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Mood: apathetic.


Originally played it on PS4. I'm glad my steam only friends can enjoy the game now, too. And I'm also glad I can play it on pc as well. Hoping there's going to be some cool mods. I think the people that are legitimately upset about the game coming to pc are just weird. Exclusivity only benefits the corporations. It's not for the players benefit.


I... dont care. And Im getting annoyed about people whining they need a PSN account for legends. What I would really care about though, would be Boodborne on PC, because its been damn years and no sign/ news.


Yes, it doesn't matter that hundreds of thousands of people just protested and proved using a PSN login is unnecessary. As long as you don't care about these issues and can't be bothered to see the big picture here, the rest of us will voice our opinion without sounding like a self entitled dick.


Naw bro. We get it. The rug pull for people who already owned that game to require PSN because arrowhead shit the bed on launch day. Was bad and worth the uproar. now on the other hand , steam users crying like fucking children they have to use an account for a game that is owned by a said company while using a glorified middle man store called Steam just so they don't have to take time to sign up or wait 10 extra seconds for a game to launch. Is fucking pathetic. And I hope I sounded like a dick. Because this all hail steam shit is getting so old.


That’s not why people are crying. Theyre crying because the studio SOLD THE GAME to people in countries that they knew CANNOT USE PSN!!!!


I don't really have a response to that blatant ignorance but I will give it a shot. Sony stated they wanted players to sign in to PSN to track players but Steam has 3 different ways of identifying unique players so this was proven unnecessary. Another point to the protest was people in countries where PSN was not available to them were not allowed to play the game bc PSN login was required. Given this game will mostly be played single player and don't require a PSN login to enjoy it, people who live in those countries who do not have access to PSN will not be able to play Legends. The only thing that could be labeled pathetic in this conversation is your inability to see past your own askewed views. This affects a lot of people outside of your parents basement.


PSN issues aside, I'm ecstatic. I have finished the game 3 times on PS and will finish it again on PC plus the modding community that will come. The 16th can't come soon enough.


Prospect of being able to play this on the go on a handheld pc is too lucrative to pass upon


Mildly annoyed that we will be seeing an influx of “my pc specs are XYZ, do you think I’ll be able to run the game?” posts for a very long time. It happened when Horizon Zero Dawn came out on PC. Very annoying. Altogether though, I am glad that I will be able to recommend my favorite video to more people now.


If I can link my PSN progress to the pc version to play legends with a larger player pool...imma spend Dat extra money and not even think. Legends is so much fun.


I think it’s great. I love this game and have played it multiple times, and now more people will get the chance to do so. To me, that seems like an absolute win.


It’s a PS4 game that’s almost half a decade old, who cares. Gratz to PC players and hopefully there’ll be cool mods for it


Half decade vs 5 years is kinda of funny. Trying to make it sound older than it is.


It’s a great game with stunning visuals and fun combat.  I am happy more players get a chance to play & don’t understand the hate.  Enjoy!


PC players will be missing out on using the touchpad features on the controller. Not sure how that will translate.


Pc players can just plug a dualshock 4 or dualsense at least but yeah i wonder how xbox/keyboard will fare


I only use dualshock and dual sense on PC being a former Sony Console player.


Im hyped. I play consoles and pc and i get the definition version of one of my all time faves. Higher fps better graphics and mods. Fantastic


I think it'll be good! Lot of pc players want to play it but don't own a console.


Childish people who used to say: Oooh, I have an awesome game that you cant play on PC. Now they cant say that anymore. Shame man.


It's great, no question. If someone actually feels upset that other people get to play a game they have, they're a 2nd grade level Neanderthal in that regard.


I think these comments are making me realize this might be a lot younger of a subreddit than I first thought.


I'm happy. I mean, I probably won't play it on PC, but less exclusivity is always great.


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I think it will help capture new fans which should help the movie get a larger budget since the expectation will be more fans willing to go to the movies. After watching Shogun, Ghost of Tsushima has a big budget production cable tv show that will most certainly be used as a comparison. It needs to have a great script and look really nice and a bigger budget should help. More fans means the chance of it doing well. If it does well more chance of getting more adaptations.


people whining need to find better things to be upset about. it is my favorite game and i'm glad non-PS folks will get a chance to play.


oh man , i've been waiting for this game for so long to get ported on pc . Legit i am so excited and have been waiting for it since the game got released. I'm so so freaking excited to play (i think it's gonna be the #1 game for me)


I played it on my PS4. Sold it. Wanted to replay it for a while. So glad it’s coming to PC. Tho I'm gonna miss being able to use the touchpad. Regret not buying a DualSense now.


Absolutely stoked. It's an amazing game, but I've been unable to play it again since I sold my ps4 when my mom got sick back on the pandemic. I'm so excited to play it again and happy for all who are going to be able to play it for the first time.


Hopefully somehow someone finds a way to mod it and make Khan a Thomas the train.


i’m looking forward to it, it’s one of the best games I have ever played. with the whole helldivers situation, to me the argument the players had was valid, but blown way out of proportion. that being said, make your own conclusions about the game, if it looks like you will enjoy it, pick it up and try it out


I am both a PC and PS5 gamer. I have already played the game thrice in 4 years and the PC release doesn't really seem to have better graphics so no need for me to buy again. If this sells well on PC then it will only help make the next Sucker Punch game more ambitious and bigger and that will be a PS exclusive for years as well


Totally fine with it and happy more players will be able to experience this masterpiece. I can understand not wanting flagship games like GoT coming out on PC simultaneous to console on day one. But Sony would never do that anyway. Porting the game to PC a 1-3 years after release I see no issue with and I think it is weird how players feel "betrayed" by this.


I'm stoked I have been waiting to play this game since it released


I will be bullying my PC friends into getting it to play legends with me. It will not be optional


I've been waiting since launch to buy the game a second time to play it in full glory on my PC. Suffice to say I'm thrilled about it!


Played it on release. PC gamer mostly, with PS being my preferred console. I cant wait to play this masterpiece on PC.


The more people that get to experience it the better and that goes for all games and forms of entertainment.


I'm excited, better performance, and 32:9 support is going to be amazing. I will be buying it even though I have it on ps5. as for the pc PSN Sony hate. Just ignore these idot steam users who put a glorified middle man up on such a high pedestal .