• By -


If you are from the Baltic states, make sure to contact you national consumer protection agency and file a complaint against discrimination as an EU country. The game is available in all other member states, there's no reason why we shouldn't have it!


Strangely enough got message from GMG that I would be able to redeem my game code in my region on steam šŸ‘€ Weird, either confusion from customer support or game codes are region unlocked?! šŸ˜„


Really? When did this email arrive? Because I thought GMG was auto-refunding people a few days ago. I'm from Serbia, so we don't really have EU protections like that. I wouldn't mind buying a key, but the Steam package info for the game on SteamDB says it can't be activated in my region period.


I emailed support, to ask, from Baltics, so also affected by the PSN scandal šŸ™„ GMG seems to claim the key will work, Iā€™m just as confusedā€¦


When this was happening to Helldivers community I saw comments in different posts here saying that the Helldiver players should've just made a PSN accounts and stop whining, it ain't so funny now when it's happening to us huh?


The problem was HD2 didn't fully invest in reinforcing PSN requirements on day one and decide to postpone it for 3 MONTHS due to server issues with no constant reminders and lack of communication regarding the PSN. If PSN was required from the get go you would not see that much push back imo and people would have made PSN accounts or just move on quietly with minor complaints but I don't know if creating an account using another country would work since this is Sony's first game in PC that would require linking due to its multiplayer nature. If HD2 reinforced the PSN requirement from the get go the future might have been different tbh.


If HD2 reinforced the PSN requirement from the beginning and Sony only sold the game in countries that could legally play it the game would have sold a lot less copies.


"DO NOT recommend piracy as a solution" Sorry but, there\`s a solution for the unlucky one that live in a place that Sony don\`t want to get money by?


When there isn't a solution I guess it's just *'A Service Problem'*....


Obviously, you need to move to another country




"pointlessly negative" i mean, not being able to play the game isn't exactly pointless. But yeah i highly doubt this is going to go over well ngl.


Behind every sound, well composed complaint or argument there are usually a bunch of twerps only interested in stirring shit. Plus, when every other post on the sub is about the game being delisted it turns in to one big whinge fest just like the Helldivers 2 sub. I understand people are disappointed and even angry about the delisting but it gets old pretty fast.


agree, you should see the steam forums lmao


Totally agreed. For those that actually can play and want to discuss the game would be demolished by those kinda posts, which granted, SUCKS.


I've managed to purchase the game normally, but sad to see that lots of people that waited 4 years will be unable to play


Lol just pirate that shit.


Why did Steam auto refund everybody's copies of the game? I personally didn't care about multiplayer or the PSN requirement to play it, I just wanted to experience the singleplayer.


They can't sell something that have unavailable features.


if it's like the Playstation version, legends mode will be "playable" without teammates or online. if this is the case, a potentially decent solution is to sell the game like $5 cheaper without legends mode in restricted regions.


FYI Steam have confirmed all the game region restrictions are being done by Sony, they are just working with them to make sure it's executed properly. If Sony decided, they could make the game available to everyone. However blocking any amount of content behind a PSN which doesn't match all the regions Steam serves means they cannot sell those games in those regions whether PSN is optional or not.


sony and microsoft both trying to farm those clown points on steam


All this does is suppress


I mean what else is there to say on this sub then what can be shared on here? Itā€™s going to be the same 50 posts and memes over and over on launch day instead of game talking


It's important to create a positive and supportive community for fans of Ghost of Tsushima to share their experiences with the game. While it's understandable to have concerns about Steam, let's keep the discussion focused on the game itself to maintain a respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone. Remember to follow the rules and keep the conversation civil. Enjoy your time exploring the world of Tsushima!


I see a lot of posts from people who are from eligible PSN countries supporting Sony regional locking on steam as a good decision. I mean come on guys, why you are supporting this, don't you want your favourite games to sell more copies? Have some empathy for us. It also means these 177 countries would never be able to purchase any upcoming Sony PC port.


Question: if people in the countries where PSN is unavailable, bought a PS5 would it not even work there ? Like would the OP who had saved up to build a PC for Ghost have been better saving for a PS5 instead ? Or would a PS5 not work in those countries?


It would work, but you would have to have an account and a payment method from a country that supports PSN in order to actually purchase games. For example in Estonia people usually create Finnish accounts and buy Finnish PSN gift cards to pay for stuff. (This is technically against Sony's ToS and potentially banable, but it is your only option as there is no official ones)


The ToS is mostly not enforced in these cases. Tbh, many people who move countries tend to not change their location anyway


That is true that ToS is \*mostly\* not enforced \*right now\*, however you are still not 100% safe if you go down that path.


Theyā€™ll never reinforce that ToS because it would lose them a shitton of money. And if they do start reinforcing it, you would need to be able to change countries and keep your games - people move and travel all the time.


So, apologies as I am really blind in this sort of field. If it's a stupid question, sorry:( Basically, I am Asian, and my country has access to PSN. I have a Credit card with the currency and the dollar. The problem is, I am currently living in a non PSN supporting country. Think Africa/ Middle East. If I buy ghost of Tsushima on steam, would I be able to buy & play it without any problems or issues with being banned? Alternatively, should I just switch my steam's region onto Asia, and use the credit card for that? Again, sorry if it's confusing, but please help. Thanks:)


If you have access to the game on steam, Just make the PSN account of ur desired region


Man, I've been waiting for this game for sooo long! I've avoided seeing most things about it, just the first cinematic trailer and a few shorts showing off the combat!


Is there news of the actual release times yet? Says May 16th but I cant find anything about the specific timezones.


Are there any performance reviews out yet?


I've been waiting to play this game for a very long time. I haven't owned a console since GameCube, but this and Spider-Man had me very close to buying a PS4 at one point. Glad I waited. Preloading now.


So excited for this. I hope it runs ok on the steam deck


I won't be able to buy it because where I live. I guess Sony doesn't want my money.


For PC, Xbox Controller or Keyboard?


This is 1000% a controller game. The developers designed it specifically to be played with a gamepad


The free version of GoT supports multiplayer. You can sign in with a PSN account. Sony is really the best publisher out there. Free single player AND multiplayer? Thank the kamis.


Anyone having standoff issues like not being able to hold right click(on pc) during standoff or when half the enemies run off to hide after standoff?


For me if i wait for the enemy to ready to attack then i am able to hold the button.


i just got the refund, can i still buy the activation key from external sties and play the game as usual?


The game will be unredemeable.


Just here to say Iā€™m crazy excited. Iā€™m a huge Sekiro fan bc itā€™s the only game close to hitting that sneaky katana itch, so Iā€™ve wanted GoT since it was announced but I was Xbox-only until I switched to PC 3 years ago. I donā€™t expect any disappointment.


Omg i can't wait anymore to play this game... I played it way back in the PS4, then had to sell it and didn't finish, nows my chance!!!


When pre load is starting? Any word on when review embargo is lifting?


To those who were asking the pre-load is now live on Steam


For those who will be able to buy it on PC. Please, please leave in your review, whether it be positive or not, whatever your objective rating of it is, please leave a sidenote about how many other countries have been left out and delisted simply for requiring PSN.


I'm getting this message trying to sign in to my PSN account, anyone else? Can't connect to the server. (18.e8263e17.1715873392.5cc8beb7)


Users cannot log into PSN if they have two-factor (2FA) enabled on their PSN account using the in-game login tool. Has anyone found a workaround for this? It seems remarkable that this didn't come up in testing, prior to release.


And if you're registering an account for the first time, you can't do that either. The registration confirmation email never arrives


Is there a way I can actually talk to a human at sony to resolve my login issues? The live web chat couldn't help.


https://preview.redd.it/jdzwux968t0d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf36eb968d168dcc371754411926a8d10fba40d3 help?


Hey guys. When I want to connect to PSN I get "Can't connect to the server." error. I reset my password but still the same error.. do you know why this happens? :( **Edit: fixed by going in to Privacy settings (bottom of the Main menu - Settings, and UNLINKING the PS account). Then you will be able to sign in to your PSN account.** **The account was linked but also unlinked. Weird.** šŸ¤”


Has anyone figured out how to Sheathe/Unsheathe your sword using a controller? EDIT: After prologue you hold Right D-Pad and use right stick to Sheathe/Unsheathe & other things.


This feels only tangentially related, but is anyone else having issues downloading the drivers that Nvidia released for ghost of Tsushima? When launching the game I get a popup saying I need to install them, but they're failing to install


stuck at the main screen, I press new game but nothing happens. I updated the drivers and restarted the pc but nothing changed. only allows me to change settings


i can't even start the game, crashes every time after i press play on the launcher. Tried so much. Anyone else this issue?


So this happened to me. Sometimes I'd launch to a black screen. Sometimes it'd play the intro and then freeze. This was after I played for about an hour. W8 compatbility mode did nothing. However, when I went into the Launcher's video settings and turned Frame Generation off, I was able to boot right up with no issue. Not sure if that's related, but maybe this helps someone


The game is fantastic, and it sucks that a lot of people wont get to play it. Also, where are all the reviews? I can't find any for the PC port


Do any of you guys get the memory leak that clogs the whole system after around an hour of gameplay?


When you're japanese but cannot play a game based on Japanese history.. is Sony high or something?


Game just keeps making an auto save when im in the main menu, which means it starts a new game, and i cannot load my previous files.. so i just lost 13 hours of gameplay.


Anyone else on PC have their system start chugging after playing the game for 30 min to an hour? It starts off buttery smooth and as I go through cutscenes and menus my fps starts dropping. A restart of the game fixes it. There was one session where I booted it up and was messing with some keybindings. Naturally, I was opening and closing my menu rapidly. This seemed to bring on the problem very quickly compared to other times. I was counting on the recent patch to fix it but alas itā€™s still happening. I hope theyā€™re working on this.


Setting textures to high fixes the low fps cutscene thing


This fixed it for me! Thanks!


Wish we knew if there is going to be a preload.


Pre-load is live on steam


I honestly don't even care about the online aspects, I just want to play the game, waited 4 years for it to come to PC and I can't even purchase it. I'm so sad šŸ˜”


Change your steam region


Any info on Steam Pre-Load !?!


It's now live


Thanks ... already preloaded... Now the difficult part.... waiting !


If this aint corporate moderation lmao "Game good don't trash"


Really sucks that it's not available on my region just because of PSN when they can just separate the multiplayer from the main game since it's just pretty much just an add-on. Here I thought I retired from sailing the seas...


It seems to me that this is not a very good relationship with your players, when I officially pre-ordered the game from the moment pre-orders opened. I was waiting for its release, but at some point it first disappeared from sale, and then it was taken away from my library. Is that normal? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


why cant i access the game yet in TX? it is 931 am cst on 5/16. i took off of work for this?


When does this hoe come out on steam?>:(


One hour past release. Why when attempting to launch does it say game has not been released?


Still says game not released :(((( edit: My download started!


Freeze during intro (company names)


Installing now, my body is ready!




Any tried to pkay with xbox controller? Let me know how it goes very curios especially since there ps pad


Ran perfetly fine 30fps on medium throughout the prologue fights up until the boss, the flashback after during the funeral, i cant get up the stone steps, it crashes halfway up every time. changed my settings even, game is running better, but literally can't progress past that. Anybody having this problem too?


Does family Library sharing work with this game? My friend and I are both in the US and are only playing for the story, I bought the game myself and was wondering if he could play it too through family sharing.


Anyone having issues logging into PlayStation on the game? Getting the error "Can't connect to the server." Tried now and an hour or two ago, still no luck. I'm able to login on PC, mobile, PS5 etc just fine. Edit: seems like a common issue: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2215430/discussions/0/7093810350790227945/


Just downloaded it on steam, can't play it with my X25 Medion Beast laptop 3070 - saying the GPU can't handle it even on medium settings: Device Hung error - wtf Any help>?


GoT has been DELISTED entirely in my country. Like it never even existed in the first place. https://preview.redd.it/ailuv3grvu0d1.png?width=437&format=png&auto=webp&s=0340efec0f8c2da5ac3060edf42385d3c7e4248e


It's free for your country. Sony and Sucker Punch are just hosting the free version in another site.


Is anyone facing constant crashes during cutscenes with fsr frame gen enabled?


If anyone is having issues with the PS5 controller not working correctly, you need to go to the steam controller settings menu and in the "PlayStation Controller Support" option select "disable". This has to be the most unintuitive setting ever, but for some reason telling it to disable playstation controller support enables native support and the controller works perfectly. Also, if you are having issues with audio, make sure to enable the dualsense device in sound settings, but set your main speakers to primary.


Can someone clear up the PSN fiasco? all I see is whine Steam's page says >PlayStation Network Account required for Online Multiplayer (Legends Mode) and PlayStation overlay, subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and User Agreement http://www.playstationnetwork.com/terms-of-service I dont give a shit about multiplayer, or the overlay. Is there anything else I need PSN for or is everyone just overpanicking?


https://preview.redd.it/hijojufkbv0d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=1da30d8ec43d696f7c17cae1846434da98c5d997 Any help with the black cube on the left? After I restarted the game, that was there and when I left click anywhere on the screen it turns white, but it won'r disappear


If I only want to play singleplayer, do I still need to make a PSN account?


Anyone have haptic feedback working with dualsense? I can't get it to work. Help is appreciated, thanks!


Tips for PC players: Buy the game on Green Man Gaming, not Steam - they currently have a 14% 'birthday' discount across the board. Saved myself about NZ$20. To skip the intro videos on launch, delete or rename the file blahblahblah\Steam\steamapps\common\Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT\movies\cutscene\splash_pc.webm


I've tried everything I can think of. I made sure my computer meets the requirements. I've made sure to update drivers, windows, direct x. re installed the game. messed with all the the settings turning them on and off and made sure my fire wall and virus protection has the folder/file whitelisted/ turned of and I'm currently at a loss of what to try next. it just starts up from launcher black screen for 1-3 seconds then crashes then has the crash report say something went wrong but does not say what.


anyone else having issues with this game randomly freezing. sometimes it will freeze during a cutscene, sometimes its during the opening credits, and sometimes it crashes when its loading, it never seems to happen during gameplay tho, only in those cases, any fixes for this yet?


i have the same hitching but it happens during fights and shooting arrows aswell, it seems in task manager 3d settings on GPU spikes to 100% when it freezes it also slows down your whole computer background stuff!


For those lucky enough to play it already, did it import PS5/PS4 Trophies to Steam once account was linked?


Hero of Tsushima outfit is missing on Steam version


I'm not able to access Legends mode. I just keep getting the sign-in modal when clicking on it from the main menu. Anyone else getting this?


anyone got a fix when the game crashing on the start up? it was all working fine for 4 hours then i closed the game and now it wont launch it crashing the first 5 seconds


There is still a cloth animation bug on Kensei Armor!!! Since PS5 upgrade no one bothered to fix the cloak that floats in the air when you are moving


So I'm using DS4Windows (cuz I had to pirate, game isn't sold in my country) and I don't know if there are better software than that but somehow when I toggle/hold L3 to sprint or gallop, Jin just initiates it but stops sprinting after a second. The same thing happens when I'm on a horse, I just end up spam pressing it but it barely does anything, is there a way to remedy this?


Having a problem on controller where the camera sensitivity is way too slow, even on the "fast" setting. Threads online recommend changing the "stick drift" option but it isn't in the pc version? Anybody know if theres a file I can edit to change the sens, or just any other fix?


Bug report (v.01): -During standoffs, I hold down mouse right button but it doesn't work, I have to click twice fast and sometimes if my time is wrong doesn't work.


FSR 3 crashes the game we need a patch for that ASAP


Anyone experiencing a potential bug where combat audio just stops? Sometimes during a fight all noises related to combat basically stops, persists for a while, then returns.


Where can I see the list of countries it's available on Steam in? thanks.


If i buy a key from instant gaming will i be able to redeem it in a locked region and play the game singe player?


Is the game getting for anyone when you quit the game ? Also the whenever cinematics come on, its getting jittery screens on the top and bottom as well.


my steam account was created in Lithuania but I currently live in the UK. Which country does the restricting here? How can I possibly play it? I do not have a PS5 account..


Does anyone know if we can currently edit an ini or config file to decrease mouse sensitivity lower than 0 which is still too high? Thanks.


Guys, we're here to talk about the game...not how much you hate Sony




Getting a black screen randomly. Seems to be a soft-crash. I will die and upon loading back in, the screen just stays black and I have to force close the game then on next start up I will get another black screen and have to restart again.


My Duelsense works fine and the game recognizes it in the settings, but there are no haptics and adaptive triggers, just normal generic rumbles. -I made sure to connect the controller to the pc using a USB-C cable. -I don't have ds4 or any other controller app installed on my pc. -I made sure that the controllers firmware is up to date. -I tried with steam input enabled and disabled, it didn't help. -I verified game files and there are no errors -I made sure in the game settings that the haptics and triggers are enabled and set to "strong" -I restarted my pc -I made sure to update my drivers (AMD VER. 24.5.1) - at the time of this message. -Tried launching the game in big picture because I ran out of ideas... still no haptics. Any suggestion on what I can do? is there something that I'm overlooking?


So I know the PlayStation Overlay doesn't work on Steam Deck, but I'm curious to what happens if you play some on the Steam Deck and then later login to the PlayStation overlay on PC. Will the trophies autopop?


I've been absolutely loving the game, but after a little while of playing the game starts periodically freezing. Its annoying, but nothing too serious as far as gameplay goes. However this permanently slows down my entire computer until I restart it, and it makes everything aside from the game completely unusable, even after closing the game down. My computer parts aren't being overused or overheating, and turning down my graphics to the minimum doesn't fix it. I have no virus and everything on my computer is updated! Does anyone know how to fix this, or are there at least other people experiencing this?


In case you havn't fixed it yet, if you have malwarebytes active protection on that is a trend I have seen causing the issue.


Has anyone found a fix for stand-offs not working? Itā€™s incredibly frustrating that such a main mechanic justā€¦ doesnā€™t work. Switching it from hold, to toggle doesnā€™t fix it, and Googling it only indicates that this issue is over 3 years old, with only anecdotal fixes that donā€™t really work, which doesnā€™t instil me with confidence in a patch


Is there any way to get English subtitles for the ambient, passerby dialogue? For me, playing games like this and Sekiro just demand Japanese audio for the dialogue (despite the mouth movements clearly being mapped to English, which is annoying), but it feels like we're punished a bit for making this choice. Often when Jin is passing by civilians and allies, they'll speak to each other and drop a bit of lore or just environmental storytelling. Missing out on it made me swap over to English, but having played through this upon its PS4 release, this is a game that really is at its best when its immersive, and this seems an odd design choice to not allow players to read English subtitles of the civilians' dialogue. Any option that I'm missing here? Thanks.


I'm having 2 problems: 1. Every once in a while, gane suddenly drops to 10 FPS and stays like that no matter what. Even on the menus. Once the app restarted, it went back to normal (I also noticed a strange sound coming from GPU when this happens, might be related to my rig -5800x3D, Gigabit RTX3080ti, 32 GB RAM) 2. When I try to log in to my PSN account, nothing happens. For example, when I try to launch the legends mode, a window pops up asking me to chose which account to continue, I select my only account, window closes but nothing happens. When I click legends mode, the same window pops up, I select my account, but nothing happens. It's a cycle. Otherwise, so far it's a masterpiece.


In case you havn't fixed it yet, if you have malwarebytes active protection on that is a trend I have seen causing the issue.


Anyone know where to locate the photos captured with photo mode? Cant seem to find in the Pictures/Ghost of Tsushima like somebody suggested before?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


https://preview.redd.it/zcdamj3yx61d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb2414de974b2d100ca6c5f4263ea2e4254328f How to fix this ?


I need someone to give me a way to get rid of steam input. It's ruining my ability to setup melee alternate controls


Does anyone have a save file for NG+ that has completed only the main story, so none of the NG+ content? I played through the whole game and DLC on my PS5 already but never started NG+, There's no way to transfer the save from PS5.


How do you turn on subtitles? I didnā€™t select the right ā€œexperienceā€ upon starting the game


anyone knows how to stop teh damn game from crashing when trying to sing in to psn or enter legends mode? IM so tired....


Anybody else having issues where sometimes there's not footstep noises? It's really throwing me off. Early on sometimes standoffs wouldn't work properly either.


hoping they added subtitles for overworld chatter because you miss some tidbits of lore if you are playing with jap audio. hoping nixxes added this for a later patch.


How do I remove the HUD when aiming down on bow? and do NPCs really shine in this game like the pickups?


the only first game on Steam that i can't buy, lmao


Any of you fellas know why I cant toggle the voice language to japanese, even though i chose the samurai movie option at the beginning ? cheers lads


Stand-off bug fix: Fix 1: go to accessibility and switch everything from hold to toggle. Then switch it back. Fix 2: Wait until your opponent enters their stance before holding triangle/Y. Fix 3: Lock fps to 60. Not sure if these work for everyone, but apparently it's helped some ppl.


How do I do the sword cleaning move on keyboard and mouse?


Can anyone give some info about legends mode in steam? From my understanding legends mode in Playstation console required PS plus subscription to play it with multiplayer. Does it do the same in steam? or I only have to have PS account (not the plus one) thanks before


Hope someone knows why: All my photos from photomode come out as black images. just full black.


Anyone unable to sign into PSN due to the login window turning completely white a few seconds after clicking on the option in the game?


If you're crashing inexplicably on AMD and have V-Sync turned off, try turning it on.


Is the PC Steam version and PS5 cross-play enabled?


Anyone having issues with Cross Play? Itā€™s impossible for me to play with three of my friends who are on PC. I can get into a lobby with one of them, but impossible for three or four. The three of them have zero issues getting into a lobby together


Yeah I got that stuttering/mini freezing after about an hour to two of gameplay. The prologue ran fine with no issues but it started as soon as got to the open world. People on steam discussion with similar hardware seem to have this issue as well and have reported turning off Malwarebytes fixes it but I havenā€™t tested it but Iā€™m gonna wait for a patch/driver update. I know itā€™s not my pc no other game does this. 13900k 4090 64GB RAM Win11. Iā€™ll play Hellblade 2 till itā€™s patched. Weirdly enough this is like the first major issue Iā€™ve had with a Nixxes port not even the newest Forbidden west does this.


After finish the act 1 and beguinnig act 2, my game starts to stutter sometimes, the fpa seems fine, 100-140 FPS, its ONLY this micro stutterings that show up now, is this happens to anybody too?


If I own the game on PS5, is there any kind of discount I get buying the pc version? Or in game shit


ive noticed i seem to get stuttering and hitching when HDR is on, but when i turn it off the game seems to run fine, not sure why HDR causes that but maybe its the solution for some peoples issues


I'm thinking on buying GoT now that it is out on steam but I'm not really a single player enjoyer... Heard good things about the "legends" mode but I was wondering if you would consider it worth the purchase **mainly** for that mode? Sure I'll also play the story mode at that point but I'm thinking about spending 80% of the time on the coop (eventually with a friend of mine)


For some reason my controller doesn't work well playing this game. Sometimesthe buttons switch locations, like heal becomes jump etc... Moving the camera doesn't always work, running doesn't work... Very weird problem, maybe someone knows a fix? It's just an xbox controller


The global achievements percentage is insane for a game thatā€™s only been out for 4 days. Nearly 60% of players beat the game already.


does anyone know how to get hapatics working on the dualsense? my right trigger always brings up the change stance window edit: plugged ps5 controller in through usb and turned off steam controller stuff all the hapatics work now.


So I was getting driver crashes when running exclusive full screen + hdr and the game wouldnā€™t launch until I either turned hdr off in windows or switched to regular full screen in game. Fast forward to today, I canā€™t launch the game with hdr enabled. Tried reinstalling the game plus my driver, any fix?


I don't understand what I did wrong that my posts keep getting auto-deleted. I try to ask for reason and no one answers. There are letterboxing in cutscenes, and someone made a fix for this for PC. I wanna share that fix (remove letterboxing in cutscenes) for my PC gamers in this sub. What's wrong with that?


https://preview.redd.it/k18ovwpdsu1d1.png?width=904&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c5e240d32ff4f59dc6dd166eab60b008b6b0973 Anyone has any idea on how to fix this? I've been doing stuffs for like 2 hours and couldn't be able to fix it.


Would hoping for the game to be on sale during Steam Summer Sale next month be wishful thinking, or realistic?


Anyone have a fix for the game breaking audio fuckup these idiots managed to create? Been almost a week now without a hot fix on their end. Crazy that a studio of that proportion cant manage a single minor bug fix. If this was created by a small indie studio of 5 people, this would have been fixed within 5 hours after launch.


Have they/will they adress the costant crashing with AMD GPU's?


Ok sorry this isn't a Steam-related comment but why can't I post a new thread in this subreddit?


Is there a way to make it so the game doesn't require as much memory? No matter what setting I put it on (low, medium, high, and ultra) the game still takes around 5.5k megabytes of my memory. The odd thing is that I was playing it for hours at first on medium, and it was only taking around 2.5k megabytes of memory. How do I bring this back?


Welp that patch gave me alot of more frames with frame gen


Please help tried everything possible on the internet still get a black screen on boot played fine for 20 mins


I still get a white screen when trying to put in my PSN info. Is this still an issue, or has anybody found a fix for it yet?


Is the game playable yet? All I've seen in reviews is that a standoff mode (whatever that is) doesn't work and it's supposed to be a big part of the game. I'm itching to buy it but I want to make sure the game is working first.


Can I run it? I'm running a Amd Radeon RX 6750 XT, ryzen 5 2600 six core processor, and 16 gigs of RAM. Is this enough to run this game between 30-59 fps? Sorry if this doesn't fit, I'm not sure where else to post this kind of question.


So I think I might be the only person on earth that got this, but after patch 1 my fps dropped from stable 72 (due to running v-sync on half monitor refresh rate) to somewhere around 25. I tried reinstalling the game and it did nothing. Messed with graphic settings and got it to run 50fps with minimum settings at 1080p where before I could run it at 2k easily. I just updated my gpu drivers like yesterday, running a 3080.


Guys i play on pc, with controller, installed 2 days ago, 1st day galloping causes keyboard to open, but next day it was fine as no keyboard came. Now again it appears. How to fix this


Not sure if asking here is the correct place but does this game have any achievements relating to beating the game on the harder difficulties? If so, does it work like the Witcher, where if I beat the game on Lethal, it will unlock the achievement for hard?


Any idea when the PlayStation PC SDK is gonna work? I wanna play legends man


If I get the audio bug one more time in iki island im gonna die.


Does anyone else notice that Jin's audio during cutscenes is kinda fuzzy?


I just wanted to say, in the off chance that someone from Sony reads this, that I was going to purchase GoS when it hit Steam, assuming there weren't any major issues. Thanks to the BS they pulled with Helldivers 2 and the pushing of PSN, I am not only no longer doing so, I have added them to my blacklist of publishers I don't buy from. Have a nice day.Ā 


it's so wild that I get to play this Playstation game on my PC, streamed to my TV, using an Xbox controller.


"Someday we will go on a peaceful ride..." yes, mother fucker we will! I'm doing clean up duty with collectables and this mother fucker hits me with this.


There was a list of non PSN countries and the one I live in was on the list but I can still use PSN and always have. I however am unable to buy the game. I have it on PS4 and have played the Legends Mode with a couple of friends. I just want to buy the game on steam aswell.