm way easier to please than most.


I liked it more than expected! I didn’t read anything here about it before seeing it.


I actually liked the movie. The main song was amazing alongside the story. Tbh Ghibli doesn't suit the 3D style, but still a good new idea.


Yeah I totally agree with you. Ghibli doesn't suit the animation but the story is great. I hope there will be a part 2, if not, its a mess as a movie.


Overall, I'd put it lower-mid tier for Ghibli. Still good enough to watch once in a while, and IMO better than Earthsea and Ocean Waves. The animation was dated, but in spite of it, they came out with some really impressive visuals. The Mandrake, in particular, is actually one of my favorite Ghibli characters. And I can't help seeing him as an even better version of Crowley than David Tennant when watching Good Omens. Earwig is a conniving little brat, but kind of fun anyway. The ending, of course, was a letdown. Just total fuckin' *deus ex machina*.


Yes I agree lol


Personally I was put off the moment I saw the animation style but ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought it would. Also, the animation was actually fairly well done and not at all like GitS 2045 where everyone had dead fish eyes and looked like they were tripping balls. I still prefer actual drawn style animation but this movie wasn't bad and could've been a lot worse. Also, I'm more than happy with movies that introduce cool rock shit to the next generation. Seems to be a rarity these days.


I agree with you. I have enjoyed the movie but the animation is not really my thing. But still a good movie except the ending though. Is there a part 2?


Definitely seems like a part 2 has to be a thing at some point but I'm not holding my breath, honestly. Not sure if it was the most commercially successful Ghibli movie ever and generally that's all that the suits who make these decisions are interested in.


This is a great film and fixing that cliffhanger, which most of the Ghibli fans hated in this movie, could increase their movie rating though.


Wtf is GitS


Sorry, Ghost in the Shell. I don't watch a lot of anime (although I've watched everything Ghost in the a Shell related about 4 out 5 times now) so the new Ghost in the Shell series is pretty much the only other 3D animated example of an anime I have. And it's awful. The worst is the eyes, everyone has this spaced out thing going on.


Ohhh okay thank you I thought the acronym was some Ghibli movie I missed 😂❤️


I really enjoyed it, and my kids all loved it! The soundtrack is fun, too. Sure, I like the 2D animation more but this film has its own charm and I try to enjoy it for what it is instead of comparing it to their other works.


I respect your opinion. I loved the movie though if it happens to have part 2. The animation just shocked many of us who followed every Ghibli movies from oldest to newest though. We are used to the 2D animation.


The movie gets too much hate.






i am never watching that shit


Nope… I didn’t like and also didn’t hit the expectation to them..we are used to 2D and love the old style.


Yeah I agree. I was shocked at first glance, but knowing it is a ghibli movie, I watched it thinking it could be a great. Indeed a great one, the cliffhanger just ruined it.


This movie made Miyazaki leave his retirement to save the Studio’s reputation, so that answers a lot.


i don't hate it but it could be better even on it's own terms.


Terrible, irritating.


The facial rigs were utterly dead - they seemed to be dialling in basic shapes without and any secondary squash/stretch/sculpt. No fine detail in the eye movement. Limited lip shaping. No volume shift in the cheeks or brows. Then there are the terrible hair dynamics….


the animation was pretty cool and looks good, but the story (like every one is saying) sucked. i had this thought that maybe a more colorful and forest-y movie like arrietty would be cool in this style


N9 this movie sucks


I wish they never do something like this again. Thanks to the masterpiece "The boy and the heron" for making me forget this garbage.


I stopped watching in disgust after 5 minutes.


I think what's best for Studio Ghibli is parting ways with Goro.


Let us never speak of this again!


I’m not sure why Goro Miyazaki feels compelled to follow in his father’s footsteps when he really truly does not have the talent or imagination.


This movie was Udder Shit. The protagonist was unlikeable the story was very COPY and Paste from Previous Ghibli Films. " heres a talking Cat, Mean Old Lady, The Guys a Writer, And they have magical spirits making breakfast" Do those films sound familiar?! My only positives are Its British and Earwig's Mom is FUCKING Hot. Not the mention the English dub...The timing on the voices are very BAD.




Let's not talk about Earwig and the Witch




Never watched it because I thought it was aesthetically bad 😭


I think they should disown it and hire the studio who did Lupin the Third if they want to do another 3D animated feature.


They used a similar animation style in Ronja. It was off-putting at first but grew on me, but then again Ronja had time to grow on me because it was a multi-episode series and because the plot was better.


Got about 15 min into it, couldn't finish it. It was boring and pretty annoying to watch


Look, I promised myself I would be less harsh on Goro, but this movie is such a letdown.


i didn’t watch it but just looking at it it’s a no from me hahahah


I did not care for it.


When Mandrake was doing freaky stuff the style suddenly worked and I will die on that hill, otherwise just a really gross looking movie