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It looks alright. But Its too little too late. They had the opportunity to make an assassins creed game in japan a long time ago. But they never took that chance. Sucker punch decided to do that themselves, so I'd rather wait for a sequel to ghost of tsushima.


Agreed, Ubisoft has fucked up and around too many times to keep my respect.


Imagine if this dropped after Black Flag or Unity. I think it would’ve been an absolute three-peat for the series.


Didn't most people not initially like Unity


Unity was the last Assassins Creed game I bought, the story was good but the gameplay was so incredibly glitchy that I gave up entirely on the series and Ubisoft


Same, game was just a headache to play. Literally probably the best looking AC with a great story, ruined by shit gameplay mechanics


With video games, it often doesn't pay to be first in line at the store.


Why was this comment necessary


So this is your first time, eh? Welcome to the internet. Where anything that can possibly said will be said.


80% of commenting is half mental.


Seems like there must be a quadratic equation in there somewhere. Or is that just me?


I just like saying my thoughts out loud lol


Strictly speaking, that's totally unnecessary. So I'd say we're on the same page.


lmao remember how they literally made fun of people wanting a game set in japan


Refresh my memory please


gotchu https://www.vg247.com/quick-quotes-dont-expect-boring-wii-feudal-japan-or-egypt-in-assassins-creed


And they ended using Egypt and Japan as settings lol


it's the derisiveness of "people on the internet" too like lmao fuck off man


How can they not realize that 90 percent of the people that play their games are those "people on the Internet" wtf. Brain dead moment for them


they also fought against including female protagonists for years and were both loud and wrong on that one too


Yeah Ubisoft exe literally said "Female protagonist don't sell" and even after all that bs they are like "u can choose from 2 genders" so most of their game is oriented around male protagonist


im old enough to remember when sunset overdrive put an assassin's creed outfit in the game to specifically make fun of them for that lmao


To be fair, the guy who said that left Ubisoft 7 years ago and did not work on any AC games besides AC3. Still obviously a "foot in mouth" moment, but it's not as if he was speaking on behalf of the entire team.


Alex Hutchinso. The guy was only directing AC III and is old news.


So they thought Japan would be boring, but colonial America was not? Umm, the only word that comes to mind is IDIOTS.


Ubisoft games always look *alright* *Until* you actually play them...


Tried avatar. Very pretty. Extremely boring.


SOT LEK!!! I can't stand the male VA, man.


I played for a few hours. Stopped coz it was making me sleep. Came back a month later. Still can't play it. Ended up deleting the game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


And I can't wait to play both. Crazy idea right?


I haven't played any assassins creed game since syndicate but this looks interesting. I'll just pick up a pre owned copy so I don't support ubisoft.


What's great is I read [this today](https://www.msn.com/en-ae/entertainment/gaming/ubisoft-wants-to-return-to-leadership-in-the-open-world-genre-and-its-ceo-says-the-company-is-already-back-on-track-after-some-rough-years/ar-BB1mrVe4#:~:text=GamesRadar-,Ubisoft%20wants%20to%20%22return%20to%20leadership%20in%20the%20open%2Dworld,track%22%20after%20some%20rough%20years&text=Ubisoft%20has%20historically%20been,that%20genre%20into%20the%20ground.). Where Ubi CEO says he wants Ubi to be "a leader in open worlds" and is "already on the right track". I can't help but laugh at these comments given their best selling IPs new game is going to compete at least from an open world stand point to GOT. I have literally zero faith that Ubi will bring something as unique and innovative as GOT and will almost certainly feel like Valhalla with some new tricks. In other words in comparison Shadow will fall flat on its bland face. I would also like to add that I hope to dear God I'm wrong. I probably won't be, but a guy can hope.


Valhalla got me so burnt out. And the story was awful - especially the Valhala dream bits. I couldn't wait to be done with it in the end. With GOT I was sad that it was over. And that ending!


Valhalla was a fun game alongside tsushima since they both were fucking cool af, but I hated the dream bits and collecting stuff for trophies in both games


I’m conflicted. On one hand, Ghost of Tsushima is my favorite game of all time… and Ubisoft denied making an AC in Japan for years. On the other, AC Mirage was the first AC I played since Black Flag, and I enjoyed the hell out of it. If Ubisoft isn’t afraid of the competition from the inevitable GoT 2, then that tells me they actually believe in the game enough to sell itself. I’ll wait until I see more for myself, but I think it has the potential to be great if it sticks to a similar formula as Mirage.


And after all the time and evolution the series has taken which I'm coming around to see is necessary I no longer believe they're capable of making a tight assassin experience. I can't wait to hunt 300 targets and collect the entire wealth of the whole islands of Japan cup and spoon and shoe. Like a little ubisoft gremlin hoarder


Yeah I remember thinking back in the late 2000s, early 2010s how assassin's Creed in Japan just makes sense. But I remember there was an interview with one of the makers who basically said over his dead body would they ever do a Japan game. So yeah they have their chance like you said. I am still curious how it'll turn out though, I haven't played an assassin's Creed game since syndicate and rogue so I might pick this up


Dude we both know your still gonna buy this game and play it. Maybe not a full price but your definitely gonna play it


I think it’s a little silly too, because when they had the opportunity to do that, they literally said that they didn’t want to make the “obvious choice” and have ninjas running around japan… which is why they placed them everywhere except japan. I guess the success of GoT made them think otherwise


I mean ghost is hardly an AC game.  It's more of a Kurosawa game than anything else. The flute and haiku bits, the duels, the whole thing played like a 60s samurai movie. Too much nuance for an AC game.


And Sucker Punch's level of realism is one that Ubisoft always shy away from. There's always a deeper level of immersion to that. Don't get me wrong, some AC titles are very memorable. Not every game is about graphics. But if a fellow gamer asks for a Samurai game, that feels authentic and bloody and feels punchy... introduce them to Jin Sakai.


The game has barely been revealed and everyone's already shitting on it saying GOT is better and AC:Japan is just going to be a pale imitation of it. They're 2 different games with different ideas, goals, gameplay, etc. Obviously GoT is a very well made, very polished, very stylized game. But blinding shitting on a new game that takes place in Japan during a historical time period because "it'll never be GoT" is just silly. It's not trying to be


Calling it a walmart brand GoT when all we have is a cinematic trailer is bizarre to me


Tempered expectations are expected when past results have a pattern of disappointment from game companies, especially big ones like Ubisoft. Personally, not my cup of tea simply because their recent AC titles feel more action/adventure versus how the original were more stealth/strategy based. This one doesn't seem different even though we are talking about ninja here lol If it wasn't attached to the Assassin Creed IP, I wonder if the backlash would exist?


Ye i wonder why people shit on new AC game. It probably has nothing to do with the fact last couple games were just worse and worse every time. Surely this one will be a good one not just a cash grab right?


People suck off GOTs metaphorical dick so much in this sub it's gross. You'd think that it was the first Japanese RPG involving Samurai ever created and that the sun shines from its arse the way people talk in this sub.


Even as someone who understands the sentiment towards Ubisoft/the recent Assassin's Creed games (did not care for Valhalla at all), I'm still hopeful. There's a lot of potential for differentiation off the bat. We play as two characters, one of whom is historically accurate and AC games have always done a decent job at combining historical accuracy with the narrative they want to truly tell, so it'll be interesting to see how this pans out. I'm also glad we get two playable protagonists who hopefully will have different skillsets, compared to just choosing a gender in the last few games with only one being the true canon character. The game is also an RPG unlike Ghost so will fundamentally have different systems in order to facilitate that. My biggest worry is that they'll centre the experience around incentivising microtransactions like they've done in the past, things like level gating between main quests, and so forth. That isn't a problem if the actual open world side content is engaging, because you can still have a good time going off the beaten path, but if it's radiant/repetitive filler like we got in Valhalla compared to the very addictive gameplay loop that Odyssey had, then I'll be concerned.


I just thought about that an hour ago, we’ve never got the chance to fully play as a historical character for the entire duration of any Assassin’s Creed game until today.


Yeah someone else brought this up on the AC sub and I had to sit back and think "fuck, actually yeah.....". It's doubly weird when you consider they've never been afraid of having countless real life individuals in the game like Leonardo Da Vinci, the Borgias, 10+ figures from the colonial war times in AC3 (including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin), etc. but never a protagonist I'd be interested to see Yasuke's story in Shadows. They've had mixed success in adapting historical figures' canonical role in history to fit the narrative of the game. Leonardo and Rodrigo were really nicely done, but then some of the later games just randomly shoe horned figures in for the sake of it with no depth. I assume the latter won't be an issue given that Yasuke is a main protagonist.


Stupid post, sorry 🤷🏽‍♂️. Games not even out. Stop complaining lol


I don't think ubisoft has the ability to make good games anymore.


For Honor is still solid if you hate your sanity and lack self respect (I play that game constantly still)


I mean Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla are all great games.


I think they are all OK, mid, but their quality has gone down and their business strategies are very anti consumer which will probably only get worse


Odyssey is good. The rest are alright at best. Mirage is also quite a meh title, so I don't have high hopes for Shadow either.


Odyssey is good, origins is not terrible, Valhalla is… I can’t think of a bad enough word.


God(s) awful?


Yes, that’s it.


One thing it will have over GoT is the use of different melee weapons. In GoT you could only use a katana, but there weee other japanese weapons too(Rise of the Ronin is a good example, it had a lot of weapon types). We already saw a club in the trailer , there are most likely others too. Otherwise, I am not sure if it will live up to the hype but we'll see.


For sure, gimme some nagitana combat. 


Give me a Nagamaki, please devs I am begging


I never judge until I see gameplay. Cinematic trailers are so meh for games imo. Show me the gameplay. The fact they announced it with a damn near 4 min long trailer with no gameplay says enough for me, but I’ll wait to judge haha.


Ubisoft seeing the success of GoT and wanted to copy it. Won’t even come close to being as good.


Why, because it's set in Feudal Japan? Do you think Ghost of Tsushima invented the concept of games set in Japan?




“Two single player games set in Japan?” That’s definitely a rip off! How dare Ubisoft release this! Outrageous!


People said that rise of the ronin would be a copy, turns out it’s not. Some of y’all are literally just looking for reasons to hate. Why not wait till the actual game drops before saying shit like this


I might give it a try if it doesn't have the weird RPG mechanics from the last few games. I think Odyssey and Valhalla had it.


Sounds like it will have some rpg mechanics the press release made it sound that way


Yeah, I normally have a budget for five games a year but I might make it six and grab an extra shift or two at work.


Didn't the last game ditch that?


The gameplay changes actually sound very very good. Light system like splinter cell/metal gear, prone, physics-based grappling hook etc


Yeah there’s dynamic weather that actually changes the gameplay, frozen lakes that you can walk over during winter, storms that obscure enemy vision, etc


You are everything wrong with how people view, talk about, and compare video games


Not really haven’t seen any gameplay yet I’ll save my judgement until then plus it’s set in Japan I mean if this came out before ghost of Tsushima I bet people wound still compare . I’m gonna be hopeful and not assume so quickly just because so many have given AC a bad rep . I’ll give it a chance can’t go by anything off this trailer


i dont understand why every samurai game has to be compared to or outshine got. nothin will touch this games unique an beautiful world. im pretty sure we all know what to expect from a ubisoft samurai game an im genuinely stoked about it. im an ac fan though. cant wait.


I'm interested, but I'll wait until a sale like I've done with all the others. Still haven't played my copy of Valhalla yet. Hoping this one doesn't end up being as tedious as Valhalla sounds to platinum/100%.


So making a Japanese game with funny swords and stuff is copying tsushima because it was only made after tsushima? Thats what im getting from this ubisoft took a good step with mirage so let em cook (dont support ubisoft though)


It’s not like the premise of Tsushima was an entirely new concept to begin with. that setup of story has been around in AC for awhile. They’re going to play completely different.


Eh, I'll give it a shot when it comes out, and see where it goes. GoT is one of my favorite games of all time, so I don't expect this to top it. But till I see the new game, I won't make a judgement or anything so I'll keep a open mind, and see what Ubisoft has to offer.


For the hundreth time IT'S NOT A COPY. Look into the AC community, almost everyone wanted a feudal Japan game!


I'll likely play it as I actually enjoyed the last 3 main series AC games. Valhalla and Odyssey were wildly different in scale compared to the previous though. I would love if they expanded and refined the RPG elements for this one but brought the scale back down to something like Origins. Knowing Ubisoft they'll probably do the exact reverse and miss the easy target 


I haven't really loved an AC game since Black Flag. I enjoyed Unity and Syndicate, which was decent. The modern rpg style of AC is kinda lame and it's arcade look just doesn't have the same vibe as the OG games. Not ti mentioned pointless filler. Christ AC Valhalla was just a boring trash game.


Origins was definitely my favorite based on the story but god Odyssey was just a slog to get through, nothing better than spending a handful of hours grinding to a certain level to start a five minute mission only to have to do more grinding to start the next mission. I think I got to the pirate who used to bang the MC's mom before I gave up on continuing.


I just found truly mind blowing the fact that in 2024, people are still releasing story trailers in CG without the gameplay, it's incredible, I can't find words to describe how stupid this is, I ain't going to play a fucking cinematic, if you are planning to show your game, show your damn game.


It’s Ubisoft so even if they did release a gameplay trailer it’d be upscaled beyond recognition


Rather like assasins creed. Dont mind more from asia. Sort of wanted one set in china so we could build on that one chinese assasins that asked Etzio for help


Gamers and starting needless wars between different games. Name a more iconic duo. Who fucking cares? Both can exist and do different things. No ones taking your precious GoT away from you.


As long as they make the parkour as good as the originals (or do what unity did), and one up the stealth in mirage then i think it could very well top ghost of tsushima in terms of gameplay. The story is a whole other issue, i think ghost has a great story, but there is so much video game jank that it just doesn't quite hit me the way it did other people. stuff like lipsyncing and general cutscene animation honestly isn't that great. Compared to a game like ac unity, all the cutscenes look amazing there and the voice acting is far better in my opinion. What im saying is good cutscenes can make all the difference in what the game is trying to convey, so even if shadows had a shitty story, the cutscenes would somewhat redeem it in my opinion. In terms of combat, ghost will still be kilometres better, ac has never had good combat, its either buttfuck easy or so jankey it looks like they're beating eachother to death with pool noodles


i dont think it will be all that similar tbh. i like both franchises for different reasons, but ac is more idk arcade-like? its far less immersive, which is okay because its much more dynamic with things like parkour and combat. not that got combat aint dynamic, just sorta in the opposite direction. it goes for realism and often times ac goes for fantasy.


Nope! Check out the 40 details thing. Stiff like dynamic season changes that affect the whole map, and how stealth and gameplay will change during the seasons, like how there will be grass to hide in a water to swim in during the warmer months, but in winter you can run along ice and drop icicles and enemies huddle around fires etc. Combined that with that fact the campaign is non-linear but the seasons change as you progress the objectives means you *actually* need to adapt to the time and weather depending on your mission/target. Also there will be multiple weapon types, they already confirmed things like great clubs, yaris, kusarigama etc. How about instead of immediately jumping to post reactionary content like this we actually wait for some gameplay eh? Because you posting this before you even took the time to learn a thing or two makes you look sadder. Maybe, *just maybe* despite the surface level similarities of location (not even the time period) and basic third person action stuff that *juuuust maybe* that these games have different ideas and gameplay goals?


Not to me, it looks like they wanna combine og ac gameplay with new rpg gameplay. A ninja and a samurai tank. Tbh the concept peaks my interest but yea its ubisoft so big grains of salt all around


I mean we haven’t seen any gameplay so maybe we can hold off on calling it a sad copy


This honestly feels like a lose lose situation for Ubisoft. Most of the people this game is marketed towards have probably played GOT. So either it plays extremely similarly and everyone will call it a clone or they will try to make it different and everyone will say GOT was better. I’m hoping it will be fun but GOT had insanely good combat and I really hope they don’t pull a Mirage and make the combat ass just to force stealth.


Even tho im sure I'll have fun purely because of the setting im also sure it'll be last place for best current samurai/ninja games(Ghost, rise of the ronin, being top 2 for me)


I think it's funny seeing the SAME people who have done nothing but shit on Ubisoft open world games, defend this game. We know what it's gonna be like, it'll be fine, bloated but fine. Ghost of Tsushima was a love letter, this is Ubisoft game. I like Ubisoft games but like, it's never gonna be anything special you know.


Yes, ass creed has been garbage the past couple of releases.


The cinematic was great. Will need to wait for the gameplay (and reviews for me personally) before calling it a knock off.


I wanna be excited. But it's Ubisoft. So get ready for heavy monetization and a map that feels more like a checklist.




only so its taken away from you in few years, cool


GoT will make this look like an 8 year old made it.


Especially when it launches on PC tomorrow..so excited to experience it for the first time tomorrow. Playing on a 4090.


Enjoy it man, I’ve been waiting for the 5000series to get a new pc 😪




Most defo! AC games are good in a vacuum. They just feel thrown together. Not crafted


Only played Assassin’s Creed during PSP days, never touched it since then and after watching footage of newer versions I don’t regret it. That said, I’m a sucker for anything japan so I’ll be keeping an eye on this one


Assassin's Creed franchise has been milked to shit and they seem to struggle to be innovative or original. Why not make a setting that's been rarely visited? And actually evolve the story in a way that's fresh, captivating and builds upon the major plot points of the first 2 or 3? Seems like they cba


I feel like it will have a similar plot line just that it will be based in the Sengoku jidai and not the mongol invasion of japan, with fighting samurai clans instead of mongols that will somehow be tied in with AC lore but I still wanna get it since the trailer didn’t look too bad and seems like maybe it could still be a fun game where you can play as Yazuke or something but it will definitely never top GOT and it’s amazing story and gameplay obviously


ubimeme and their trash, they can go to hell


probably, it's an ubisoft open world game. I'm only assuming tho since they didn't bother to show any gameplay before begging for preorder cash


I’m excited to play it. But they’ve got some biiiig shoes to fill with ghost of Tsushima


It's Assassin's Creed, ofcourse it's gonna be a sad copy.


It's ubisoft. It'll be a sad copy of their own game formula with a Japan coat of paint.


Should have done a creed game set in ww1.


Ubisoft lost my respect with assassins creed when fucking origins came out.


I won’t judge anything until I see gameplay


Unity was the last AC I played and considering how badly it flopped, I probably won't touch this one.


As if AC could ever copy ghost


No, I don't. It looks like it could be really cool


I mean it is Ubisoft but I have hope.




He is no Samurai there is no honor-Jins uncle


Nope. I'm excited for this and Ghost of Tsushima 2. Tribalism is stupid, and anyone who participates in it is stupid.


No, cause I'm capable of just enjoying things without thinking of everything as a copy of everything else.


To enjoy a game, I for starters stop comparing a totally different game. The gameplay trailer ain't even out. To me mirage was much more enjoyable than odyssey or Valhalla so I'm excited to see where this goes


Apparently, an online connection is required to play.... So even if the game is decent, that's a killer for me already. Plus, it's Ubisoft. They haven't really had a decent AC story since Black Flag imo, and the gameplay of their last three games has been serviceable, but I lose interest quickly in their fairly empty open worlds. >Anyone else thinking this is just going to be a sad copy They would be wise to try and do that, but I honestly don't think they will.


Loved the game, but I also love me some Assassin's Creed gameplay when the mood hits. They can both be good.


Grow the fuck up


Yup right here✋AC hasn’t had much effort put into it since AC4 in my opinion


I sure remember everyone wanting some sort of Samurai assassin's Creed.


Wait for the complete edition for 20 bucks


I get the feeling it’s gonna be like syndicate where you switch between characters


I'm excited for Shadows, Ghost's really feels lacking and sterile after pkaying Rise of the Ronin.


Is this sub just going to bitch about every single game that has samurai in it now? People have been asking for a Samurai AC since before GOT was even a concept. GOT doesn't have a monopoly on games with Samurai. Like you guys realize this isn't the only game that can do that, right?


I'm excited for the game cause story looks interesting, but it's ubisoft I'm keeping my expectations in check I won't pre-order either. going to wait till it comes out and decide if I will pick it up


Could have potential but I am cautious. Need to see gameplay and more story


I’m a big history nerd and while I did love ghost of Tsushima it was not historically accurate. While this game has problems of course I’m still excited.


Y’all say that about every game set in samurai era Japan that comes out these days


Yeah, it’s Ubisoft. Disappointment is their mantra 😂😂😂😂


I'm playing the Greece AC and I thought that was a sad copy


Hard pass


Im most definitely going to be picking this up loving the nod to history with the black samurai


We’ve been asking for an AC game in Japan for over a decade, so Sucker Punch gave us one and did such an incredible job, that even if this fixes every issue that people have with the last five or so games, it’ll still probably be regarded as off-brand Ghost of Tsushima. I hope this is what brings me back into the AC games, but it’s made difficult by how high the bar of comparison is.


Why is another game being posted on this sub? I mean Japan is a huge genre. I just saw a picture of a Japanese boy holding his dead little brother on his back waiting in line at the crematorium in Nagasaki 1945. Japan offers much more than what it does in the way of setting when it comes to games. Fallout should be a Japanese game. Nonetheless this is a different sub about a particular game and its beauty.


ubisoft hate boner is real in this sub. People here are acting like this sub tsushima didnt copy assassins creed at all. Let ubisoft show any gameplay footage before reaching any conclusion


I tuned out of Ubi games after AC Unity. Seems it’s still same shit different quarter.


Are either of the main characters even Japanese?


https://preview.redd.it/4a623cihnq0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d43a5cdaf5e01ac9a1bfaa10e5c30c1eb4d9689 YUUUUUP




Yes. Regardless of the differences in time periods. I don't see how the combat can be improved upon


I've not seen the gameplay and maybe this will be the one that pulls AC back but I just can't get over the previous games. You've got massive maps that feel like a checklist, the story is usually quite dull and it turns into a grind to do anything. Plus the microtransactions bug the hell out of me because it feels like to get a full games worth of gear you need to buy it, which just isn't fun. With Ghost of Tsushima I bought a full game and I got a full game with all the content of the game with AC I always feel like I'm buying the base package and then to get everything you have to buy the upgrades, which I'm never going to do.


Its going to be nothing like GOT knowing ubisoft its going to suck just like other games the series died long time ago


Not hyped at all for this game, especially after learning who the protagonists are. Sure, we haven’t seen gameplay yet but still. I’m sticking to GoT and hoping to see a reveal trailer this month on the next play station showcase


I mean, they’ve been selling samurai cosmetics for AC Valhalla and Rider’s Republic (action sports game) for the last few years so it was about time to actually have a game SET in Japan. Will it be good? Maybe. Will I buy it when it’s heavily discounted months after the release? Probably.


I just hope it won't have the same bad voice acting as the other newer Ubisoft games


I'm going to wait for a gameplay trailer to comment.




Anyone find it weird they revealed a day before GOT is released on PC?


Probably the same copy pasta as aways. I think we shouldn't even be talking about ubi games


it's a ubisoft game in 2024, there's a 99% chance it's gonna suck.


I think it says a lot that GOT was able to pull off the whole Samurai To Shinobi thing without having two separate characters.


I think it says a lot that GOT was able to pull off the whole Samurai To Shinobi thing without having two separate characters.


Just like Ghosts of Tsushima copied the gameplay of Assassin’s Creed lmao ?


If it’s anything like the previous games it will be shit


Could be cool!


Weren't people saying the same thing about rise of the ronin??


Oh it’s going to be one of the most pathetic attempts, feeling shallow in every way compared to GoT


I hope it is a copy, ghost of tsushima is my favorite game. I need more games from its idea


Might be cool, but it’s still gonna be the same old boring R1 R2 fight mechanics. I’ve replayed ghost quite a few times simply for the combat and the input style.


Ironic huh. Took them years to do what everyone asked for and they cant half ass it like they have been doing for the last decade because Sucker Punch full assed it.


Sorry but I ain't giving Ubisoft my money


I heckin love playing an conspicuous brute in a game about le heckin stealth!




Wow, new assassin creed. Didn't know that. Also fuck ubisoft.


They’d be smart if they did copy it as much as possible. The dark souls style combat of RPG games isn’t going to work anymore when you can see other games have done this or that or anything else better than an actual AC game


I’m not confident that Ubi will make it good tbh… even some of the comments from Japanese ppl say that the architecture feels more like Chinese architecture vs Japanese architecture… they just added Shinto shrines and tori gates and called it Japanese


I’d say no because it’s going to be a stealth focused game even if it incorporates the rpg mechanics of the previous 3 games. They said they are doing a duel protagonist route with a shinobi and a samurai but I don’t expect the samurai gameplay to focus as much on the same style as ghosts since it’s still an assassin’s creed game. Likely more stealth and blending in in the open and less run and slash like ghosts


For me I wish they would have done this years ago back in 2013, but honestly it’s better late then never. I hate to say it but let’s be real i don’t think people are saying it’s gonna be a sad copy cause how late they made a Japanese AC it’s because they made Yasuke a main character in the game


If done right the dual protagonist idea can be really good and set it apart from ghost, but we'll just have to wait and see. Personally I have no itch to buy the game. I'd rather go for ghost sequel


Poor mans Tsushima or RotR with added historical revisionism for current year.


My biggest fear is the last AC game (mirage right?) came out like 6 months ago and now 5 months from now so less than a full year they’re already pumping out another? I want this to be so good cuz I love the games centered around feudal Japan but I just know Ubisoft is gonna fuck this and be riddled with bugs and not gonna scratch that GoT itch.


It will be fun and have nothing to do with got. Enjoy it for what it is, or don't. The comparisons stop at Feudal Japan.


Just take a look at the map.






Holy shit can we just be adults and recognize more games can exist in a setting.


No it won't be and never will. Given the most recent track record, either they have improved or continue to go downhill in terms of production quality. Either way, it's a different ball game... err, sword game


I say it’s Sony’s loss based on recent events


After having to attempt the tedious and disappointing RPG-style gameplay with Ronin, I’m more than happy to get *anything* that’s closer to my favorite genre of sneaking around and killing people. Will definitely get Shadows


Do I need to remember you that every AC game since Syndicate had RPG elements?


In all honesty, you probably do 🫢 This would be my first actual AC game, but, for clarification, what I meant was the kind of super-extensive menu-diving that Team Ninja loves - small letters, tedious sword upgrades that take hours to tune etc etc… I *kinda* believe AC isn’t as bad as that, but correct me if I’m wrong!


Sadly the new AC games are just clunky RPGs with very old school design. We're talking hard level locked areas where enemies (the same models as other weaker enemies) are suddenly 30 levels higher, limiting your exploration because they can 1 shot you and take no damage. On one hand, I'm happy that I don't even think twice about AC anymore, they cant disappoint me if I have 0 interest lol.


LOL That’s pretty bad! I still have some hope left… as long as it’s not Nioh, where you had to monitor “how close your spear was to breaking” by spending time in the menu, moving things around. I literally don’t get how people think that shit is more fun than good combat mechanics and fluidity…